Pre-Field Cultural Adaption Training - Train International

Updated 06/2017 ORIENT Pre-Field Cultural Adaption Training

Transcript of Pre-Field Cultural Adaption Training - Train International

Updated 06/2017

ORIENT Pre-Field Cultural Adaption Training

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ORIENT PRE-FIELD CULTURAL ADAPTATION TRAINING TRAINING OBJECTIVES: To equip whole families of cross-cultural workers with implementable strategies for cultural adaptation and worldview discovery, rhythms and inspiration for spiritual formation, principles for leaving well, awareness of and coping strategies for intercultural stress and culture shock, skills for interpersonal conflict resolution, methods for team building, and preparedness for practical issues faced on field by singles and families.


Research reveals that of those who prematurely leave their cross-cultural ministries, 71% leave for preventable reasons. This two-week pre-departure intensive training aims to equip families and teams preparing to deploy for cross-cultural ministry to go prepared and stay effective on the field. Outcomes focus on developing Christ-like character, tailoring approaches to spiritual self-care, acquiring cultural insights and discerning cultural values, and improving interpersonal and conflict resolution skills. This training addresses the multiple intelligences and engages participants of each learning style. TRAIN partners with Discovery Ministries in Eminence, MO, during this training to lead participants through a multiple-day wilderness expedition providing a platform of experiences that draw out cross-cultural challenges and opportunities for growth in embracing the unexpected, dealing with conflict and ambiguity, and developing healthy relational skills.

Intentional continuity is built into the outdoor experiential components and the more traditional classroom model for a training opportunity that goes far beyond mere transmission of valuable information and fosters opportunity for greater integration of content. Participants are housed on-site and meals are provided for the duration of the training, and the training fees is all-inclusive.

By the end of the ORIENT training, participants will have completed sessions and engaged in:


Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity & Adaptation Competency Discerning, Interpreting, Explaining Personal & Cultural Values Worldview Analysis Culture Stress & Shock (Causes and Stages) Culture Stress & Shock (Coping) Culture Entry Posture / Entry Model On-Field Lifestyle Transitions Principles of Acculturation Issues in Acculturation Cross-Cultural Communication Culture-Crossing Simulation Group Activities

Go Prepared.

Stay Effective. 417.625.1400 PO Box 729 Joplin, MO 64802

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Worship Prayer Debriefings Continuity in the Story of God Spiritual Self-Care Listening & Solitude Fostering Habits of the Heart Spiritual Conflict Developing a Christ-Centered Identity Primary Calling in Ministry Cultivating an Asking Heart Personal Reflection Exercises

CULTIVATING SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, RELATIONAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH Personality Testing and Self-Awareness ToolsConflict Resolution: Conflict Issues & Conflict Resolution Styles Expectations of God, Others and Self Cross-Cultural Workers & Grief Cross-Cultural Workers & Stress Cross-Cultural Workers & Trust Men's & Women's Pitfalls in Cross-Cultural Ministry Family in Cross-Cultural Ministry TCKs in Cross-Cultural Ministry Sabbath: Maintaining Margins in MinistryLeaving Well Team Building Group Activities


Leadership Conflict Resolution Decision-making Stress Resiliency Confidence Building Team Building & Cooperation Responses to Stress Leading Under Stress Family Under Stress Group Activities