PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx

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  • 8/19/2019 PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx


  • 8/19/2019 PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx



    Greg KurstinKelly Clarks n

  • 8/19/2019 PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx



    Piece by Piece by KellyClarks n


    !" I# y u $eret%e ne $ritingt%e lyrics # t%es ng& t $% '

    $ ul( y u(e(icate t%es ng) W%y)

  • 8/19/2019 PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx



    Piece by Piece by KellyClarks n


    +" In t%e lines bel $& $% (y u t%ink is t%e s ng$riterre#erring t ) I# y u are t%es ng$riter& $%at

    'essage,a(-ice are y utrying t c n-ey t y urau(ience)

    He ne-er $alks a$ayHe ne-er asks # r' neyHe takes care # 'eHe l -es 'ePiece by .ieceHe rest re( 'y #ait%T%at a 'an can be

  • 8/19/2019 PP Footnote to Youth 2.27.16.pptx



    Piece by Piece by KellyClarks n


    0" In t%e lines bel $& $% (y u t%ink is t%e s ng$riterre#erring t ) I# y u are t%es ng$riter& $%at

    'essage,a(-ice are y utrying t c n-ey t y urau(ience)

    Piece by .iece I #ell#ar #r ' t%e treeI $ ul( ne-er lea-e%er like y u le#t 'eS%e $ill ne-er %a-et $ n(er %er $ rt%1ecause unlike y uI2' g nna .ut %er

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    Rea( t%e # ll $ingsentences an( gi-e t%e'eaning # t%e un(erline($ r(s"1. The sun was hazy

    during the cloudy day.a. Blurryb. Clearc. Uncertain

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    Rea( t%e # ll $ingsentences an( gi-e t%e'eaning # t%e un(erline($ r(s"2. To men, numerous

    ofspring are li ingsymbols o! irility.

    a. "mptinessb. #obilityc $anliness

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    Rea( t%e # ll $ingsentences an( gi-e t%e'eaning # t%e un(erline($ r(s"%. The &eldwor'

    begrimed him.a. Cleaned

    b. (oiledc. )ar'ened

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    Rea( t%e # ll $ingsentences an( gi-e t%e'eaning # t%e un(erline($ r(s"*. (he came home

    +ustered about herproblem.

    a. Com!ortableb. Carelessc orried

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    Rea( t%e # ll $ingsentences an( gi-e t%e'eaning # t%e un(erline($ r(s"-. There is

    interminable wor' tobe done yet.

    a. "ndlessb. ittlec Unim ortant

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    1. hat is the short story all about/

    2. ho are the characters in the story/%.)escribe the setting o! the story.*. hat made )odong !eel that he was no

    longer a boy but already a man/-. hat character is re ealed by )odongwhen he got tic'led by the worm, 0er'edhis !oot, +inging the worm into air yetne er bothered to loo' at where it !ell/

    . ow did Teang &nd married li!e/3."4plain the line 56outh must triumph...

    now. o e must triumph... now.8

    Gui(e 4uesti ns:

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    9ootnote to the 6outh :ose ;arcia in his li!e. )odong &nally decided to tell it, buta thought came to him that his !ather might re!use toconsider it. is !ather was a silent hardwor'ing!armer, who chewed areca nut, which he had learnedto do !rom his mother, )odong?s grandmother.

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    • 2 @ will tell him. @ will tell it to him.• % The ground was bro'en up into many !resh wounds

    and !ragrant with a sweetish earthy smell. $any

    slender so!t worm emerged !rom the !urther rows andthen burrowed again deeper into the soil. 7 shortcolorless worm marched blindly to )odong?s !oot andcrawled clammily o er it. )odong got tic'led and

    0er'ed his !oot, +inging the worm into the air. )odong

    did not bother to loo' where into the air, but thoughto! his age, se enteen, and he said to himsel! he wasnot young anymore

    • * )odong unhitched the carabao leisurely and !a e=slang !or favorite > it a healthy tap on the hip. The

    beast turned its head to loo' at him with dumb!aith!ul eyes. )odong ga e it a slight push and theanimal wal'ed alongside him to its shed. e placedbundles o! grass be!ore it and the carabao began toeat. )odong loo'ed at it without interest.

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    • 3 )odong tensed with desire and loo'ed at the muscleo! his arms. )irty. This &eldwor' was healthyin igorating = &ll with li!e and energy >, but it begrimed=co ered with grime dirty > you, smudged=a dirty mar' or smear > you terribly. e turned bac'the way he had come, then marched obliDuely=slantingly > to a cree'. $ust you marry, )odong/8)odong resented his !ather?s Duestion his !atherhimsel! had married early.

    • E )odong stripped himsel! and laid his clothes, a grayunder shirt and red kundiman shorts, on the grass.

    Then he went into the water, wet his body o er andrubbed at it igorously. e was not long in bathing,then he marched homeward again. The bath made him

    !eel cool.• F @t was dus' when he reached home. The petroleum

    lamp on the ceiling was already lighted and the lowun arnished sDuare table was set !or supper. e andhis parents sat down on the +oor around the table to

    eat. They had !ried !reshwater &sh, and rice, but didnot parta'e o! the !ruit. The bananas were o erripe


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    • 1G )odong?s mother remo ed the dishes when they werethrough, and went with slow care!ul steps and )odongwanted to help her carry the dishes out. But he was tired andnow, !elt lazy. e wished as he loo'ed at her that he had a

    sister who could help his mother in the housewor'. e pitiedher, doing all the housewor' alone.• 11 is !ather remained in the room, suc'ing a diseased

    tooth. @t was paining him, again. )odong 'new, )odong hadtold him o!ten and again to let the town dentist pull it out,but he was a!raid, his !ather was. e did not tell that to)odong, but )odong guessed it. 7!terward, )odong himsel!thought that i! he had a decayed tooth, he would be a!raid togo to the dentist he would not be any bolder than his !ather.

    • 12)odong said while his mother was out that he was goingto marry Teang. There it was out, what we had to say, ando er which he head said it without any efort at all andwithout sel!Aconsciousness. )odong !elt reli ed and loo'ed athis !ather e4pectantly. 7 decrescent = diminishing > moonoutside shed its !eebled = wea' > light into the window, grayingthe still blac' temples o! his !ather. is !ather loo' old now.

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    • 1% 5@ am going to marry Teang,8 )odong said.• 1* is !ather loo'ed at him silently and stopped

    suc'ing the bro'en tooth, The silence becameintense and cruel, and )odong was uncom!ortableand then became ery angry because his !ather'ept loo'ing at him without uttering anything.

    • 1- 5@ will marry Teang,8 )odong repeated. 5@ willmarry Teang.8

    • 1 is !ather 'ept gazing at him in +e4ible silenceand )odong &dgeted on his seat

    • 13 @ as'ed her last night to marry me and shesaidH 56es. @ want your permissionH @H wantH

    itH8 There was an impatient clamor in his oice, ane4acting protest at his coldness, this indiference.)odong loo'ed at his !ather sourly. e crac'ed his'nuc'les one by one, and the little sound it madebro'e dully the night stillness.

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    • 1E 5$ust you marry, )odong/8• 1F )odong resented his !ather?s Duestion his !ather

    himsel! had married early. )odong made a Duic'impassioned essay in his mind about sel&shness, butlater, he got con!used.

    • 2G 56ou are ery young, )odong.8• 21 5@?m se enteen.8• 22 5That?s ery young to get married at.8•

    2% 5@H @ want to marryH Teang?s a good girlH• 2* 5Tell your mother,8 his !ather said.• 2- 56ou tell her, Tatay. 8• 2 5)odong, you tell your Inay .8• 23 I?6ou tell her??• 2E 57ll right, )odong.8• 2F 56ou will let me marry Teang/8• %G 5(on, i! that is your wishH o! courseH8 There was a

    strange helpless light in his !ather?s eyes. )odong didnot read it. Too absorbed was he in himsel!.

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    • %% @n a !ew moments he would be a !ather. 59ather,!ather,8 he whispered the word with awe, withstrangeness. e was young, he realized nowcontradicting himsel! o! nine months ago. e was eryyoungH e !elt Dueer = strange, odd >, troubled,uncom!ortable.??6our son, )odong??

    • %* )odong !elt tired o! standing. e sat down on asawAhorse with his !eet close together. e loo'ed at hiscalloused toes. Then he thought, supposed he had tenchildrenH hat made him thin' that/ hat was thematter with him/ ;od/

    • %- e heard his mother?s oice !rom the house• % 5Come up, )odong. @t is o er.8•

    %3 (uddenly, he !elt terribly embarrassed as he loo'edat her. (omehow, he was ashamed to his mother o! hisyouth!ul paternity. @t made him !eel guilty, as i! he hasta'en something not properly his. e dropped his eyesand pretended to dust of his kundiman shorts.

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    • %E 5)odong,8 his mother called again. 5)odong.8• %F e turned to loo' again and this time, he saw his !ather

    beside his mother.• *G 5@t is a boy.8 is !ather said. e bec'oned )odong to come

    up.• *1 )odong !elt more embarrassed and did not mo e. is

    parent?s eyes seemed to pierce through him so he !elt limp. ewanted to hide or e en run away !rom them

    • *2 5)odong, you come up. 6ou come up,8 his mother said.• *% )odong did not want to come up. e?d rather stayed in the

    sun.• ** 5)odongH )odong.8• *- I? @?llH come up.??• * )odong traced the tremulous steps on the dry parched yard.

    e ascended the bamboo steps slowly. is heart pounded

    mercilessly in him. ithin, he a oided his parent?s eyes. ewal'ed ahead o! them so that they should not see his !ace. e!elt guilty and untrue. e !elt li'e crying. is eyes smarted andhis chest wanted to burst. e wanted to turn bac', to go bac'to the yard. e wanted somebody to punish him.

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    • *3 5(on,8 his !ather said.• *E 7nd his motherJ 5)odong..8• *F ow 'ind their oices were. They +owed into him,

    ma'ing him strong.• -G 5Teang/8 )odong said.• -1 5(he?s sleeping. But you go inH8• -2 is !ather led him into the small sawali room.

    )odong saw Teang, his wi!e, asleep on the paper withher so!t blac' hair around her !ace. e did not wanther to loo' that pale.

    • -% )odong wanted to touch her, to push away thatstray wisp o! hair that touched her lips. But again that

    !eeling o! embarrassment came o er him, and be!orehis parent, he did not want to be demonstrati e.• -* The hilot was wrapping the child )odong heard

    him cry. The thin oice touched his heart. e couldnot control the swelling o! happiness in him.

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    • -- 56ou gi e him to me. 6ou gi e him to me,8 )odongsaid.

    • - Blas was not )odong?s only child. $any more childrencame. 9or si4 successi e years, a new child came along.)odong did not want any more children. But they came. @tseemed that the coming o! children could not be helped.)odong got angry with himsel! sometimes.

    • -3 Teang did not complain, but the bearing o! childrentolled on her. (he was shapeless and thin e en i! she was

    young. There was interminable wor' that 'ept her tied up.Coo'ing, laundering. The house. The children. (he criedsometimes, wishing she had not married. (he did not tell)odong this, not wishing him to disli'e her. 6et, shewished she had not married. #ot e en )odong whom she

    lo ed. There had been another suitor, ucio older than)odong by nine years and that was why she had chosen)odong. 6oung )odong who was only se enteen. uciohad married another. ucio, she wondered, would sheha e born him children/ $aybe not, either. That was abetter lot. But she lo ed )odongH

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    • -E. )odong whose li!e had made him ugly• -F Kne night, as he lay beside his wi!e, he rose and went

    out o! the house. e stood in the moonlight, tired andDuerulous = complaining >. e wanted to as' Duestions and

    somebody to answer him. e wanted to be wise aboutmany things

    • G. Kne o! them was why li!e did not !ul&ll all o! theyouth?s dreams. hy it must be so/ hy one was!orsa'enH a!ter lo e/

    1 )odong could not &nd the answer. $aybe the Duestionwas not to be answered. @t must be so to ma'e youth. 6outh must be dream!ully sweet. )ream!ully sweet.

    • 2 )odong returned to the house, humiliated by himsel!.e had wanted to 'now little wisdom but was denied it.

    • % hen Blas was eighteen, he came home one night, ery+ustered and happy. )odong heard Blas? steps !or he couldnot sleep well at night. e watched Blass undress in thedar' and lie down so!tly. Blas was restless on his mat andcould not sleep. )odong called his name and as'ed why hedid not sleep.

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    • * 6ou better go to sleep. @t is late,8 )odong said.• = i!e did not !ul&ll all o! youth?s dreams. hy it

    must be so/ hy one was !orsa'en a!ter lo e/>•

    - [email protected] Blas called so!tly.• )odong stirred and as'ed him what it was• 3 5@?m going to marry Tona. (he accepted me

    tonight.• E 5@tay, you thin' its o er.8• F )odong lay silent.• 3G @ lo ed Tona andH @ want her• 31 )odong rose !rom his mat and told Blas to !ollow

    him. They descended to the yard where e erything

    was still and Duiet.• 32 56ou want to marry Tona, )odong said, although

    he did not want Blas to marry yet. Blas was eryyoung. The li!e that would !ollow marriage would behardH

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    • 3% 56es.8• 3* 5$ust you marry/8• 3- Blas? oice was steeled with resentment. 5@ will

    mary Tona.8• 3 56ou ha e ob0ection, @tay/8 Blas as'ed acridly.• 33 5(onH noneH8 But !or )odong, he do anything.

    6outh must triumphH now. 7!terwardH @t will be

    li!e.• 3E But he was helpless. e could not do anything.

    6outh must triumph..now.. o e musttriumph..7!terward.. @t will be li!e

    • 7s long ago, 6outh and o e did triumph !or)odongH and then li!e.

    • 3F )odong loo'ed wist!ully at his young son in themoonlight. e !elt e4tremely sad and sorry !or him.

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    hat is thesigni&cance o!

    this story=9ootnote to

    6outh> to you/

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    @! you are theauthor o! 9ootnoteto 6outh, gi e threesimple and easyad ices to theyouth today.


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    @n your green tic'ler, discussthe alues that the story

    9ootnote to 6outh gi es andits impact to you as youth.

    imit your answer in -A3sentences.