PowerPoint 2010

PowerPoint 2010 Gerry Rowley 07/06/22



Transcript of PowerPoint 2010

  • 1. PowerPoint 2010 Gerry Rowley 06 February 2012

2. Welcome and Introduction Welcome. The PowerPoint 2010 interface. You should be able to do all of the things that you used to do in previous versions. 3. The Ribbon 4. Galleries When you see a arrow like this You can click to see more of the group 5. Dialog launcher At the bottom of most groups 6. Context tabs Only appear when an object is selected. 7. The Mini Toolbar Appears the first time you select text Right click on selected text. 8. Quick Access Toolbar Appears in the top left ofthe screen You can add any command from the ribbon by rightclicking on it. Right click on the icon on the quick access toolbar toremove it. 9. Gridlines and Guides On the view menu Shift + F9 show gridlines Guides can be moved and copied 10. Zooming Click on the command on the view toolbar. Use the slider on the bottom right of the screen. Use the mouse wheel while the CTRL key is pressed. There is a fit to window button on the view tab and the bottom right of the screen. 11. SmartArt 12. Laser Pointer Hold down the Ctrl button in Slideshow view. 13. Animation Painter Heading Second heading 14. Check Accessibility 15. Create Outlines in Word There is a command in Word 16. Create hand-out 17. Reuse slides 18. The OCC template Available for download from the Intranet Save as Office Theme 19. Keyboard ShortcutsOpen PresentationCTRL+ONew presentation CTRL+NNew slideCTRL+MDuplicate a slideCTRL+DClose presentation CTRL+WExit PowerPointALT+F4 20. Shortcuts during presentation Start from the beginning.F5 Start from the current slide Shift + F5 Go to slide number.number+ENTER Display a blank black slide. B or PERIOD Display a blank white slide. W or COMMA Stop or restartS End a presentation.ESC or HYPHEN 21. Erase on-screen annotations.E Go to the next slide, if the next slide is hidden. H Use mouse-click to advance while rehearsing. M Return to the first slide.1+ENTER Go to the first or next hyperlink TAB Go to the last or previous hyperlinkSHIFT+TAB Perform the "mouse click" behaviour of the selected 22. Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to a pen. CTRL+P Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to an arrow.CTRL+A Hide the pointer and navigation button immediately.CTRL+H Hide the pointer and navigation button in 15 seconds. 23. Summary List the topics that were covered. Explain any requirements for applying this training on the job. Request feedback about this training session.