Power Transmission Transformers: Saturation Compensation ...

1 POWER TRANSFORMERS: Saturation Compensation Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments John Thomas, Dr. David Cope Engineering Matters, Inc. 375 Elliot Street, Suite 130K Newton, MA 02464 www.engineeringmatters.com 14 October 2003

Transcript of Power Transmission Transformers: Saturation Compensation ...


POWER TRANSFORMERS:Saturation Compensation Modeling,

Simulation, and Experiments

John Thomas, Dr. David CopeEngineering Matters, Inc.

375 Elliot Street, Suite 130KNewton, MA 02464


14 October 2003

Engineering Matters® 2

Engineering Matters®

Short Form Resume

• Incorporated 1998• Woman-Owned Small Business• Won several Phase I and Phase II SBIRs• Electromechanical Focus

– Specialty motors and actuators, robotics, electromagnetic signature control and analysis

• Direct drive force feedback joysticks– Several patents received– Three high-performance versions available

• Ansoft user since 1984.

Engineering Matters® 3

Engineering Matters®

Design & Analysis Expertise

• Electromagnetics– Motors– Actuators– Sensors

• Electrical design– Power

– Analog and digital design

• Systems integration

• Mechanical design– Prototype– Design for


• Software design– Firmware– GUI/API– Computer interfacing

• Control design.

Engineering Matters® 4

Power Transformer Saturation Progression

• Large scale common mode transformer currents, through a series of physical interactions, cause many deleterious effects. In some notable cases, these effects have led to total system collapse.









HEATSMD = Solar Magnetic DisturbanceEMP = Electromagnetic PulseESD = Earth Surface PotentialGIC = Ground-Induced CurrentsVAR = Volts-Amps Reactive

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Reasons for interest in transformer saturation

• Transformer DC current causes half-cycle saturation, generation of harmonics, over-heating, increased audible noise, and mechanical stress.

• Results in decreased transformer life.

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Ground-Induced Currents (GIC) Two Causes:

• Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) affect utility operations– Generates an Earth-surface

potential (1-10 V/km)– Drives a quasi-DC ground

current (10-100A DC)– Duration 2-4 hours.

• HEMP effects are more intense than CME effects– 10X voltage (10-100 V/km)– 10X current (~1000A DC)– 10-15 minutes/burst.

Image credit: NASA



I/3 I/3


I/3 I/3


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Solar Magnetic Disturbances

• Solar magnetic disturbances (SMD) emit coronal mass ejections (CME) that interact with the earth’s magnetic field.

Image credit: NASA

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SMDs follow the 11 Year Sunspot Cycle


March 2003

Image credit: Meteorological Satellite Applications Branch, Air Force Weather Agency.

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Overall Electrical Schematic for GIC Compensation

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Ansoft Maxwell® & Simplorer®


• Three cases: (1) No GIC (before), (2) GIC (during), (3) GIC with compensation (after)

• Maxwell 2D nonlinear Model

• Simplorer Model– Block diagram &

circuit simulation– Post processing


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Maxwell-Simplorer LinkagesNonlinear Transformer Model

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Simplorer Block Diagram Functionality of three circuits

(PLL, time delay switch, op-amps)

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Simplorer Results: Saturation Compensation Control

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Simplorer Results: Closed-loop Error Signal & Correction Current

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Simplorer Results:Post-processing FFT

Before GIC I2n~0

During GIC, large I2n

After GIC with Compensation I2n~0

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Maxwell 2D Results:Transformer |B| plots

Before GIC During GIC


After GIC with

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Sub-scale Mock-up Demo Unit

• Sub-scale demonstration unit built & tested

• Experimental measurements compared with simulation results

GeneratorGSU XFMR











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Sub-scale Unit Measurements: Error Signal & Compensation Current

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Sub-scale Unit Measurements:Primary currents for three cases

Before GIC

During GIC

After GIC with Compensation

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Sub-scale Unit Measurements:FFT Harmonic Amplitudes

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Transformer Saturation Compensation Summary

• Natural & man-made events can cause transformer saturation which threatens power electric system stability and reliability

• Regained transformer stability by automated measurement and compensation

• Achieved very good comparison between simulations and experiments

• Future work will extend SMPS capabilities to higher power and voltage. More modeling and simulation are needed.

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Additional Projects of Interest (designed with Maxwell® 3D)

• Force Feedback Joystick (Direct drive, wide bandwidth, very rugged)

• MEMS OXC actuator

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Robotic Design and System Integration—Power Electronics, Vehicle design, Test Plan; RC, Motor

and Battery selection

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The GIC-compensation project was developed with funding from the United States Army Space & Missile Defense Command Contract numbers DASG60-01-C-0017 and DASG60-02-C-0066.

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Unconventional Alternative Power Applications

• Geothermal• Wave-action• Human-effort

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Bill Powell working out in Icelandic geothermal pool

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• Introduction to Geomagnetic Fields, Wallace Campbell, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1997.

• “Geomagnetic Storms and Their Impact on Power System,”Kappenman, John, G., IEEE Power Engineering Review, May 1996, p. 5.

• “Comparison of SS-GIC and MHD-EMP-GIC effects on power systems,” Meliopoulos, A.P.S.; Glytsis, E.N.; Cokkinides, G.J.; Rabinowitz, M. Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA, USA Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, Pages: 194-207 Jan. 1994 Vol. 9 Issue: 1 ISSN: 0885-8977.

• "Geomagnetically induced Currents during Magnetic Storms", R. Pirjola, Plasma Science, IEEE Transaction on, Vol. 28, No. 6, Dec. 2000, p. 1867.

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Significant Power System Outages (GIC & Other)

• GIC Storms: – February 1986, March

1989, March 1991, November 1991 and May 1992.

• GIC-Utility Events (place, people affected, duration): – North America: April 1940,

Sept. 1989, March 1991, Oct 1991

– Quebec March 1989, 6M, 9 hr. massive outage

• General Outages (place, people affected, duration):– US August 2003, 50M, 16-

20 hr. – London August 2003,

1.5M, 1 hr.– Denmark & Sweden

September 2003, 5M, 4 hr.– Italy September 2003, 57M,

9 hr.

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March 13, 1989 GIC-related ‘Events’

Image credit: Kappenman