Practical Strategies to Support Youth with … Strategies to...Microsoft Word - Practical Strategies...

Nebraska Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United Sates Department of Agriculture. Nebraska Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska– Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture. © 2016 Practical Strategies to Support Youth with Encouragement During 4-H Interview Judging Use Specific and Non-Evaluative Language: Encourage youth to describe their project. Ask them what their goal was in creating their project. Acknowledge their work and ideas by making specific comments as you talk to them. Comment on the level of detail in their work. Point out different colors, shapes, designs they’ve used. Wonder out loud what their project might look like in its next phase or in use. Encourage them to continue their skill development. Examples of Questions to Ask: What was the first step in creating your project? What goal did you have in mind when beginning your project? What was the hardest part of your project? If you were going to do the project again, what would you do differently? What did you learn from doing your project? What is your next project in (i.e. photography, clothing, etc.) department for next year? Is there anything else you want to share with me about your project? Do you have any questions for me? Acknowledging their work and commenting on level of detail examples: I really like the level of detail you put into your project! How did you make sure the lines are straight? You did a great job of matching the corners on your pillow. What steps did you take to make it turn out so well? Your job as 4-H interview judge is essential in the process of skill building for 4-H youth! It is important for you to understand how to best interact with young people and how judges can help them learn and grow through this experience. The information shared on this sheet is intended to help you prepare for participating in the 4-H interview judging process as the judge.

Transcript of Practical Strategies to Support Youth with … Strategies to...Microsoft Word - Practical Strategies...

Nebraska Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United Sates Department of Agriculture.

Nebraska Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.

© 2016




• Encourageyouthtodescribetheirproject.• Askthemwhattheirgoalwasincreatingtheirproject.• Acknowledgetheirworkandideasbymakingspecificcomments

asyoutalktothem.• Commentonthelevelofdetailintheirwork.• Pointoutdifferentcolors,shapes,designsthey’veused.• Wonderoutloudwhattheirprojectmightlooklikeinitsnext

phaseorinuse.• Encouragethemtocontinuetheirskilldevelopment.


• Whatwasthefirststepincreatingyourproject?

• Whatgoaldidyouhaveinmindwhenbeginningyourproject?

• Whatwasthehardestpartofyourproject?

• Ifyouweregoingtodotheprojectagain,whatwouldyoudodifferently?

• Whatdidyoulearnfromdoingyourproject?

• Whatisyournextprojectin(,clothing,etc.)departmentfornextyear?

• Isthereanythingelseyouwanttosharewithmeaboutyourproject?

• Doyouhaveanyquestionsforme?


detailexamples:• Ireallylikethelevelofdetail


• Youdidagreatjobofmatchingthecornersonyourpillow.Whatstepsdidyoutaketomakeitturnoutsowell?


