PowerPoint Presentation by Sixit Bhatta Introduction to Marketing Session-1.

PowerPoint Presentat by Sixit Bha Introduction to Marketing Session-1
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Transcript of PowerPoint Presentation by Sixit Bhatta Introduction to Marketing Session-1.

PowerPoint Presentation by Sixit Bhatta

PowerPoint Presentation by Sixit Bhatta

Introduction to MarketingIntroduction to Marketing



What is Marketing?What is Marketing?

Is it same as selling, Advertising?

Marketing, Kotler(1980): Activity directed

towards satisfying human needs through

exchange process.

Marketing: Meeting needs profitably.

Marketing: Process of creating,

communicating and delivering the value

Marketing as a value delivery processMarketing as a value delivery process

Value CreationValue


Value Delivery

What is Value?What is Value?

Marketing Vs. SellingMarketing Vs. Selling

Marketing is NOT the same as selling.

Selling is just the tip of the marketing


Aim of marketing:

– Know your customers well.

– Design the products to meet customers needs.

– Product should sell itself.

What is a market?What is a market?

Is it a place where goods and services are exchanged?

What is MarketedWhat is Marketed

• Anything– Goods– Services– Events– Experiences– Persons– Places– Properties.– Organization– Information.– Ideas

Customer MarketsCustomer Markets

Consumer Markets:

– Products and Services sold for the mass customers.

– Brand Strength.

Business Markets:

– Well trained and informed buyers.

– Products or services should demonstrate higher

value for the customer and profit making ability.

Global Market:– Cultural diversity.– Where to enter, how to enter markets?– Economic variables and pricing.

Non profit and Government Markets– Careful Pricing.– Bidding.

Marketing PhilosophiesMarketing Philosophies

Holistic MarketingHolistic Marketing

Relationship MarketingRelationship Marketing

• Maintain strong relationship with stakeholders that affect the success of the firm.– Customers (Offer better value, and retain)– Channels (Increase the earnings)– Partners (Better ROI, Brand building)

• Increase the return to the stakeholders.• Build up a marketing network.• Emphasize on Customer Retention.• Treat everyone as partners, create a win-

win situation.

Integrated MarketingIntegrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing

programs to deliver value.

Different activities to

provide synergy.

Vary the Marketing Mix as

per the need.

How would you sell

Mercedes Benz Against a

Maruti in Nepal

Integrated Marketing

programs to deliver value.

Different activities to

provide synergy.

Vary the Marketing Mix as

per the need.

How would you sell

Mercedes Benz Against a

Maruti in Nepal

Internal MarketingInternal Marketing

Imbibe the sense of marketing into all the organizational functions.

Marketing is not only the job of marketing department.

Performance MarketingPerformance Marketing

Measuring ROI on marketing activities.

Social Aspect.Scorecard is beyond the sales

revenue.– Market Share.– Customer Satisfaction. – Product Quality

What is Marketing ManagementWhat is Marketing Management

It is the analysis of planning, organizing, leading and control of programs to

create, build and maintain beneficial exchange with

target buyers for the purpose of achieving Organizational Goals.

Steps in Marketing ManagementSteps in Marketing Management

1.Analyzing Marketing Opportunity.2.Selecting Target Markets.3.Developing Marketing Mix (4Ps)4.Managing the Marketing Effort

Marketing Myopia?