Pr e M Waster e DoucetteTOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KE Y Th e ke y are a leadin g fro m th e fre e thro w lin...

by Eddie Doucette Pro Bastetbalfe Mr Waster Often imitated, never matched, Bucks' radio broadcaster Eddie Doucette is the King of Phraseology, a Word Wizard, the Sultan of Sweet Sounds. The super-sharp Doucette has been calling the Bucks play-by- play for seven seasons, and has brought increasing excitement and interest to the broadcasts over the years. A popular element of Doucet- te's style is the colorful vocabulary he brings to the game, the unique phrases he employs to describe the areas of the court and various players' moves. His broadcasts are never dull, as Kareem "jam dunks" another basket or Bobby Dandridge "wheels it" to Jon McGlocklin, who hits a beautiful "rainbow jumper." Doucette's fancy phrasing comple- ments his deep understanding and insight into pro basketball, a sport he has virtually lived for the past seven years. Longtime listeners will enjoy this partial recap of Doucett- isms, while new listeners will find this "Doucette Dictionary" an aid to total enjoyment of the home and away broadcasts of the Big Green Line's games. As you listen you'll hear new terms to add to this list! AIR BALL A shot that misses the rim, the board, the net.. .everything but the floor or someone's hands. . ALLEY/LANE/CREASE/WELL/ TOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KEY The key area leading from the free throw line to the basket. The area that is 16 feet wide bordering the basket and running perpendicu- lar to the base line. The hole, crease, well, or toaster area is the area directly in front of the basket. AN ATTITUDE Used to tag a player who is mad at something, such as an aggressive move by an opposing player or a bad call by an official. If he's upset, he "has an attitude." BACK DOOR A player goes "back door" when he drives down the base line to the basket. BANCO Term describing a long, exciting jump shot. BIG EYE/CYCLOPS/BULLSEYE Center jump circle. BIG GREEN LINE Phrase used to describe the Bucks. BOARDS/GLASS The backboard. Also used in reference to the number of re- bounds. BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS Used in reference to an opposing player who attempts to drive down the lane with Kareem waiting to block the shot. BRACKET The support or hinge that con- nects the basket rim to the back- board. BUST OUT Refers to a fast break, as in a 3 on 2 break: i.e., "The Bucks have a 3-2 bust out going." CIRCLE/WHEEL/ARC Same as the top or head of the key. Circular area around the free throw line. COOKIE JAR An imaginary area—into which several players are reaching for a loose ball. Can be anywhere on the 40

Transcript of Pr e M Waster e DoucetteTOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KE Y Th e ke y are a leadin g fro m th e fre e thro w lin...

Page 1: Pr e M Waster e DoucetteTOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KE Y Th e ke y are a leadin g fro m th e fre e thro w lin e t o th e basket. Th e are a tha t i s 1 6 fee t wid e borderin g th e baske t

by Eddie DoucettePro Bastetbalfe Mr Waster

Often imitated, never matched,Bucks' radio broadcaster EddieDoucette is the King of Phraseology,a Word Wizard, the Sultan of SweetSounds. The super-sharp Doucettehas been calling the Bucks play-by-play for seven seasons, and hasbrought increasing excitement andinterest to the broadcasts over theyears. A popular element of Doucet-te's style is the colorful vocabularyhe brings to the game, the uniquephrases he employs to describe theareas of the court and variousplayers' moves. His broadcasts arenever dull, as Kareem "jam dunks"another basket or Bobby Dandridge"wheels it" to Jon McGlocklin, whohits a beautiful "rainbow jumper."Doucette's fancy phrasing comple-ments his deep understanding andinsight into pro basketball, a sport

he has virtually lived for the pastseven years. Longtime listeners willenjoy this partial recap of Doucett-isms, while new listeners will findthis "Doucette Dictionary" an aid tototal enjoyment of the home andaway broadcasts of the Big GreenLine's games. As you listen you'llhear new terms to add to this list!

AIR BALLA shot that misses the rim, the

board, the net.. .everything but thefloor or someone's hands.


The key area leading from thefree throw line to the basket. Thearea that is 16 feet wide borderingthe basket and running perpendicu-lar to the base line. The hole, crease,

well, or toaster area is the areadirectly in front of the basket.

AN ATTITUDEUsed to tag a player who is mad

at something, such as an aggressivemove by an opposing player or abad call by an official. If he's upset,he "has an attitude."

BACK DOORA player goes "back door" when

he drives down the base line to thebasket.

BANCOTerm describing a long, exciting

jump shot.


BIG GREEN LINEPhrase used to describe the


BOARDS/GLASSThe backboard. Also used in

reference to the number of re-bounds.


Used in reference to an opposingplayer who attempts to drive downthe lane with Kareem waiting toblock the shot.

BRACKETThe support or hinge that con-

nects the basket rim to the back-board.

BUST OUTRefers to a fast break, as in a 3 on

2 break: i.e., "The Bucks have a 3-2bust out going."

CIRCLE/WHEEL/ARCSame as the top or head of the

key. Circular area around the freethrow line.

COOKIE JARAn imaginary area—into which

several players are reaching for aloose ball. Can be anywhere on the


Page 2: Pr e M Waster e DoucetteTOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KE Y Th e ke y are a leadin g fro m th e fre e thro w lin e t o th e basket. Th e are a tha t i s 1 6 fee t wid e borderin g th e baske t


"D'VBIG "D"Abbreviation for defense.

DAGWOOD DEFENSETwo or three defenders stacked

around the center.


Passes or gets the ball to ateammate.

DOORMAT OR THRESHOLDJust in front of the basket.

DUNK/STUFF/JAMCramming the ball down through

the strings. A "slam dunk" whenCowens, Kareem, or others reallyjam it home.

FILLING THE HOLEPhrase used to describe a player

who has an extremely hot hand atshooting. Putting it in the basket.

FILLING THE LANESWhen a team gets a fast break

under, first thing they do is fill thelanes or put a man up each sidelineand one down the middle.

FORBIDDEN FORESTUsed when a little man tries to

drive or penetrate the big menunder the basket.

GARBAGE TIMEWhen a game is all over in terms

of who'll win and the substitutes arein the game attempting to score.Defenses are loose and the offensiveplayers are scoring at will whilerunning out the clock.

GOAL TENDINGOffensive Goal Tending—when

an offensive shot is guided or tippedinto the basket when it is within thecylindrical perimeter above or onthe rim. Helped by the offensebefore the shot has a chance tocomplete its course. Defensive GoalTending, or Goal Interference—when a shot is slapped away on itsway down to the basket after it hasreached the apex of its arc or whenit is pinned to the glass or back-board.

GONZOOut of the game. Done. Gone.

HOLE HIGHThe ball position parallel to the

circle, wheel, arc of area surround-ing the free throw line.


Long, arching shot from 20 feet ormore.

IN JAILWhen a player is caught with the

ball in heavy traffic, usually underthe basket, and can't get loose.

JAM DUNK/JAM/SLAMMERAn exuberant stuff shot.

LAND OF THE GIANTSArea around or under the basket.

LAYING IN THE WEEDSPhrase describing a player who

comes from nowhere to block a shot,get a pass, or cover a man ondefense.

LOOSE CHANGEBall that's loose off the boards or

on the floor.


MACHINE GUN DRIBBLEHard, quick, staccato dribble.


A shot with an extremely higharch.

OUTLET/RELEASEA pass to a man on either sideline

to initiate movement by a rebound-ing team down the floor.

PANCAKE JUMPERVery flat jump shot, little arc or


PENETRATEDrive to the basket; penetrate the


PICKWhen an offensive player sets a

barrier against the defense, a team-mate with or without the ball canmove free of his defender for a shotor a pass.

PICK AND ROLLWhen a man moves from a pick

to the basket to look for the passback, from the man he just passed itto, or to follow a shot.

POSTUsually in reference to the center

position in high or low post. High—when playing on or around thecircle, wheel, or key area. Low—when down close to the basket,either left, right, or in the lane.

PRESSURE "D"Very tight, pressing defense.

(Continued on next page)

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Page 3: Pr e M Waster e DoucetteTOASTER/HOLE/DITCH/KE Y Th e ke y are a leadin g fro m th e fre e thro w lin e t o th e basket. Th e are a tha t i s 1 6 fee t wid e borderin g th e baske t

(Continued from preceding page)

PROMISED LANDUnder the basket for an easy


REJECTA blocked shot.

RINGS UP ANOTHER SALEScores; e.g., "Jon rings up an-

other sale."

SHOT CLOCK/TIMER24-second clock.

SIDE-BACK OUT-OF-BOUNDSPutting the ball in play from out-

of-bounds behind the sidelines inthe back court.

SKY-HOOKThe King's (Kareem's) big, arch-

ing hook shot.

SLICES THE NETSDoesn't touch the rim—a perfect


SPLIT THE POSTWhen any two players criss-cross

off the pivotman—"scissor thepost."

STRING MUSICA shot that never touches the

rim—just the net.

STUTTER STEPHesitation and quick change of

pace in a ball handler's movement.

SUGAR CONEAnother name for the hoop.

TALL TIMBERAny man who plays up front.

TIGHTROPES THE SIDE-LINEAdvances the ball along the side-

line out-of-bounds.

TOASTERArea just in front of the basket

where players are popping up anddown.

WEAKSIDESide of the offense away from the


WHEELType of pass delivered very


ZING-GO-THE-STRINGSWhen ball goes through the hoop

and hits nothing but the bottom ofthe net.

ZIPReference to a no-score or no

points. A shutout situation—e.g.,"Dandridge shut-out Marin in the2nd quarter and outscored him 10to zip."

All Milwaukee Bucks games, homeand away, will be heard on theBucks statewide radio networkoriginating with WEMP Radio,1250, in Milwaukee, Fifteen gameswill be telecast on WISN-TV, Chan-nel 12, and on the Bucks statewidetelevision network. Both networksare coordinated by the Jos. SchlitzBroadcast Division, Tom Collins,manager.

Eddie Doucette, the voice of theBucks, is back for his seventhseason of play-by-play broadcasting.A popular personality in Wisconsin,he is well known as a sportscaster ofBowl games, All-Star games, andother special sporting events. He isone of the television voices of theMilwaukee Brewers and is a mem-ber of the broadcast team for theChicago Fire of the World FootballLeague. In 1970 Eddie was namedWisconsin Sportscaster of the Yearby his peers. His knowledgeable,

exciting broadcasts have broughtthe Milwaukee Bucks into thous-ands of homes throughout the statesince the team's inception in 1968.Eddie and wife Karen are theparents of a 2-year-old son, Brett.

Ron Blomberg will assist Eddie andprovide the color commentary onthe Bucks radio and televisionbroadcasts. "The Professor" is bestknown for his expert analysis of thegame, a talent that bespeaks 24years of successful coaching inWisconsin. Ron has gained nation-wide acclaim for his work as apioneer of summer basketballcamps for youth and currently headsup the Milwaukee Bucks Basket-ball Camps division. The campsprogram offers day and boardingcamps throughout the Midwest foryoung basketball players aged 8-18.Ron and his wife Laverne have twosons and two daughters and live inBrookfield, Wis.