PRELUDE - Karnataka


Transcript of PRELUDE - Karnataka

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On the effect of Covid-19 , The Govt of Karnataka made a drastic

change in the field of Education to achieve continious learning and to

enhance the learning environment with an affordble contact with teachers to

cope up for guided learning.

The deparment of public Instruction stepped out the programme

like vidyagama to bridge and boost the academic learning input with apt

facilitation by the teachers in the teaching learning scenario.

We are aware the Academic year began in the month of January 2021 instead

of June 2020. during this period The Department of public Instruction came out

and launched the programmes like Vidyasamveda e - classes Naliyutta

kaliyona by AIR excelled their learing with supportive Input.

We have witnessed SSLC BOARD has trimmed the syllabus and

made a change and reduced the difficulty level for the upcoming SA2 and

District level webinar for teachers to enrich their academic excellence.

Its my vision, wish and great desire of getting 100% and qualitative result

we have adimistered theme based question papers to acknowledge the

progressive development of a learner and its my urge to use effectively to in

your classrooms ..

Let' s dedicate and deserve our service to a child.




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Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80 I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements.

Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4 x 1= 4

1.Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank : The students practice cricket every morning,..............? A) don’t they B) didn’t they C) doesn’t they D) aren’t they 2. Fill in the blank using the appropriate word/words to complete the if clause : If she studied well, she..............failed in the examination. A) will have B) would have C) would D) will 3. Identify the parts of speech and fill in the blank : The head master told Rohini, “ You can complete the given task very quickly”. The word quickly is a / an A) noun B) adverb C) verb D) adjective 4. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence : Anusha : Hi! Arshin Arshin : Hello! Anusha Anusha : Arshin, will you come to my home now ? Arshin : I’m sorry. I have to go my home. My mom is waiting for me. Anusha : It’s ok. See you tomorrow in school. A) Refusing B) Accepting C) Inviting D) Ordering

II. Do as directed : 12 x 1 = 12 5. Combine the word in column-A with its collocative word in column-B

A B Clear [call, message, subject, mind ]

6. Which one of the following word has one syllable? Ship, mango, proper, ago

7. Identify the infinitive in the given sentence : Punith studies well to get good result in S.S.L.C exam.

8. Fill in the blank using correct article : He is………….European.

9. Fill in the blank with appropriate homophone: We were going to ….by bus. The bus conductor took the bus…even to me also (fare, fair)

10. Fill in the blank using suitable linker : Nanditha was absent to class yesterday……….she went to her grandma’s home.

11. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition : Arun goes to school ………..9 o’clock every day.

12. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket : Devaraja and Renuka are twins. They ……….(be+study) in the same class now. 13. Use the word ‘break’ as verb in a meaningful sentence : 14. Change the sentence into ‘positive’ degree : Revanna is more shorter than any other boy in the class. 15. Combine the following sentence using too…… : Meghana was very busy. She could not talk to me. 16. Change the following sentence in to indirect speech :

Inchara said, “ I want to work hard to get good result”.

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III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer booklet : 2 x 1 = 2

17.There was an great deal of conversation about rain and family. He is very proud of his large family

a) Verbal mistake to be corrected. b)Article mistake to be corrected. IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each : 7x2=14 18. How do you say Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious reader ? 19. Why was Dr.Ambedkar chosen as the chairman of drafting committee though he was not member of Indian Congress ? 20. How did Smita fulfill her brother’s ambition ? 21. Why did Anant’s family come to Mumbai ? 22. How was the physical appearance of the jazz player ? 23. How was the marching unusual which made Manju and Babu disappointed ?

OR What was there in ‘mysterious’ parcel ? What suspicion did the the police have

about that ? 24. How does the writer describe ‘introvert’ Hanif ? OR How did Hanif’s dreams fulfilled ? V. Answer the questions in 5-6 sentences : 2x3=6 25. ‘Physical disability isn’t a barrier to success’. Justify the statement with reference to Satish’s Life. 26. Write the brief instances of the poem ‘The song of India.’ VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow : 4x3=12 27. “ I will make you laughing stock of your school.” a) Who is the speaker ? b) Whom does ’you’ refer here ? c) Why did the speaker say this ? 28. “ Oh! I could not thank him.” a) Who could not thank him ? b) Who should he thank him ? c) Why could not thank him ? 29. He said, “ I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.” a) Who is ‘He’ here ? b) Who is the speaker speaking to ? c) Why did the speaker speaking so ? 30. “ Shall I sing of your clear dawn with pure gold streaks.” a) Who is ‘I’ refered here ? b) Who is the speaker addressing to? c) What does ‘ clear dawn with pure gold streaks’ suggest ? VII.31.Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below : 1 x 3 = 3 Name : P T Usha Date of birth : 27 June 1964 Nick Name : Golden girl, Payyoli Express Nationality : Indian Employed : Indian Railways Awards : Padmashri, Arjuna ward for Athletics VIII. 32.Develop a story using the clues given below : 1x3=3 A rich farmer-lot of land-cattle and servant-two sons-happy life-After some years younger-son happy-asked for his share of the property-wouldn’t listen to father’s advice-got his share-sold them all-went away to another country-fell into bad ways-soon all money gone-poor-no one to help him-understood his mistake. IX.33.Study the picture given below : 1x3=3 Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in paragraph.

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X. 34.Quote from memory : (any one) 1x4=4

The Quality of mercy……………………. …………………………………………… …………………………………………... ……………… becomes. OR You talk of………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ………………………………………night.

XI.35. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : 2 x 2 =4 Water is a precious gift from Mother Nature to all the living beings on the earth.We all understand the important the importance of water in our lives and could not imagine life without water. It is essential for existence of life and maintaining ecological balance. Although, earth constitutes 71% of water,only 2.5% of it fresh water that we use, and we wasting that too. The fresh water that we use today has probably been around since the beginning of life on earth. The amount of fresh water that the earth holds her remained constant, but the human pollution consuming it has increased manifolds; subsequently, leading to water scarcity. a) Why should we understand the importance of water ? b) How is the percentage of fresh water decreased on the earth ? XII.36.Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences : 1 x 4 =4

The poet Ruskin Bond calls his ‘a grandma genius’. Justify the statement with reference to your answer.

Describe the appearance of the Jazz player .

XIII. 37.Write an essay on any one of the following : 1 x 4 = 4

a) Covid-19 b) Mobiles c) Environmental Pollution

XIV.38. Write a letter using the information given below : 1x5=5 Imagine that you are Shashank / Meghana, studying in Government High School, Sira. Write a letter to your friend about your preparation for final exam OR Write a letter to the Head Master to requesting to take special classes.

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-02 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80

I.Multiple Choice Questions. Choose correct answer from the four alternative 1x4=4 1 Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank

Ramya did not dance well in the function, ........... ? A) did she? B) doesn’t she? C) didn’t she? D) is she?

2 Read the following conversation and choose the suitable language function Suma: I have tooth ache, I can’t eat these nuts Vinay: is it? Why don’t you meet a special dentist? A) Suggestion B) Enquiry C) Order D) Request

3 Read the following conversation and choose the correct passive voice of the underlined sentence Daughter: Did you buy bangles for me in the market Father: Oh sorry, I did not buy bangles A) Bangles are bought by me B) Bangles were not bought by me C) Bangles were bought by me D) Bangles are not buy by me

4 Read the following conversation and choose the correct infinitive

Teacher: Manoj: A) to join

Manoj, what is your ambition? I wish to join the Indian army, sir

B) is C) wish

D) ambition

II Do as directed 1x12=12 5 Combine the word in column- A with its collocative word in column- B

A B Sweet [man, blood, heart, face]

6. Fill in the blank with appropriate verb form given in the bracket I (be + watch) TV when you called me up yesterday.

7. Which one of the following words does not have one syllable? Class, book, ago, girl

8. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition She jumped _ the pool.

9. Fill in the blank with correct word given in the bracket All the children are playing with (their/there) parents in the ground.

10 Change the following sentence into comparative degree No other state in India is as small as Goa. 11 Identify the parts of the speech of the underlined word

They played the match b adly

12 Fill in the blank with suitable linker they played well, they lost the game.

13 Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer My brother passed the SSLC exam in 1997 14 Fill in the blank with correct article

Mr. Aravinda is _ university professor

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15 Change the following conversation into reported speech Gopi: Why are you so sad Madhu? Madhu: I lost my purse, Gopi. 16 Use the word ‘prepare’ as noun in your own sentence. III The following paragraph has two errors. Edit and re-write the paragraph 1x2=2 17 Geetha is a teacher in a government high school. She teach English.


A) Capital letter to be used B) Verb should be corrected Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each

7x2= 14

18 Why did Baleshwar say that people of Mumbai were afraid?

19 Why did Nehru choose Ambedkar as the law minister? 20 How can you say that Anant was a talented boy? 21 Briefly say about the popularity of Satish Gujral. 22 Describe the physical appearance of Jazz player. 23 Why had the students been marching? [OR]

How did the inspector Patil help Mohan’s family 24 What did Hanif choose as his mission? Why? [OR]

How does the writer describe ‘introvert’ Hanif? V Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each 2x3= 6 25 Swami became a hero overnight by chance. Justify your answer. 26 What qualities of blind boy do you like? Explain.

VI Read the following extracts & answer the questions that follow 4x3= 12 27 “Tomorrow morning we perform for the boy”

A) Who is the speaker? B) Who was the ‘boy’? C) Why should they perform for the boy? 28 “These Americans are buena gente”

A) Who is the speaker? B) What is the meaning of the phrase ‘buena gente’? C) Why did the speaker say so?

29 “Why do you take away his source of entertainment?” A) Who took away the source of entertainment? B) What were his sources of entertainment? C) What happened to him?

30 “ Of your children that died to call you their own” A) Who were these children? B) Whose children were they? C) Why did the die

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VII Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. 1x3= 3 31 Name : Ranjitha

Age : 32 years Place of work : Basaveshwara Hospita, Harihara. No. of years worked : 15 years Specialization : Cardiologist Achievements : Performed heart transplants-patients from many countries Future plans : to open free hospital in her village.

VIII Develop the story using the clues given below: 1x3= 3

32 An honest wood cutter --------- cutting tree near a river-----------axe fall prayed god-----------river goddess gave golden axe ---------- refused-----------silver axe --------refused---------- iron axe ---------took ----------- goddess gave three axes moral.

IX Read the picture given below and describe in a paragraph 1x3= 3 33

X Quote from memory 1x4= 4 34 The quality ________________ or O say______________________

heaven ____________________ Enjoy Upon What ______________________

Takes ______________________ boy ! boy!

XI Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 2x2= 4 35 Domestic cats belong to the family of tigers, whereas domestic dogs belong to

the family of wolves. Cats are very familiar with the area they live in. It helps them to find the best place to hunt. Hence a domestic cat remains faithful to its home area and it hunts alone. Wild dogs hunt in groups, share their food and co-operate with one another. Hence domestic dogs are faithful to their masters. Their body language too is unique in many ways. Cats arch their back and try to look large when they are angry, whereas dogs pull their lips back and show their teeth when they are angry. Cats and dogs do have some special skills. A cat can fall from a significant height but still survive without much injury. A dog guards the property as it is faithful to its master. It can sense any smell in no time. A) Which families do the cats and the dogs belong to? B) How do the both animals act when they are angry?

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XII Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences: 1x4=4 36. Summarize in your own words the substance of the poem “Grandma climbs a tree‟.

OR Why was the poet quarrelsome with mother India in the poem “The Song of India”?

XIII 37. Write an essay on any one of the following 1 x 4 =4

A) Unity in diversity B) Importance of sports C) Environmental pollution

36 Write a letter using the information given below 1 x 5 = 5

38. Imagine that you are Jyothi/ Jagadeesh of X Standard Vivekananada School Hubballi.

Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to issue study certificate. OR

Write a letter to your friend in Tumakur invite him to your school day function.

* * * * *

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-03 Subject: Second Language English

Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80 I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4x1=4 1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank: I write a letter, ……………..? (A) does I (B) didn’t I (C) doesn’t I (D)don’t I 2. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with correct ‘If clause’ choosing from

the given alternatives: Chandana : Have you looked my bag? Aarathi : No, if I had found I ____ _____ given to you. (A) would have (B) wouldn’t have (C)should (D)shouldn’t have 3. Read the conversation and choose the correct infinitive: Rachana : Hi Chaya, where are you going? Chaya : I’m going to market to buy vegetables. A)to market (B)are going (C)to buy (D)are 4. Read given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined Teacher : Dear students, listen to me. Students: Yes,sir. Teacher: Don’t copy from your neighbor. Students: OK,sir. (A)request (B) instruction (C) command (D) wish II. Do as directed: 12X1=12 5. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets: PandithRavishanker ……………. ( be+play) sitar tomorrow in concert. 6. Fill in the blank with appropriate’preposition’. The bus fare from Bengaluru ___ Mysuru is Rs.200. 7. Fill in the blank using suitable linker: Swamy rise silently ___ tiptoed to his bed in the passage.. 8. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in the brackets: A Sujuki car is ____ (to / too) dear for a common man to __ (buy / by). 9. Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in Column-B. A-Speedy B-(recovery, damage, task, time) 10. Give one word answer: A small narrow stream or river ……………. 11. Which one of the following words has two syllable? Stool, school, ago, prose. 12. Write the correct form of the word given in the bracket: He is a _______ (wonder) man. 13. Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer: Radha draws the picture neatly. 14. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into passive voice: Bharath : Hello Madhavi, what are you doing? Madhavi :I am singing a song . 15. Changethe following sentence into comparative degree: Peacock is the most beautiful of all the birds. 16. Use the word ‘run’ as verb in a sentence of your own.

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III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in The answer book. Clues are given: 1X2=2 17. As soon as Geetha received the message she came on the playground. Her son ran quick; they went home. Clues: (A) Preposition to be corrected. (B) Adverbial mistake to be corrected. IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: 7X2=14 18. Why did Jawaherlal Nehru choose Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to be the first law minister of India? 19. Dr Ambedkar describes themethods of civil disobedience,non-co-operation and satyagraha as the ‘Grammar of Anarchy’. Coment on this statement. 20. What admirable qualities do you find in PanditRavishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha? 21. ‘Anant was a talented boy’. Justify the statement. 22. How has the poet described the physical appearance of the Jazz player? 23. How do you say that,Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way the students were marching? OR What was there in mysterious parcel? What suspicion did the police have about that? 24. Briefly explain about the talents and interests of Haneef. OR How do you say that the absence of mother from home taught Haneef and his brothers something? V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each: 2X3=6 25. How did Swami become a hero overnight though he was not courageous? 26. How does the poet portray the positive side of India in the poem’ The Song of India’?

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: 4X3=12

27. ‘Friend’, he said, ’I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner’. (A) Who is the speaker? (B) Who did he address as friend? (C) Why didn’t he like the manner of speaking?

28. ‘There’s a closer place I know of’ (A) Who is ‘I’ here? (B) Why did he choose that place? (C) What happened after going to that place?

29. ‘He fell into the rapids’. (A) Who is the ‘He’? (B) Why did he fall into the rapids? (C) What was the effect of this accident on him? 30. “Shall I sing Of your clear dawn with pure gold streaks”. (A) Who does ‘I’ refer to? (B) Who is he addressing? (C) What does ‘clear dawn with pure gold streaks’ suggest? VII. Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below: 1X3=3 31. Name : Sarojini Naidu. Date of birth : 13th February 1879, Hyderabad Parents : Dr Aghornathchattopadhyaya – scientist, Mrs Varada Sundari Devi – Bengali poet. Education : early education, Hyderabad; Higher education, King’s college, London. Notable works : In the Bazaars of Hyderabad, The Golden Threshold Achievements : Governer of Uttar Pradesh.

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VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below: 1X3=3 32. A farmer- three sons – were lazy – to teach lesson – use money – to dig – planned – to till – sons – dug all the night – fond of found nothing- moral. IX. Study the picture given below. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph. 1X3=3 33.

X. Quote from memory: 1X4=4 34. It is enthroned_________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ seasons justice. OR You talk of ____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________ day or night. XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1X4=4 35. Homework has historically been given to students. To give force what they learn at school and ultimately to help them, learn the material better. However too much homework is not helpful and can be counterproductive. Excessive amount of time spent on completing homework can take away the kid’s social life, family time and it limits. Their participation in sports and other activities. Mound homework a teacher has to give to a student should be restricted. Questions (A) Why is homework given to students? (B) What do kids loose by doing homework? XII. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences: 1X4=4 36. Summarize in your own words the substance of the poem “Grandma Climbs a Tree”. OR Describe the two faces of Jazz player as a pathetic figure and a commanding artist. XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following: 1X4=4 37. a. Covid-19, its effects and preventive measures. b. Mobile phones – Its uses in the field of education. c. Sports’ role in improving ‘ National Inntegration’. XIV. Write a letter using the information given below: 1X5=5 38. Imagine you are Pallavi / Kiran studying in Government High School, Bellary. Write a letter to your friend about your school level sports programme. OR Write a letter to the officer, Bellary Corporation, about cleaning of garbage in your street.


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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-04 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs

Max Marks: 80 I Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements. Onlyone of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4X1=4 1. Reshma asked a question. The question tag to be used for the above is a) doshe? b) did she? c) doesn't she ? d) didn't she ? 2. Read the conversation and identify the infinitive. Chetan : Why are you late charvi ? Charvi : I had been to Jayanagar Chetan : Why did you go there ? Charvi : I went to meet my friend. a) Went b) had been c) to meet d) go 3. Read the converation given below : choose the correct language function of the

underlined sentence. Students : Good morning teacher. Teacher: Good morning students. Did you finish your assignments? Student: Yes teacher. Teacher:Keep all your assignments neat in the rack and return back. a) Advice b) giving instructions c) order d) request 4. Read the conversation and Fill in the blank with the correct answer Mother : Reena, why have you scored less in Maths subject ? Reena : Sorry mom, I could not understand Maths properly. Mother : If you had attended the remedial classes, you…………………… understood

Maths well. a) will have b) shall have c) would d) would have. II. Do as directed 12X1=12 5. Fill in the blanks choosing the right form of the verbs given in brackets

Malati is my friend. She ............................ (be + work)in a school. 6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition and article.

Ravi is ............. intelligent boy He is studying ..................... X standard. 7. Fill in the blanks using the linking words given in brackets

Baleshwar ............ the driver had no choice .............. to move her back into the truck. 8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.

There is no ------------ (compare) between them. 9. Combine the word in Column-A with its collective word in Column -B

Column-A Column -B Brisk (run, walk, speak ,break)

10. Remove too to and use so..that..not.. This bag is too heavy to lift. 11. Which one of the following word has one syllable.

Canteen, again, world, accept. 12. Change into reported speech:

Ravi :what are you doing in the park? Kiran: I’m walking my dog in the park. Ravi as ked kiran ----------------------------------- Kiran replied ----------------------------------

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13. frame a question to get underlined word as an answer. Suhas wants to become a doctor.

14. Read the conversation given below: change the underlined Sentence into passive voice. Ramu - Have you completed the work ? Raju - No. Not yet, we are attending to that work now.

15. Change the following sentence into positive degree. Swathi is the most intelligent girl in the class

16. Use the word necessary as verb in a sentence of your own. III.17. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer –book. Clues are given 2X1=2 The students was marching to give a notice the collector, for the British of quite India.

a. to be form to be corrected b. Preposition to be corrected

IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each. 7X2=14 18. Why did the on-duty physician give only first aid to Roma and not the treatment? 19. What made Dr. Ambedkar describe the methods of civil disobedience, Non-

cooperation and Satyagraha as the “Grammar of Anarchy”? 20 Why did the Americans want to buy Don Anselmo’s land? 21 Constitution is a fundamental document to the ruler and ruled. How? 22. Why was Satish’s father against drawing? 23. Can you guess what the police officer had been talking to the student leaders? OR

What were the dreams of Hanif? Do you think they were fulfilled? 24. Why were the students marching in the street? OR

Life for Hanif in the beginning was never a smooth sail. Why was it so? V. Answer the following question in 8-10 sentences 2X3=6 25. Narrate how a coward boy Swami became a hero overnight? 26. How did the bird in the garden change sathish’s life?. VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow 4X3=12 27 “The trees in that Orchard are not mine”.

a. According to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to? b. Why did he feel so? c. When did speaker make the statement?

28. “A walk in the park might make you feel better” a) Who suggested a walk in the Park? b) How was her mood in the Park? c) Why did speaker make the statement?

29. “I did not sell them the trees in the Orchard”. a. Why didn’t he sell the trees in the orchard? b. How did Don Anselmo defend his statement? c. Was Don Anselmo right in saying this?

30. “He is no longer a man, no, not even a Black man” a. Who is the man here? b. When is he no longer a man? c. What do these lines suggest?

VII. 31. Given below is a profile of Amar the grocer. Write a short biographical sketch of Amar. Take the help of the clues given below 3 Age - 45 years, Height/weight - 6 feet, well built. Residence - Naganahalli

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Family - large, three daughters, two sons. Education - high school dropout Reason for his popularity - courteous, kind and honest.

VIII 32.Develop the story using the clues below…. 3 A dog with a piece of bone in its mouth - crossing a river - saw its reflection - mistaken it for another dog with another piece of bone - dropped its bone to snatch the other bone - Moral.

IX.33. Study the picture given below write the description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in the paragraph. 3

X.34. Quote from memory 1X4=4 The throned...................... .......................................................Power, The attribute.............................................. ......................................................of kings; But mercy ........................................sway. OR You talk of .................................................. ................................................shines bright. I feel............................................................ or night?

XI. 35. Read the following passage and answer the following question that follow 2X2=4 Homework has historically been given to students to reinforce what they learn at school, and ultimately to help them learn the material better. However, too much homework is not helpful, and can be counter-productive. Excessive amount of time spent on completing home work can take away the kid’s social life, family time, and it limits their participation in sports or other activities. The amount of homework a teacher has to give to a student should be restricted.

a. Why is homework given to students? b. “Too much homework can be counter” – productive. How?

XII Answer the following question in 8-10 sentences 1X4=4 36. According to the poet Ruskin Bond, his grandmother was ‘unique’. Write a paragraph to support this statement. OR Write in brief your vision of the future of India. XIII.37. Write an essay on any one of the following topics. 1X4=4

A. Sports and games. B. uses of internet C. Ban on plastic XIV .38.Imagine that you are Kashi / Kavitha 10th std govt high school Bagalkot

Write a letter to your friend about the plan for Dassara holidays. 5 OR

Write an application to your head master requesting him to issue the study certificate.

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-05 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80 I Four alternative are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statement. Only one of them is only correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write in the answer sheet. 1x4=4

1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank. Children are playing in the garden.

A. don’t they? B. do they? C. aren’t they? D. hasn’t they? 2. Read the following conversation and choose the language function for the

underlined sentence. Ramesh : I don’t have the textbook. Rajesh : Why don’t you go to the library ? Ramesh : That’s a very good idea. Thank you. A. seeking information B. giving direction C. expressing agreement D. suggestion

3. Fill in the blank using the appropriate ‘if’clause. If Americans had not been Buena genta, Don Anselmo _____________________sold the land. A. would not have B. would not C. will not D. should not

4. Read the given conversation and choose the passive form of the sentence. Bhoomika: Why have you not brought the dictionary? A. My dictionary was stolen. C. My dictionary is stolen. B. My dictionary had been stolen. D. My dictionary has been stolen.

II. Do as directed: 12X1=12 5. Combine the word in column A with its collocative word in column B.

A B blood (bank, book, water, post)

6. Which of the following word has three syllables? combine, capacity, computer, conversation

7. Write the correct form of the word given in bracket: Roads to success will always be under _____________________________________ (construct).

8. Fill in the blank using the correct article. _______________________only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. 9. Identify the part of speech of the

underlined word. Mango is the sweetest fruit.

10. Fill in the blank using suitable linker. Rukmini is lazy__________________________________________________ she is intelligent.

11. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. My friend invited me ____________________________________________his sister’s marriage.

12. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket.

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Mohan is my friend. He ___________________________________(be+work) in the post office.

13. Use the word ‘desert’ as noun in a sentence. 14. Change into comparative degree. 15. Frame a question to get the underlined word

as answer. Rakshitha lives in a village. 16. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into

reported speech. Deekshith: I will work hard and get distinction in the exam. Teacher : That’s good .Don’t waste time in watching movies on mobile.

III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it.

17. dicky dolma was climbed Mount Everest. She could sea the whole world. 2

a. Verbal mistake b. capital letter to be used

IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: 7x2=14

18. How was Swami honoured by his classmates, teacher and the headmaster? 19. What makes you feel that Don Anselmo was a man of principles? 20. Why do you consider Anant a talented boy? 21. How did Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise to Smitha? 22. What qualities of the blind boy do you like? 23. Haneef was a young man with varied talents and interests. Explain briefly. OR How can you say that Haneef’s life in the beginning was never a smooth sail? 24. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march? OR How did the student leaders manage the protest? V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each: 2x3=6 25. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar worked for the upliftment of the depressed classes. Explain. 26. The Jazz player is no longer a man when he plays the saxophone. Justify. VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. 4x3=12 27. “Roma stirred and her eyes fluttered open.” a) Where was Roma at that time? b) What could have made her react so? c) Why did she react so? 28. “We have made a discovery.” a) Who had made the discovery? b) What was the discovery? c) How did Don Anselmo react to it? 29. “You can learn a great deal of things just by reading.” a) Why do you think Satish’s father encouraged him to read? b) What books did Satish read? c) How did these books influence Satish? 30. “Querulous, I said. Is there no song that I can sing of you?” a) Whom does ‘I’ refer here? b) What do you mean by ‘Querulous’

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c) What is the tone of the speaker? VII. 31.Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. 1x3=3 Name : Ranjitha Place of work : Basaveshwara Hospital, Harihara. No. of years worked : 15 years Specialization : Cardiologist Achievements : Performed heart transplants-patients from many countries Future plans : to open free hospital in her village. VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below: 1x3=3 32. Two notorious thieves- on the lookout for a prey- consider themselves very clever- enter a rich man’s house-find the safe open – happy at their unexpected luck- pile up everything, gold, silver and money – lights come on- man with a gun appears- the thieves tried to escape- but in vain –the man calls the police. IX. Study the picture given below. 1x3= 3 33. Read the picture given below and describe in a paragraph.

X Quote from memory 1x4=4

The throned ___________________________ ______________________________ Power The Attribute__________________________ _______________________________ Kings Or My day _______________________________ ________________________________ play And_________________________________ _________________________________ day.

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XI Read the following passage and answer the question that follow 2x2=4


There was once a young man who was strong and healthy and enjoyed his work. He had no sympathy for those who were old and weak. One day he got an attack of influenza and was ill for a long time. When he recovered he found that he could only move slowly and was easily tired. On the way to work he looked at the strong men sitting comfortably in the bus while he and some older people stood with tired faces. Gradually, he got strength again. When he was in a train or bus he now looked around to see if there was any older person in need of a seat, and if there was, he gave up his. “I’ve got my strength back now”, He said to himself, “but these older people will never have their strength again.” a) How did the young man’s illness weaken him? b) Why do you think the young man helped old people? XII. Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences. 1x4=4 36. Both the narrator and his father were very considerate towards grandma. Justify.

OR Write the summary of the poem ‘The Song of India’. XIII. Write an essay on one of the following. 1x4=4 37. a) Uses of computer b) National Symbols c) Cleanliness and hygiene XIV. Write a letter using the information given below. 1x5=5 38. Imagine you are Ankitha/Akash, 10thstandard, GPU College, Belur. Write a letter to the General Manager of KMF Dairy, Shivamogga requesting permission to visit the Dairy.

OR Write a letter to your father about your preparation for the external examination

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-06 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4 x 1 = 4 1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank : I am determined. (a) am I ? (b) amn’t I? C) are I? a) aren'tI? 2. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined

sentence Patient : when should I take the medicine, Sis? Doctor : you take the tablets thrice in a day for two days, then you come for check up. (a) Advice (b) Giving direction (c) ordes (d) Request 3. Fill in the blank using the appropriate word/words to complete if clause : kumuda : Suma, did you bring your notes? Suma: Sorry, I forgot. Kumada: If you had brought the notes. I ……………… copied it. a) should've (6) wouldn't've(c) would've (d) Should've 4. Read the given conversation and select the infinitive : Manasa :Hai! Anitha : will you come with me to the market to buy the vegetables ? Manasa: No. I am busy in home works a) Market (b) come (c) to buy (d) will

II. Do as directed : 12 x 1 = 12 5. Which one the following word has two syllables? skill, pure, Topper, adventure. 6. Write the correct form of the word given in bracket: The judge gave the………………. ( judges, judgement, justification , judge) 7. Fill in the blank using suitable linker : I went to hotel at 9'o'clock …………it was closed 8. Combine the word in column-A with its collocative word in column-B : A B Huge [Pen, Crime, fever, profit] 9. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition : There were a number________ shops in the market. 10. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word : The drunken seamen behaved badly. 11. Fill in the blank using correct article : He is ________ FBI worker. 12. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket : The teacher ________ (be + explain) grammar in the last class. 13. Use the word, ‘catch’ as noun in own sentence : 14. Change into superlative degree : No otherbird is as beautiful as the peacock. 15. Read the given conversation and change the underlined sentence into passive voice : Latha :Who has given this bag to you? Leela: My father has given this bag to me.

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16. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into reported speech

Vinod : “Ashok, whata are you doing ? Do you come to stadium ?” Ashok said,"I am working hard for the examination". III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite: 2x1= 2 The old man bow to all of us in the room. Then he removed his hat and glove. a) verbal mistake to be corrected b) correct plural to be used. IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentence each : 7x2 = 14 18. Ambedkar was called the pilot of Indian Constitution. Why? 19. How did Dr.Ambedkar and GandhiJI try to wipe out caste discrimination from

India? 20. Do you consider the Anant a talented boy? Justify your answer. 21. Why do you think the mother cautioned the girl?. 22. Why do you think, the Jazz player keeps his head down? 23. What was there in the Mysterious parcel, What Suspicion did the Police have about

that? OR What makes you to think that the students’ march was quite different? 24. ’Life for Hanif in the beginning was never a smooth sail’. Why was it so OR How does the writer describe the’ introvert' Hanif V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each : 2x3=6 25. Why were the congratulation showered onSwamy 26. How does the poet V.K. Gokak praise the beauty and technological progress of our

country? VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: 4x3= 12 27. “chacha, can I borrow your mobile?" a) who requested like this? b) who is chacha'refered here? c) why did the speaker need a mobile? 28. “I could not sell the trees because they are not mine” a) who did the trees belong to? b) who does I refer to? c) why he could not sell trees? 29. After a long persuasion, he agreed to go to a new school. a) Who does the word he refer to? b) what does the word persuasion mean? c) Why did he agree to join the new school? 30. "What song shall I sing ?” a) who is the speakes here? b) who was this asked to? c) what does the Speaker want to sing about? VII.:31. Given below is a profile of Shruthi, a teacher in Don Bosco School write a short

biographical sketch of Shruti with the help of the clues given below 1 x 3 = 3 Age - 24 years Height/weight - 5 feet, slim Appearance - fair, curly hair Education - MA (English) Med Behaviour - always smiling, punctual, well dressed, loved by students.

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VIII. Develop a story using the clues given below : 1 x 3 = 3 32. An old woman ---greedy----had goose---laid a golden eggeveryday, sold—earned her living ---thought—hundreds of golden egg in its stomach—thought of becoming very rich—cut it –only one egg—lost what she had---moral. IX. Study the picture given below : 1 x 3 = 3 33. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

X. Quote from memory : 1x 4 = 4 34. The quality _____________________ _________________________ heaven Upon __________________________ ___________________________ takes. OR My day _______________________ _________________________ play ; And __________________________ ___________________________ day. XI. 35. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :2 x 2=4 You must have heard about the HussainSagar Lake. It is in Hyderabad. It is one of the largest man-made lakes. Hyderabad and Secunderabad are the twin cities of the state. The lake connects these cities. It was originally constructed to supply drinking water. Now it is not used as a drinking water source. People say, “This is sad. There is plenty of water. Nobody can drink it”. The lake faces a few threats. The main threat is encroachment by both private and public agencies. The lake also faces the problem of pollution. One of the locals said: “oh, sometimes it stinks horribly”. This is due to the continuous discharge of domestic wastes and industrial chemicals. Hence it is our duty to save the Hussain Sagar Lake. a. Why was Hussain Sagar Lake constructed? b. How is the lake getting polluted? XII. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences : 1 x 4 = 4 36. Write the summary of the poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’ in your own words. OR Describe the physical appearance and artistic talent of Jazz player in your own words. XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following : 1 x 4 = 4 37. a) Air pollution b)Covid-19, Preventive measures and vaccination. c) News paper d) Importance of sports and games XIV. Write a letter using the information given below : 1 x 5 = 5 38. Imagine that you are Latha/Lohith of Cambridge high school, Bengaluru. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend this summer holidays in your house. OR Write a letter to the commissioner for the need of more number of public parks in a crowded city like Bengaluru.

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-07 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80

Q I I Four alternative are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statement. Only one of them is only correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet 4x1=4 1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank.

Suma is never late, ……………………..? a) is she? b) isn’t she? c) does she? d) doesn’t she?

2. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence.

Parent : May I come in Sir? HM : Please come in, take your seat. a) Giving direction b) Asking permission c) Offering help d) Expressing agreement 3. Read the conversation and fill in the blank with correct ‘If Clause’. Ramesh : Ravi, I am going to picnic tomorrow. Will you come? Ravi : Thank you for inviting me. If you had told me earlier, I_____ joined you. a) would not have b) would have c) shall have d) will have 4. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into

passive voice. Rekha : Hello, Muskan, Where did you go yesterday? Muskan : I went shopping. Rekha : Did you buy anything? Muskan : Yes. I have bought some bangles. a) Some bangles had been bought by me. b) Some bangles will have been bought by me. c) Some bangles were bought by me. d) Some bangles have been bought by me. II. Do as directed 12x1=12 5. Combine the word in column ‘A’ with its collocative word in Column ‘B’

A B Lunch – (plate, spoon, box, pen)

6. Which one of the following word has two syllables? Committee, compromise, combine, call 7. Write the correct form of the word given in the bracket. The new ___________ (educate) policy is good for all. 8. Fill in the blank with appropriate article. Kalidas was ______ greatest poet. 9. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word. She speaks English fluently. 10. Fill in the blank using suitable linker. _______ the old man was rich, he was not happy and contented. 11. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. Air comes _________ the window. 12. Use the word ‘smile’ as verb in a sentence of your own. 13. Change the following sentence into comparative degree. Goa is the smallest state in India.

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14. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket. It _______ (be+rain) now. 15. Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer. Manya brings a dozen banana. 16. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into

reported speech. Teacher : Manjula, Do you want one more sheet of paper? Manjula : Thank you. I don’t need it sir.

Teacher asked Manjula _____________________________________________

III The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book. Clues are given. 1x2=2 Swamis father sat gloomily gazing of the newspaper on his lap. Clues a. Preposition to be corrected b. Punctuation mark to be used. IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each. 7x2=14 18) How did the tempo truck driver help Baleshwara? 19) How can you say that Dr B R Ambedkar had a great thirst for books when he was a

student? 20) How did Smita help her brother Anant to listen the concert programme? 21) Why do you consider Anant as a talented boy? 22) Why do you think, the Jazz player keeps his head down? 23) The student leaders managed the protest to go peacefully. Why?

OR How did the sub inspector Mr Patil help Mohan's family? 24) What did Hanif choose as his mission? Why did he do so?

OR How did the writer describe the introvert Hanif? V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each. 2x3=6 25. What makes you feel that Don Anselmo was a man of principles? 26. How does the poet V K Gokak praise the beuty and technological progress of our

country in the poem ‘The Song Of India’? VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. 4x3=12 27) “He did not have a wink of sleep the whole of last night.” a. Who said this? b. Who does ‘He’ refer to? c. When did the speaker say this? 28) “ Chacha, can I borrow your mobile?” a. Who does ‘I’ refer to? b. To whom was it said? c. Why did the speaker ask mobile? 29) “This is a school for normal boys.” a. Who is the speaker? b. To whom was it said? c. From which lesson has it taken? 30) “What song shall I sing of you, my mother?” a. Who is the speaker here? b. Who does ‘my mother’ refer to here?

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c. Which song does the speaker sing in first stanza? VII. Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. 1x3=3 31. Given below is a profile of Dr. Ravindranath. Write a paragraph using the given clues.

Age : 45 years Qualification : M.B.B.S. Designation : Head of the Department, Medicine Place of work : Victoria hospital, Bengaluru Specialization : Medicines and diabetes Length of service : 18 years Reasons for popularity : Works round the clock – special attention to poor - always

VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below. 1x3=3 32. Once lion…..was asleep….mouse began running up and down…..awakened the lion….caught the mouse- “Pardon, O King!” cried the little mouse. The lion was kind……he lifted his paw and let him go…….sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion…..little mouse happened to pass by…….he ran up to him and chewed the ropes that bound him……the king of the jungle freed….lion thanked mouse…..mouse was very happy to help the lion…….Moral of the story. IX. 33. Study the picture given below. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph. 1x3=3

X. 34. Quote from memory. 1x4=4

The quality ………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………..him that takes.

OR You talk of ………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………... …………………………………………day or night.

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XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. 2x2=4 35. A poor little girl was walking along the lonely deserted road. She was wearing a worn out dress and her feet bare. She had been asked by her father to sell boxes of matches and to bring home the money. The girls pocket was full of unsold boxes of matches. She did not want to go home because father would beat her for not bringing back any money. Sadly she lit one match after another. Suddenly the figure of her grandmother who had died a year before appeared in front of her smiling happily. As the last flaming match was beginning to die out, her grandmother took her in her arms and carried her up to the heavens. The next morning the passersby found the frozen girl lying in the ice with a pretty smile on her lips. Her burnt matches lay scattered all around her. (A) Why did the girl not want to go home? (B) What did the grandmother do to the child? XII. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences 1x4=4 36. Write in your own words the summary of the poem ‘Grandma Climbs A Tree’.

OR Write in your own words the summary of the poem ‘The song India’. XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following. 1x4=4 37. a) COVID 19 Virus. Its precautions and remedies.

b) Swachcha Bharat

c) Save water, Save Earth

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below. 1x5=5 38. Imagine that you are Vikas/Khushi studying in Govt. High School Kolar.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday function.


Write a letter to your head master to issue your character certificate.

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-08 Subject: Second Language English Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 80

I Four alternative are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statement. Only one of them is only correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4x1=4 1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank. Manasa sings well. _____________________________________________________? A. is she? B. does she C. doesn’t she D. isn’t she 2. Read the given conversation and choose the language function. Neha : I don’t have the textbook. Rekha : Why don’t you go to the library? Neha : Yes. That’s right A. offering help B. asking permission C. giving direction D. suggestion 3. Read the conversation and fill in the blank with correct, ‘if clause’. Roma : Thank you Baleshwar you saved me. I can’t imagine “If you hadn’t been there, I _________ bled to death. A. would not have B. would have C. shall have D. will have 4. Read the conversation amd choose right passive voice sentences for the underlined

sentence. Manvi : Have you distributed the invitation cards? Tanvi : Yes, my brother has distributed all the invitation cards. A. All the invitation cards were distributed by my brother. B. All the invitation cards has been distributed by my brother. C. All the invitation cards are distributed by my brother. D. All the invitation cards have been distributed by my brother. II. Do as directed. 1x12=12 5. Fill in the blank using suitable article.

Suresh had to repeat ___________________________________________ question three times.

6. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. A quarrel arose ________________________________________________________ two girls.

7. Change the following sentence into positive degree. Raghu is the most brilliant boy in the class. 8. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket. Satish ________ ________ (be award) the order of crown as a best architectural design. 9. Use the word “educate” as a verb in your own sentence. 10. Fill in the blank using suitable linker. ___________________ he was ill, Kiran completed his work. 11. Combine the word in column ‘A’ with its collective word in column ‘B’.

A B Sweet (growth, memories, design, color)

12. Which one of the following words has two syllables? book, school, food, ago 13. Frame the question to get underlined word as answer. Suresh came to Delhi on Monday. 14. Change the following sentence into reported speech. Mother said to her son, “I will give you fruits”.

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15. Give one word answer for A piece of land in which it trees are grown 16. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words given in the bracket.

The book is written _________ (buy/by) great author and it is good to ___________ (buy/by) and read.

III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer clues are given. 2x1=2 17. When he was looking gloomiy into the far conner of the garden he see a bird. a. spelling mistake to be corrected. b. verb form to be corrected IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each. 7 x 2 = 14 18. How was Swami appreciated for his heroic deeds? 19. Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own way. Give examples. 20. “Dr.B.R.Ambedkar had a great thirst for books”, substantiate this with your answer. 21. How did the Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination

from India? 22. How does the blind boy pacify himself? 23. What made the students march in complete silence? OR Why did Patil, the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house? Who believed him? 24. Life for Haneef in the beginning was never a smooth sail, why was it so? OR The absence of mother from home taught the children something. what was that? V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each. 2 x 3 = 6 25. “Physical disability is no barrier to success”. Justify the statement with reference to the life of

Satish Gujral. 26. How can you say that Jazz musician is a pathetic figure but at the same time a powerful

artist? VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. 4 x 3 = 12 27. “Leave alone strength can you prove that you have courage”. a. Who posed this challenge? b. Did he accept the challenge? c. Why did the speaker pose this challenge? 28. “Whom can I call?” he asked quickly. a. Who said this? b. To whom did he ask this? c. Why did he ask quickly? 29. “I must hear him and see him” a. Who is ‘I’ here? b. Why did he use the word ‘must’? c. Who did he want to hear and see? 30. “Sing of the beggar and the leper who Swarm my streets”. a. Who is the speaker here? b. Who should sing here? c. Why should such a song be sung? VII. Given below is a profile, write a paragraph using the same clues. 1 x 3 = 3 31. Name Nandan Pail

Age : 19 years Education BA from Maharaja College Place Mumbai Talent state level kabaddi player Achievement represented state and national level Hobbies listening to music, trekking to mountains

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VIII. Develop a story using the clues given below. 1 x 3 = 3 32. A silly cricket – sings all the summer – does not store food. Dying of hunger in winter, goes to an ant –begs for food – ant refuses – remarks dance all the winter – moral. IX. Read the picture given below. 1 x 3 = 3 33. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

X. Quote from your memory. 1 x 4 = 4 34. The quality________________________ ______________________________heaven, Upon the_____________________________ ________________________________takes. OR You talk_____________________________ _________________________________bright; I feel__________________________________ __________________________________night. XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. 4 x 1 = 4 Opera refers to a dramatic art from originating in Europe. In which the emotional content is conveyed to the instrumental as it is through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is through the lyrics. By contrast in musical theater an actor’s dramatic performance is primary and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes and acting. However the words of the opera or libretto are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble. a) What is an opera? What it conveys through it? b) How it involved the elements of theatre in it? XII. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences. 1 x 4 = 4 36. Explain about an unusual habit of Ruskin Bond’s grand mother. OR Write the summary of the poem ‘The Song of India’. XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following. 1 x 4 = 4 37. a. Covid-19 – causes-problems-measures to be taken

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b. Environmental pollution c. Natural disasters XIV. Write a letter using the clues given below. 1 x 5 = 5 38. Imagine you are Srujan/Swathi studying in 10th standard G.H.S. Hubli. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper on bad road conditions in your locality. OR Write a letter to your father about children’s day celebration at your school.

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SSLC MODEL QUESTION PAPER-09 Subject: Second Language English

Time: 3Hrs Class:10 MaxMarks: 80

I Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of the Alphabet. 1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank. 4×1=4 Father looked at swami fixedly ----------------- a) doesn't he? b) hadnt he? c) didn't he? d) would he? 2. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the

underlined sentence. Aditi: Good Noon Chethan.

Chethan: very good noon Aditi Could you tell me, Where shall I get the Dictionaries? Aditi: If you dont mind , take left turn near SBI BANK You will see Manohar Book Depot. a) Asking for Information b) Giving information c)giving suggestion d) Requesting.

3. Fill in the blank choosing appropiate 'IF ' Clause: Amruth: Will you attend the seminar Today?

Ananaya: Thank you for your Invitation If I had got permission from my Head Teacher

I ------------- attended the Seminar. a) will have b) would have c) shall have d) wouldn't have 4. Read the given conversation and choose the passive form of the Underlined

sentence. Tilak: Hi prameela where are you moving? Prameela : I am going to purchase Books . a) Books are being purchased by me b) Books have been purchased by me c) Books had been purchased by me d) Bo oks have been purchased by me. II DO AS DIRECTED: 12×1=12 5. Combine the word in column A with its collocative word in column B;

'A' 'B' clattering ( roar, cry, sound, voice) 6. Which one of the following words has two syllable? Thought between policeman physician 7. Write the correct form of the word given in bracket:

Ambedkar's skills in the field of law and ------------( legislate) tribute to his vision on social justice.

8. Fill in the blank using the correct article Mohan is --------MLA he deserved for committment. 9. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word. we should wear face Mask 10. Fill in the blank with appropriate conjunction/ linker : Indian Economy based on Agriculture --------- American Economy based on Technology.

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11. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition: Children came everyday and played ----------------the trees. 12. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket: Trees ------------(give) Oxygen . 13. Use the word 'Book' as verb in a sentence. 14. Change the given sentence in to comparative degree. Iron is the heaviest metal. 15. Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer. children learn and comprehend the information through visual aids. 16. Use the homophones in a given sentence. My Grandma was the habit of telling a story on a brave ------ during ------- ( night knight )

III The Following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph 2×1=2 17. The best teacher is the one who motivated and inspires his/ her student. a) spelling mistake to be corrected. b) verbal mistake to be corrected.

IV Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each : 7×2=14 18. Why did Baleshwar put "I'm new to Mumbai, I have noticed that people here 19. Ustad Alla Rakha and pandit Ravi shankar visit to Anant' s house was unusual Justify. 20. Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own ways. comment

on this. 21. Dr B.R. Ambedkar " The symbol of revolt" comment on this. 22. Why do es the Jazz player say ' once again a Black man'? 23. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march? OR Why were Babu and Manju a bit disappointed with the way the students were marching?

24.Briefly explain about the talents and interests of Haneef. OR How do you say that the absence of mother from home taught Haneef and his

brothers something? V Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each: 2×3=6

25. Narrate Swami's dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench. 26. What does ' the Motherland writing the Book of the Morrow' signify ?

VI Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow 4×3=12 27. " Why don't you join the police when you are grown up?" a. Who is the speaker? b. When did the speaker say? c. Why did the speaker say to join police department? 28. " please help me take her to a hospital" a. Who made this statement? b. Why did the speaker offer help? c. when did he offer help? 29. " We have made a discovery" a. who made the discovery? b. what was the discovery?

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c. Why did they make discovery? 30. " Sing of the millions that toil" a. who is the speaker in this context? b. why does the speaker say to sing of the millions? c. what does the word 'toil' refer here?

VII Given below is a profile . Write a paragraph using the clues given below:1×3=3 31) Name : Herman ould Born : 1886 AD Died : 1951, at 65 years of age. published works : Cindrella; Ali Baba and his son Hadji. profession: Author

VIII Develop a story using the clues given below 1×3=3 32.) A woman had a baby ------------much wounded condtion -------rescued a

mongoose---- became her pet -------- water from well ------ snake entered the house ------- child was sleeping ----- snake went near the sleeping child ------- mangoose placed near the baby ----fight occured----- killed the snake ------blood all over his face --------imagine the worst ------killed the mongoose---- inside the house-------child healthy and hearty----O Lord forgive me. IX Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.. 33) 1×3=3

X Quote from memory: 1×4=4 34. The quality ------------------- ------------------------------------------- it OR " Then ------------------------------ destroy ------------------------'-------boy" ---------------------------------------- ------justice.

Page 35: PRELUDE - Karnataka

XI Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 2×2=4 35. Who is an ideal teacher ? what makes him / her a good teacher? A good

teacher is like a candle - who burns, to illuminate the way for others. Like all good recipes, the ingredients for a teacher's success are simple, easy to follow lectures in the classroom, along with " personal interpretation to enhance the results" outside the classroom An ideal teacher is the one who uses both his/ her head and heart in equal measure throughout the school day and even after it.

I consider my mother to be my ideal teacher . It is believed that teachers are our second parents But for me , my mother is my best teacher, apart from being a good friend. The mother is the prime driving force who directs her children to tread on the proper track in life. Family is the first Educational Institution which a child attends. It is upto the mother to teach basic skills required for day today routine to the child.

An ideal teacher enlightens students in three ways- first by instilling in the students a moral value system. second by becoming a role model for the students finally by imparting education and smoothening the learning process.

a) List out the three ways How a teacher can enlighten the students? b) According to you How do you say Mother is an ideal teacher?

XII Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences: 1×4=4 36. Sum up the conversation between the poet and the Mother India in your

own words. OR Both the Narrator and his father were very considerate towards Grandma. justify.

XIII Write an essay on any one of the given topics. 1×4=4 37 a) covid -19 b) Importance of Health and hygiene c) Advantages of online classes.

XIV Write a letter using the information given below: 1×5=5 38. Imagine you are manoj/ mani studying in Government High school

Kengeri Bangalore Write a letter to your friend describing Republic day celebration in your school.

OR Write a letter to the commissioner, city Muncipal corporation , complaining

about drainage problems in your locality.