PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - OMLTAPRELIMINARY PROGRAM Creativity, Diversity, Community--- La créativité,...

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Creativity, Diversity, Community--- La créativité, la diversité et la communauté 2017 OMLTA - AOPLV FALL CONFERENCE Friday, October 20 Saturday, October 21, 2017 HAMILTON, ONTARIO 2017 OMLTA FALL CONFERENCE AOPLV COLLOQUE D’AUTOMNE 2017 October 20/ le 20 octobre & October 21 / le 21 octobre Courtyard by Marriott St. Thomas More Secondary School ***************************************************************** Friday, October 20 / le vendredi 20 octobre Welcome Reception/Soirée de bienvenue

Transcript of PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - OMLTAPRELIMINARY PROGRAM Creativity, Diversity, Community--- La créativité,...

Page 1: PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - OMLTAPRELIMINARY PROGRAM Creativity, Diversity, Community--- La créativité, la diversité et la communauté 2017 OMLTA - AOPLV FALL CONFERENCE Friday, October


Creativity, Diversity, Community---

La créativité, la diversité et la communauté

2017 OMLTA - AOPLV FALL CONFERENCE Friday, October 20 – Saturday, October 21, 2017



AOPLV COLLOQUE D’AUTOMNE 2017 October 20/ le 20 octobre & October 21 / le 21 octobre

Courtyard by Marriott St. Thomas More Secondary School

***************************************************************** Friday, October 20 / le vendredi 20 octobre

Welcome Reception/Soirée de bienvenue

Page 2: PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - OMLTAPRELIMINARY PROGRAM Creativity, Diversity, Community--- La créativité, la diversité et la communauté 2017 OMLTA - AOPLV FALL CONFERENCE Friday, October

7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Catch up with old friends, and network with new ones!

Courtyard by Marriott Hotel

7:30 p.m. Welcome and Opening remarks from Conference Co-Chairs and OMLTA President


Saturday, October 20/ le samedi 21 octobre

8:30 am– 9:15 am Registration/Continental Breakfast/Exhibitors Open 9:15 am -10:30 am Welcome by Conference Co-Chairs and OMLTA President

Keynote Speaker Pamala Agawa, Curriculum Coordinator FNMI, York Region District School Board

10:45 am – 11:45 am Workshops – Block “A” 11:45 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH AND EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Workshops – Block “B” 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Workshops – Block “C” 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm Workshops – Block “D”

All Exhibitors will be open until 3:30 pm

Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be available in the Cafeteria. The exhibitor displays will be in the Gym.

Prizes will be given out at Saturday’s lunch.

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BLOCK A 10:45 am – 11:45 am

A1 Core, Extended, Immersion, General; K - 6 Adriana Alfano, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Creating Playful Learning Communities: Improvisation in the FSL Classroom Improv gives students the confidence to use their developing language skills to collaborate creatively in an environment of acceptance, positivity and possibility. In this workshop, teachers will learn about and play adaptable improv games that set the stage for authentic and spontaneous second language interactions between students of all ages and abilities. A2 Core, Immersion; K - 3 Annette Ackerman and Marianne Tennant, Peel DSB Making meaning of a second language - How do students learn to make meaning from conversations in a second language? What are the implications for teaching in a second language classroom? This workshop takes a closer look at the importance of receptive language skills in the French program. Most of our students are learning French as their 3rd or 4th language. A variety of “meaning making” theories will be introduced. Participants will experience activities that engage their own listening skills in both a first and second language context and further discuss the implications of teaching listening skills in a second language classroom. A3 Core; 4-6 Lianne Perreault-Raymond, Sudbury Catholic DSB Financial Literacy OMLTA Grade 4,5 and 6 This session will explore the OMLTA Financial Literacy resource. Educators will have a chance to actively participate in the activities from the units. A4 Core, Extended, Immersion; K-6 Karen Smith, Durham DSB Connecting to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Culture and Perspectives Throughout the Curriculum Many of us are at the beginning of our learning journey in incorporating FNMI perspectives into our teaching. Resources and ideas for cross-curricular connections will shared as we work to increase inclusion and promote cultural understanding in our classes. A5 Core, Extended, Immersion; 7 - 12 Lisa DeLuca and Stephanie Bass, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB French Beyond France

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Come and learn about a new free interactive site created to help teachers access a variety of resources to foster intercultural understanding of La Francophonie based on the revised FSL curriculum expectations. A6 Core, Immersion; 7 - 12 Daniel Boisvert and Rick Emond, Sudbury Catholic DSB Creating an online French newspaper Can teachers generate and increase student interest and engagement in French immersion and Core French by contributing to an online newspaper? Teachers use the online newspaper and have students write articles and vlogs for their history, geography, and French classes. A7 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 9 Paula Capa and David Shaftoe, Waterloo Region DSB The Importance of Authentic Listening In this session, we will discuss the value of Listening in your French program and demonstrate how to put together an authentic listening task. Lots of great ideas and resources to be shared! A8 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 9 Lisa Rossiter-Thornton and Vicky Mercier, Toronto DSB Using the Collaborative Inquiry Process to Embed an Aboriginal Perspective in the FSL classroom through Visual Art Come prepared to collaborate with fellow professionals. Using elements of the Collaborative Inquiry process, we will examine our wondering of what happens when we introduce Visual Arts to engage learners in the FSL classroom with an emphasis on integrating Aboriginal perspectives. We will start with a minds on Visual Arts activity to inspire creativity for you and your students. We will then we move to the main lesson of Visual Arts incorporating Aboriginal artists into your FSL program from Core to French Immersion. We will end by consolidating our knowledge and providing a google classroom where we can continue to collaborate and share ideas. A0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS

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BLOCK B 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

B1 Core, Extended, Immersion; K-6 Nathalie Lauriault, Upper Grand DSB Inquiry in the split-grade classroom: Exploring how Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction engages young minds Planning and teaching through an inquiry stance is an exciting and challenging task. Inquiry-focused methods, like concept-based teaching, require teachers to use the framework provided by curriculum concepts and Big ideas to guide students towards deep understandings inductively. This workshop specifically models how to design a program within a French Immersion, primary, split-level classroom. However, this model can be effective in any classroom —regardless of division, grade, split-class or language. B2/C2 General, 9 - 12 Dr. Sandra R. Schecter and Dr. Carl E. James, Faculty of Education, York University Supporting the School Engagement and Academic Success of Bidialectal, African and Caribbean Descent Students ** This is a double session. Participants will also attend C2** We discuss issues confronted by bi-dialectal students in addressing school-based expectations. Data related to the academic trajectories of bi-dialectal students in Ontario will be introduced. We then explore schooling practices that enhance students¹ academic engagement, including use of instructional materials that highlight differences between ³vernacular² and ³standard² varieties of English. B3 General Josée Boutin, OMLTA/AOPLV New to FSL Cet atelier présente une vue d'ensemble des idées maîtresses de l'enseignement du français langue seconde en Ontario ainsi qu'une revue des documents qui supportent leur implémentation. L'objectif est de permettre aux participants de mieux comprendre comment naviguer dans le flot de ressources et d'informations. B4 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 12 Renée Bourgoin, Pearson Canada Access for Success: Making inclusion work for language learners This hands-on workshop will explore some of the research-based practical content featured in the NEW professional learning text, Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners. The session will take a look at the role of Universal Language Actions in designing a supportive classroom environment.

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B5 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 9 Maryse Fleury, Toronto DSB On parle français ! How do you teach the French language? What are successful instructional strategies? Research supports the idea that learning through play engages student learning in meaningful ways. Come learn stimulating and rich games to teach your students! This workshop will also focus on addressing common French mistakes that are commonly made by FSL students: c’est mon, sur dimanche, j’ai a, etc. Seeking new inspiration? Come discover interactive games for large and small group instruction or to serve as the basis of your centres. La démonstration des jeux se fera en français. A sheet of game descriptions will be provided. B6 Core, Extended, Immersion, General; K-3 Jordan Sloan and Carole Soucy, Renfrew County DSB Developing Authentic SL Communication through Math Games With the goal of creating authentic learning experiences for our students in their second language, teaching math through games provides a seamless transition in core, a learning extension in extended, and a critical piece of the curriculum in immersion. Engaging math games afford students opportunities to explore important number concepts and deepen their mathematical understanding and reasoning, as well as provide authentic communication experiences infused with the use of learned French in real-life situations. In this session we will explore number and spatial sense at the Kindergarten and Primary levels and establish a continuum of assessment and tracking to take our students to the next level. (French/English workshop) B7 Core, Extended, Immersion, International; K-12 (French, Spanish) Ixchel Bennett and Marise Hanna, York University, Toronto DSB Colonialism 150 and FSL Have you ever wondered how to teach French as Second Language students about the history of Canada? What resources are available for the classroom? How do we engage students to recognize the cultural genocide that occurred on the lands we are on? This workshop will engage participants to understand the past and present history of Indigenous Peoples of Canada and receive reliable resources. B8 General, 7 - 12 Harish Shroff, Indus Travel How to run student travel program and show the world to them Five steps to a successful student travel program Step 1 – select a destination and date of travel, there is no cost to run this program. Step 2 – we set up the marketing material and other things, there is no risk and no liability at all. Step 3 – gather interested students and we do the presentation and marketing for you Step 4 – finalize the trip, we collect the payment etc and organize all the logistics Step 5 – travel to the destination and bring back excellent memories, get set, go to do a new trip

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BLOCK C 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

C1/D1 Immersion; K - 3 Lianne Perreault-Raymond and Alice Desormeaux, Sudbury Catholic DSB La Lecture guidée au primaire à la méthode Richardson ** This is a double session. Participants will also attend D1** During this session, educators will have the opportunity to learn about guided reading in primary using the Jan Richardson method. Lesson plans and resources will be shared with participants. Videos of lessons will give educators the opportunity to see the guided reading lessons in French. C2/B2 General; 9 - 12 Dr. Sandra R. Schecter and Dr. Carl E. James, Faculty of Education, York University (Continuation of Session B2--DOUBLE SESSION) Supporting the School Engagement and Academic Success of Bidialectal, African and Caribbean Descent Students ** This is a double session. Participants will also have attended B2** We discuss issues confronted by bi-dialectal students in addressing school-based expectations. Data related to the academic trajectories of bi-dialectal students in Ontario will be introduced. We then explore schooling practices that enhance students¹ academic engagement, including use of instructional materials that highlight differences between ³vernacular² and ³standard² varieties of English. C3 Core; 7 - 9 Wendy Chan and Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic, Pearson Canada Pathways from the CEFR to an Innovative Classroom: Mon réseau, ma vie 1 and 2 - A New Grades 7-8 Program Mon réseau, ma vie 1 and 2 embrace the CEFR and highlight new teaching and learning practices in second language acquisition. Innovative digital support is provided to engage ALL learners. Come and discover this rich resource, including how to organize learning centres and how to use the digital product to make teaching and learning more purposeful and engaging. Each participant will receive a complimentary sample from the NEW Grade 8 resource! C4 General; 7 - 12 Myriam Lafrance, Pickering College

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Teaching Languages Using a Global Leadership Framework Teaching languages provides students with cultural sensitivity, empathy and the ability to positively connect with communities around the world. Teachers will leave this workshop with innovative ideas relating to global leadership competencies such as intercultural understanding and 21st Century skills, key elements of the Ontario languages curricula. C5 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 12 Susanna Golds, Le Chef à L'école Le Chef à L'école Our program is a hands-on baking activity for French students of all levels. Together we practice speaking French, learn about French culture, listen to French music, and enjoy eating our fresh-baked creations together in class. We engage students in Core, Extended, & Immersion programs. From Grades 1-12. C6 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 12 Suzanne Korrell, Groupe Média TFO Découvrir IDÉLLO, un univers de ressources numériques , éducatives en français Quel que soit le support utilisé, les ressources que l`on retrouve dans l`univers IDÉLLO, favorisent l`apprentissage en ligne, l`interactivité et la mobilité. Cet atelier présentera la plateforme IDÉLLO, ses fonctions,et contenus éducatifs numériques ainsi que plusieurs nouvelles ressources FLS dont le Projet À L`ÉCOUTE et le Projet La compréhension culturelle . Les ressources d` IDÉLLO, catégorisées en fonction des priorités en éducation et des programmes-cadres canadiens, sont accessibles à tous les enseignants, élèves et parents par le biais d`un abonnement individuel ou institutionnel. Les ressources sont également catégorisées en fonction des niveaux du CECR. Du super contenu pour les élèves (vidéos, jeux, appli) et pour les enseignants (fiches et guides pédagogiques, formations webinaires, communautés d`enseignants, partage d`expertise etc.). C7 Core, Extended, Immersion, General; 4 - 12 Faten Hanna, CASLT/ACPLS Utilisez efficacement le Guide ontarien du nouvel enseignant et la trousse d’atelier de l’ACPLS Apprenez comment utiliser les deux plus récentes ressources de l’Association canadienne des professeurs de langues secondes (ACPLS). Le Guide ontarien du nouvel enseignant offre des outils de planification et des conseils pour relever les défis des enseignants de langues secondes de l’Ontario, tandis que la trousse d’atelier Using the Language Portfolio in the Classroom comprend le matériel et les stratégies nécessaires pour offrir un atelier sur l’utilisation des différents portfolios des langues. C0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS

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BLOCK D 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm

D1/C1 Immersion; K - 3 Lianne Perreault-Raymond and Alice Desormeaux, Sudbury Catholic DSB (Continuation of C1, DOUBLE SESSION) La Lecture guidée au primaire à la méthode Richardson ** This is a double session. Participants will also have attended C1** During this session, educators will have the opportunity to learn about guided reading in primary using the Jan Richardson method. Lesson plans and resources will be shared with participants. Videos of lessons will give educators the opportunity to see the guided reading lessons in French. D2 Immersion; 4 - 6 Ben Moore, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Le bloc de littératie Cet atelier s’occupera des réflexions d’un nouvel enseignant sur ses premières années comme un professeur de français immersion. Spécifiquement, le groupe explorera et partagera des idées et des solutions pour le bloc de littératie enseigné chaque jour, y compris la lecture modelée, partagée, guidée, indépendante et l’écriture. D3 Core; 4 - 6 Heather Gauthier, Waterloo Region DSB Learning "À La Carte": Using Learning Menus & Choice to Build Student Engagement & Community Participants will explore the use of choice boards, learning menus, etc. in the Junior/Intermediate Core French classroom as a way to build an engaged community of learners. Emphasis will be placed on the use of collaborative, action-oriented tasks & using choice to help students "buy in" to learning French. D4 Core; 4 - 9 Nancy Mitchell, Durham DSB Exploring Diverse Francophone Cultures through Song This workshop explores the potential of song to draw students into meaningful learning experiences. Musical examples from around the world provide students with insight into francophone culture while practicing important language structures. Song lists, listening response templates and suggestions for action-oriented language tasks related to the songs will be provided. D5 Core, Extended, Immersion, International; 4 - 9 (French, English, Spanish) Ghislaine Dean, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Learning to teach with 'Fish for French, Spanish or English' card games I'll show how to teach an elementary class the question and answers needed to play the game, then show them how to practice it. Finally I'll give teachers a chance to play the game. Winners at each table will win the game they have used. Each game teaches more than 65 vocabulary items. Suitable for

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elementary, ESL, and applied grade nines. They are also good for the day before Christmas vacation or March Break. D6 Core, Extended, Immersion; K - 6 Kelly Yeo, Toronto Catholic DSB How to create creative writers Many students might cringe at the idea of having to write something in French. This workshop will introduce some creative ideas to have students practice their writing, while being encouraged to express their creativity in fun new ways. Mainly focusing on Primary/Junior French Immersion, let's share our various ideas, and make writing fun again. . D7 Core, Extended, Immersion, International; K-12 (French, Spanish, Arabic) Antoine Khoury, University of Windsor How to engage a diverse community? Our community is diverse. We do not need surveys to show it. How can a creative French teacher engage students and their parents in a diverse community? Based on our extensive experience in teaching French and other languages, creativity resides in the methodology and the material which will make the community responsive to and respectful of the French Language and Culture. D8 Core, General; 4 - 12 Tania Buczkowski, Peel DSB Teaching Authentic Topics in Context Looking for a way to make learning another language relevant to your students? This workshop will explore how teachers can use authentic topics like shopping, eating at a restaurant, etc., without relying on a textbook. Learn how to integrate authentic topics into one big context, so that the learning doesn’t end when the unit does! D9 Core; 4 - 6 Andrea Haddad, Toronto DSB (retired) Make your life easy (and efficient) Years of Core French and supply teaching have revealed many truths I wish I had known earlier. Methodology aside, it is the unspoken undercurrent of strategical planning that makes your program successful and your life easier. Explore and share suggestions for organization, split classes, interaction with parents, school-wide events, homework, time-saving and marking tactics, gaining respect and raising the French profile in school. D0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS

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2017 Fall Conference Participating Exhibitors:

AFS Interculture Canada

AIM Language Learning Inc.

Cahiers d’activitiés N-G

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)

Canadian Education Exchange Foundation (CEEF)

CEC Publishing Inc

Explorica Canada Inc.

Fish for French

Groupe Media TFO

Historica Canada

Indus Travel ISX Canada

Jouets Nancy , Division scolaire

La Boutique

Le Chef à l'école

Le français pour l'avenir / French for the Future

Pearson Canada


Poster Pals

Rigodon & Le Voyageur Errant;

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RK Publishing Inc.

Sara Jordan Publishing

Scholastic Education

Tralco – Lingo Fun HYPERLINK
