Práctica 2 -ing

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Transcript of Práctica 2 -ing

  • A. Read the underlined ing words and circle V (verb), A (adjective) or N (noun).

    1. Recuerda segmentar oracin en sujeto y predicado. 2. Ubica en qu parte se encuentra el gerundio. 3. Identifica su uso gramatical.

    1. and you don't know the true meaning of literary devotion. V A N

    2. Rising transport costs have pushed inflation to its highest level for more than two years. V A N

    3. Trail-blazing visitors trek through former war zones. V A N

    4. Robin Grimes, head of the centre for nuclear engineering at Imperial College London V A N

    5. It was very hard for us, very frightening -- the army were on one side V A N

    6. The U.S. Embassy is advising its citizens to remain at least 80 kilometers away from Fukushima. V A N