Ppt eng.

Power point presentation “Two Gentlemen of verona” by, A. J. Cronin Made by: Ekhlaq Hussain Xth E Roll no. 6

Transcript of Ppt eng.

Power point presentation

“Two Gentlemen of verona”

by, A. J. CroninMade by:Ekhlaq HussainXth ERoll no. 6

Aim of chapter

To learn & understand

the human values.

To feel that where there

is a will, there is a way.

There is no age bar to

attain responsibility.

GlossaryWord Meaning P.O.S

Tunic A loose short noun

Demeanour Appearance & behavior adjective

Artless Innocent adjective

Put out Annoyed adjective

Vestible Lobby noun

Scarce Not enough adjective

Resemblance Similarity adjective

Dwelling A place where one lives verb

Starvation Hunger noun

Brisk Active, Fast adverb

About the Author:A. J. Cronin

A. J. Cronin (1896-1974) was a doctor by training. He practiced medicine in Wales and in London. It was while recovering from a breakdown inCastle. It was a huge Success.

health that he wrote his first novel Hatter’sCronin gave up practicing medicine and took to

writing as career. He wrote a number of novels and short stories. Among his best known novels are The Citadel, The key of the kingdom, The Spanish Gardener.

About the Author:

The story recounts the hard life chosen by two young boys so that they could pay for the treatment of their sister afflicted with Tuberculosis. The boys’ sacrifice, their sincerity and devotion to the cause and the maturity they display in their actions give a new hope for humanity.

Character sketch:-

Nicola- Elder brother, 13 yrs. Old, Determined, Trustworthy, Self respective.

Jacob- Younger brother, 12 yrs. Old, Courteous, Cooperative, Loving, Humble.

Luigi- Author’s driver, Cautious, Rude, Unkind.

Author- Helping, Kind, Eager to know about two brothers.

SummaryThe story starts with entry of Author & his sister in Verona and two small boys stopped them and ask to buy some wild strawberries. But their driver warned them that do not buy them. When the author reached to hotel, he saw the two boys were polishing shoes. He discovered that the two boys were brothers. Everyday author saw them doing different works. The two boys do a lot of work for author also. But the Author was very curious to know that why the boys were doing a lot of work in a small age. After some days they become author’s friend. One day author was going somewhere in his car, he saw the two boys going outside. He asked them to come with him, he will drop them to their destination. Disheartedly they agreed and get inside author’s car. They stopped car suddenly

and said that they will come in only 1 hour. After a few

minutes author followed them and discovered that they gone

in a hospital. A nurse introduced him the boys and a girl on

bed, who is about twenty & is their sister; suffering from

tuberculosis of spine. She also tell that their father, a widower,

a well known singer had been killed in early part of war. Their

house was destroyed in a bomb explosion. Every month

somehow they pay the fees of hospital. This devotion had

touched the author deeply.