preached several times at Pastor Enosh’s church but...

Dear Brother Marshall, Our travels in January, February, and March brought us to churches throughout Pennsylvania and to a church in North Carolina. We praise God for a church in Pennsylvania that has taken us on for support. The Lord again provided for us to come to India. From one of our supporting churches someone anonymously gave money to buy our tickets to India and to travel to Punjab to work with Pastor Brian. We will be with him for 10 days and preach at special meetings that he has in April. Also, enough was given to buy a water filtration system for our house and a small water heater for the kitchen. We took time with all of our family, especially with Shannon who has been on oxygen almost continuously for a long time. Shannon has also been experiencing severe back pain for more than a year. She has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and two herniated discs. Surgery is scheduled for April 24. After the surgery she will not be able to get up and around for one month. Please pray for Shannon about this and the complications of her lung disease. Janice and I arrived here March 12 and on the 13th went with Pastor Enosh to be with Pastor Gangadhar for a revival meeting. About a dozen pastors and gospel workers were there. Ten people came forward to receive our Lord Jesus Christ. I have preached several times at Pastor Enosh’s church but with no response for salvation. Pray that God would convict the hearts of the people. Several days later we were with Pastor Abraham for his Church’s dedication in Shambukananagga. Eight people came forward for salvation. The next day we traveled to Bagapaali to be with Pastor Prakash. Sixteen people came forth for sal- vation as we lifted up the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. On Saturday two of our young men, Ganesha and Muni Raju graduated with their Bachelor of Theology degree from the Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Bangalore.Praise the Lord for those who have heard His call for the gospel ministry. Next we went with Pastor Joseph in Puttaparthi to preach in new vil- lages. In one village, 7 people had mysteriously died within days and the people were sacrificing many goats to the gods at vari- ous temples to help bring an end to the death. On the way to our meeting we stopped to preach on the street and the people were so interested to hear the Word of God. That night 25 people were saved in one village and the next night people came to the feet of Jesus Christ. I have sad news to tell you concerning Pastor Joseph’s family. One of his daughters, who lost her young husband about a year ago and her few month old baby shortly after, has committed suicide. It is a tremendous burden to Pastor’s wife who has been struggling with depression already. We will be having VBS for 500 children and outreach with him in April/May. We had one pastors training meeting and plan to continue once each week after our trip to Punjab. Pastor Aswath Paul organized a meeting with several other pastors in the Manchanahalli area. At least 46 people came forward to accept the Lord Jesus. On the last Sunday in March I preached in a distant village where 20 people were saved. That same day we went to the orphanage to preach and teach. I started a new missionary story with them. Pray for the orphans to come to know the Lord. We thank God that all of the money has been given for the children for new clothes and for the widows for new sarees. Praise God for $1000 that was given by a church in Maine for our speakers and sound system. The speakers, stands for speakers, amplifier, mixer , mics, and wires cost right at about $1000. We are still waiting on God for the $740 needed for a generator to use as we do the village ministry. We praise God that in the first few weeks of ministry we could see 142 people come for salvation in our meetings. Pray as we do our best to increase and strengthen the churches here.

Transcript of preached several times at Pastor Enosh’s church but...

Dear Brother Marshall,

Our travels in January, February, and March brought us to churches throughout Pennsylvania and to a church in North Carolina.

We praise God for a church in Pennsylvania that has taken us on for support. The Lord again provided for us to come to India.

From one of our supporting churches someone anonymously gave money to buy our tickets to India and to travel to Punjab to

work with Pastor Brian. We will be with him for 10 days and preach at special meetings that he has in April. Also, enough was

given to buy a water filtration system for our house and a small water heater for the kitchen.

We took time with all of our family, especially with Shannon who has been on oxygen almost continuously for a long time.

Shannon has also been experiencing severe back pain for more than a year. She has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and two

herniated discs. Surgery is scheduled for April 24. After the surgery she will not be able to get up and around for one month.

Please pray for Shannon about this and the complications of her lung disease.

Janice and I arrived here March 12 and on the 13th went with Pastor Enosh to be with Pastor Gangadhar for a revival meeting.

About a dozen pastors and gospel workers were there. Ten people came forward to receive our Lord Jesus Christ. I have

preached several times at Pastor Enosh’s church but with no response for salvation. Pray that God would convict the hearts of

the people. Several days later we were with Pastor Abraham for his Church’s dedication in Shambukananagga. Eight people

came forward for salvation. The next day we traveled to Bagapaali to be with Pastor Prakash. Sixteen people came forth for sal-

vation as we lifted up the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. On Saturday two of our young men, Ganesha and Muni

Raju graduated with their Bachelor of Theology degree from the Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Bangalore.Praise the Lord

for those who have heard His call for the gospel ministry. Next we went with Pastor Joseph in Puttaparthi to preach in new vil-

lages. In one village, 7 people had mysteriously died within days and the people were sacrificing many goats to the gods at vari-

ous temples to help bring an end to the death. On the way to our meeting we stopped to preach on the street and the people were

so interested to hear the Word of God. That night 25 people were saved in one village and the next night people came to the feet

of Jesus Christ.

I have sad news to tell you concerning Pastor Joseph’s family. One of his daughters, who lost her young husband about a year

ago and her few month old baby shortly after, has committed suicide. It is a tremendous burden to Pastor’s wife who has been

struggling with depression already. We will be having VBS for 500 children and outreach with him in April/May.

We had one pastors training meeting and plan to continue once each week after our trip to Punjab. Pastor Aswath Paul organized

a meeting with several other pastors in the Manchanahalli area. At least 46 people came forward to accept the Lord Jesus. On the

last Sunday in March I preached in a distant village where 20 people were saved. That same day we went to the orphanage to

preach and teach. I started a new missionary story with them. Pray for the orphans to come to know the Lord. We thank God that

all of the money has been given for the children for new clothes and for the widows for new sarees. Praise God for $1000 that

was given by a church in Maine for our speakers and sound system. The speakers, stands for speakers, amplifier, mixer , mics,

and wires cost right at about $1000. We are still waiting on God for the $740 needed for a generator to use as we do the village

ministry. We praise God that in the first few weeks of ministry we could see 142 people come for salvation in our meetings. Pray

as we do our best to increase and strengthen the churches here.

On the last day of March, Janice and I traveled to Mohali, Punjab in North India to be with Pastor Brian Pratt and his ministry. We had pas-

tors training for preachers from around India and 4 days of gospel meetings. A total of six souls came forward for salvation in the meetings.

Pray for Pastor Babu who has come to help the ministry there. Please pray for Pastor Brian and the severe back problems that he has had for

years. He needs surgery and has been consulting with several doctors on what to do . We spent 11 days with the work there and flew back to

Devanahalli. I preached at the Faith Baptist Church and three ladies came forward to be saved. One was a lady who had been troubled by de-

mons. While we were in North India, the Hindu priests brought her to Pastor Enosh because they could not help her with all of their rituals

etc. Pastor and his wife Ruth and some other pastors prayed and God released the women from the demons power. Then, in this service, she

was gloriously saved. God put it upon the hearts of Pastor Enosh and Ruth to hold a VBS in Putta Pasthi where the Sai Baba held the people

in darkness for more than 70 years. This was the first time that a VBS was ever held in that area. Praise God for more than 500 children,

youth, and adults who attended. Twenty-five adults came to the Lord Jesus Christ and 92 youth and older children received the blessed Re-

deemer. What a victory for our Lord’s Kingdom in that area and a blessing for their future. I preached another two Sundays at the Faith Bap-

tist Church in Davanahalli with 2 coming to faith in one service and 4 in the other. One Thursday we gathered the pastors form the villages for

training, a ministry we have been doing for 15 years. Later, our team took a missions journey by faith to distant and tribal areas in the state of

Andhra Pradesh. The first night we stayed with Dr. Bob Luke who is involved in church planting and leads a Bible College. He also speaks on

television twice a day. He is reaching millions of people in India with the truth of the Word of God. He had me preach two messages which

would be used in the television ministry. The next night he brought me to a gospel meeting that one of his preachers was holding. Thirty three

people came forward at 11:30 in the evening to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray as we link up together to spread the gospel

in India.

We then traveled the next day to be with Pastor Prem Kumar who had arranged three days of revival meetings. We saw a total of 35 people

come forward to receive Jesus and many Christians were edified. Dr. David brought us to a church in the mountains tribal area where he has

been reaching into for forty years. The people of the church and one lady who was a Hindu unbeliever gathered. During these decades she has

come to hear the Word of God but never received Jesus Christ until this time.

We then traveled to be with Pastor Raju for two days of gospel meetings and a Sunday morning service with another pastor. A total of 25 peo-

ple were saved in these three meetings. We thank God for a church in Wilkes Barre that helped with our travel expenses for all of this out-

reach. After arriving back in Davananhalli we took some rest but soon went back to Putta Parthi to the village where7 people had mysterious-

ly died. We preached the gospel and showed the Jesus film. Fifty-four people came forward to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. A wedding party

with a band came through our meeting two times and there were numerous disturbances. I was so encouraged when I saw a man who had

trusted in Jesus, Vijayappa, speaking with Pastor Enosh. He was testifying how he was 85 years old and that God kept him alive so that he

could hear about the love of God and turn from the idols to the Lord Jesus. The next night we preached in another village and showed the film

there also. Fifty-seven people were saved. On Sunday morning we were again with Pastor Joseph in his main church where 5 people trusted in

Jesus. The last Sunday I was with Pastor Enosh in Devanahalli. We saw 3 of the Hindu priests, who previously brought the possessed wom-

en, come to church and receive the Lord Jesus as personal Savior. Praise God!

Than you for the money that was given by some churches and individuals to buy sarees for more than 100 widows. As usual, Pastor Enosh

requested that I preach the Word of God first when we met to distribute the sarees. Seven widows trusted in the Savior. We also bought new

clothes for 85 boys and girls in the Faith Baptist Orphanage. Thank you to all who gave for these needs. Thank you to a friend in Connecticut

who gave the $740.00 needed to buy a generator for our village outreach. Pray as we are trying to buy solar lights for the orphanages. The

electric supply in the villages is off half of the day and many times at night when the children need to eat and get ready for bed there is no

light. Pastor needs to purchase 6 units at a cost of $375.00 each. God also provided $125.00 for me to buy a bicycle for one young preacher. I

need to buy one more bicycle for another preacher ($125).

Thank you for praying so much for this ministry. Thank you for your loving help.

Sincerely in Christ,

George and Janice Dubish