Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.


Transcript of Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Page 1: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.
Page 2: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Prayer List

• Published on 13 Apr 11

Page 3: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.


• Published on 13 Apr 11

Page 4: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

DeuteronomyWeek Date Topic

1 09 Mar 11 Chapter 1:1-2:23 – Introduction and Moses’ Address

2 16 Mar 11 Chapter 2:24-4:43 - Conquest, Transition, Covenant

3 23 Mar 11 Chapter 4:44-6:25 – The Law

4 30 Mar 11 Chapter 7:1-11:32 – Application of the Principles

5 06 Apr 11 Chapter 12:1-14:21 – First Three Commandments

6 13 Apr 11 Chapter 14:22-18:22 – 4th and 5th Commandments

7 20 Apr 11 Chapter 19:1-23:19 – 6th and 7th Commandments

8 27 Apr 11 Chapter 23:20-25:16 – 8th thru 10th Commandments

9 04 May 11 Chapter 26:1-27:26 – Covenant law and preparation

10 11 May 11 Senior Blessing – No classes

11 18 May 11 Chapter 28:1-68 – Blessings and Curses

12 25 May 11 Chapter 29:1-30:20 – Moses’ Final Address

13 01 Jun 11 Chapter 31:1-34:12 – Moses’ Final Actions

Page 5: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Key Points for Today’s Lesson• Review last week’s class• God commands the Israelites to tithe• Learn about laws regarding providing to the poor,

especially among God’s own people• Review laws of the firstborn• Review various events Israel was to celebrate• Learn about laws of justice and laws pertaining to

kings• Learn about false prophets

Page 6: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Last Week• God commands that Israel would destroy

Canaanite places of worship when crossing into the Promised Land

• God directs that worship to Him should be done in a pure and joyous form

• Israel should avoid enticement from worshipping gods of other people

• God commands the Israelites to separate themselves from the pagan customs and traditions

Page 7: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Hebrew Calendar

Page 8: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.
Page 9: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

• God commands the Israelites to give a portion of their agricultural wealth back to Him (vs. 22-23)– Hebrew word asar - or tithe, to give 10%

– Also modier “truly” is used, discouraging “creative” giving (well, since I had to load it up, that counts 1%)

• Instructions where transporting the tithe was not practical (vs. 24-27)– Tithe can be converted to money and given

• Third-year tithe (vs. 28-29)– Command to once each year give the tithe to not

only the Levite but also the poor

– God would then bless all their work

Command to Tithe (14:22-29)

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• The NT does not specifically command tithing; however it does speak of it in a positive light

• Must be done with the right heart– Luke 11:42

• Tithing was practiced and honored by God before the Mosaic law– Hebrews 7:5-9

• Principle of giving– Should be regular, planned, proportional (1 Cor 16:


– Generous, freely given, and cheerful

– 2 Cor 9

NT and Tithing

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• Release debts every seventh year (vs. 1-6)– Money was loaned with the understanding that debts

would be canceled every seventh year

• Command to be generous to the poor (vs. 7-11)– Law of debt forgiveness was never to be used to

discourage the rich Israelites not to lend

– Charitable giving was to start with those of the faith

– Read Gal 6:10

• Command to release slaves every seventh year (vs. 12-15)

• Law of the bond-slave (vs. 16-18)– Willing slave could stay by his choice

Laws Regarding the Poor (15:1-18)

Page 12: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

• Principle of firstborn (vs. 19)– All firstborn males from the herd or flock would be

sanctified to the Lord

– Do no work with the firstborn, nor shear

– Three reasons• Israel was God’s firstborn (Ex 4:22)

• Firstborn was thought to be the best, best always given to God

• Reminder to all future generations

• What to do with the giving of the firstborn (vs. 20-23)– Eat it before the Lord

– Not to sacrifice a defective animal to the Lord

Law of Firstborn (15:19-23)

Page 13: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

• Sacrifice of the Passover (vs. 1-2)– Observe the month of Abib, keep the Passover

– God brought them out of Egypt in the month of Abib

– Christ is our Passover lamb (1 Cor 5:7)

• Feast of Unleavened Bread (vs. 3-4)– Followed Passover

– Leaven was paralleled with sin and corruption

– God called them to not use leaven in their bread

• Regulations of Passover (vs. 5-8)– Covered rules concerning the Passover sacrifice

– Only sacrificed at the place of God’s chosing

Observance of Passover (16:1-8)

Page 14: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

• Feast of Weeks (vs. 9-10)– A feast associated with the celebration of harvest

– Israelites brought a freewill offering to the Lord

– Demonstrated thanks felt in their heart

• Joy of Pentecost (vs. 11-12)– A time of joyful thanksgiving

– Heartfelt response to God

– Review Leviticus 23:15-21

• Day of Pentecost in Acts 2– No atoning sacrifice necessary because Jesus had

already paid the price

Observance of Pentecost (16:9-12)

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• How to observe the Feast of Tabernacles (vs. 13-15)– Seven days on the 15th day of the Tishri

– See Leviticus 23:39

• Command to observe each of the three feasts (vs. 16-17)– All males– Three feasts (Unleavened Bread, Weeks, Tabernacles)

• Appointment of Judges and Officers (vs. 18-20)

• Prohibition against building sacred poles worshipping the gods of the pagans

Feast of Tabernacles (16:13-22)

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• Religious offenses (vs. 1-5)– How to administer justice to the nation of Israel

– Provides legal precedents to judge future cases

– Not to bring a defective sacrifice

• Standard of evidence (vs. 6-7)– Never to be capital punishment unless there was

evidence from at least two independent, unimpeachable sources (also see 1 Tim 5:19)

• Provision made for higher courts (vs. 8-13)– God established a court of appeals in Israel– Judges engaged to review harder cases

Laws of Justice (17:1-13)

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• God’s indirect promise of a future king for Israel (vs. 14-15)– Moses’ narrates a future state where Israel will want a

king, this actually happened 400 years later

– God directs that it can’t be a foreigner

• Commands for the king (vs. 16-17)– Shall not multiply horses, meaning he must not put

undue trust in military might

– Shall not multiply wives, meaning he must not put undue emphasis on physical indulgence and personal status

• The king and the word of God (vs. 18-20)– Word of God shall be kept close to the king

Laws Pertaining to Kings (17:14-20)

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• Inheritance of the Levites (vs. 1-2)– Levites were not to have allotted portions of land for

their own possession

– They were to be supported by the gifts and offerings of God’s people

• Specific portions of sacrificial animals set apart for the Levites (vs. 3-5)

• All the Levites had equal rights to the offerings (vs. 6-8)– Even if traversing the land of Israel, they had the

same right to the portion due the Levites

Priests and Prophets (18:1-8)

Page 19: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

• Command to reject all the occult practices of the Canaanites (vs. 9-11)– Avoid the debased worship of the Canaanite god


– Or anyone who practices witchcraft, soothsayer, sorcerers, mediums, etc

• Why to reject these occult practices (vs. 12-14)– Abominations to the Lord because the practitioner

will rely on the occult instead of God

• Promise of the true Prophet to come (vs. 15-19)– Read Acts 3:19-26

• Penalty for a false prophet is death (vs. 20-22)

Prescriptions for Prophets (18:9-22)

Page 20: Prayer List Published on 13 Apr 11 Announcements Published on 13 Apr 11.

Review• Reviewed last week’s class

• God commanded the Israelites to tithe• God established laws which provided part of the

tithe to the poor• Moses reviewed the laws of the firstborn as well as

various events Israel was to celebrate• Learned about laws of justice and laws pertaining to

kings• Learned about false prophets • Next week: Chapter 19:1-23:19 – 6th and 7th
