Praise Be! - Whittlewood Parishes · 3 about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise...

NEW YEAR SPECIAL PLEA from Margaret Holland Pianist Wanted:- for Tuesday 13 th February, to accompany some community singing on a key board, at Clare House Care Home Whittlebury Rd, starting at 2.30pm, for 1 hour. THE PARISHES OF SILVERSTONE, ABTHORPE, SLAPTON WHITTLEBURY & PAULERSPURY Also inside: News from people and parishes: including information on church life. A section about our Outreach. A section about our Discipleship, nurturing in the faith. Christmas events, Our vision in the Whittlewood parishes is to know God better, love others and reach out with the good news of Jesus January/February 2018 Issue 4 The bi-monthly magazine for The Whittlewood Benefice. Praise Be!

Transcript of Praise Be! - Whittlewood Parishes · 3 about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise...

Page 1: Praise Be! - Whittlewood Parishes · 3 about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise Be!’] Holy Week and Easter! Then to Ascension and Pentecost, this period in which


SPECIAL PLEA from Margaret Holland Pianist Wanted:- for Tuesday 13th February, to accompany some community singing on a key board, at Clare House Care Home Whittlebury Rd, starting at 2.30pm, for 1 hour.



Also inside: News from people and parishes: including information on church life. A section about our Outreach. A section about our Discipleship, nurturing in the faith. Christmas events,

Our vision in the Whittlewood parishes is to know God better, love others and reach out with the good

news of Jesus

January/February 2018 Issue 4

The bi-monthly magazine for The Whittlewood Benefice.

Praise Be!

Page 2: Praise Be! - Whittlewood Parishes · 3 about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise Be!’] Holy Week and Easter! Then to Ascension and Pentecost, this period in which


From Revd Paul As we begin this New Year, the year of our Lord 2018, we have the wonder of new opportunities.

We have taken time through Advent, through the build up to New Year in the last days of 2017 to reflect and look back.

Now, let us look forward.

We always look ahead with the lessons of the past to guide us, but the past is not to restrict us or to stop us from moving on.

I am often asked the history of our churches, when were they built, etc. I have to say, my answer is usually that I am not really overly interested in these facts, my interest is in the people today and how we can work together for tomorrow, for the Kingdom of God which is for us, today and into the future.

Please be assured, this is not to be disrespectful to the heritage of our churches, our church communities from the years, many years, before us. There is much to learn and to be helped with from the past. However, we do not live in the past, we live in the present and we can only make any difference for God’s mission if we work today, with people who live today, with a view to tomorrow.

And our tomorrow now is the year that is to come, these 12 months.

The question then is: What can we do for the Kingdom of Heaven in the time we have?

In the coming year we shall have many opportunities to worship God, to learn about our relationship with God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our communities, with our neighbours and the many visitors that will come amongst us in the time ahead.

It is in the way we live, as people who have the light of Christ in our lives, filling us with hope and with love that matters; that will make a difference and that should draw more and more people to share in the worship of God and the joy of being Church.

Some of the highlights to look ahead for in our churches will be 14 weddings and one Renewal of Vows service. Hopefully we shall have Baptism Services to enjoy too.

We are going to follow through the churches year, with Epiphany, the Baptism of Christ, Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, leading us onwards with Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday [more

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about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise Be!’] Holy Week and Easter! Then to Ascension and Pentecost, this period in which we shall observe the Global Wave of Prayer entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, hopefully with events in our Benefice.

We move through to Trinity Sunday and then the Sundays after Trinity, during which time we shall celebrate our Patronal Festivals, celebrating the life of our five individual parishes.

It would be good this year if a little more effort was made to support one another on these occasions, this is a reflection on the last couple of years, it seems that, for many, Benefice Services are an excuse for an extra Sunday ‘off’, though why any Christian would not want to make the effort to attend worship on the day of Resurrection is beyond me!

We will have the events of the motor racing world affecting us through the summer, the Grand Prix, World Endurance Championship, MotoGp [the bikes], Rally Cross World Championship event for the first time, along with Silverstone Classic and many other race meetings. These are opportunities for us, we can show hospitality, share Good News; show that the Church, that Jesus is present and relevant in all aspects of life.

We will continue on through 2018 with Rogationtide, with Harvest, All Saints and All Souls before we come to the 100

th Anniversary of

the end of the First World War, the Great War, when we come to Armistice Day, Remembrance Sunday [they are the same day this year, the 11

th November falling on a Sunday], although it continues

to be a logistical challenge, it is going to be important to make a big effort this year in particular as we mark Remembrance. I know that plans are already being put in place for these events.

And then, we shall come around to Christ the King, Advent and the run up to Christmas once again.

What else can we do as Church though?

I wonder if, when events happen in the world and fund raising is required, should we, the churches not be at the forefront of this work, these activities? The community outside the church often sees us and all they see is that we are raising money for ourselves. This is needed, but we should also be those who respond speedily when there are issues to be addressed.

We are all created in the image of God, how much do we reflect the

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Something for the weekend?

Clare has held a couple of these sessions now in the Church

Rooms in Silverstone. So, yes, it has started, well done Clare.

We now need to establish these sessions into peoples minds in the

wider community beyond those who already know about the

Church, to be an opportunity for outreach and the sharing of love

and care.

They offer time.

Time to be valued: Time to be able to talk, or listen, or indeed, to

just be!

Clare’s next offering will be at 2:15 on Friday 5th January.

The hope is then to run these each fortnight during term time.

Please pray for Clare and for this new experience of church that

God will work with Clare and with all who would benefit from

sharing in ‘Something for the weekend!’

wonder, the beauty; the awesome power of this truth in the way we live?

As we look ahead, as we think on how we can be Christ’s Body in the world today, let us look out for the opportunities to be compassionate, generous and loving, for this is the image of God we see in Jesus, and this is how, when we are being those who follow Jesus, we should live.

I have every confidence that we can and will be the people of God, Christians worthy of the title and so I wish everyone a truly Happy New Year, a year that may be filled with the power and wonder of the love of God.

OUTREACH! We have a section on how we can reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it, or who are indifferent to it or even antagonistic to it. For this is Jesus instruction to us.

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What Else? In Matthew’s Gospel we hear the words of Jesus Christ and His instruction to take the Gospel to all people. Matthew 28. 16-end Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. So, over to you. How can we ensure that we are following Christ’s instruction? St Luke in the Acts of the Apostles writes: Acts 2:17 God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. So, please, consider how we can be listening to God and then, having listened, how we can actually engage together in God’s Mission to the world. This proclamation of Good News. Think, pray, dream have visions and then share with us that we may hear the will of God and act upon this together.

This is not quite the way I was considering!

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From the Benefice Diary

1st November: Funeral of Cliff Webster [Paulerspury]


November Wedding of Will to Naomi [Silverstone]

4th November Baptism of Ellie Mae Farr [Silverstone]

7th November Burial of Ashes of Vernon Andrew Henry

Rogers [Paulerspury]

8th November Official Opening of Silverstone CE Primary


9th November Funeral of Derrick Wallace Humphries


10th November Funeral of Geoff Corlett [Whittlebury]

15th December Funeral of Jonathan Grant Galsworthy



December Funeral of John Whitehead [Silverstone]


I have included this under Outreach as these the ‘occasional offices’ as we call them are about reaching out to people in their

times of need or celebration. An important part of what we do as the church.

Ash Wednesday : 14th

February 2018

We will have a service of the Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes on this day at 6 p.m. in St Mary’s Church, Whittlebury. This is a Benefice Event!

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent, the 40 days of preparation be-

fore the great celebration of Easter. When I say 40 days, we do not count the Sunday’s! Every Sunday is a day of celebration of the Resurrection, as we celebrate the love that has given us hope of the forgiveness of our wrongdoings and the way to life everlasting in the God’s Kingdom.

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This year, rather than looking to have services around the Benefice we are looking to have one Big [that is up to you to join us to make this a big event] service. Yes, this will be in Silverstone as we are looking to be ecumenical, worshipping with the Methodist Community that is in Silverstone as well as welcoming anyone from any background as we mark this special Sunday that marks the beginning of Holy Week.

At this point we have not put together all our plans, however, we do have hopes for this day.

Hopefully we shall be starting the service for the Liturgy of the Palms at the Methodist Chapel, on Murswell Lane. The idea is to then process, complete with a Donkey, palm leaves and with singing through to St Michael’s Church.

The mood then changes from the celebration of the Liturgy of the Palms to the solemnity and wonder of the Liturgy of the Passion.

In the church we shall hear the Word, the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ from Mark’s Gospel. This we are hoping to have read dramatically, how dramatically we do not know yet.

There will be the Holy Sacrament in church, the bread and the wine which are, to us, the body and blood of Jesus Christ; that feeds our spiritual selves that we may journey through with Him in his generous love to Easter.

Well, that is the outline of what we hope to make happen for Palm Sunday 2018.

1. A Donkey for the procession, do you know someone with a Donkey who

would be willing to come for the walk from the Methodist Chapel, down High Street to Stocks Hill and the Church?

Continued over the page

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2. Palm Fronds! Along with Palm crosses it would be good to have Palm Fronds to carry as we process, however, these are not cheap, how might we purchase a few for this [they can then be stored for future years]?

3. Dramatic Reading! We can have a number of different people reading the voices for the Passion Reading; however, if we have people who can put on a drama version, a play, wouldn’t that enhance the opportunity of hearing the Word of God. Are there people who could put this together for us?

We have this hope, let us see now whether God will bless these hopes and whether you and I can put this together so that we can both praise God and also gain a greater, deeper insight into the love that leads to eternal life.

The procession in particular is a form of outreach, as we process we are making a statement of faith in God to the wider community.

My contact details are on the inside back page of this publication.

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In the last edition of ‘Praise Be!’ I informed you all of this new

venture that we are looking to hold each Wednesday [as often as


We have now held a few sessions with various numbers of


I must assure everyone that this is not a membership group, it is

not a ‘course’,

It is an opportunity without requiring regular commitment to come

along and read a portion of scripture, reflect on this scripture and, if

you would like to, to talk about how the reading has informed your

understanding of your relationship with God.

We are now meeting in Silverstone Church Room, keeping warm

and comfortable. We have access to the kitchen so we have tea

and coffee, and even biscuits or cake to finish with.

Please do, if you have the time, come along on some Wednesday

to join in looking at the Bible, and your relationship with God.

Singing Group - NOT A CHOIR! This group continues on. Sometimes we have had 4, sometimes we have had more than 10 coming along to have a sing. We meet for between an hour and an hour and a half. Yes, I keep on with Taize Chants, but we have also sung something from the Iona Community [based on a traditional Scottish folk song tune] along with praise songs and traditional hymns. We have sung Christmas Carols, however, that opportunity is over until later on in the year. If you would like to join us, you would be more than welcome. We meet in St Michael’s Church, in the choir stalls [we are not a choir though!] The forthcoming dates for this group are: 4

th January 7:30 - 18

th January 7:30 - 1

st February 7:30 -

15th February 7:30


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The Lent Course 2018 As you will see elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise Be!’ Lent starts quite early this year, indeed during the time covered by this publication. We have been using the York Courses resource for our Lent Course in recent years and I propose this again. I hope we can have three sessions per week, in Paulerspury, Whittlebury and Silverstone. Do you want to join us? Look out in Church for more information and the sign up list!


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St John the Baptist Church, Abthorpe : News The Churchwardens and PCC wish you all a happy and healthy 2018. As I write this, Christmas activities in Abthorpe are well under way. On December 2

nd, we served teas at the village Christmas

Fair. This was really well supported, there was lots of buzz around the hall and the proceeds were £1110. This was split between the Old School, the Church and Marie Curie charity, each receiving £370. The next event is switching on the lights of the Christmas tree, along with singing Christmas carols, raffle and refreshments and proceeds from this will go to the church. We then have beer and carols in the New Inn and our Christmas services. Re-ordering of the north side of the church: We have now decided to move on to the next stage of this project and asked our architect to draw up final plans which will go to the DAC. Once we have these and know what our financial commitment will be, we need to apply for grants. Our services for January and February: Sunday 14

th January 11am Holy Eucharist

Sunday 21st January 9.15am Holy Eucharist

Sunday 11th February 11am Holy Eucharist

Sunday 18th February 9.15am Holy Eucharist

Everyone is welcome to any of the services. Food Bank: John Riches took our box into Towcester food bank on 16

th November and it weighed in at 17.7kg, making a grant total

of 1213.7kg. I expect there will be more given over the Christmas period. Tote winners: David and Alison Symmers won £202.50 in October and Mrs A Hitchings won the same in November. Congratulations to all. Barbara Malcomson

From the parishes

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St Michael’s Church, Silverstone : News Our Giving Committee has met and as in previous years the sum available will be allocated 25% to each of Local, National, International and Emergency needs. These then to be subdivided as follows : Local – half to Cynthia Spencer Hospice; half to C2C (The Bishop’s Charity), National – half to the Children’s Society; half to the College of St Barnabas, International – half to Farm Africa (our donation will be doubled by the UK Government), half to Water Aid, Emergency – to the British Red Cross. Our Autumn Soup Lunches raised £785.50 for Church Funds, money has also been raised for Water Aid. As I write we have a Christmas Soup Lunch on Monday 18

th December. After that lunch

we will know the total amount we will be donating to Water Aid. We have also received donations for the church for small Christmas Wreaths – again we will know the total amount following that lunch. Thanks are given to Pat Gaysher for her artistry! We thank all who have made soups and served them and all who have come along and enjoyed them! Lent Lunches will commence on Monday 19

th February – 12 noon

to 1.30, in the Church Rooms for 6 weeks – Sara will be in touch as she prepares her rota! On Sunday 10

th December food was again prepared by many from

St Michael’s and taken and served to those who required a meal at the Street Church in Northampton. Anne (857608) will be reviewing the Rota 2018 for Church cleaning and would love to hear from you if you can help! Happy New Year from all at St. Michael’s. Judith Paybody. St James’ the Great, Paulerspury : News Sadly I did not receive an article from Paulerspury in time for this edition. Such a busy time of the year leading up to Christmas.

From the parishes

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However, Here is a little news that I know of for Paulerspury. The snow in early December had a big effect on the parish as we had to cancel both the morning Eucharist Service as well as, and this was a real shame, the Carol Service. This service is normally so well attended as well as having so many people putting a great deal of effort into the event. It was not safe to ask so many people to make their way into Church in these conditions. In this edition of ‘Praise Be!’ there is a piece about Ash Wednesday, well, the day before is Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day and as is the normal pattern there will be a Pancake Lunch held in St James’ the Great Church. Everyone will be made extremely welcome if you would like to come along and join the people of Paulerspury Parish as they provide this traditional fayre for this final day before Lent. Sadly there have been a number of Paulerspury people who have died in recent weeks. Please see the information on the Benefice Diary Page earlier in this publication for information. Editor St Botolphs Church, Slapton : News Our Church looked exceptionally beautiful for the 2017 Carols by Candlelight service at Slapton. By some felicitous coincidence the many people who decorate their particular bit of the church all decided on the same colour scheme. The hand of God is indeed miraculous. Many thanks to everyone who helped, and particularly to Jacki Balfe who did the altar and the porch with her usual panache, and Helen Holland and Linda Humphrys who decorate the arch. Our readers performed with sterling courage and fortitude in spite of one or two having to read at short notice due to last minute resignations. The readers were:- Archie James, Lucy Owen, Grace Macintosh, Sophie Holland, Hamish James, Jasmine Macintosh, Phillippa Heuman and Charlotte Leadsom. Poor Paul struggled through the service valiantly with a very croaky voice. Good luck to him on Christmas Day! On the Friday before Christmas, church members went Carol Singing to raise money for charity. Caroline

From the parishes

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Thank you for your good wishes, as I write [Friday before Christmas] I am still coraky, but improving. The good news in the church is that the new heating scheme is in place, no more cold feet in St Botolph’s Church, the heating panels are in the pews in front of you as you sit there. We are looking to the New Year with hope, we may manage to get the work done on a new lighting scheme, though this really is taking a long time to pull together. However, when this is finalised and installed I am sure it will be a wonderful addition to St Botolph’s Church, enhancing the worship environment as well improving the viewing opportunity for the wall paintings. Ed.

St Mary’s Church, Whittlebury : News

Prayer Group There will be no Prayer Group in January the next meeting will be on Monday 5

th February 2018 in church at 10.30am.

Church Cleaning : Monday 8th January and Monday 12

th February

2018 at 2pm.

On behalf of St. Mary’s PCC I would like to thank everyone for supporting our fund raising events though the year and hope you will join us in 2018 when it all starts again. We wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year. Cheryl Evans

On Thursday 7th December the children from Whittlebury C of E

School came to the church with parents and friends for their Christingle Service. They were welcomed by Reverend Paul who explained the meaning of the Christingle Candle to which the children participated enthusiastically. Christingle Songs were sung and the children took their lit candles and sang Away in a Manger as the church lights were turned off. The service ended with The Lord’s Prayer and The Blessing. It was a lovely service. Sue Barton

One of Gods Promises To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. Rev. 21 v 6 & 7.

From the parishes

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Charity Karting Event

On Saturday 10th December last year there were 90 people

entered for an endurance Karting event at the Daytona Karting Circuit in Milton Keynes.

Amongst this number there was a team of three clergy people.

Yes, The Revd Sue Faulkner, The Rt Revd John Holbrook and myself turned out on this very cold day to have some fun and to help in raising over £1800 for Guide dogs for the Blind.

We went to have some fun and to enjoy ourselves; one or two of our competitors seemed to take the whole event rather more seriously.

Many of the teams came from in and around Silverstone area. Many people involved in Motor Racing or the automotive industry. There was a team from Williams F1, from Honda, from the Mercedes Factory. There was a team from a firm of Motorsports Photographers. But there were others too, The White Horse pub had a team as did Owen Smith, the builder!

Well, as many had given so much, we; the clergy team decided the nicest thing to do was to come in last place; to ensure no-one else had to cope with this emotional disappointment.

Regardless of our position in the race, we had a wonderful time out and it was so good to be representing the Church as a group of people prepared to have a good time.

There was a final piece of good news; Sue actually won the race for women! Well, she was the only female who had entered the

race, she also was awarded the prize for the driver with the biggest smile, she was grinning from ear to ear throughout her stint driving the kart.

We were delighted that Bishop John was willing to come along and take part, he does love his sporting events, though I am sure he, like us all, would have preferred a warmer day.

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BAPTISMS [Christenings] and WEDDINGS

Yes, this is a part of the service we offer to you in our parishes.

Yes, we offer you the chance to be baptised or to have your child Christened in Church, or indeed, to be married in Church.

What do you need to do?

Simply, contact the parish priest [who also may have the title, Vicar or Rector] who in the case of these parishes is The Revd Paul M


For a Christening, this is the common name given for the service of Holy Baptism when the one to be baptised is a child, if you live in the parish you have a right to request a service of Baptism for your child, or indeed to explore this for yourself!

These services can be with the gathered Church Community in the Holy Eucharist on a Sunday morning, or it is possible to hold a quieter, more intimate service for you and your family and friends on a Saturday at midday [normally].

The great news is that we do not charge for a Christening, however, we are very much in need of funds and so we ask that you and your guests to such a service come prepared to make a contribution to the Church.

For a Marriage, a wedding, there are some questions that would need to be asked and answered to establish whether or not you can marry in one of our churches. These are legal questions about your age, current marital status, nationality and whether you are related to the one you wish to marry. There are also

questions about where you live or if you have a ‘Qualifying Connection’ to the church in which you would like to marry. After which, if all is OK, we need to be able to agree on a date and time for a service, most often this is on a Saturday, some on a Friday and occasionally midweek.

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Yes, there is a financial aspect to a wedding; there are legal fees plus some local fees if you choose to make use of the services of people such as an organist etc. Next year [2018] the legal fee for marrying in church after the publication of Banns is £470, we then have the verger fee - £40, the organist

- £80 [if the service is videoed this is £120], bells, varies by church but ranges between £40 and £180, and during the colder months, heating in our Churches means an additional charge of £50.

It is wonderful to be able to accompany you, the people in our parishes on these important family occasions and to celebrate with you. If we can help you, if you have any questions, please do get in touch with us in the Churches, speak with The Revd Paul or have a chat with a church member.


'Great Little Trading Company' Wooden Fire Engine Toddler Bed. Mattress unavaila-ble. £25.00 email [email protected] Tel. 01327 857505 (Whittlebury)

We have our first item for sale, thank you Marilyn. The deadline for the March/April edition is Thursday 15th February. Thank you.

Weekday Eucharist Service On most Thursdays through the year we hold a service in

St Michael’s Church at 9:30 a.m. This is a simple, generally a said [no hymns] service.

We have a small regular group that attend, but it would be wonderful if the number were to grow.

So remember, Thursday morning in St Michael’s Church, Silverstone.

The Holy Eucharist Time for peace and quiet, the presence of God celebrated

and the Grace of God received.

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Bible Readings for Sunday Service: January, February and March.

7th January 2018 The Epiphany

Isaiah 60.1-6: Psalm 72.[1-9]10-15: Ephesians 3.1-12: Matthew 2.1-12 - WHITE

14th January 2018 The Second Sunday of Epiphany

1 Samuel 3.1-10[11-20]: Psalm 139.1-5,12-18*: Revelation 5.1-10: John 1.43-51 - WHITE

21st January 2018 The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Genesis 14.17-20: Psalm 128: Revelation 19.6-10: John 2.1-11 - WHITE

28th January 2018 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple [Candlemas]

Malachi 3.1-5: Psalm 24.[1-6]7-10 Hebrews 2.14-18: Luke 2.22-40 - WHITE

4th February 2018 The Second Sunday before Lent

Proverbs 8.1,22-31: Psalm 104.26-37 Colossians 1.15-20: John 1.1-14 - GREEN

11th February 2018 The Sunday next before Lent

2 Kings 2.1-12: Psalm 50.1-6 2 Corinthians 4.3-6: Mark 9.2-9 - GREEN

18th February 2018 The First Sunday of Lent

Genesis 9.8-17: Psalm 25.1-9 1 Peter 3.18-22: Mark 1.9-15 - PURPLE

25th February 2018 The Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 17.1-7,15,16: Psalm 22.23-31 Romans 4.13-25: Mark 8.31-38 - PURPLE

4th March 2018 The Third Sunday of Lent

Exodus 20.1-17: Psalm 19* 1 Corinthians 1.18-25: John 2.13-22 - PURPLE

11th March 2018 Mothering Sunday

Exodus 2.1-10 or 1 Samuel 1.20-28 Psalm 34.11-20 or Psalm 127.1-4 2 Corinthians 1.3-7 or Colossians 3.12-17 Luke 2.33-35 or John 19.25-27 - PURPLE

18th March 2018 The Fifth Sunday of Lent : Passiontide Begins

Jeremiah 31.31-34: Psalm 51.1-13 or Psalm 119.9-16 Hebrews 5.5-10 : John 12.20-33 - PURPLE

25th March 2018 Palm Sunday

Liturgy of the Palms: Mark 11.1-11 or John 12.12-16 : Psalm 118.1-2,19-24* Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50.4-9a : Psalm 31.9-16* Philippians 2.5-11 : Mark 14.1 - 15.47 or Mark 15.1-39[40-47] - RED

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The Revd Paul McLeod St. Michael’s Vicarage: 24a High Street Silverstone: Towcester. NN12 8US

01327 858101

07780 834099

[email protected]

Our Reader: Clare Ray [email protected]

Silverstone Churchwardens

Peter Coles Telephone Number: 01327 857429

Judith Paybody Telephone Number: 01327 858667

Abthorpe Churchwardens

Darren Emerton Telephone Number: 07708 933968

Richard Tomalin Telephone Number: 01327 858316

Slapton Churchwardens

Caroline Coke Telephone Number: 01327 860155

Andrew Young Telephone Number: 01327 860270

Whittlebury Churchwardens

Peter Nicholson Telephone Number: 01327 850648

Raymond Pearson Telephone Number: 01327 857236

Paulerspury Churchwardens

Mollie Dunkley Telephone Number: 01327 811605

Jane Sawbridge Telephone Number: 01327 811109

Page 20: Praise Be! - Whittlewood Parishes · 3 about that Sunday elsewhere in this edition of ‘Praise Be!’] Holy Week and Easter! Then to Ascension and Pentecost, this period in which


7/1/18 Epiphany

14/1/18 Epiphany 2

21/1/18 Epiphany 3

28/1/18 Candlemas


Holy Eucharist 10 a.m.

T @ 4 4 p.m.

Combined Worship 10 a.m.

Evensong 6 p.m.

Abthorpe Holy

Eucharist 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.


Evening Prayer 5 p.m.


Eucharist 11 a.m.

Whittlebury Morning Worship 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.


Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.

Evening Prayer 6 p.m.

Matins 9:15 a.m.


2 Sundays before Lent

11/2/18 Sunday next before Lent

18/2/18 Lent 1

25/2/18 Lent 2


Holy Eucharist 10 a.m.

T @ 4 4 p.m.

Combined Worship 10 a.m.

Evensong 6 p.m.

Abthorpe Holy

Eucharist 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.


Evening Prayer 5 p.m.


Eucharist 11 a.m.

Whittlebury Morning Worship 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 11 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.


Family Worship 9:15 a.m.

Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m.

Evening Prayer 6 p.m.

Matins 9:15 a.m.

Sunday Services for January & February 2018