PowerPoint Morph Tips and Tricks

morph Tips and tricks

Transcript of PowerPoint Morph Tips and Tricks

morphTips and tricks

Morph is a new slide transition used to animate objects smoothly from slide to slide with the click of a button.

When going from one slide to the next, you have to make sure that the right elements are in the right spot, not just on one slide, but across multiple.

Plan ahead and work backwards.We found it helpful to start with the end-state of the design and work the animation backwards on the previous slides to create the transition.

Stay organized.Morph uses object layers and tracks their individual attributes across slides. If you are planning on using a lot of Morph animations, start by naming your layers. This will help both you and Morph keep track of what objects need to change.

Delete, delete, delete.Once you are no longer using an object, you should delete it as soon as possible. This way, the only elements you have to worry about are the ones that are still relevant.

Timing is everything.Morph does not have a concept of what should come first, second, third. We found that you could take some control of this by splitting your animations across multiple slides.

Learn to let go.Some shapes create very interesting effects, while others are a complete flop. The more you experiment, the better you will get at predicting how an object is going to behave.

Create separate print versions.When you are done editing your presentation, delete your transition slides, keeping only the information slides for print if you are planning on passing out handouts.

Office 365 subscription.Morph and other exciting PowerPoint features are only available with a subscription to Office 365. Pick the right subscription for you!https://products.office.com/en-us/buy/office