Ppt Marcs

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  1. 1. Descriptions
  2. 2. Jordi Krkic
    • Jordi Krkic is a teenager.
    • He's tall and thin. He has got big round green eyes. He has got dyed hair. He has got an oval face and a sharp nose, he has got full lips and space in his teeth. He has gotfirm belly muscles.
    • He normally wears shabby clothes.
    • He is a handsome boy, he's a sportsman. He's stubborn and a little selfish. He's a good leader and ambitious. He's got a fierce temper. He's vain
  3. 3. Marc Ronny
    • He's teenager, he's tallish and thin. He has gotfirm belly muscles. He's got long brown hair. He has got big round brown eyes , he has gotwell-defined lips and a broad nose. He has got damaged teeth.
    • He's a sportsman. He wears casual clothes.
    • He's friendly and inspires confidence, but a biteccentric. He is also sensitive, talented and kind.
  4. 4. Mark Messi
    • He's a teenager. He's tallish and thin. He's got long brown hair. He has got big round brown eyes and an oval face with a charming smile. He has got a sharp nose.
    • He's intelligent and inspires confidence. He's friendly. He's a good worker, calm, pessimistic, cheerful and impulsive.
  5. 5. Cristian Car
    • He's a teenager. He's not very tall or thin. He has got short blond hair. He has got big almond blue eyes. He's got freckles on his face. He has got a sharp nose and thin lips. He has got firm belly muscles.
    • He wears casual clothes.
    • He's calm, chivalrous, friendly, cheerful, timid by nature, honest and good worker.
  6. 6. Marc Jonny
    • He's a teenager. He's tallish and thin. He has got short brown hair andbig almond brown eyes. He has got a sharp nose and thin lips. He has got firm belly muscles.
    • He wears casuals clothes. He's very messy, impatient, vain, independent, timid and sad.