Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day...


Transcript of Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day...

Page 1: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Pre Conference Workshops

Page 2: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Pre Conference Workshops

Full Day Workshop 1

NSW Guidelines for the Maintenance of Stormwater

Treatment Measures Presented by Murray Powell, Optimal Stormwater/Stormwater NSW 8:30 am to 5:30 pm This workshop is aimed at Maintenance Managers and Cleaning Contractors, as well as Council staff involved in the sizing, siting and approval of stormwater treatment measures. This is a new course developed by Stormwater NSW. The focus of these new Guidelines is on primary treatments such as GPTs, Trashracks, Oil and Grit Separators and a variety of proprietary devices. The biggest reason for devices not delivering the outcomes expected is lack of maintenance or incorrect maintenance. This workshop runs off the back of the new Guidelines, produced by Stormwater NSW, that will become the industry standard and reference document for the Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Measures. Topics to be covered include:

� An introduction to the types of treatments, their classifications and purposes

� An introduction to the types of GPTs and their functionality (if you understand how they work, then you’ll understand how this impacts cleaning)

� The reality of monitoring, regular cleaning, and annual/comprehensive cleaning

� Quick coverage of 90% of proprietary devices

� A more detailed focus on the 4 devices that have 90% of the market

� Cleaning specifications for these – to include in tenders, and be used on the ground

� Secondary treatment/Green treatments – in summary only

� Dewatering – a problem for every site

� Field validation of performance, cleaning results

� GPT auditing and WSUD auditing

� Costing – how much should cleaning cost

� Budgeting and bean counters – how to get the money to do it right

� Results, reports and record keeping – why

� Tips for improving device performance – get better bang for your buck

� A copy of the Guidelines will be provided for all attendees.

The presenter for this workshop will be Murray Powell, who is secretary of Stormwater NSW, one of the document authors and General Manager of Optimal Stormwater who are one of the leaders in design/construction/auditing/rectification of stormwater treatment devices.

Workshop Format 09.00 am Workshop Commences 10.30 am Morning Tea 12.30 pm Lunch 15.00 pm Afternoon Tea

Page 3: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Pre Conference Workshops

17.00 pm Workshop Concludes

Workshop Fees

Member Rate: $595 per person

Non member Rate: $665 per person

Half Day Morning Workshop 1

Stormwater Asset Management 101

Presented by Magnolia Garcia, Innovyze

8:30 am to 12:30 pm

We design and construct our stormwater networks to provide a particular level of service and

budget, but are we continuing to provide this service throughout operation? Join this workshop to

learn the key elements to best practice asset management, see how easy it can be to determine

budget requirements and develop optimised pipe renewal programs.

� Learn the importance of CCTV and efficient use of the captured data

� Learn how asset management can lead the design process in order to gain optimal value

from your assets

� An overview of deterioration modelling, how we can learn from our prior failures, the

models available and the limitations to be aware of

� Take your pipe condition assessments to the next level with automated decision logic trees

and renewal optimisation tools

� Example of optimising maintenance expenditure for asset renewals

� The session will be followed by a live Q&A

Workshop Format

09.00 am Workshop Commences

10.30 am Morning Tea

12.30 pm Lunch

Workshop Fees

Member: $295.00

Non­member: $365.00

Page 4: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Pre Conference Workshops

Half Day Morning Workshop 2

Basin Design with ARR16

Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze

1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Storage requirements are imposed on the majority of development works today. In this workshop

we look at the theory behind storage basins, how to optimise designs to meet development

requirements and to ensure we protect our surrounding environment from the potentially harmful

impacts caused by development.

� Learn the theory behind detention basins

� Understand the effects development has on the surrounding environment

� Learn the method so you can practice with confidence

� Take your basin design to the next level using ARR16 rainfall

� Network with your peers

� See an example project on a detention basin design

� The session will be followed by a live Q&A

Workshop Format

12.30 pm Lunch

01.30 pm Workshop Commences

03.30 pm Afternoon Tea

Workshop Fees

Member: $295.00

Non­member: $365.00

Page 5: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Pre Conference Workshops


8.00 am Delegate Registration

Tea and Coffee on Arrival

Room All Plenary Sessions will be held in the Members Room

8.45 am Welcome to STORMWATER 2018

Chris Gray, Conference Facilitator

9.05 am Welcome to Country

Uncle Ray Davidson

9.10 am Conference Opening

Belinda Lovell, National President, Stormwater Australia

9.20 am Keynote Presentation

Jane Clary, Vice­president and Senior Water Resources Scientist, Wright Water Engineering, USA

10.05 am Keynote Presentation

Andrew Reese, Vice President and Principal Consultant, The Wood Group USA

10.50 am Gold Sponsor Welcome

Sydney Water

10.55 am Morning Tea

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

11.25 am A Review of the Status

of Stormwater Quality

Offset Collection and

Implementation in


Brad Dalrymple, BMT

Lincoln Square Flood

Purge Analysis ­ The

Devil is in the Detail

Rod Wiese, Storm


Stormwater in the

Landscape – Safety and

Risk Assessment

Andrew McMillan,

Alluvium Consulting

Scouring Velocity Out

of Waterway Design:

Time to Cleanup

Design Guidelines

Rick Dennis, Allan &


11.55 am Move to Next Concurrent Session

12.00 noon The Impact of


Expectations and Use

on the Operation of

WSUD in Ku­ring­gai


Sophia Findlay and

Anna Milner, Ku­ring­

gai Council

NSW Local


Stormwater Levy in

Use ­ Successes,

Shortcomings and the

Case for Change?

Lucie Bright, Alluvium


Building a Healthier

Tomorrow with

Passively Irrigated

Street Trees and Open


Sally Boer, Peter Breen,

Dale Browne, Dylan

Cain and Steve Buck

E2Designlab, Glenn

Browning, Healthy Land

and Water

Directly Connected

Impervious Areas in


Subdivisions in

Western Sydney

Stephen Gribble,


12.30 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

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Conference Program

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

12.35 pm Hydrological Models

and LiDAR Data

Implementation for

Quantifying Lot Scale

Rainwater Harvesting

and Future Flood Risks

in the City of


Dr Edmond Lascaris,

Bradley Byrne, Fleur

Anderson, Felicity

Ayres, Sandra George,

Stephen Comben,

Denise Turner and

Peter Ali, City of

Whittlesea, Sultana

Nasrin Baby, City of

Whittlesea and RMIT

University, Nahlah

Abbas, City of

Whittlesea and

Queensland Central


Flash Flood

Intelligence in the Age

of Instant


Sharon Wallace, BMT

Landscape Scale

Constructed Wetlands

for Improving Water

Quality and Protecting

the Great Barrier Reef

Damian McCann, AWC

Nathan Waltham,

Centre for Tropical

Water and Aquatic


Robelle Domain

Robbie Marshall,


1.05 pm Lunch

2.00 pm Systems Analysis

Quantifies Urban

Stormwater Resources

and Market

Mechanisms for Pricing

Stormwater and



Prof Peter Coombes,

Urban Water Cycle


Monitoring Hydraulic

Conductivity and Soil

Contamination in

Bioretention Systems

in SEQ Constructed in


Nicole Ramilo, BMT

Great Ocean Road


Investigations: Using

Modern Techniques to

Reduce Below Road

Landslide Risk

Mardi Medwell­Squier,

GHD, Wayne Perrett,



Engagement in


Communities to

Promote Waterway

Resiliance and

Sustainable Fishing,

Mun River, Thailand

Mark Gibson, MRG

Water Consulting

2.30 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

2.35 pm Which WSUD Assets

are Most Financially


Jarrod Gaut, City of

Greater Geelong and

Deakin University,


Baskaran and Lloyd

Chua, Deakin University

Are Bio­Retention

Basins an Example of

Cargo Cult


Nigel Bosworth,

Calibre Consulting

The Nexus of

Stormwater and


Matt Pilcher and Jessica

Rae, Yarra Ranges

Council, Lynze Cheung,

David McCarthy and

Rebekah Henry,

Monash University,

Toby Prosser,

Melbourne Water

Design Your Creek

Week – Community

Co­Design to for a 1.6

km Waterway

Naturalisation Project

Alan Hoban, Bligh

Tanner and Amalie

Wright, Landscapology,

Ben Walker, Ipswich

City Council

Page 7: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Conference Program

3.05 pm Afternoon Tea

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

3.35 pm Policy to

Implementation ­


Improvement of Water

Sensitive Design at the

Small Scale

Prudence Tucker, April

McKay and Louise

Morris, MidCoast


Sediment Retention

Behaviour of


Permeable Pavements

Dr Kelly Hill, Water

Research Australia, Prof

Simon Beecham,

University of South


Use It or Lose It: The

Value of Urban

Stormwater in Cooling

Our Cities

Martin O’Dea,

CLOUSTON Associates

Nutrient Management

in the Hawkesbury­

Nepean River System

Iain Fairbairn, Sydney


4.05 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

4.10 pm ACT Healthy

Waterways – A

Program to Deliver

Citywide Stormwater

Quality Improvements

Justin Foley, ACT

Environment Planning

and Sustainable



Controlling the

Variables – Part 2: The

Trade­Offs of Field

Testing vs Lab Testing

Dr Darren Drapper,

Drapper Environmental


Hydraulic Modelling, A

Tool to Identify

Integrated Water Cycle



Celine Marchenay and

Warwick Bishop,

Water Technology,

Nigel Pugh, Melbourne

Water, Dan Stevens,

BECA, Paul Edwards,

Urban Water Solutions


Sustainable Water

Strategy Through

Development Industry


Ian Adams, Organica

Engineering, Edward

Cotter, City of Greater


4.40 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

4.45 pm Wentworth Falls Lake

Living Catchment


Geoffrey Smith, Blue

Mountains City Council


Management of the

Verification and

Certification of

Stormwater Control


James Lenhart and

Vaikko Allen, Contech

Engineered Solutions

Impact Assessment of

Berkeley Vale


Pollutant Loads in

Nearshore Zone of

Tuggerah Lake

Rebecca Swanson,

Aaron Wright, Dr Peter

Scanes and Angus

Ferguson, NSW Office

of Environment and


The Influence of

Statutory Land Use

Planning on Water

Sensitive Urban Design


Dr Don Williams,

Formerly Monash

University Faculty of


5.15 pm End of Day 1 Conference Proceedings

5.30 pm –

7.30 pm

Conference Welcome Reception – Field of Play, ANZ Stadium

Page 8: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Conference Program


7.00 am Morning Tai Chi

7.30 am –

8.45 am

Women in Stormwater Breakfast – Platinum Lounge, ANZ Stadium sponsored by:

8.00 am Delegate Registration

Room All Plenary Sessions will be held in the Members Room

9.00 am Welcome to Day 2

Chris Gray, Conference Facilitator

9.40 am Keynote Presentation

Rod Redenbach

10.25 am Gold Sponsor Welcome

Storm Consulting

10.30 am Morning Tea

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

11.00 am Ballarat City Integrated

Water Management

Plan: A Model for

Collaborative Action in

Regional Cities and


Celeste Morgan,

E2Designlab and John

Frjelda, Central

Highlands Water


Contamination and

Urban Water Security

Craig Rothleitner, UST

Pty Ltd

High Flow Biofiltration

Stormwater Treatment

Systems: An Evaluation

of USA Research and its

Applicability within an

Australian Context

Michael Wicks,

Stormwater360, Geoff

Hunter, Hunter

Environmental Services

To Be Advised

11.30 am Move to Next Concurrent Session

11.35 am Extreme Wetland

Makeover – Multiple

Benefits at Mountain

View Reserve

Andrew McMillan,

Alluvium Consulting, Tim

Gowing and Daria Rech,

Penrith City Council

Victoria’s Integrated

Water Planning

Framework – The

Goulburn Broken Case


Damien D'Aspromonte,

Foresight Advisory,

James Newton and Anna

May, Department of

Environment, Land

Water and Planning,

Alan Tyson and Steve

McKensie, Goulburn

Valley Water

Naturalising Sydney’s


Dan Cunningham and

Phil Birtles, Sydney

Water, Richard

McManus and Dominic

Blackham, Alluvium

Engineered Earth

Armoring Solutions: An

Alternative to Rock


Drew Loizeaux, Propex

Operating Company,

Martin Smith, Global


12.05 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

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Conference Program

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

12.10 pm Coupling CFD Analysis

and 2D Flood Modelling

James Apostolidis, GHD

The Goliath of


Management Planning

Nona Ruddell and Leonie

Gray, Fairfield City


To Be Advised Testing the SQIDEP ­

Experiences and

Challenges of



Benjamin Modra, Water

Research Laboratory

UNSW, Dr Darren

Drapper, Drapper



12.40 pm Lunch

1.35 pm Royal Melbourne Golf

Club ­ Over 8 Years of

Stormwater Harvesting

and Treatment


Peter Gordon and Kurt

Dahl, Permeate Partners

Bolin Bolin Stormwater

Harvesting ­ The

Complications of

Integrated Water

Management with

Multiple Stakeholders

Rod Wiese, Storm


Constraints and

Opportunities for

Management of Urban

Waterways to Achieve

Multiple Benefits

Beth Salt and David

Reid, Georges

Riverkeeper, Michael

Bales, Bales

Environmental Services

Implications of Recent

Research on Stormwater

Quality Targets and


Alan Hoban, Bligh Tanner

2.05 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

2.10 pm Bill Mitchell Park

Stormwater Harvesting


Hugh Williamson,

Murray Powell and Omid

Sayar, Optimal

Stormwater, Kylie

McMahon and Brian

Jacobs, City of Ryde

Kingston Stormwater

Quality In­Liew

Contributions Scheme

Emily Boucher and Alan

West, City of Kingston,

Michael Godfrey,

Melbourne Water,

Jeremy Cheesman,

Marsden Jacob


Evaluation of Creek

Restoration Works at

Blacktown City

Council’s Lalor Creek

Craig Bush, Blacktown

City Council, Carl

Tippler, CT

Environmental Pty Ltd

Designing for the Future:

Sediment Accumulation

Analysis Through

Maintenance of WSUD


Fotos Melaisis,

Stormwater360 Australia

2.40 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

2.45 pm A Retrospective

Perspective of Effective

Stormwater Harvesting

– Looking Back to Move


Rod Wiese, Storm


Communicating the

Value of WSUD and the

Role of ‘best­practice’

Pollutant Removal

Targets: A Waverley

Case Study

Anna Thompson,

McGregor Coxall,

Genevieve Wilson,

Waverley Council

We Are Not Alone:

Creating Content for


Practitioners of IWM

Lindsey Brown, Foundry

When Do I Clean My

GPT? Using Good

Monitoring to Forecast

the Maintenance of


Ben Penhallurick, Renew


3.15 pm Afternoon Tea

Page 10: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Conference Program

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

3.45 pm Use of Direct Rain as an

Investigation Process

and Design of Basins

using ARR2016 Methods

Prof Peter Coombes,

Urban Water Cycle


H2OK, A Region Wide

Stormwater Education

Program ­ Making a


Lyndsey Day, ACT


Cooks River Catchment


Improvement Study

Brad Dalrymple, BMT,

Judy Charles, Georges

River Council, Charles

Coathup and Ben

Penhallurick, Renew


Establishing Technical

Standards for Organic

Biofiltration Media

Eric Love, Centre for

Organic Research &

Education Inc

4.15 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

4.20 pm When to Use Hydrologic

Lump and Semi­

Distributed Approach to

Determine Critical

Duration and Storm


Daniel Niven, K.Clayfield

and Y. Yan, Premise

‘Out With the Old, In

With the New’ –

Upcycling a Terminally


Guy Amos, Optimal

Stormwater Pty Ltd, Jim

Moore, North Sydney


A New Approach to


Management to


Placemaking and

Resilience Benefits

Glenn Browning and

Andrew O’Neill, Healthy

Land and Water, Kristy


Bioretention Filter

Media: Bridging Gaps

Between Disciplines

Jonas Larsen, Renew


4.50 pm Close of Day 2

7.00 pm –

11.00 pm

STORMWATER 2018 Conference Dinner and National Awards for Excellence – Millennium Ballroom, ANZ

Stadium sponsored by:

Page 11: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Conference Program


8.30 am Delegate Registration

Room All Plenary Sessions will be held in the Members Room

9.30 am Welcome to Day 3

Chris Gray, Conference Facilitator

9.45 am Keynote Presentation

Ruth Hocker, Stormwater Project Manager, City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA

10.30 am Morning Tea

11.00 am Debate: Contemporary Stormwater Management Fails to Provide Adequate Value and Our Decision

Makers Know It

Emma James, Sydney Water, Andrew Reese, The Wood Group USA, Ben Penhallurick, Renew Solutions,

Lindsay Brown, Foundry, Jeremy Cheesman, Marsden Jacob Associates, Madeleine Greenlee, Bligh Tanner

12.30 pm Lunch

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

1.30 pm Applying ARR 2016 To

Stormwater Drainage


Dr Geoffrey O'Loughlin,

Anstad Pty Ltd,

Benjamin Kus, Bob Stack

Clever Use of Existing

Infrastructure to

Minimise Construction

Cost – Tally Ho

Stormwater Harvesting


Rod Wiese, Storm


A Comprehensive Water

Infrastructure Asset

Management and

Optimisation Project for

North Sydney Council’s

Largest SWH Scheme

Omid Sayar, Optimal

Stormwater, David

Manson, North Sydney


Maintenance Regimes

Affect Stormwater

Quality Improvement

Device Performance

Dr Peter Scanes and

Aaron Wright, NSW

Office of Environment

and Heritage

2.00 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

2.05 pm How Important are Pits

in Overland Flow


David Whyte and Bala

Kilaparty, Cardno

Much Ado About Next

To Nothing; A

Stormwater Quality

Data Handling Below

Detection Limits

Dr Darren Drapper,

Drapper Environmental


Just Keep Pumping

Reflection on the Use of

Injection Grouting for

In­Situ Refurbishment

of Drainage Systems

and Discussion of the

Challenges, Limitations

and Possibilities

Jason Cooper,

Wollongong City Council, Gabriel Tugrul, GT Civil

Pty Ltd

Are Your Stormwater

Treatment Assets a

Ticking Time Bomb,

Waste of Money or

Fantastic Resource?

Murray Powell, Optimal


2.35 pm Move to Next Concurrent Session

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Conference Program

Members Room Ambassadors Rooms Olympians Room Platinum Lounge

2.40 pm Management of Water

Quality Issues in Urban

Stormwater Ponds

Ryan Xu and Ricky Kwan,

Storm Consulting

Waterway Health

Improvement Program

Dan Cunningham and

Amanda Chimkievitch,

Sydney Water

Challenges of

Implementing $400

million of Regional

Water Quality


Mark Liebman,

Sustainability Workshop

and Blacktown City

Council, Ross Jennings,

Blacktown City Council

Point Break for the

WSUD Asset Wave

Brad Dalrymple and

Adyn De Groot, BMT,

Charles Coathup and

Ben Penhallurick, Renew


3.10 pm Afternoon Tea

3.30 pm Willoughby Council LGA

Wide Integrated Water

Management Strategy

Hugh Williamson and

Murray Powell, Optimal

Stormwater, Reid Butler,


A New Method for

Protecting Urbanising

Waterways: Urban

Streamflow Impact


Dr Stephanie Kermode,

Dr Marlene van der

Sterren and Phillip

Birtles Sydney Water, Dr

Geoff Vietz, Streamology

Pty Ltd, Carl Tippler, CT

Environmental, Kathy

Russell and Prof Tim

Fletcher, The University

of Melbourne, Michael

Dean, i2i Digital

Advanced Technology

for Cyclones Storm

Damage Risk Reduction

Systems and Flood

Protection Levees

Amir Shahkolahi and

Martin Smith, Global

Synthetics, Scott

Manning and Drew

Loizeaux, Propex

What We Are Spending

on Stormwater in

Western Sydney?

Peter Gillam, AECOM

4.00 pm Move to Plenary Ballroom

4.05 pm Closing Presentation, Announcement of Destination for 2020 National Conference and Prize Draw

Belinda Lovell, Stormwater Australia

4.30 pm Conference Close

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Conference Program

Conference Registration Fees

Standard Full Conference Member Rate: $1140 per person

Standard Full Conference Non Member Rate: $1310 per person

Standard Full Conference with Welcome Reception only Member Rate $1010 per person

Standard Full Conference with Welcome Reception only Non Member Rate: $1180 per person

Standard Day Registration Member Rate $595 per person

Standard Day Registration Non Member Rate $665 per person

Page 14: Pre Conference Workshops - · 2018-09-20 · Pre Conference Workshops Half Day Morning Workshop 2 Basin Design with ARR16 Presented by Sophia Buchanan, Innovyze 1:30

Technical – Friday, 12th October

Conference Technical Tour

Full details of the final program will be provided by the end of June 2018.

Technical Tour Format

08.30 am Coach departs from the Novotel Sydney Olympic Park

10.30 am Morning Tea

12.30 pm Lunch

16.30 pm Coach returns to the Novotel Sydney Olympic Park

Standard Member Rate: $325 per person

Standard Non member Rate: $375 per person