Preliminary task


Transcript of Preliminary task

Page 1: Preliminary task


Page 2: Preliminary task


Looking back at the preliminary task I have learnt a lot about the way shots must be continued and edited together so that it turns out this way. When creating my preliminary task I didn't consider the lighting, however I had to consider this when creating my thriller opening. At first when filming we found as a group the footage was grainy and so we re shot this using the inter fit light when the pictures were being taken off the wall this meant that in post production the footage was easier to work with as we could make it darker if we wanted without it being hard to see.

I learnt that a lot more has to be considered in pre and post production rather than just filming and editing the shots together. You have to consider costumes, setting, camera angles, booking out equipment, availability of group members etc.

I have learnt how to efficiently use blogger, sound cloud, slide share, garage band, after effects and how to use a tripod and work the settings on the cameras.

Page 3: Preliminary task


Through the preliminary task I was able to use a simple variety of shots but when creating my thriller opening I used many more as well as different distances shots e.g close ups, long shots.

I have learnt various rules when filming like the 180 degree rule, match on action, shot reverse shot as well as focussing the camera in different ways for each shot.

Close up and long shot Showing variety of shots

Often shows mid shots

Page 4: Preliminary task


Overall the preliminary task was very successful as I managed to stick to vital camerawork rules and I found editing the shots together worked effectively.

I found that I could’ve spent more time whilst planning as this seemed to be very brief and it took longer to film during the production stages.

When making my thriller I made sure I spent more time planning costumes, music, camera angles, booking equipment, organising filming sessions with the rest of the group.

I made sure that these were planned before filming so that production and post production would be quicker and so I wouldn’t have to decide what happened to the shots filmed whilst editing but that they had already been pre arranged and so editing was a case of placing the shots together in the right order.