p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None...

B (Civ. J.d. l1DMetl) 1 Deoe.ber 1946 1 ( Reeeipt. aDd lor of 1946: R.cdp U Tu•• Lle.n... )'ranchi ••• '.e. Duti •• Prot! h (on e -.rclal u&IlaaCUon.) line. OUlor $1,034 . 90 o o o o o 60.00 o Dl.bur.e.en$, laU•• P_o11 (lo1aDl Oftlclalo) (Labor I ..... , •• hoU) Lee&! Purc.ha ••• V.lfar. lnue) Othor (Clo'h1qr: La1>or Cup) 'fotal $3,004.80 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66

Transcript of p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None...

Page 1: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Civ. J.d. l1DMetl) 1 Deoe.ber 19461 ( Reeeipt. aDd Dl~bur.e.ent.)

lor .~ntb of .OT~.ber, 1946:


Tu••Lle.n...)'ranchi •••'.e.Duti••Prot! h (on e -.rclal






laU•• P_o11(lo1aDl Oftlclalo)(Labor I.....,••hoU)

Lee&! Purc.ha•••V.lfar. (Gr.~ltou.

lnue)Othor (Clo'h1qr: La1>or








Page 2: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)



D1sbursementsNative Payroll

(1) Island Officials $2936.50(m) Administrative II .G. None(n) Subsistence (m) 5 .41(0) Gratuitous issue 552 .53

, (transient meals)(p) Clothing tor (m)(q) Other

Kwajalein Dist .

$1285 .00NoneNoneNoneNoneNone134 .00128 .10



B (C1v . Ad. Functions) 4 Jan 19471 (Receipts and Disbursements)

For month 01' December , 1946 :

ReceiptsTaiesLicensesFranchisesFeesDutiesUSCC PremiumFInesOther

Page 3: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (CiTil Adminiotration Financeo)1 (Receipto and Dioburoemento)

:Vor month of January

4 February 1947 Kvajalein Diet .


75 .031078:90


, Receipts

a Taxes $153.00b Licensee .onec i'rancbi eee !faned Fees None ~

0 Dutieo Nonef USCC Prem1 um lioneg :Vineo Noneh Other 10 .00

Total ,163.00

D18 bursements

Ioland Officialo p~r011332. 00AdminiotratiTe MG P~rol 203 .00Suboiotenco(J) 146 .63Gratuitouo iooue 570 .08(t ranoient mealo)

Clothing for (J)Others

IlSA material (AIIm1nie .!ledi cal Suppl1 eo


CumnlatiTe totalo aro not aTailable but viII be furniohed noxt month .

Page 4: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Civ . Ad . Fi nance s )1 (Receipts & Visburse~ents)


8 "ar ch 1947


Cumulative Tbta16,574 .06

601 .17160.07

634 .80------.

$1 , 790 . 90234 .00

68 . 00150 .89

seamen 290.90

$3, 930.73

Cumulative t ota1 (from 10/1/46)16, 907 .38

Island Or f i c i a1s Pavro11Administrati ve MG ~Na t i v e SeamenSubsistence Adm . MGSubsI stence, nativeGratuitous issue(transient meal. )Clothing f or e j & k )lr:edl c al Stores issuedto AtollsNSA mater i al is sued

(h)( i )( j )(k I(1 )em)

(n}(0 )


------$2 05 . 50

3,047 .9686 .00

(rrom 10/1/46)

TaxesLicensesFranchisesFeesDutiesUSC C PremiumOth er

(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(r)(g )

Page 5: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Civil Administration l1 inalXl es)1 (Receipts and disbursements)

]'or month of March :

8 April 1947 Kwajalein Diet .

$ 824 .0010 .00

335 .7220 .00l

a )b)


Recei I'-t~Taxesilnesusec Prami umSales

surveyed material)Total ••••••• $1 ,189 .72



Di ebureementersland Off icial payroll$1 ,708.00Admini8trative MG Payroll 318 .11Native Seamen 123.87Sub8istence , Native Seamen135 .80Subsistence , Adm .MG . 211 .21Ileals (Tranal ert

Repatriates) 692 .55Clothing fo r (f) and (g) 10 .75

Total S 3 , 200 .39

Cumulative total8 , thi8 year $4 ,744 .18 Cumulative Totals ,(this year $9 ,536 .76)

Page 6: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B. (Ci y Ad . FinAnce.)1 Rece ipt. and dI.bur.ftmAnt.)

8 July 1947 Xwajalein Di.t.

Receipt••nd dhbur'9lMnta for th" ::alt q'Jllrtftr were .. I ndi cat ed '

Cumulative totala , tni. y~ar

R !!C~r Pl'Sa Tax".

(b Pin• •{e !JSCC



81. 00


Dr SBUR5!l:'F.lITS\d) r.l ond Offlcl.l Payrol l( e) Admi nl . t rat i on UG Payroll(t ) Native Se.men(g) Sub.i . tence, Nati ve Seamen(h) Sub .h~nce, l-1G Employee•

.... • 8109.9' (i ) eal. (Tran.ient Repatriate. &Ho.?!tal Pntiflnt.a)

( l) Clothing for (f) .nd (g)(k) Subai atence War Crime • • i~~e••e.( 1) Pay 'ar Crloe l itne••e .(0.) Teacher traInee Guam , Pay



2991 . 66201 .00l '~.7060.0090.68

Cumulative total . ttd. year .~. '2}.439.7~

Page 7: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Civ . Ad . Finnnces) 8 October 1947 Kwaja leln Dis t .1 (Receipts & Di sbursernents J


(a ) Taxes •23 .00 --.. ... $ 23 .00(b) Fines •135 .00 50.00 $3 0 . 00 215 .00(e ) USCC 00 .00 ----

Total $238 .00Cumulative tc$ l s , this year 8 ,947 .93

;:;e ar ..

80 .00 80 .00To t al

.TIlIY ~U 1ST120 .. . 00 $486 .48

5 .00 557 .40147.60

460.95 365 .401 83 5 . 88 y- - ­8432 .00 554 .00

DISBURS '"'ITS(d ) Island Official ~ayroll

Ie ) Admin. Civ .Ad . Yayro llf) Native Seamen

(g) Subsistence-Nat .Seamen(h) Sub.i stenc e- ~ivAdEMpl.(i) Meals (1ransients)(j) Clothi,,~ forNe tlve

sean:en{k ) Teacher 'I'De lnee s .

Guam, Pay

Cumulative totels this

42 .90 14 .50

SEPT 'BEll• 758 .50

901 .9872 .40

378 .00¥----

352 .00

5 . 90

~O ~ L

$2,448 .981 , 464 . 48

220 .001. 204 . 3 51 .835 .882 .338 .00

63 .40

160 . 0012, 057 . 99

$35 , 497 . 74 .

Page 8: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

158 .76455.046.45

Kwajale1n Dis t .


report .

November December Total

$1 , 590 . 70 'lt 3 71 • 6O el , 962 . 30426 .94 237 .99 929 . 84151 . 93 169 . 98 462 .2027 9.69 175 . 99 622 . 82

80.00 136. 00 396 . 00160 . 00 210 .00 735 .32

81 . 20 20. 00 149 . 20167. 57 167 . 57 502 .70


265 .01140 .39167 . 24180. 00363 .32

48 .00167. 56

158 . 76290.59

I sland orrre ial sAdvisors Administrat iveNurse AidesHeal th AidesNurse Students(Guam)Medical Students(Guam)Uar shall e s e SeamenSubsistence SeamenSubsistence Ci vAd Employees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­Subsistence :Nur ae S tudentsMedical Studen ts


Di sbur sements

B (Ci v . Ad. ~1nance s) 1 Jan 19481 (Receip t s & Di sbursements )

(a) -(b) -( c) Not included i n this

(f)( g )(h)(i )

Page 9: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Ci T Ad Financ•• )1 (Receipt. end Di.b .)

(J) Veale Tranglente(t) Clot hi ng ~rshell.ee

(1) I • •cher TroiDee.(.) Sub. Student. Guam

1 Jan 48

Oct NovDone all

eeeeen - none all

*- acne all


94 .67

KWl'IJs1el0 Diet


94 .67

* No !ubeletsnce paid i n this qu~er .

Page 10: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (Ci v11 AwniniBo1'a"ion1 ln6Cdipta ana alsburs

F'1 an ce ec ce 1'01"

6 .\1'1'11 48toe past quarter)

Kwaj e LeLn DiB t ,

i631 .08 $ 631 .081707 .53,.1 ,757 .5376>1 .90 ,,2 .,,64 .90

None hone,. 90 .00 $ 90.00

431.57" 4,,1.,,7.1986 . 38 t 4 ,489 .15


I sland. ul.flclal sAdvisors A\.Wl1nlstratl ve

tmrse Alaesnealth Aides~urse Stu~dnts, Guam~eulcal ~tuaent8 , Guam

$eamt:o~ub818tence Seamen::iuos1 s t.ence ~1 VltC1 E.nployc68bubsls tenee

~u!se ::i tuaents , G~am

~ealcal StUueots , GuamMeals rr-anat enc ec Lo tnfng SeamenTeacher frainees , GuamSuoslstence ~tUUdnt5

'l'eaco t:: I' 8 , Guam/ cu o st s uence , n0.l16crlk Nat Lve e

, -


37~ . 66'Ii 45 • .>4.188 .07o oneNone

,,80 .80illO .OO

Nonefolooe.778 .00None.None



$ 76 .82.231.02

,,78 .00~"70.0Ll

t 189 .00. 189 .00


fS"7 .0LlNoneNone

.hone2 ,003 .77

MarchNone,,370 .9",.1,,7 .67

"'"'0 .14NoneNoneNone

80 .00


$1 ,289 .14" 260 .8"if???????" "78 .00{ 270 .LlJ

4"9 .60$ ,,79 .00

Page 11: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

B (ClY• .14. 111UUlCoo) 6 Jul7 1948 IwaJal.lo D1ot.1 (lloc.lph ODd 41.bIlroo.oh)

'or _he paa_ quarter.

Dl,bu.r••"al' &11 IIIZ .tllU totalI.loAd Oftlclal•• • lone • loco • IODI .1000Jd.,.taorl ~D1.'ra'lT' 1,190.43 857.01 754.36 2801.80

.,.•• .ud•• 62.33 211.81 139.45 n3.59Health JJ.d•• 383.12 405.63 505.45 1294.20JUri' Student. - -. 360.00 180.00 180.00 720.00X.dlcal Stad.at. - Guaa. 280.00 2Z1.M 140.00 641.M

ottIe. tr.1no•• (~I.t) 66.84 109.21 1'9.72 315.77So..... 391.20 108.00 549.40 1_.60Su'bdlhDCI

Juri' Studen'. - a.aa. 301.68 317.52 loco 619.20Kedlcal Studla.h - Oa.aa. IOD. loco 1- loco

ClCl'hlq, '.U.,.. S....D.. 92.00 loco Jonl 92.00te..,her fr'alA.... o.ua. 120.00 40.00 40.00 200.00SU).l.'lacl Studln'!eachu. - BaM. 110.07 1- loa.. 110.07Inoular Coo. taba.1arT .08.08 516.00 566.52 1550.60

Page 12: p~r011332. 00 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · 6,490.00 o 1,017.36 439.50 19,951.66. None None 1bta1 $3493.« D1sbursements Native Payroll (1) Island Officials $2936.50 (m)

~ Ci~il Ad~ l n i s t rat i on rin~~ces )

1 (l.oceipt and c ieb'1rse~ent~ for t he past1 Oct ober 1948

Q.U-~rter )

Xva.jal eln

!Hsl.lUl'senentDr. JA"'}"u , A. A.I slar~ of f icialsAdvi sor s A~~inl strpt ive

Xur se }· ldesHeal th Ai de srur £e Students . GUAmMedi ca l St udent s , GupcTeacher s Trainees, GUP. QOffice Trelnees (Typlst s)S ~ e:=J.B.n

Lnaukar- Cons t a'bnll\TY

S'~l.l s is t enc e

N~!e S tu~ ent s , GuamMedi cpl Students , GuamTe f! Cher ·~ tra t neee , Guam

othir.t:, l:ativ I? Seaeen~one~rik School TppcnprLsbor-er- ee , Readqv_f! r t t' rs


$576 .01130 . 00! 59 . 63180 . 00140 . 0~


131 . S4l .28 ~ .95

831 .17

1 ,29~ . 96

1 ,18 8. 85NoneYone

2') .eo1 , 01 9 .56

.\t;.."'Us tr.oneFcne

$510 .41123 . 87475.00~ one54 .15none153 . 34155 .9085~ .14

Y.oneNone2 45 .10Pone

Seont .$905 . 53

"7one937 . 19123 .8 75 2~. S3

None5"oneNor..e131 . 64~22. 50

599 . 7~t.

l~o ne


2 ,;!73 .20

TQt pl$905. 5.'..oae

3, 023. 50(- 5 )352.41;.30l

l , 81 7 . 4~20JI BO.OO194 .1 5

40 . 004.16 .62

1 ,762.3~7~2 . 381.0~0~

1 . 293 . 961 ,189 . 85

2? !5 .1012. 5063 . 20

4 , 661 . 48