“Preach the Gospel Always, If necessary use words.” · of these 11 young adults who are FC13....

Creating Miracles Its been 11 years since I started my year as a FrancisCorps volunteer. I guess FrancisCorps for me was my version of “going West,” it was a far away place where I would have unforgettable experiences with people I never met before. The great thing about FrancisCorps that’s different from a lot of other volunteer experiences is the strong community setting. FrancisCorps isn’t just a volunteer organization, FrancisCorps is a community of people working together to make the world around it better. From the Franciscan Friars who sponsor the organization, the refugees at the Northside CYO and Asian Apostalate, the mentally challenged at the L’Arche community, the homeless and poor at Northside Ministries, the women at the Dorothy Day House, the alumnae, and the countless others who support the volunteers with prayers, food for potluck dinners, guidance, and friendship. As a FrancisCorps member you give your time and effort for a cause you believe in, but you receive friends who share the same values as you and will support you in your service. Cont’d on page 8 “Preach the Gospel Always, If necessary use words.” St. Francis of Assisi A Life Changing Experience I lived in Syracuse, N.Y., for just one year, but that one year has made me who I am today. It has been three years since I moved in to the lovely Court Street house and became part of FCX, but not a day goes by when I am not reminded of my experience. In that one year, I learned what it means to be part of a community, recognized where my passions lie, and the value of sharing a meal together with loved ones. This past year has been a difficult and exciting one for me, as I had many life changes. I finished grad school, earned a masters degree, moved back home, and became a mother. With all these changes, it was through the support and prayers provided by the FrancisCorps community, that I was able to keep pushing through. The FrancisCorps community does not end when you finish your year of service. In fact, it grows as you become part of a much larger family. This sense of community is one of a kind. From the volunteers, to the FrancisCorps families, to the Cont’d on page 8 FrancisCorps P.O. Box 11166 Syracuse, NY 13218 315.426.0481 www.franciscorps.org Friar Richard Riccioli, OFM Conv. Director [email protected] Mr. Jordan Differding Assistant Director [email protected] In that one year, I learned what it means to be part of a community, recognized where my passions lie, and the value of sharing a meal together with loved ones. Contact Us John Riehman-Murphy FrancisCorps2 Ashlee Downing FrancisCorps10 As a FrancisCorps member you give your time and effort for a cause you believe in, but you receive friends who share the same values as you and will support you in your service.

Transcript of “Preach the Gospel Always, If necessary use words.” · of these 11 young adults who are FC13....

Creating MiraclesIts been 11 years since I started my year as a FrancisCorps volunteer. I guess FrancisCorps for me was my version of “going West,” it was a far away place where I would have unforgettable experiences with people I never met before. The great thing about FrancisCorps that’s different from a lot of other volunteer experiences is the strong community setting. FrancisCorps isn’t just a volunteer organization, FrancisCorps is a community of people working together to make the world around it better. From the Franciscan Friars who sponsor the organization, the refugees at the Northside CYO

and Asian Apostalate, the mentally challenged at the L’Arche community, the homeless and poor at Northside Ministries, the women at the Dorothy Day House, the alumnae, and the countless others who support the volunteers with prayers, food for potluck dinners, guidance, and friendship. As a FrancisCorps member you give your time and effort for a cause you believe in, but you receive friends who share the same values as you and will support you in your service.

Cont’d on page 8

“Preach the Gospel Always, If necessary use words.”

St. Francis of Assisi

A Life Changing ExperienceI lived in Syracuse, N.Y., for just one year, but that one year has made me who I am today. It has been three years since I moved in to the lovely Court Street house and became part of FCX, but not a day goes by when I am not reminded of my experience. In that one year, I learned what it means to be part of a community, recognized where my passions lie, and the value of sharing a meal together with loved ones.

This past year has been a difficult and exciting one for me, as I had many life changes. I finished grad school, earned a masters degree, moved back home, and became a mother. With all these changes, it was through the support and prayers provided by the FrancisCorps community, that I was able to keep pushing through. The FrancisCorps community does not end when you finish your year of service. In fact, it grows as you become part of a much larger family. This sense of community is one of a kind. From the volunteers, to the FrancisCorps families, to the

Cont’d on page 8

FrancisCorpsP.O. Box 11166Syracuse, NY 13218315.426.0481www.franciscorps.org

Friar Richard Riccioli, OFM [email protected]

Mr. Jordan DifferdingAssistant [email protected]

In that one year, I learned what it means to be part of a community, recognized where my passions lie, and the value of sharing a meal together with loved ones.

Contact Us

John Riehman-Murphy FrancisCorps2

Ashlee Downing FrancisCorps10

“As a FrancisCorps member you give your time and effort for a cause you believe in, but you receive friends who share the same values as you and will support you in your service.

“OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD; we are going to die!”

December 2011 Newsletter | 2


That’s what came out of my mouth as I watched the image of the Doppler radar on the weather channel. She was coming right at us. I was referring to Hurricane Irene. We were in the midst of the FrancisCorps Orientation retreat on the Jersey Shore when the news came to us that the hurricane was heading toward

us. All I could think of were the volunteers … and their parents who had entrusted their children to us. What a mess. “We need to get out of here!”

My first time running the Orientation for FrancisCorps seemed to have been fraught with challenges. I had just moved to Syracuse, New York after having spent 10 years as a parish priest in Toronto, Ontario. The friars had asked me to take up the mantle of my brother and friend Bro. Jim Moore who had founded and directed FrancisCorps for 13 years. It was an awesome responsibility but I accepted. I was also joined by Jordan Differding who, after a year as a volunteer in Costa Rica, and because of a special donation was hired as Assistant Director of FrancisCorps to assist with this transition. (It takes two of us to replace Bro Jim!) The choice to accept the mission of FrancisCorps

was easy because I believe in FrancisCorps. I believe that it’s an amazing way for the friars (and fellow Franciscan sisters and Seculars) to share the Spirit of Assisi, the values of Francis and Clare and to form young women and men for leadership in society and in the Church.

But like I said above, the transition was not entirely smooth – lots of drama! A few days before starting the Orientation Retreat for the newest 13th group of volunteers (we affectionately call them

FC13) I went to do laundry and prepare my suitcase for the trip. Much to my surprise, some good friar had left bleach in the washing machine… and yes my shorts and shirts were all ruined. The next day, a thoughtful neighbour at the friary seemed to have needed the GPS in my car more than I did and so broke the window and took it! Then, when we finally began the retreat at Alverna Heights Retreat Centre outside of Syracuse, the East Coast experienced its strongest earthquake since World War II! “Ok, God. Are you sending me a sign here?”

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”(Jeremiah 29:11)

3 | December 2011 Newsletter

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FrancisCorps At A Glance

Definition: FrancisCorps [fran -sis-kohr]

1. n. A young-adult lay franciscan volunteer experience. // 2. n. A community committed to sharing meals, prayer and love daily. // 3. v. Preach the Gospel, if necessary use words (St. Francis of Assisi).Our Mission:FrancisCorps volunteers draw on the spirituality of Saints Francis and Saint Clare and their life together in community to reach out to the poor and marginalized in Gospel service.

Our Vision:FrancisCorps volunteers will apply their experience of service, community and the values of Francis and Clare of Assisi to their careers, relationships and community, and so help build a more just, peaceful and fraternal society.

Who we are:We are recent college graduates (or have related experience)•We have committed to FrancisCorps for one year •We live simply in community with other volunteers•We serve the poor in Syracuse, NY and San José, Costa Rica•We share a meal, pray and share our lives together daily•We grow through retreats, workshops and training•We strive to follow the example of Saints Francis •and Clare of Assisi

Costa Rica Placements:promoting social justice at a Franciscan school•mentoring at-risk teenage girls in a high school•assisting blind, deaf and mentally challenged children•caring for needy children in a day-care •supporting children in palliative care and their families•

Syracuse Placements:assisting refugees•sharing community with adults with disabilities at L’Arche•feeding the hungry at a food pantry•assisting at a free legal/medical clinic•leading afterschool programs for disadvantaged children•tutoring youth •

No. In fact the sign from God was not in those events. It was found in the faces and hearts of our volunteers. I was, I am, so humbled by the generosity, faith, dedication and enthusiasm of these 11 young adults who are FC13. They have set aside a year of their lives to serve the poor in Syracuse and Costa Rica. Family and friends have been left behind. Loans were deferred. Graduate school and careers put on hold. The usual comforts and privileges set aside. All of this was done in faith… faith that God had something greater in store for them… beyond what ordinary sight could envision.

So, in fact my little trials and tribulations were rather trite compared to what our volunteers were doing. In fact my bleached clothes were replaced (JC Penny had a clearance!), I got an even better GPS and my car was repaired very quickly. We didn’t even feel the earthquake at Alverna and the hurricane hurdling towards us… well after we relocated the Orientation Retreat back to Syracuse, we missed it completely; although many of our neighbours in the North East were terribly affected by it.

I have learned from our volunteers’ example to trust in God. God will provide. Every year FrancisCorps trusts in God and on the generosity of friends to continue it’s mission. It’s through donations that we are able to recruit, train and support our volunteers who in turn make such a difference for neglected and hungry children, for the homeless, for people with disabilities and for the marginalized in society.

None of this can happen unless we take care of very ordinary needs like feeding the volunteers in Costa Rica or providing a van for the Syracuse house. This year we had to replace the van our volunteers use. Bro. Jim was able to get a new one for $19,000. Well, now the van fund is empty. We need to begin to replenish it. I’m not going to worry about it but instead remember the words of the prophet Jeremiah. “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

This season of Advent is very much a time of hope. We hope in a God who loves us so much that God comes to use as one of us. God comes to us today through the love, presence and caring we show to one another. I pray and hope that as you prepare for Christmas you will also remember our FrancisCorps volunteers and the people they serve. May God bless you and your families during this Holy Season!


Friar Rick

A Year of Transition but Legacy Continues Strong …

December 2011 Newsletter | 4


Greetings to you all from FrancisCorps here in Syracuse and a long distance “Hola” from those down in Costa Rica.

With the fall of the leaves, the arrival of Sister Coldness and the excitement of the holiday seasons approaching, it’s that time of the year to warm all your hearts with what’s going on with FrancisCorps and the wonderful 13th year we have among us all.

With a few minor changes in the FrancisCorps experience, the legacy continues full force ahead. Before you all start to plan your trip to visit us (wink, wink), I should inform you of some of those changes so you can find us. First of all, recalculate your GPS’s to Catawba street as we have relocated the FC office to our new home closer to Assumption Church. Once you park your car on the even side of the street… or odd depending on the day as we don’t want you to get a ticket, come knock on our door. You will be greeted by two new faces: one is better looking than the other but we will let you decide which is which! As many of

you might know, Friar Rick Riccioli is in the driver’s seat and I, Jordan Differding, am co-piloting right beside him. You might even be lucky enough to run into Brother Jim as he has returned from Rome and Assisi but will soon be off again to New Mexico for 100 days in the desert. So now that you all know where and who we are, we will have the coffee pot brewing anxiously awaiting your visit! Please feel free to stop in anytime!

Also, we have 11 new changes to the program that you will all read about in the next couple pages. I am going to build the suspense and not tell you what those changes are but I can guarantee they are 11 phenomenal additions that have provided great energy and enthusiasm to this years experience. They are the main drive behind what we do and I cannot express how well they have gelled together and have started to make their mark on our FrancisCorps Family.

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For me, it has been a year of transition just moving from the role of volunteer to an actually full-time work experience. This real life grown up gig is not too bad after all! There are some difficult times like not coming home to smell Arroz con Pollo cooking on the stove or waking up to a fresh brew of Costa Rican coffee made by one of my amazing roommates. With those downs though there are some real ups to the job as well. I absolutely love the traveling and going school-to-school recruiting for FrancisCorps 14 and being able to share my story and experience with anyone I can. The feeling of passing on an experience that many of us have shared is one of the most rewarding aspects of this job. It was even better when some of you great Alums have come to help us out… so a shout out thanks to you all as well! We have gotten some really good responses from what seem like good quality students who have the fervor and ambition to serve. Send an extra prayer up to Sts. Francis and Clare for a little extra push towards FrancisCorps.

By the time you all read this, we will be finished with the recruiting fairs and back into the office. With our Costa Rican Toucan on the wall and some music to liven up a rather dull winter day, Rick and I are always making the tedious office work a little more fun. We have to keep the energy of FC flowing throughout our office as well right? Finally, the last highlight is the opportunity to act as a co-minister for this year’s volunteers. The invitation to join in on their journey or having supper with them is a privilege most do not get to experience, in which I feel very fortunate!

Ok, so I think you all might be half asleep right now so I will do as St. Francis did and stop using words and more actions. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and we ask the same here in the FC office, for our Syracuse and Costa Rican Volunteers and lastly for the greater FrancisCorps Family. We are off to a great start and with your help it will continue throughout the year. Thank you all for that continued support!

Paz y Bien!Jordan Differding

P.S. The coffee is still brewing… see you all soon hopefully!

Meet our 2011-2012 Volunteers

December 2011 Newsletter | 6


Carolyn Zippilli (From: Cherry Hill, NJ Studied: Secondary Education & Hispanic Studies at Boston College)

My favorite element of the FrancisCorps experience is life

in community. By sharing daily meals and prayer, the people I live with are becoming much more than housemates; they are friends and companions on this challenging but exciting emotional and spiritual journey. The home and family that we are building together is essential for understanding and growth.

Rebecca Pierson (From: Cincinnati, OH Studied: University of Dayton International Studies; Political Science; Spanish

The absolute best thing about FrancisCorps is the laughter. Despite the occasional trials, I can honestly say that not a day has gone by without at least one great laugh. Many have resulted from sharing ridiculous stories and playing games at our house, however some of the most sidesplitting have stemmed from simply hanging out and talking with the kids at Vincent House.

Luke Morgan (From: Lexington, KY Studied: History/Teaching at Eastern Kentucky University)

My greatest experience in FrancisCorps has been to step

out of my comfort zone in many ways. Working with the poor, embracing poverty and simplicity, and living in community have all asked me to try new things. Yet these challenges have given me many great insights about my faith, values, and future plans that I would never receive unless I took my leap of faith to join FrancisCorps.

Carolyn Berlandy (From: Farmington, CT Studied: Biology & Spanish for Health Services at The Catholic University of America)

My favorite moment so far at FrancisCorps has been Music Thursdays at Bishop Foery Pre-K. I brought in my guitar and started playing Fleetwood Mac for my class of nine 4 and 5-year-olds, and they danced around the room, showing me their ballet and hip hop skills all at once. The joy they showed in the simple act of dancing to a song was both beautiful and humbling.

Kaitlyn Mullen (From: Miller Place, NY Studied: Management and International Studies at Fairfield University)

It’s hard to pick just one thing as my favorite FrancisCorps moment so far. However, any favorites that come to mind all revolve around community. It is so refreshing to escape the seriousness of work for just a brief time and relax with one another. The silly moments we all share, whether it is a special 13th celebration or sitting around the table playing fishbowl or categories … those are the moments I cherish the most.

Amanda Connell: (From: Spokane, WA Studied: Civil and Environmental Engineering at Seattle University)

I have learned not to underestimate the power of being present. Simply being with those who are suffering and listening to thier voices is a powerful way of showing my care, concern, and compassion for the girls I work with. Its a way to say you are a beautiful and precious human being.

7 | December 2011 Newsletter

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Julianne Rees (From: Thornton, PA Studied Neuroscience at the University of Scranton)

My favorite part about the FrancisCorps experience

has been learning about the rich and diverse cultures of the refugees in our area. Although they look to us for help in their new home in the States, our refugee neighbors in the Northside have taught me so much about the value of family, the importance of hard work, the beauty of one’s heritage, and the inspiration of a strong faith.

Molly Boyle (From: New Ulm, MN Studied: Anthropology and Preprofessional Studies major at The University of Notre Dame)

One of those things I love about FrancisCorps is the community foundation the program is built on with an emphasis on faith in which service is based off the mission of St. Francis. I am also able to meet so many amazing people (staff, patients, and families) on the job and devote my time to a foundation that does such great work.

Margie Ratay (From: Pittsburgh, PA Studied: Social Work at The Catholic University of America)

My favorite moment at FrancisCorps so far is the amount of laughter I have shared both with my community and with the staff and children at my work site.

Nicole Santarsiero (From: Avon, Connecticut Studied: Spanish and Religious Studies at Stonehill College)

Part of FrancisCorps that I especially value is the

integration of Franciscan spirituality. I am intrigued by how, after so many centuries, the wisdom and ideals of Saint Francis and Saint Clare continue to shape our world. For me personally their influence has helped develop my individual spirituality, and has allowed me to further appreciate the importance of community and simple living.

Gina Didio (From: Skaneateles, NY Studied: English Literature at LeMoyne College)

One of the greatest things about FrancisCorps is its

emphasis on Community Living. FrancisCorps relies heavily on the relationships that you cultivate both inside and outside of the home. Being able to come home at the end of the day and share all of the highs and lows has made all the difference and has built a wonderful family foundation for us all.

Scan QRcode with your smartphone app to subscribe to our e-newsletter or visit our website www.franciscorps.org.

Inside this issue:

Creating Miracles p.1

A Life Changing Experience p.1

Message From Friar Rick p.2

FrancisCorps at a Glance p.3

Legacy Continues Strong p.4

Meet Our Volunteers p.6


P.O. Box 11166Syracuse, NY 13218

Creating Miracles cont’d from page 1

When I started FrancisCorps, I was amazed and even intimidated by the sheer amount of accomplishments that my housemates and previous FrancisCorps members were able to accomplish. Little did I know was that I would be able to create my own small miracles working as a member of the Northside CYO staff. Living up to the challenge of providing for the disadvantaged, expanding your world view, and calling upon your creativity to make something big from very little will always be something I remember, and something I call upon in my life today. Today I look upon the poor and disadvantaged with an element of empathy, experience and knowledge that I could only get with FrancisCorps. As I continue my career, develop new friendships, and parent my children, I carry with me my FrancisCorps experience everywhere I go. I can only hope the influence I bring is as strong as the influence FrancisCorps had on me.

—John Riehman-Murphy, FrancisCorps2

A Life Changing Experience cont’d from page 1

wonderful staff, it is nice to know that through your trials and tribulations there are dozens of people who have you in their prayers.

While working in Syracuse, I solidified my passion

to serve the local community. It is this passion that

has helped me find my current job as the program

coordinator in a community service center. Every day,

I work with students who want to make a difference in

their community. I help these students figure out how

they can do that. My year in FrancisCorps helped me to

recognize that I wanted to not only serve myself, but that

I wanted to help empower others so that they would want

to serve their community.

One of the unique aspects of FrancisCorps is the fact

that volunteers are asked to eat and pray together once a

day. This daily routine was something I took for granted

because after leaving FrancisCorps, I have recognized how

hard this can be to implement in the “real world”.

Since moving home, I have made it a priority to make my

family sitdown and eat together at least once a week. In

this time, we are able to enjoy one another’s company, and

catch up on the past week. In a society that is always on

the go, it is crucial to make time for the ones that you love.

FrancisCorps was a life changing experience that

continues to help me each and every day.

—Ashlee Downing, FrancisCorps10

You’re invited!Join us at

Alverna Heights Retreat Center for Mass & simple dinner on

Saturday, January 14th at 4:00 PM. Come and meet the Syracuse Volunteers on retreat, our new

directors and celebrate the end of the Christmas Season connecting with

your FrancisCorps family. All are welcome!

RSVP to [email protected]