Preparation of a Manuscript for Submission to a Peer-Reviewed … Retreat Presentation… ·...

Preparation of a Manuscript for Submission to a Peer-Reviewed Journal Gary M. Pierzynski Kansas State University

Transcript of Preparation of a Manuscript for Submission to a Peer-Reviewed … Retreat Presentation… ·...

Page 1: Preparation of a Manuscript for Submission to a Peer-Reviewed … Retreat Presentation… · •Water Air Soil Poll 1.4 •Enviro Geochem Hlth 1.2 •Bio Environ 0.04 . Before you

Preparation of a Manuscript for

Submission to a Peer-Reviewed


Gary M. Pierzynski

Kansas State University

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Before you Submit

• Selecting a journal

– Prestige – impact factor, rejection rate, and

other metrics

– Tradition

• Professional societies

– Audience

– Publication costs

– Time to publish for papers that are accepted

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Impact Factors – J Citation

Reports, Web of Knowledge

• Nature 31.4

• Science 28.1

• Crit Rev Environ Sci Tech 7.4

• Environ Sci Tech 4.5

• Environ Chem 2.3

• J. Environ Qual 2.1

• Water Air Soil Poll 1.4

• Enviro Geochem Hlth 1.2

• Bio Environ 0.04

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Before you Submit

• Carefully read instructions to authors –and follow them!

– Reference format

– Units

– Line and page numbers

– Tables and figures

– Character or word limits

– Software requirements

• Never assume the formatting issues will be taken care of during or after the review process

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Before you Submit

• A carefully prepared manuscript leaves the

impression that the science was

performed with equal attention to detail

• Language – never assume that someone

else will fix language issues

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Before you Submit

• Plagiarism – taking another persons ideas or writing and presenting it as your own

– Accidental

– Deliberate

– Easily detected

– You can plagiarize yourself

• Falsified data

– Temptations

– Deliberate

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Getting Started

• “Blank page” syndrome

• An outline usually helps

• Have your content in order but don’t use

content as an excuse to procrastinate

• You don’t have to start at the beginning

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Getting Started

• Rabbits: Write anything to get yourself

going but go back and fix it later – First

draft can be pretty rough

• Turtles: Slow and methodical. Careful

thought given to each sentence – First

draft may not need a lot of revision

• “Written in stone” syndrome – in either

case – revise as needed!

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Submission to Editor

Assignment to Editorial


Consideration by

Editorial Board

2 to 3 reviews

Return to author for


Revised manuscript


Recommendation to

accept or reject

Editor informs author

of decision


Return review

materials to author



Return to authorReject w/o


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Overall Quality of Manuscript

Quality of


Quality of Preparation

Low High







Chance of Acceptance


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Preparation of the Manuscript

• A scientific story that leads the reader

through the entire process

– Why was the work performed

– How was the work performed

– What was found

– What was the significance

• Thesis/dissertation versus manuscript?

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Components of a Manuscript

• Title

• Authors

• Keywords

• Abstract

• Introduction

• Materials and


• Results and


• Conclusions

• Acknowledgments

• References

• Tables/headings

• Figures/captions

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• Accurately identifies and describes the content but is very short

– The influence of prairie restoration on CT-measured soil pore characteristics

– Influence of prairie restoration on CT-measured soil pore characteristics

– Prairie restoration influences on CT-measured soil pore characteristics

– Prairie restoration influences CT-measured soil pore characteristics

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• A very brief (<250 words in some cases) synopsis of the work

– Why was the work performed

– How was the work performed

– What was found

– What was the significance

• Should be written after the rest of the manuscript is prepared

• A good abstract is hard to write

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• Your goal is to get readers to read and cite

your paper

• The abstract, final paragraph of the

introduction, tables, and/or figures are

often the only things a prospective reader

will evaluate

• Use them to draw in your audience

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• Presents relevant literature citations

• Leads the reader to the reason the work

was performed

• Final paragraph critical:

– Objective(s)

– Hypothesis(es)

– Significance

• The basis by which your paper will be


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Materials and Methods

• Written such that a scientifically literate

person could repeat the work without

providing excessive detail

– We measured pH

– The pH electrode was on the left side of the

pH meter

– Diagrams of treatment arrangements for

field/greenhouse/other experiments

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Materials and Methods

• Avoid excessive jargon, abbreviations or

other language that is known only to a

very narrow audience

• Routine measurements/procedures

• Can use citations to provide information

• Make sure M&M matches data presented

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• Representative results presented – only that

which will be discussed

• Don’t “hide” data

• Tables and figures more efficient way to present

large amounts of essential data

– Tables – actual data or summaries

– Figures – present trends

– Provide relevant statistics

– Headings and captions should allow the T&F to stand


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• Subheadings may help

• Citations not needed

• Avoid unnecessary text

– Treatment effects are shown in table X.

– Treatment A was significantly greater than

treatment B (Table X).

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• May be combined with Results

• Most difficult section to write -Sell your


• Compare and contrast with published

results – what is new?

• Relate to your hypothesis

• Do not over-extrapolate the data

• Speculation should be clearly identified as


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• Do not simply repeat what has already

been said

• Do not introduce new discussion

• What is the take home message?

• Put the work into perspective – allows the

reader to judge the merit of your work

• Suggest new ideas, approaches, or

additional experimentation

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• You should have read all of the papers


– One of those authors may be your reviewer!

– Do not perpetuate a bad citation

• Format important

• All references in text listed in references

• All references listed called out in the text

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Tables, Figures, Headings, Captions

• A picture is worth a thousand words

– Phamous phase diagrams

• T&F will likely be reduced in size – make

sure text, symbols, and lines are readable

• Avoid overly complex presentations

• Color may not be available

– Be kind to the color-blind

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Other Suggestions

• Have others pre-review the paper –

coauthors, colleagues, mentors, etc.

• Consider paying someone to edit before

submission, particularly for language

• Never use the review process to “edit”

your paper

• Never assume that a big-name author will

carry the paper

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Other Suggestions

• Think ahead – you want the paper to be

accepted and be highly cited

– High quality science

– Clear and concise message

– Don’t try the patience of the reviewers or others who

will read the paper

• Think about the time line

– Well prepared manuscript – 6 months to accept

– Poorly prepared manuscript – 6 months to release,

resubmit, 6 months to ?, . . . the years go by . . .

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• Being asked for revisions does not guarantee acceptance

• This is an opportunity to improve your manuscript – try not to be overly defensive

• You may have labored over the paper, but there is still room for improvement

• You do not have to make all of the suggested changes but will have to explain why you didn’t

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• Provide a detailed response as to how each reviewer comment was handled and where in the manuscript the changes were made

– Page and line numbers – e.g., additional details were added on page X, line X.

– Tables and figures – e.g., Table X was eliminated, Figure X was modified by . . .

• Thank the editorial board and reviewers for their efforts

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Other Thoughts

• Nearly all scientists have had a paper

released - persistence

• If your paper is released, do not simply

resubmit to the same or another journal

without revisions

• Volunteer to review and to serve on

editorial boards

– 3:1 ratio

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• Publication is an integral part of the

scientific method

• A good manuscript starts with good


• Select your journal wisely

• Put your best effort forward

• Revise with a positive attitude

• Do your share of service for the process