Preliminary Examination Proposal Slides

Preliminary Examination Manas Tungare Advisory Committee: Dr. Manuel Pérez-Quiñones Dr. Stephen H. Edwards Dr. Edward A. Fox Prof. Steve Harrison Dr. Tonya Smith-Jackson


Slides from my Proposal Defense held on May 5, 2008.

Transcript of Preliminary Examination Proposal Slides

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Preliminary Examination

Manas Tungare

Advisory Committee:

Dr. Manuel Pérez-Quiñones

Dr. Stephen H. Edwards

Dr. Edward A. Fox

Prof. Steve Harrison

Dr. Tonya Smith-Jackson

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Talk outline

Presentation & questions Additional comments, suggestions

0 ~45 min

Slides contain only major citations. The document contains full citations.

OK to record audio?

Your questions/comments are welcome at any time.

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Talk outline

• Introduction

• Problem statement

• A review of my work so far

• Research questions

• How my research plan will address these

• Planned schedule

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Human Computer Interaction


Multi-Platform User Interfaces

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Personal Information

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Multiple devices

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Problems and workarounds

• Constant need for manual synchronization

• Give up using multiple computers

• Copy addresses and phone numbers on sticky notes

• Use USB flash drives to cart data around

• Email files to themselves

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Evaluation issues in PIM

• Evaluating new PIM tools

• Comparing PIM tools developed by diverse research groups

• Choosing suitable reference tasks for PIM

• Measures that are valid across tasks

Paraphrased from discussions at the CHI 2008 Workshop on Personal Information Management, April 2008.

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Problem Statement

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Understanding PIM

• Understanding users and how they use multiple devices to accomplish PIM

• Identify common device configurations in information ecosystems

• Identify tasks performed on each device

• Identify problems, frustrations

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• What is the mental workload incurred by users when they are trying to use multiple devices for personal information management?

• For those tasks that users have indicated are frustrating for them, do the alternate strategies result in lower mental workload?

• Are multi-dimensional subjective workload assessment techniques (such as NASA TLX) an accurate indicator of operator performance in information ecosystems?

Mental workload inInformation Ecosystems

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Research: Phase I

Understanding users’ PIM practices across devices

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Research Questions

• Devices and activities

• What is the distribution of users who use multiple devices? Most common devices? Common PIM tasks? Tasks bound to a device?

• The use of multiple devices together

• Factors in choice of new devices

• Device failures

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Research Questions

• Devices and activities

• The use of multiple devices together

• Which devices were commonly used in groups? Methods employed to share data among these devices? Problems and frustrations?

• Factors in choice of new devices

• Device failures

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Research Questions

• Devices and activities

• The use of multiple devices together

• Factors in choice of new devices

• What are some of the factors that influence users’ buying decisions for new devices? Integrating a device into current set of devices?

• Device failures

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Research Questions

• Devices and activities

• The use of multiple devices together

• Factors in choice of new devices

• Device failures

• How often do users encounter failures in their information ecosystems? Common types of failures? Coping with failure?

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Survey: August 2007

• Knowledge workers (N=220)

• Highlights from preliminary results:

• 96% use at least one laptop

• 71% use at least one desktop

• Lots of frustrated users (as expected)

• Longer discussion in [Tungare and Pérez-Quiñones 2008]

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Survey analysis

• Content analysis to uncover common tasks

• Quantitative analysis to determine typical set of devices for experiment

• Recruit two students to code random subset of survey; ensure high inter-rater reliability

• Design Phase II experiment based on these findings

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Content analysis: example

“The last device I acquired was a cell phone from Verizon. I would have liked to synchronize data from my laptop or my PDA with it but there seems to be no reasonable way to do so. I found a program that claimed to be able to break in over bluetooth but it required a fair amount of guess work as to data rates etc and I was never able to actually get it to do anything. In the end I gave up. Fortunately I dont know that many people and I usually have my PDA with me so it isnt a big deal but frankly I dont know how Verizon continues to survive with the business set...”

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Content analysis: example

“The last device I acquired was a cell phone from Verizon. I would have liked to synchronize data from my laptop or my PDA with it but there seems to be no reasonable way to do so. I found a program that claimed to be able to break in over bluetooth but it required a fair amount of guess work as to data rates etc and I was never able to actually get it to do anything. In the end I gave up. Fortunately I dont know that many people and I usually have my PDA with me so it isnt a big deal but frankly I dont know how Verizon continues to survive with the business set...”

Device 1

Device 2 Device 2


Problem 1


Problem 2

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Research: Phase II

Measurement of mental workload and task performance of users while they

perform representative PIM tasks

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Mental workload

• [...] “That portion of an operator’s limited capacity actually required to perform a particular task.” [O’Donnell and Eggemeier, 1986]

• Low to moderate levels of workload are associated with acceptable levels of operator performance [Wilson and Eggemeier, 2006]

• Often used as a measure of operator performance

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Mental workload as a measure of operator performance

• Alternative: direct measurement of task performance:

• Time taken to perform task,

• Number of errors, etc.

• Task metrics are more difficult to measure

• Need instrumentation of equipment

• Scores cannot be compared across tasks

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Name Task Da te

Mental Demand How menta lly demand ing was the task?

Physica l Demand How physica lly demand ing was the task?

Tempora l Demand How hurried or rushed was the pace of the task?

Per formance How successful were you in accomp lishing wha tyou were asked to do?

E f for t How hard d id you have to work to accomp lishyour leve l of performance?

Frustra tion How insecure , d iscouraged , irrita ted , stressed ,and annoyed wereyou?

Figure 8.6

NASA Task Load Index

Hart and Stave land ’s NASA Task Load Index (TLX) me thod assesseswork load on five 7-point sca les. Increments of high, med ium and lowestima tes for each point result in 21 grada tions on the sca les.

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Perfec t Fa ilure

Very Low Very H igh

Measuring mental workload


• NASA TLX:Task Load Index

• SWAT:Subjective workload assessment technique

• WP:Workload Profile

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Validity of workload measures

• Mental workload consistently shown to be negatively correlated with performance metrics [Bertram et al. 1992]

• Airline cockpits [Ballas et al. 1992]

• Navigation [Schryver 1994]

• Multi-device computing environments: information ecosystems [None yet!]

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Research Question 1

• RQ: What is the mental workload incurred by users in certain common tasks that were considered difficult in Phase I?

• Hypothesis: Subjective assessment of mental workload will be high in these tasks

• Experiment: Measure mental workload for several representative tasks performed in information ecosystems

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Research Question 2

• RQ: Is a decrease in mental workload a factor that motivates changes in users’ information management strategies?

• Hypothesis: Users adopt strategies that will eventually lead to lowered mental workload

• Experiment: Compare mental workload for tasks identified as difficult, and for their respective workarounds

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Research Question 3

• RQ: Are subjective assessments of mental workload an accurate indicator of operator performance in this domain?

• Hypothesis: Mental workload measured by NASA TLX (including existing dimensions, and possibly new dimensions) can be used to predict operator performance

• Experiment: (Attempt to) correlate workload assessments with operator performance

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Experiment design

• Representative tasks from the content analysis of Phase I

• Identify devices, tasks, strategies, etc. and use these to give users benchmark tasks

• Measure mental workload

• Other benchmark tasks too

• To have a baseline

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Expected contributions

• Understanding users and how they use multiple devices to accomplish PIM

• Comparing workloads in different information ecosystems

• Formative feedback for designers

• Validating NASA TLX as an accurate predictor of task performance in information ecosystems

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May 08 June 08 July 08 Aug 08 Sep 08

Perform content analysis for Phase I

Determine tasks

Recruitment, IRB, Scheduling Study

Conduct Experiments

Perform analysis

Write dissertation

Prepare publications

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Questions & comments


Note to self: Turn off audio recording before committee deliberation.

Thank you!

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Supporting Slides

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Mental workload andtask performance




Mental workload

[O’Donnell, Eggemeier 1986]

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• Higher correlation with performance as compared to SWAT and WP [Rubio & Díaz, 2004]

• Validated in several environments since1988 [several, 1988-present]

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NASA TLX procedure

Name Task Da te

Mental Demand How menta lly demand ing was the task?

Physica l Demand How physica lly demand ing was the task?

Tempora l Demand How hurried or rushed was the pace of the task?

Per formance How successful were you in accomp lishing wha tyou were asked to do?

E f for t How hard d id you have to work to accomp lishyour leve l of performance?

Frustra tion How insecure , d iscouraged , irrita ted , stressed ,and annoyed wereyou?

Figure 8.6

NASA Task Load Index

Hart and Stave land ’s NASA Task Load Index (TLX) me thod assesseswork load on five 7-point sca les. Increments of high, med ium and lowestima tes for each point result in 21 grada tions on the sca les.

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Very Low Very H igh

Perfec t Fa ilure

Very Low Very H igh

20 steps

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Frustration Level

NASA TLX procedure

Mental Demand

Pairwise Comparisons

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Quantitative analysis

Home Desktop


Cell phone

Media player

Work Desktop

PDA cell phone

52 32 29 25 24 22 20 19 18

Number of participants using these devices as a group

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Content analysis

• Techniques from [Neuendorf 2004, Krippendorf 2004]

• Inter-rater reliability with 2 additional coders (expected Cohen’s ! " 0.6~0.7)

• Purpose of content analysis is to design the experiment, not to draw conclusions

• Coding: a priori versus emergent

• Challenge: converging on representative tasks

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Experimental setup

• Explain features

• Training period with example tasks

• Account for experience

• Stratified samples?

• Participant recruitment

• CHCI, CS@VT, CRC, Google (?)