Prepare for Change Ideas for Today and Tomorrow. Change is inevitable: Internal Factors Aging...

Prepare for Change Ideas for Today and Tomorrow

Transcript of Prepare for Change Ideas for Today and Tomorrow. Change is inevitable: Internal Factors Aging...

Prepare for ChangeIdeas for Today and Tomorrow

Change is inevitable: Internal Factors

Aging infrastructures Aging workforce Projects vs. programs New hire expectations

External Factors Use of web and E-Gov initiatives Speed of technological changes Legislative and political demands New programs

Stages of Change:

Ending Say good-by to the old

Middle Transition – define the institutional change

Beginning New high performance process implemented

3 Questions about Change employees ask: What will I gain?

What stays the same?

What will I lose?

Change has an emotional impact on employees that leaders cannot afford to ignore. Process will change on schedule but emotions will transition according to buy-in by individuals.

“Marathon Effect” for leaders – William Bridges

Clear vision

Clear goals and deliverables


Interpersonal skills

Rapid pace of change in technology

Internet Personal Computing Enterprise Solutions

“Creative Destruction” – economics term applied to IT when implementing a new technology replaces and destroys the impact of the old technology

As an individual, be prepared for:

Technology change – technology and processes used to meet goals

Cultural change – org goals and structure

Personal change – sense of self

Methods of adjusting to Change Take responsibility for your own performance

and growth. Ask questions about process and intent, look

for specific deliverables and measures. Support other members of your work group Focus on maintaining customer service. Get involved with decision making.

Develop a personal skills assessment Do a skill assessment:

Interpersonal skills Managerial skills Technical skills

Prepare for new roles - interchangeability is key Consistency and best practices are essential Be flexible through shifting assignments for

temporary, short term roles and development Accountability – we must measure performance

Assessing your skills What informal learning have you done? What formal classes or certifications do you hold? What new skills or technologies will be

implemented in the organization? What are your developmental opportunities as

related to the department’s future direction? What training resources are available?

Cost? Timing? Prepare an annual performance management

development plan in collaboration with your manager.

Interpersonal and managerial skills

Interpersonal Managerial

Coaching and counseling Performance management

Communicating effectively

Planning and time management

Managing change Project management

Managing conflict Problem solving and decision making

Influence and negotiation Setting goals and standards

Assess your options Self-assess IT & non-IT capabilities & skills

What is your position, assignment, current skills? What is your career path & its required skills Which certifications might be Important? Cisco,

CompTia, Microsoft, etc. What opportunities may arise from the new IT

structure? What environment do you do well in?

Working alone vs. as part of a team Lead vs. follow Managed/directed vs. set own course

For Managers – For Change to succeed Requires marketing & persuasion: multi-channel

communications is critical to success.

Coach employees through transition phases while implementing process changes.

Champion the changes – explain changes and lead by example.

For Managers – Change leadership skills critical to IT Map current processes Assess current staff skills Measure gap between future needs and current skills

present Train employees for changing technical processes Create small wins: pilot projects prove feasibility and

build buy-in at all levels Sustain the process – ensure that clients are getting

benefits promised

Assessing current staff List each staff member by current role Assess current state of skills under 3 headings:

Interpersonal Managerial Technical

Define gaps between current and future state needs by position

Address developmental needs by individual on performance management plan

For Managers – What IT clients need

Risk avoidance Fresh perspective Standardization to assure consistent end user

experience Networking – exchange of ideas with others

managing a new process change Jointly defined measures of success

For Managers – Demonstrate credibility Know the goal - assure it is achievable Consolidation of IT = reliability at lower cost Build confidence: use pilot projects or

implement a few successful changes at a time

Prepare evidence Call to action

Best practices for individuals

Use state HR Performance Management documents to record a learning plan and goals – update quarterly with your manager.

Define growth areas, find resources and commit to a timeline.

Develop and adopt team and workgroup collaboration skills.

Upgrade your public speaking, reading, writing & communications skills.

Learn project management skills.

Best practices for organizations Define current skills and performance and future

needs. Do a gap assessment for the organization. Track & measure tasks, assignments and projects.

Check against customer feedback. Education and training are key components in

creating successful IT staff. Rotate job assignment within a division or unit to

provide lateral and upward mobility. Implement vendor best practices configuring and

operating computer systems.

Best practices related to IT customer service

Seek involvement of customers at every stage of change process.

No changes implemented during business hours (6 am - 11 pm) with major changes on Sunday.

7 X 24 on site and on call after hours support for all critical services.

Document procedures & software configurations. Validate, publish and continually improve them.

Use strong security practices and procedures to prevent downtime or damage to customer files.

SummaryManaging change requires that you develop

and balance both interpersonal/managerial skills with technical skills…

Technical skills alone will not meet the challenge.

Managing Change requires

Current organizational assessment – individually and by work group

Clear goals and standards Gap analysis of skills Learning plan Assessment of progress against goals and


Resources for learning currently in state government

BHR – Office of State Training and Organizational Development

Internally delivered classes through OIT Local colleges and technical Institutions Commercial training organizations (V-Tech)

Ultimately, you are accountable for your own learning plan and results.

Discussion and Questions