PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back...


Transcript of PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back...

Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 3: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 4: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 5: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 6: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 7: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 8: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 9: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 10: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 11: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 12: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 13: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 14: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 15: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 16: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 17: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 18: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of
Page 19: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of



School transfering

Ensure good hygiene of students and all sick children must stay home

Respecting the space of all students and follow the guidelines

Cleaning protocols and taking into consideration that we are not the Minneapolis area.

Kids get back to school face to face and kids don’t fall behind

Some sort of plan to allow adults who are in school to feel they can stay home if sick to not spread it. I believe that’s not really the

case because of shortages of subs. Definitely make anyone with a fever stay home preference would be have people tested.

I have an elementary student and I feel he would be ok wearing a mask if needed but would like it assured that those who don’t

follow rules would be dealt with even if that means they have to stay home until they follow rules.

Teaching and enforcing social distancing with students. (I will have a kindergartner—the question in that made me choose every line

before I could keep going.) It will be very hard to teach the little ones, but it is what keeps me up at night—wanting my child to

socialize and start the school experience, but also wanting to keep him safe. Thank you for asking these questions!


Just lowering numbers when and where possible.

Daily and deep cleaning routines.

Mandatory masks

Open up. Be safe.

More cleaning sanitizing - hepa filtration in rooms - distance learning that follows a normal day schedule.

Make the kids help sanitize every morning and before they leave at night.

Page 20: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Overcrowding on busses, contact in hallway and lunchroom.

Frequent hand washing Breaks and surface cleaning

Just make sure all kids and teachers are safe!

To do whatever it takes to get students back into the classroom per state guidelines.

Following MDE guidelines, wearing masks as ALL students should wear them and take ALL precautions necessary to prevent the

spread - cleaning, masks, temperatures taken, etc....

Internet for school at home

Make sure there is a daily screening process.

Nothing. These kids need to get back to in person learning and activities.

I actually have an autoimmune disease and see a specialist at the Mayo Clinic. I teach as well. I spoke to my doctor and said she

didn't feel concerned about me going back to school as long as adults wore a mask at all times. I asked about kids and she said there

was not enough research or evidence yet to support them wearing masks plus they would never keep them on anyways. She said

when staff at Mayo Clinic started wearing masks all the time, cases went down by 90%. I also asked about pregnant staff being more

at risk and she wasn't overly concerned as much about them either.

After identifying clear requirements of parents (when to keep home etc.), a way for these students to attend live class virtually (when

not sick, but failing temp/symptom tests) etc.

I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a

teacher and the fear of set back for these kids trumps any fear I have a COVID. At some point we have to get back to normalcy. The

risk of COVID is not unlike like that of the flu, which we work through each year.

Teaching important hygiene keeping contact to a minimum

Well thought out plan and very detailed in communication with expectations for both students and staff

Set protocols if COVID is discovered in the school

Page 21: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Screening for the kids and staff to make sure everyone is healthy before they come into the school to spread Covid


Smaller classroom sizes. Less kids in a class.

Just making sure they are safe which I believe will happen

Routine temp checking

Following CDC guidelines

Scheduled cleaning of the building...rotation and recorded say every 1/2 hour...

Make sure teachers are heard and supported through this process. If it’s not actually feasible for them to do what the MDE is asking

on paper and teach then we shouldn’t be going back. Plans on paper are great but if they don’t pan out in person they mean nothing.

Nothing - community is ready like it is every year for illnesses

Just stress that if someone is sick they stay home.

The school will do what they need to, just get the kids back to school!

Covid plan if covid is found in school

I trust the district to do what is necessary to keep all children and staff as safe as possible.

Making sure everything is safe at school and meeting guidelines.

Being we are 68 years old and only people able to care for Adison, we feel everything would have to be as safe as possible.

Ensure strict sanitation policies and frequent hand washing

Safety measures in place and clear rules with explanations of guidelines and consequences of disobeying them. Including immediate


Page 22: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

The district needs to understand that people still are going to work and the children will either be at school or daycare. If the child is

more at risk or lives in a household that is at risk they should have the option to stay home. But if children want to go to school they

should be able to. We are not in Minneapolis/St. Paul they should have no input on our district

There are plans in place in the event there is another outbreak.

Everyone needs to wear masks. I am not comfortable with sending my two kids to school. My husband and I work outside of the

home and are fortunate to have done so this whole time. We take precautions at work and in public. We all have families and I

respect the teachers and staff and want everyone safe and healthy. If distance learning is to take place I hope the district has worked

out better lesson plans for classes/grades. Students need to be accountable for attending zoom meetings whether kids think they

understand material or not. It should be a part of their grade. Everyone was thrown into this last spring and we all got through.

Hopefully lessons learned and hoping teachers are more interactive.

My concern is we see cases rising, and although kids do not get infected as often, or die as often, they do still get ill and die, or they

bring it home to older family members, who are at-risk. There are also vulnerable adults who are employed by the school who will be

at-risk, how will cleaning supplies be provided? What about families that cannot afford masks? What is the plan for the high risk

areas such as meals, PE, music, etc? If in-person, what about sports, including club ball, concerts, field trips, etc. How do you ensure

families do not medicate a child prior to sending to school with a low grade fever because they cannot miss work? Plus many more


Suggestion: to have a plan in case a parent sends child to school sick and to have a plan in case a parent needs to call the school at


Complying with MDH and MDE regulations.

Common sense and following guidelines

I'm comfortable sending my kids to school now.

Page 23: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

I'm comfortable sending my kids to school now.

Setting a routine from Day 1 so both students and parents can prepare in advance for what school/work will be like instead of starting

it one way then changing it after school has begun.

Did your air quality in the elementary school get better did you add air exchangers and what will you do for indoor recess. You have

no plan that has been made public it’s very scary. If my child were to go to school and catch COVID because you haven’t made the

accommodations that pro sports have made for their leagues you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit.

Understanding exposure and how to respond and mitigate. I fully expect some students and teachers to get COVID. my expectation

is that the school is able to smartly respond to exposure risks based on those cases. For example, if 1 student in Classroom D tests

positive, there are measures in place to know if Classes A, B and C or other grades have been exposed. I trust the administration

and teachers to make good, smart decisions. There is some calculated risk but I think the return on having children in school and

learning far outweighs those risks. I will also say that based on online learning from this spring, don't discount the need for the older

students to be held accountable and managed. while they may seem like they can 'handle' self learning and management more than

youngers kids, they can't. They have not reached the maturity to self manage. Teachers need to actively be checking in and requiring

participation and routines.


Just have hand sanitizer at kids desks and accessible to them to sanitize as my child knows how I’d supply for my child if needed

I think they do a wonderful job with cleaning already so I think the increase sanitation will be followed easily.

All staff need to have training with proper sanitation, cross contamination risks, and PPE usage.

The teachers need to be comfortable returning to school, first and foremost!

Page 24: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

I am concerned about Choir and Band and theatre related classes/activities and how the instructors will be able to handle their large

class sizes as these groups are very important to my children. Choir and Band returning are essential components of the reopening!

Thanks and Best of Luck!!

Knowing ventilation has been improved & strict sanitation guidelines

Keeping everyone safe!!!

A hybrid is ridiculous idea. Either we are in school or not. I can not go to my boss and say one day I’m here and one day I’m not.

Have you made any fixes to your air quality issues at the elementary school or have we only bought sporting equipment we don’t

need this year.

School needs to resume as normally as possible. These kids need structure back in their lives.

Following CDC guidelines

I am find with students being in the classroom. Have teachers (that are not at risk and are comfortable) provide instruction and use

appropriate facial coverings when within 6 feet of students. Provide distancing as much as possible in the classroom, even have kids

eat lunch in the classroom, perhaps, after getting their food from the lunch room. Do as much PE outside as possible, have student

use hand sanitizer when entering the room and when leaving the room.

Communication, and more communication! ( something that Barnesville has done poorly in past history) Well thought out, discussed

plan, with logic and opinions from all sides of the coin. Not just listing to one opinion, rural small schools are different from big city

schools, we need a plan that works for us not the entire state or country. Kids need teachers, teachers need kids, the future of the

kids and of our economy require kids to be in school, and teachers to be teaching. Be smart, extra cleaning, social distancing when


Consider kids with severe asthma where they can't even breathe in masks

Policies for social distancing and improvements to distance learning procedures and curriculum.

Page 25: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Honestly distance learning was a bit tough on my son so I would just like more zoom meetings. I would like to thank everyone for all

their hard work! Seriously we are all learning and going through these new ways of learning to try and keep everyone safe. And I

think for being new it went pretty well! Thanks for all the hard work!

Disinfecting task force!!!

Make sure sanitizing is in place and how are the kids going to social distance it's hard for kids to do that

Sanitation of commonly touched items/surfaces that are used by multiple students.

Set standards for faculty testing for covid and an actual set plan for sanitizing. If there is not a set plan I do not agree with attendance

in schools.

share the cleaning steps that will be used

Online learning for immune compromised

My 5th grader said he doesn’t want to go to school to die. What will you do to make sure he is safe. Do you have better air quality

and air conditioning put in to circulate the air because last September the classrooms were 90 plus degrees and no air flow. You will

not like the outcome if you haven’t done anything about air quality. Are you getting testing kits for students and staff. Are you making

sure teachers know they shouldn’t feel pressured to come in if they don’t have sick days or because you can’t get subs. My child is

not a number he is a person.

Students need to be screened every day and plans in place, that parents are aware of, if COVID cases do appear in the school. How

will the school plan for students or staff that get it?

Public school wont work unless it goes back to the way it has always been

The virus must be under control worldwide and/or with the option of a vaccine

Page 26: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

If any level of distance education is utilized, I hope that the district is preparing for online learning and that the teachers are now

educated on high quality learning techniques and ready to simulate classroom learning through distance technology. We are lucky in

our community that the Barnesville School District has the tools (iPads) available to all students. I would also like to see consistency

across teacher's methods and expectations for their online teaching is clearly articulated. Sorting through where each teacher kept

assignments, how they communicated, and how they wanted assignments submitted was at times, confusing. In fact, the class of

2025 created a parent FB group to help each other sort through assignments, when they were due, what they were, when there were

Zoom calls/whether they were optional or mandatory, etc because every teacher communicated differently. This was not necessary

when the kids were in school and caused many families stress that could be avoided with clear, consistent teacher communication

across the school. There was a significant loss of schedule and routine last spring, as most teachers (in our experience) did not

continue to teach during their specified class time using Zoom, for example, to teach what they would have in-person. My children

had only a few actual live classroom "lectures", there was a lot of "read this" "do this worksheet" "watch a video" type teaching. Many

of the Zoom calls that were scheduled were "optional". While that got us through last Spring, I worry about the low level of actual

teacher-led instruction that was provided then will be the norm again this fall. Why aren't the teachers and young people continuing

their reg schedule of what they would do if they were in school? Young people thrive on routine. Why aren't students moving into

Zoom rooms with their teacher and classmates through the day to simulate a school day to keep relationships with teachers & other

students, routines for young people and direct instruction? Even if they spend a portion of the scheduled class time together live in a

Zoom meeting (or another tech tool) it would get closer to the instruction they would get in-person (I.e. Flipgrid is another popular

educational tool). I also recognize Zoom fatigue. But NO instruction is not acceptable either.

Page 27: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Find a balance - be creative with the vast amount of educational tech tools available. Not all students can organize their own time

and learn asynchronously with success. Keeping a nearly regular school day schedule with teachers would help that. (and help us as

parents keep routine and a sense of normalcy) I would imagine the teachers would appreciate a regular daily schedule, as well,

keeping the SCHOOL DAY HOURS with live instruction and when the majority of the school learning is completed. Teaching on a

live Zoom call what they would have said in-person will not significantly increase their teaching time. Zoom has screen sharing, white

board, chat, breakout room capabilities and more that can simulate instructional techniques and allow the teachers to use their

teaching materials that they use on their smartboards, for example. And, for those students without internet access, Zoom can then

be recorded for those who cannot or are unable to attend live. We have a wonderful teaching staff in Barnesville, and whether in-

person or online, our teachers and students deserve the highest level of quality education available, no matter which schooling option

we are in this fall. Thank you for the tremendous effort you are making and for allowing an opportunity for feedback.

Elementary - Them having some sort of "Normal" school with regular interaction with other kids. Not acting like everyone has the

plague. I do not want our kids to be "taught" they could die if they get too close to another person. IF we have to start with option 3

there has to be some way for their new teachers to get to know the students personally & Academically so they have the ability to

teach effectively OR I feel they need to start the year with their previous teacher till they can be in person.

Your question about high risk teachers working online only: As long as that means they are teaching kids that are online only I have

am strongly in favor of it. But if that means there class that wants to be in school/in person only sees a teacher virtually I don't think

that would be very good.

Need to hold e learning as if they were in class, have all classes on a zoom schedule as a normal day in school

Everyone's safety with proper equipment and materials.

Page 28: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Clear instructions for all student and teachers as to the precautions being taken and them to be followed by all so my 1st grader

doesn't come home asking why some people have masks and some don't have to wear them if they are going to be mandatory

Clean and hope for the best

Frequent cleaning of doorknobs and handrails

Lack of ventilation in many of the rooms. Staggered bells for hs students at their lockers, smaller class sizes, kids in the halls before

school starts.

Better cleaning and HEPA filtration system

Daily routine of sanitization. Otherwise, let’s get back to school and activities

Monitoring sick students or teachers when entering the school & being understanding or have a plan for those that stay home for

those that stay home even for a simple cold.

Just practice sanitizing things regularly and make sure kids and teachers prescribe hand hygiene

Safety. Kids wearing face mask all day isn't practical and I don't seem them leaving it on.

If it’s online at all, all teachers need to be on the same schedule of when things are due. I think even if it’s half the students at a time

they need interaction and to be able to talk to the teacher in person makes a difference.

Being prepared for all scenarios


Have plenty of sanitizer available for staff and kids and remind the kids often to sanitize and wash hands. LOTS of disinfecting and

using bleach water on small toys. Maybe offering parents to volunteer to come to help disinfect their children's class rooms.

Page 29: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Require masks for all students and staff. Frequently sanitize high touch surfaces. Limit people on bus at a time.

Knowing the plan to social distance during lunch and in the hallways between classes. Social distancing when the halls are

congested with kids is impossible - will the teachers be moving classrooms or will the kids?

I think common sense goes a long way. If someone is sick or ill, they should stay home. If a sick or ill child arrives at the school, they

should be sent home immediately. I support accommodating students and teachers in high risk situations. The qualifying criteria for

high risk individuals should be well thought out. You should anticipate some potential abuse of this flexibility.

Making a solid plan as soon as possible so parents can make arrangements where necessary

A quarter of the student body was out sick with the flu last year. That is an illness WITH a vaccine and there was no controlling it.

COVID-19 case numbers are still going up and there is no vaccine, no protection from this. We barely know the short-term

consequences of this virus, much less the long-term effects...

There is currently NO SAFE WAY to open!

Have the equipment to sanitize surfaces every night

To have developed a plan to minimize risk of exposure. I would like to see daily screening of students to detect possible illness. I

don't know what that looks like. Frequent hand washing and sanitizer stations. Is it possible to put plexiglass screening around each

of the desks / tables? My workplace is currently doing this in shared lunchrooms to allow individuals to sit by each other under the 6

foot requirement. I don't know if kids wearing masks will work. I think they will be a distraction. But masks would definitely help with

the spread of any of the normal cold/flu germs.

Make sure that there is a football season.

Have enough cleaning product and hand sanitizer for the staff and students.

Page 30: PowerPoint Presentation · I think we ensure hand washing and sanitizing. We have to get kids back to school, kids are suffering. Kids need kids. I am not a teacher and the fear of

Convey and display serious intent to follow guidelines, being careful about possible (cross) contamination of anything (changing

gloves/masks between each encounter and/or sanitizing/cleaning them as appropriate, for example). The goal is to prevent the

spread as much as is possible, and even if it is a tedious chore, it is an effort that should be done - not only for the sake of the kids,

but for the sake of everyone they could spread it to - not only teachers, but parents, grandparents, and so on.

I have one child that needs special help and it's hard for me to give that and the benefits from school helps my child out a lot. And my

other child wasn't very excited to do the school work. It was really hard to get them to do the work and keep up with the homework.

The district needs to be able to ensure class sizes as well as curriculum can safely allow for the learning.

We would like to see that the students and staffs physical and mental health are a top priority

Masks for everyone

Have a safety plan, cleaning plan, and plan for each classroom if a student becomes positive

The district needs to determine what actions will be taken when a classmate or teacher tests positive with Covid-19. Also, if a parent

feels their child would be better off staying home on a certain day, would they be able to do distance learning that day? I know we're

all learning as we go and we will adapt as needed.

I don't believe 50% capacity is enough to achieve social distancing. 33% or 25% may be required. Fever checks every day for every

one are important and wearing masks in-doors. I have no idea how you would spread out lunch enough in person to not create a high

risk of spread.

A clear plan for cleaning and sanitizing

If not feeling well or have any symptoms, stay home. Golden rules 1. cover your mouth when sneezing/coughing 2. wash your hands

3. educate, don't create fear.