Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to...


Transcript of Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to...

Page 1: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 2: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Pray…with great faith

…for others (by name)…and for yourself – that

God would use you to help point people toward


Pray. Invest. Invite.Easter is coming.

Page 3: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Invest (in people)…sincerely and without an

agenda…by loving them regardless of

whether or not they say, “yes,” to Jesus.

Pray. Invest. Invite.Easter is coming.

Page 4: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Invite…to church

“And Andrew brought Peter to Jesus”

…into spiritual conversations (where we listen a lot!)

Pray. Invest. Invite.Easter is coming.

Page 5: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

We’re praying for

2000 people

to come here on

Easter Sunday!

Pray. Invest. Invite.Easter is coming.

Page 6: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 7: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 8: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Two Key Themes:

The heart of God is for people… we are treasured

We get to play a part… we make a difference

Pray. Invest. Invite.Why it matters.

Page 9: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

“Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”

Revelation 12:7-9Pray. Invest. Invite.

Why it matters.

Page 10: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 11: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” 2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Genesis 3:1-5

Pray. Invest. Invite.Why it matters.

Page 12: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 13: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

“The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.

Exodus 34:6-7aPray. Invest. Invite.

Why it matters.

Page 14: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 15: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Two Key Themes:

The heart of God is for people… we are treasured

We get to play a part… we make a difference

Pray. Invest. Invite.Why it matters.

Page 16: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.
Page 17: Pray …with great faith …for others (by name) …and for yourself – that God would use you to help point people toward Jesus. Pray. Invest. Invite. Easter.

Easter Sunday, April 5

8:00 (Classic)

9:15 (Classic)

10:30 (Contemporary)

11:45 (Contemporary)

Pray. Invest. Invite.Easter is coming!