Power Rangers

Power Rangers: Reviewed Mark G Kaye [Pick the date]


All seasons of power rangers reviewed

Transcript of Power Rangers

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Power Rangers: Reviewed

Mark G Kaye[Pick the date]

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ContentsWorld 1 Power Rangers...................................................................................................................3

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 1993-96....................................................................3

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 1993-96....................................................................4

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 1995........................................................................5

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 1993-96....................................................................5

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Season 3 1993-96.....................................................................6

Power Rangers Zeo Season 4 1996.............................................................................................7

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie 1997.............................................................................................8

Power Rangers Turbo Season 5 1997..........................................................................................9

Power Rangers in Space Season 6 1998....................................................................................11

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Season 7 1999..............................................................................13

Power Rangers Light Speed Rescue Season 8 2000..................................................................15

Power Rangers Time Force Season 9 2001...............................................................................16

Power Rangers Wild Force Season 10 2002..............................................................................18

World 2 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................19

Power Rangers Ninja Storm Season 11 2003............................................................................19

Power Rangers Dino Thunder Season 12 2004.........................................................................20

Power Rangers S.P.D. Season 13 2005.....................................................................................21

World 3 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................22

Power Rangers Mystic Force Season 14 2006..........................................................................22

World 4 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................23

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Season 15 2007..............................................................23

World 5 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................24

Power Rangers Jungle Fury Season 16 2008.............................................................................24

World 6 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................24

Power Rangers RPM Season 17 2009.......................................................................................24

Power Rangers Samurai Season 18 2010..................................................................................25

Power Rangers Super Samurai Season 19 2011-2012...............................................................25

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Revisited).................................................................26

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World 7 Power Rangers.................................................................................................................26

Power Rangers Mega Force Season 20 2013............................................................................26

Power Rangers Super Mega Force Season 21 2014..................................................................26

M.M.P.R. 2014 Movie...................................................................................................................27

World 8 (?) Power Rangers...........................................................................................................27

Power Rangers Dino Charge Season 22 2015...........................................................................27

Power Rangers Super Dino Charge Season 23 2016?...............................................................28

Untitled Power Rangers Movie ?????............................................................................................28

World 1 Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 1993-96

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Green

Villain(s): Rita Repulsa

Good: Zordon told Alpha 5 to recruit and beam five teenagers with attitude to the desert of Angel Grove, CA (the location of their command center) upon Rita’s arrival on the moon to destroy earth, becoming Power Rangers. Week by week Rita and her henchmen and her latest monster kick butt until the Power Rangers show up destroying the putties, winning round 1 with the monster, and eventually winning round 2 once Rita oversize’s the monster with her magic staff with little to no effort. You also have the antics of Bulk and Skull to serve as the comic relief to the series. The hangout, Ernie’s Juice Bar, serves more like an all purpose room.

Bad: If the team wasn’t obvious enough to us, as viewers, they demean the team by making them wear their power ranger color in their average clothing wear. If someone transported me and called it recruiting, I would call it kidnapping and leave. If that’s not enough they are being used in the long run by a galactic floating head and a robot of which has no means of defending the planet against Rita. Week by week, the team is ambushed by putties and a monster. The team stops the putties, calls out “It’s Morphin Time!” followed by “Dragon Zord, Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Sabretooth Tiger, & Tyrannosaurs,” battles the monster, monster gets super sized, rangers call out for their zords, they combine, and destroy the monster for good with little to no effort. But yet no one realizes the pattern and complains. No one thinks to go into Outer Space to put an end to Rita’s schemes. The hangout, Ernie’s Juice Bar, serves more like an all purpose room.

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IMO: In this time frame of which Power Rangers came out, it didn’t have any other competition. The only thing similar for the matter was Saved by the Bell. All the boys wanted to be Zack, and get with Kelly. Same principal here, all of the boys wanted to get with Kim the pink ranger and wanted to be Tommy the green ranger. And as if the roles of the team weren’t enough, Jason the red ranger was a country man that loves kung fu. Trini the yellow ranger was the only foreign member of the team, being Asian. Zack the black ranger was the black ranger because he was black and cool. Billy the blue ranger was the typical smart “nerd”, but yet he was not bullied because he was a power ranger.

It was a good show when it first came out, but if you were to re-watch the show now, you would notice the pattern and the stereotypical way the team is used.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 1993-96

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, White

Villain(s): Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa

Good: Season Two introduced big baddy Lord Zedd, Rita’s superior, who destroys the power ranger’s dino zords. Zordon re-energizes the dino zords into the thunder zords, complete with a ridiculous long name that the rangers now have to call out. During this season the team changes, Jason, Zack, and Trini pass on the mantle of red, black and yellow (respectively) to Aisha, Rocky, and Adam. Also Tommy goes through a transformation from being the green dragon zord ranger to the white tiger zord ranger. Bulk and Skull join the Police Force Junior Academy.

Zedd at one point tricks the rangers into summoning their megazord and dragon zord, before being destroyed, against the rangers. The rangers do some quick thinking and invent a machine that gets their zords back. But at that point, the dino zords are destroyed.

Bad: Jason gets replaced as leader by Tommy. Jason, Zack, Trini leave prompting a cast change. The pattern of fighting against Zedd is very similar to the pattern used against Rita. Zedd destroys the power ranger’s dino zords. Zordon re-energizes the dino zords into the thunder zords, complete with a ridiculous long name that the rangers now have to call out. “Mastodon Lion Thunder Zord Power,” “Pterodactyl Firebird Thunder Zord Power,” “Triceratops Unicorn Thunder Zord Power,” “Sabretooth Tiger Griffin Thunder Zord Power,” “Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunder Zord Power” It sounds like a mouth full.

IMO: Finally a change of pace right? Well I would have to say right and wrong. The pattern is still there as no one thinks to challenge Zedd in space to defend earth. He brings to the plate a team of more powerful putties and monsters that the rangers can still defeat. His way of super sizing his monster is much more effective than Rita’s way.

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Zack, Trini, and Jason’s leave from the show prompts two things, a change of cast, and use of old footage. They left due to rumors of being overpaid. In doing so, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam find out the identities of the rangers and being sworn in to not be allowed to use their identities against them, until they were exchanged out. However, Aisha clothes are yellow, Rocky clothes are red, and Adam clothes are blue.

For those who like Jason as leader, he gets replaced by Tommy. The two of them struggle with this change. I actually liked this, because it caused friction in the team. Since there was no drama involved within the team it was nice to see conflict arise.

The change for Bulk and Skull to join the Police Force Junior Academy was actually pretty funny.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 1995Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, White

Villain(s): Ivan Ooze, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa

Good: The creation of Ivan Ooze can serve as a good point as well as a bad point. The good part is that he had these Ectomorphicon Titans that could battle the Zords individually and combined together. Another good point Ooze had that he was actually a good match for the Rangers. They trick Ooze into space to end his schemes once and for all, using Ryan’s Comet to destroy him. But what about the oath the rangers took? Didn’t that oath forbid death by circumstance?

Bad: There were only two, maybe three, errors with the movie. The first thing is the continuity difference between the movie and the TV show, of how the team gets the powers of the ninjetti. The second thing is inventing a villain just for the sole purpose for the movie, ignoring Zedd and Rita completely, of which they are used for comic relief instead. The third possible error of the movie is the use of the Tengoo, the bird creatures used as Ooze’s attack force, similar to the putties that Rita and Zedd use.

Another point Ooze had that he was actually a good match for the Rangers. They trick Ooze into space to end his schemes once and for all, using Ryan’s Comet to destroy him. But what about the oath the rangers took? Didn’t that oath forbid death by circumstance?

IMO: The first live action big screen movie – enough said of a child of the 90’s. Almost all boys who grew up in the 90’s wanted to see this movie. Who didn’t want to see this movie in theaters, besides from the girls of the 90’s?

Who remembers that classic scene that reminded everyone of Jurassic Park? This movie took a few jokes from other movies and did their own twists.

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Throughout the entire series of MMPR, including the movie, the clothes of the team are their power ranger colors. Come on!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 1993-96

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, White

Villain(s): Rito Revolto, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd

Good: Rita Revolto, comes to town, and destroys the Thunder Zords and the power coins. The Rangers, then seek out Ninjor, the creator of the power coins. Ninjor bestows on them the power of Ninjetti along with animal spirits (the ninjazords) that joins together to become the Shogun Zord. Ninjor does get captured by the evil team of Rita, Zedd, & Rito. But at least Ninjor has set up defenses in his genie bottle of a lamp.

Rito, being the clumsy idiotic younger brother of Rita, actually makes mistakes along the way prompting Rita & Zedd to clean up his messes. It is because of Rito that the White Falcon Zord gets captured. Goldar on the other hand, dramatically changes from Rita’s right hand in season 1, to being fully restored all of his power by Zedd in Season 2 to work for Zedd and leave Rita behind, to a bumbling idiot that gets along and buts heads with Rito.

The pattern from introducing Rito actually changes, and it’s because he’s a bumbling idiot. He might command the tangoo birds, and have Goldar as an Enforcer, but he still causes mischief and mayhem that Rita and Zedd have to tolerate. So instead of the regular pattern, the rangers morph into action whenever Rito is involved and try to supply a beating. From there the zords are called only if a monster is involved. This changes up the “fight pattern” from the rest of the season.

Bad: Goldar dramatically changes from Rita’s right hand in season 1, to being fully restored all of his power by Zedd in Season 2 to work for Zedd and leave Rita behind, to a bumbling idiot that gets along and buts heads with Rito. What did the writers mean by this?

Say goodbye to Kim this season. Rita enchants a spell on the new exchange student, Kat Hillard. Kat breaks the enchantment and Kim bestows the pink ranger power coin to her.

IMO: Now the series becomes a bit more clever and witty with the introduction of Rita’s brother, Rito Revolto. Goldar becomes a bumbling idiot and enforcer of Rito’s army.

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Season 3 1993-96

Team: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Black

Villain(s): Master Vile, Rito Revolto, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd

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Good: Master Vile, Rita’s and Rito’s father, Zedd’s now Father-In-Law, comes into the picture. Vile creates a machine that converts the rangers into children. Zordon calls on the Alien Rangers of Aquitar to defend the planet and aid Zordon and Alpha 5 in a creation of a device that can transform the rangers to their actual ages. The power source of this device is the newly required power coins of the rangers.

Billy is the only one converted back to his actual age, because the machine is then stolen by Rito and Goldar, allowing Rita and Zedd to destroy the power coins. The only way to fix this is to send the child rangers on a quest to find the legendary Zeo Crystal. Tommy finds his long lost brother and family. Aisha travels to Africa and meets a young girl by the name of Tanya. Aisha decides to stay in Africa and sends Tanya back with her portion of the Zeo Crystal.

Bad: I don’t really see too much negative things to write for this season, as in my opinion, it’s the best season. There’s no “fight pattern,” but we are introduced to Alien Power Rangers, as the rangers are now children thanks to Vile. Their alien biology prevents them from staying on land too long. So why call on them? That’s a nasty side effect.

To fix everything Zordon sends the children on an impossible quest to find the legendary Zeo Crystal. Why send them? He doesn’t see the risk when it comes to their safety? And why didn’t Billy stop them? There had to be consequences to this if the children didn’t succeed, but yet no one questions Zordon.

IMO: If you think about the relationship between Rita and Rito, then you will be asking yourself “Who the hell are their parents?” Here, we meet Master Vile, the father of Rita and Rito. To make matters worse, Vile casts a spell on the rangers that converts them to kids, and Zordon has to call on the ranger aliens of Aquitar to defend the planet. But their alien biology prevents them from staying on land too long.

To fix everything Zordon sends the children on an impossible quest to find the legendary Zeo Crystal. Why send them? He doesn’t see the risk when it comes to their safety? And why didn’t Billy stop them? There had to be consequences to this if the children didn’t succeed, but yet no one questions Zordon.

Power Rangers Zeo Season 4 1996

Team: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Gold

Villain(s): Machine Empire – King Mondo, Queen Machina, Prince Gasket, & Prince Sprocket

Good: The quest to find the Legendary Zeo Crystal is a success. Tanya is introduced to the rangers, and Tommy starts having visions that lead him to finding his long lost brother and family. The Machine Empire comes to earth and scares off Master Vile and his motley crew! Billy makes a hard breaking decision as he steps aside to become a technical survivor to the

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team, letting Tanya take the spot. Kat becomes Zeo Ranger 1 Pink, Tanya becomes Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow, Rocky became Zeo Ranger 3 Blue, Adam became Zeo Ranger 4 Green, and Tommy became Zeo Ranger 5 Red.

The Machine Empire has a reputation of destroying absolutely everything in its path, which results Master Vile and everyone to flee for their existence intact, that is until they come to earth, which seems to be an extraterrestrial beacon, and clash with the Power Rangers themselves.

This season introduces human life on other planets as they meet Prince Trey, of Triforia. Trey’s presence on the planet prompted a second story line, “Who is the Gold Ranger.” Trey comes from Triforia, a planet of which everyone is born with identical triplets. Trey bestowed on the Zeo Rangers a gift called the Super Zeo Zords.

Jason returns as the Gold Ranger for the time period of which Prince Trey had to return to Triforia. But the powers begin to fail him, prompting Rita and Zedd to return wanting the Gold Rangers Powers, in addition to the Machine Empire wanting the power for them. Jason tries to give the powers back to Trey to save his life.

Zedd and Rita’s return sends a message to King Mondo: “We’re Back!”

Bad: Billy gets trapped in an aging spell, making him older and the only way to fix it is to leave the planet for Aquitar. The Alien Rangers fix the spell, but Billy decides to stay on Aquitar for romantic reasons. This is the only bad part of the season, because we say goodbye to Billy.

IMO: When I heard in Zeo that The Machine Empire Scares Master Vile, I’m thinking WTF!!!!! Vile is forced to take Zedd in, along with Rita and Rito as they flee fearing the Machine Empire! Jason’s return was great, but short lived, since his life was being threatened. We also get to meet humans that live on another planet called Triforia.

The ending of this season was bad ass, Zedd’s and Rita’s return as Mondo and Machina withdraw from the planet. Looks like Zedd and Rita have found a way to destroy the machines and take the planet themselves.

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie 1997Team: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink

Villain(s): Divatox, Maligore

Good: As the planet deals with Zedd’s and Rita’s return, the Machine Empire’s withdrawal, the Space Pirate Divatox and her nephew, Elgar hatch a plan to wed the demon named Maligore. To battle Divatox’s piranhatrons, Zordon is prompted to upgrade the Zeo Rangers into the Turbo Rangers. In order to gain access to Maligore, Divatox tries to capture a wizard named Lerigot, who is friends with Alpha 5.

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Rocky, Tommy, and Adam are training for a martial arts tournament and Rocky makes a bad move which causes him to land a trip to the hospital for injuring his back. Justin, a young friend of theirs sneaks into the hospital and learns that Rocky and his friends are the power rangers!

Lerigot flees his planet in search of Alpha and lands in Africa. The sun on the other hand is too much for Lerigot to handle. Tommy and Kat are sent to get Lerigot before Divatox can. Elgar is prompted to find sacrifices for Maligore, and in doing so he abducts Bulk and Skull, only to learn that they are not the proper sacrifices. He does mess with their minds. They end up abducting Jason and Kim, who happen to be scuba diving nearby.

Justin takes Rocky’s place as the Blue Turbo Ranger as they travel to stop Divatox. Divatox on the other hand takes Lerigot’s family hostage to get the key and succeeds. Tommy becomes the Red Turbo Ranger, Adam becomes the Green Turbo Ranger, Kat becomes the Pink Turbo Ranger, and Tanya becomes the Yellow Turbo Ranger. Using their cars, they unite them to form the Turbo Megazord which destroys Maligore.

Bad: The film, like the previous one, wasn’t really focused on continuity, although certain things made sense in connection with the Turbo season that followed the movie. Elgar survived the pit that his aunt offered him for sacrifice. The demon Maligore was reused as Dark Specter in Season 6, when the rangers travel into space. Justin replacing Rocky did happen, as Tanya, Tommy, Adam, and Kat chose replacements for them, so they can have lives without the helmet.

IMO: I don’t recall seeing this film in theaters, but I have seen it. It was the first of the entire series to include a child actor as a ranger. I enjoyed the film but certain things about the film didn’t really make that much sense to me. The island that the rangers traveled to was only available to get to by ship? Come on. The morphing sequence for Justin, the kid, also didn’t really work. We all know that the rangers had two people portraying them. So the morphing sequence for Justin included him “getting taller” just so his blue ranger suit actor can get some screen time.

Power Rangers Turbo Season 5 1997

Team: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Phantom, Blue Centurion

Villain(s): Divatox

Good: Many things happen this season, and not all of them were good, some were just ridiculous as Bulk and Skull being changed into monkeys, then invisible, and then back to human. Lt. Stone loses his job and inherits the juice bar hangout from Ernie, as he also looks after the monkeys.

The team also goes through another casting change. This time we’re saying goodbye to Tommy, Kat, Adam, and Tanya. Justin is the only one that stays on. TJ becomes Turbo Red, Cassie becomes Turbo Pink, Ashley becomes Turbo Yellow, and Carlos becomes Turbo Green.

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We’re also saying goodbye to Zordon and Alpha 5 who are going back to their home planet of Eltar, making way for the spectral Dimitria of Inquiris and the next in the line of robots, Alpha 6. Dimitria is no Zordon as she cannot give advice and guidance properly; she can only ask questions back, which gets annoying.

Dimitria and the Centurion go to Eltar to assist Zordon. While on Eltar, Zordon gets captured by Dark Specter. With Zordon now captured this prompts the Intergalactic Phantom Ranger to come to earth to aid the Turbo Rangers.

But more happens as the Blue Centurion arrives later from the year 2000, with a message for Dimitria and the rangers that Lord Zedd, Rita, The Machine Empire and Divatox will team up to destroy the universe, but fails to show complete message due to Divatox corrupting it at the end of it, although its believed to be Dark Specter. But a part of the message that didn’t get corrupted was that Dimitria had a long lost sister.

Divatox is the only villain of the rangers to actually destroy their power suits and capture their zords. She is also, thanks to Elgar, the only villain to find the location of the Rangers’ command center and destroys it. Due to Dark Specter, Divatox is unable to finish the rangers off for good, as she is ordered to the planet Cimmerian.

The now powerless rangers head into space to rescue Zordon. Justin stays behind; after all he is only 12, to stay with his father.

Bad: Many things happen this season, and not all of them were good, some were just ridiculous as Bulk and Skull being changed into monkeys, then invisible, and then back to human. Lt. Stone loses his job and inherits the juice bar hangout from Ernie, as he also looks after the monkeys.

We’re also saying goodbye to Zordon and Alpha 5 who are going back to their home planet of Eltar, making way for the spectral Dimitria of Inquiris and the next in the line of robots, Alpha 6. Dimitria is no Zordon as she cannot give advice and guidance properly; she can only ask questions back, which gets annoying.

Dimitria and the Centurion go to Eltar to assist Zordon. While going to Eltar, Zordon gets captured by Dark Specter. How can this be good? They are leaving the rangers behind of which then leads to a series of unfortunate events for them. Their Zords get captured; their power coins destroyed, their command center gets destroyed. What’s left for them? Divatox was going to finish them off for good, but was called off. They got lucky on that part.

Thinking that nothing is left on earth for them, they leave the planet to rescue Zordon. Can I just say how stupid that decision is? They just up and leave before Terra Venture is colonized or even in its planning phase. For those that stopped watching Rangers before or after turbo Terra Venture is the space colony that floats around in space looking for other suitable planets for human life, in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Season 7.

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Don’t they have families, lives, dreams, lifelong goals, significant others? Ok Ashley is the only one that finds her future in space, and Justin stays behind, he’s only 12 for out loud, but what about the others? The retreat into space to rescue Zordon was stupid and reckless, but the writers of the season don’t see that?

According to Wikipedia: TJ wants to play baseball, Carlos wants to play soccer, Ashley is a cheerleader, and Cassie wants to be a musician. They put their lives on hold just to rescue an intergalactic being? That’s sacrifice right there, but they don’t regret it for a year in space?

IMO: The ending of Zeo was bad ass, Zedd’s and Rita’s return as Mondo and Machina withdraw from the planet. Looks like Zedd and Rita have found a way to destroy the machines and take the planet themselves. But Space Pirate Divatox has her own plans with the planet. After destroying her fiancé, Divatox seeks revenge on the Rangers so she comes to earth.

The morphing sequence for Justin, the kid, also didn’t really work. We all know that the rangers had two people portraying them. So the morphing sequence for Justin included him “getting taller” just so his blue ranger suit actor can get some screen time.

Divatox is practically the only Power Rangers villain who destroys their power coins, captures and destroys the zords, and destroys the command center. But as she’s about to lay waste to the rangers themselves, Dark Specter calls her off and flees into space? Do the villains have the power of time travel or something? If they went back to this moment there would have been no Space Rangers to stop them. EPIC FAIL ON THE VILLAINS BEHALF! They could have easily gotten rid of the rangers and continued on with dividing up the galaxy among Specter, Astronema, Rita, Zedd, Divatox and the Machine Empire, as earth lay in ruins with the human species as slaves.

But Noooo! The rangers decide to go after Zordon after Divatox cuts them a break and then the Space Rangers are born! (Hehe segway joke)

Power Rangers in Space Season 6 1998

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Silver, Phantom

Villain(s): Dark Specter, Astronema, Rita, Zedd, Divatox, the Machine Empire, Ecliptor, Darkonda

Good: Divatox is the only villain of the rangers to actually destroy their power suits and capture their zords. She is also, thanks to Elgar, the only villain to find the location of the Rangers’ command center and destroys it. Due to Dark Specter, Divatox is unable to finish the rangers off for good, as she is ordered to the planet Cimmerian.

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On Cimmerian Divatox learns that Zordon has been captured by Dark Specter, who is draining Zordon’s powers. He is the “Grand Monarch of All Evil” and the leader of the United Alliance of Evil (UAE) – Consisting of himself, Astronema, Master Vile, Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd, King Mondo & Queen Machina, and of course Divatox.

Andros, from the planet KO-35, the Space Red Ranger learns of the UAE’s plans dealing with Zordon and orders Astronema to eliminate him before the Space Rangers can be born. Andros meets up with the rangers on board his ship, which took in the shuttle that brought the rangers into space, and ultimately decides he needs their help in rescuing Zordon.

Andros hides his quest to find his long lost sister, who in fact was kidnapped when they were just 5 years old. His side quest becomes public to the rest of the team when it’s learned that Astronema is Andros’ sister Karone. Another one of Andros’ secrets are discovered when the others find a body on carbonate on board the ship.

Astronema defects for a period of time and joins the rangers, but is abducted and brainwashed, with programming overwriting her emotions. In this state, the princess of evil creates the Psycho Rangers of which are really demented and borderline psychotic, linked directly to Dark Specters energy source. Meaning every time they fight Specter is drained of evil.

Darkonda, a bounty hunter, turns out to be the one who kidnapped Karone and brought her to Dark Specter. Ecliptor helped raise her, and fights by her side. Darkonda and Ecliptor have their own rivalry which impacts the ranger as well.

When Zhane is awoken, he becomes the Silver Ranger assisting the Ranger team even further. It complicates things even further when Astronema & Zhane start to see each other romantically. But they’re not the only ones. Ashley is very much interested in a romantic relationship with Andros.

The Psycho rangers lead to Dark Specter’s destruction. But after they are destroyed, two of the rangers’ mega zords are destroyed. Dark Specter’s UAE is about render the entire universe to the brink of slavery. Darkonda and Dark Specter destroy each other, respectively, resulting in Astronema becoming the Queen of all Evil.

Andros tries to appeal to his sister, but ends up accidentally killing her. Zordon asks for martyrdom, saving the universe in the process. Unfortunately Andros does so willingly. The many monsters are subsequently turned to dust by the energy wave, while Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Divatox and Astronema are changed into normal, non-evil humans.

With the universe now safe, T.J., Cassie, Carlos, Ashley and Alpha 6 intend to settle down on Earth. Though initially intending to remain on KO-35 with their people, Andros, Zhane and Karone decide to join their friends on Earth.

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Professor Phenomenus is introduced when Bulk and Skull believe they saw an UFO, turning their duo into a calamity of a trio, which sometimes crosses paths with the Rangers’ missions. As the earth comes down to its last fight, Bulk and Skull lead the charge!

Bad: This is the last season to include Bulk and Skull as a team, until their small cameo in Wild Force. We are also introduced to Professor Phenomenus, which turns their dynamic duo into a trio.

For a space adventure, the power rangers spend a good amount of their time defending earth, as Angel Grove stood in the balance. But yet they were supposed to be searching the galaxy and rescuing Zordon. How is it possible that they still have time to defend earth?

IMO: This season brought two veteran rangers back! Justin returns as Turbo Blue to assist the rangers. Also Adam returns as the Mastodon Black Ranger (like the changes in uniform he went through didn’t matter) to assist as well. Since Carlos is a big hot head, he matured a good amount with Adam’s help.

It was great seeing love interests come up, as if they weren’t implied very early on in MMPR and Zeo. Kim was very much interested in Tommy, but when she moved away, Kat tried setting him up, unaware of her own feelings for him. Tommy and Kat began a relationship after she admitted it.

This season took a darker tone, and I thought it was brilliantly done. Some drama actually came in and I was thinking to myself that it was great seeing this happen. Finally conflict happens on the team and they had to deal with it. I thought, however, it was poor judgment on the writers’ behalf to introduce Sylvie Larson, the daughter of Carlos’ teacher in school. She found out that Carlos and Andros were rangers, and tried using this against them. What a brat! Plus she became a liability to the entire team.

No wonder they stayed so close to Angel Grove. Ashley, TJ, Carlos, and Cassie were still in high school! Oh come on, like being a power ranger searching for Zordon wasn’t enough? They still had to pass high school? I’m pretty sure that excuse wouldn’t have been taken seriously. “Umm, excuse me, I’m a power ranger and I have to go into space to find an intergalactic being and rescue him; can I be excused from this test?” The team would’ve spent time in a mental hospital.

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Season 7 1999

Team: Blue, Green, Red, Pink, Yellow, Magna Defender

Villain(s): Scorpios, Trakeena, Deviot, Captain Mutiny

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Good: Phenomenus and Bulk are seen in line wanting onto Terra Venture, a space colony with the purpose to find other habitant worlds for humans. No Skull, he overslept. This series does what the previous season should’ve done, focused more on the adventures in space.

Leo, Mike, Kai, and Kendrix leave for the space colony Terra Venture. Actually, Leo was a stowaway. But they meet a mechanic named Damon, and on the Moon, a jungle girl named Maya who leads them to five mystical swords known as the Quasar Sabers on her home planet of Mirinoi. After pulling the sabers out of a stone, one of the youths, Mike Corbett, falls into a crevice, but not before passing his saber onto his younger brother Leo Corbett.

With the Quasar Sabers, the teens transform into the Galaxy Power Rangers and use them to battle space villains from two different parts of the galaxy. Along the way, they discover several Zords known as Galactabeasts and make an ally in the form of the mysterious Magna Defender, a galactic warrior. Though he later dies, he manages to reveal that his host body is Mike Corbett and passes the Magna Defender powers to him.

Deviot revives the evil Psycho Rangers, the Space Rangers show up to aid the Galaxy Rangers in destroying them. During this saga, Kendrix Morgan, the Pink Ranger, sacrifices herself to protect the Pink Space Ranger and Terra Venture from Psycho Pink. Karone, sister of the Red Space Ranger Andros and former evil princess Astronema, is given the powers of the Pink Galaxy Ranger from Kendrix (who appears as a spirit), and joins the Rangers in the battle to protect Terra Venture.

Deviot later reads secret words from the Galaxy Book; sending Terra Venture and himself into the "Lost Galaxy". Here the Rangers encounter Captain Mutiny. Deviot reemerges and joins the Captain's fight against the Rangers and attempts to turn all of the citizens of Terra Venture into his slaves for the purposes of mining for "Booty". The colony escaped the galaxy after Mike sacrificed his powers to keep a portal open.

Trakeena learns of Deviot’s betrayal, but by this time she had learned he was a traitor and tried to destroyed him chasing him through the ship and into the cocoon that Scorpios made fusing them together and driving Trakeena insane and using her army armed with bombs crippled Terra Venture and destroyed the Stratoforce and Centaurus megazords.

This forced the colony's people to evacuate to a nearby planet Trakeena gave chased but the rangers destroyed her ship by self-destructing the Astro Megaship, but the explosion left Leo stranded on the moon. Trakeena survived the blast also, but was scarred and injured, finally reaching her breaking point Trakeena used the cocoon to transform into an insectoid creature.

Terra Venture's wreck and used her power to set it on a crash course to the planet below to destroy it and the people below. Leo enters and soon followed by the other ranger tried to stop her, but were slowly overmatch by Trakeena's new power. She was only defeated after Leo using his battle-izer blasted her at point-blank range nearly destroying himself in the process.

By this time the colony was nearly the people but the Galaxy Megazord diverted it course and landed it a large clearing in an explosion, the colonist feared the worse for the ranger, but were

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relieved and overjoyed when they came out of the explosion on the Galactabeasts. After this the zords revealed to rangers they had landed on Mirinoi and returned the saber to the stone altar, this restored it petrified inhabits and the joy of the rangers restored Kendrix as well.

Bad: Bulk and Phenomenus, enough said. They were even written off, they supposedly got fired from the science department of Terra Venture, and had to find work as bartenders. So what became of them after the adventures of Terra Venture? At least Bulk was done with his so called delusions of monster attacks.

The zords consisted of beings called Galactabeasts, which connected to become the GalactaZord … these beasts are still loosely based on animals found on earth. For a series that had more space adventure than the previous season, there were still some weak points that looked like they were on earth. There were even some gaps of error in the series of when the rangers weren’t morphed but could still breathe in the coldness of space. What the hell?

IMO: Finally a change of scenery from Angel Grove, Ca. The power ranger team ups seemed to have begun a trend, the first being the Alien Rangers with the Zeo Rangers. This season was the second time a team up between the teams happened. The Turbo Rangers couldn’t really Team up with the Zeo Rangers after the original members selected their replacements, same with Space and Turbo – well except for when Justin returned. This stayed into effect until Ninja Storm Season 11, which had reset the continuity line.

Oh that damn continuity line! (Fist pound on table!) It reset a total of six times, possibly a seventh depending on Power Rangers Dino Charge season 22 airing in 2015. 1. MMPR to Wild Force, 2. Ninja Storm to SPD, 3. Mystic Force, 4. Operation Overdrive, 5. Jungle Fury, 6. RPM to Mega Force. Now I gave up watching Rangers after SPD, and I’ve seen some of MF, OO, RPM, Samurai, and never saw Jungle Fury. I have no intention in watching Dino Charge whatsoever. Ok maybe just one episode, I would like to see how bad the show has become. The entire series became a very slippery slope after Wild Force.

Power Rangers Light Speed Rescue Season 8 2000

Team: Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, Titanium

Villain(s): Queen Bansheera

Good: We return to bright and sunny California, but not Angel Grove … Welcome to Mariner Bay, Ca! Once a ground of which belonging to ancestral demons, the city of Mariner Bay was built on top. Due to an unforeseen accident, the demons return wanting their ancestral grounds back. At first the demons just want to revive their queen, but the Light Speed Rangers won’t even let that happen. She does get revived, but robbed of her rightful body. Instead Queen Bansheera appears in a disfigured floating headstone form.

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To stop the demons, a government organization called Light Speed Rescue forms their rangers. A firefighter, a marine animal trainer and pool lifeguard, a stunt pilot, an extreme sports athlete, and a paramedic become the Light Speed Power Rangers. However, the public knows who the rangers are, as they are public defenders.

The five Rangers are aided by a team of scientists and engineers led by Miss Angela Fairweather, and operated out of the Light speed Aqua base, an underwater military compound that also deters the hydrophobic demons from directly attacking the base.

The Rangers were later joined by Captain Mitchell's (long thought to be dead) son, Ryan Mitchell, who would become the Titanium Ranger. Together, the six Rangers would prevail against the demon forces time after time, culminating in a final showdown where, in the Power Rangers tradition, all of the Zords and much of the weapons and other equipment that was used by the Power Rangers over the series were destroyed.

Bad: The fact that the writers decided to bring in demonic creatures. It was entertaining watching the Rangers struggle and fight against demons, but come on the writing almost began to get sloppy but it got fixed when Ryan was brought in.

IMO: Going the demonic route doesn’t always work, but hey at least it can’t get any worse right? WRONG! Later seasons of rangers introduces mythological creatures and magic (Mystic Force Season 14). Like that hasn’t been done before.

Power Rangers Time Force Season 9 2001

Team: Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, Blue, Quantum Red

Villain(s): Ransik & Nadira

Good: Finally a season of Rangers that works in the element of time travel … maybe Ransik really wanted to travel back to 1997 to have Divatox destroy the rangers. That would’ve created a reality of which no power rangers existing after the death of the Turbo Rangers. Instead he travels to the year 2001.

In the year 3000, Time Force is a police agency that deals with the crimes of mutants, outcasts of society who have developed super powers. Ransik, one of the most dangerous mutants, is arrested and sentenced to life for his crimes including murder and the plan to travel back in time to take over the world. However, after sentencing, he escapes and manages to go back in time to the year 2001, but seemingly kills Alex, the Red Time Force Ranger, in the process. Alex's fiance Jen, as well as Time Force members Lucas, Katie, and Trip, decides to break protocol and go back in time after Ransik. However, upon arriving in the year 2001, they find that the rest of the Time Force morphers are locked, and cannot be used until someone with Alex's DNA uses the Red Ranger morpher. To that end, they find Alex's ancestor Wes Collins, who unlock the

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morphers, and then helps them battle Ransik's army of mutants as the Time Force Power Rangers, though Wes and Jen, upset over Alex's death, don't see eye-to-eye initially.

As Ransik continues his quest for total domination of Earth, archeologists discover a box that, unknown to them, contains the Quantum Ranger morpher and powers. Both Ransik and the Rangers are well aware of its contents, and make attempts to retrieve it. The box eventually falls into the hand of Eric Myers, a member of the Silver Guardians, the city's police force managed by Wes' father, Mr. Collins and Wes's old rival. Eric activates the power, and becomes the Quantum Ranger. Eric, however, becomes cocky and irresponsible with his power, forcing Wes and the Rangers to get try to get it back from him; however, Eric defeated them and he kept his powers. Soon he learns the responsibility of using the Quantum Powers and becomes the leader of the Silver Guardians as the Quantum Ranger.

Eventually, the Rangers begin receiving help from an unseen ally from the future in the form of the Time Shadow Megazord. Soon, this ally arrives in 2001 and reveals himself to be Alex, stating that he is alive because something the Rangers have done in the present has altered the future, and that he has returned to fix it. Alex reveals to Wes what was meant to happen in the original timeline and encourages him to take action to set it right. Wes reluctantly agrees, and relinquishes control of his morpher to Alex so he can take care of his father's business while his father lays ill. Alex then briefly leads the team, but his relationship with the Rangers becomes strained when they realize Alex has changed. Alex eventually realizes that Wes is the true Red Ranger and, having nearly destroyed his relationship with Jen, returns the morpher.

When Ransik makes his final assault on Earth, Alex orders the Rangers to return to the future, for fear that if they hesitate, they may not be able to return at all. Wes, however, would have to remain behind. The Rangers refuse, and fight Ransik alongside Wes, who, knowing his friends can't stay, forces them into returning to the year 3000, leaving only himself and Eric to stop Ransik, or die trying. When the Rangers return to the future, they learn that Silver Hills was saved, but Wes died in the process. The Rangers are ordered to have their minds erased of their memories from 2001, and encouraged to resume their lives. Angered, Jen returns Alex's engagement ring, and the Rangers return to 2001 to help Wes and Eric. During the final battle, Ransik accidentally injures his daughter Nadira and, traumatized over nearly killing her, surrenders to the Rangers. Right before the Rangers return Ransik and Nadira to the future, Wes and Jen, having soothed over their initially rocky relationship, profess their love for one another. As the Rangers depart, Wes stays behind with Eric to co-command the Silver Guardians.

Bad: Time travel and mutants, this season look like it took its cues from X-men. The season definitely reminded me of X-Men more than a season of Power Rangers. Hailing originally from the year 3000, they travel to the past to stop the most powerful of all of the mutants, Ransik and his daughter Nadira. Who’s Nadira’s mother then?

IMO: I have always found time travel to be a very interesting subject, as for every show or movie the future is always different. This season predicts a future that looks like an evolved future of the Jetsons in 2000 (of which we now have passed). This season treats mutants like criminals.

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Instead of destroying the mutants, they are just shrunk back down in size to fit in their prison pods. From this season it’s the POV that life is worth living no matter if you’re a hero or villain. It’s either in jail or free that separates the criminals from the civilians. I think this season is a predecessor to SPD, which takes place in the future with Time Travel optional.

Power Rangers Wild Force Season 10 2002

Team: Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Black, Lunar

Villain(s): Master Org

Good: The series follows the adventure of Cole Evans, who had been staying with a tribe in a jungle for many years, as he tries to find his destiny in the fictitious town of Turtle Cove. He encounters the Animarium, a place that many believed to be a fairy tale. He joins four others who had a common path to become the new leader of the Wild Force Power Rangers.

The Animarium is an island that floats in the sky. It is shaped like a turtle and is the home of the Wild Zords and the Princess Shayla, the Rangers' mentor. (It is unclear how the Rangers travel between the Animarium and the Earth surface, but in one of the last episodes Merrick and Kite are teleported onto the Animarium, so presumably they used the same teleportation throughout the rest of the series.)

The Power Rangers use their powers to defeat the forces of the Orgs, led by one Master Org. As Cole was fond of other animals, he was shocked to discover that the Orgs were heartless monsters. As the series continues, he finds out the truth about his real parents: his parents, Richard and Elizabeth Evans, were professors at Turtle Cove University, along with a family friend, Viktor Adler. When they were sent to the jungle for research, they discover the remains of Master Org, in which a jealous Adler consumes in order to exact revenge on Richard, who had proposed to Elizabeth before he could. However, Adler goes insane, and kills both Richard and Elizabeth. For a while, their newborn son, Cole, was also presumed dead.

The episode where Cole learns the truth of his parents’ fate was really good and emotional. I don’t think there was ever a power ranger’s episode that touched me so much that I had to shed a tear. (Yes I said it!)

This season takes on its cue as what is a living organism verses a mindless org with no heart. So unlike the previous season of which they just imprisoned the mutants, these orgs are destroyed since they are not alive.

Bad: I didn’t really see any negative things about this season. The only thing I do have to add is the point of which the yellow ranger, Taylor has said that she was a ranger before. This had me asking myself, “who, what, where and when?” it didn’t make sense.

IMO: Episode “Forever Red” unites the Wild force Red Ranger with the past red rangers, including the quantum red ranger. This series takes place back in continuation with MMPR to

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Rangers in Space, but also suggests that the other series after space (lost galaxy to wild force) focus on other cities and states surrounding Angel Grove, California. This episode also indicates that Bulk and Skull are back, working at the Juice Bar of which Tommy is now the owner.

World 2 Power Rangers

Power Rangers Ninja Storm Season 11 2003

Team: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Crimson, Navy

Villain(s): Lothor

Good: Shane, Tori and Dustin are three students at the Wind Ninja Academy. Their less than stellar performance gets them the occasional lecture from their Sensei. One day, the academy was attacked by Lothor, a banished ninja master who has returned to capture all ninja students. Shane, Tori and Dustin are the only three remaining students, and along with Sensei and his son Cam, retreat into the underground Ninja Ops. There, the three are given morphers, which allow them to transform into Wind Rangers and protect the city of Blue Bay Harbor from Lothor's forces.

When Lothor demonstrated his ability to make his monsters grow into giants, the Rangers unleashed the Ninja Zords, which could combine into the Storm Megazord and destroy monsters with its arsenal of Power Spheres. Lothor again raised the stakes by sending his new allies to battle the Wind Rangers - the Thunder Rangers Blake and Hunter, who had their own Thunder Zords. The Thunder Rangers were on a mission to destroy the Wind Rangers' Sensei, who they believed to be responsible for their parent's death, but a visit from the afterlife from Blake and Hunter's parents showed them the truth - that it was Lothor who killed them. The Thunder Rangers saw the error of their ways and joined the Wind Rangers in the battle against Lothor, bringing the Thunder and Ninja Zords together to form the Thunderstorm Megazord.

When the Rangers lost their powers, Cam used the Scroll of Time to travel into the past and retrieve the Samurai Amulet, a family heirloom in the possession of his mother. Cam travelled back to present day and used the amulet to become the Green Samurai Ranger, armed with the Samurai Star. A lost scroll would later reveal to Cam the Lightning Riff Blaster, which could summon the Mighty Mammoth Zord.

Lothor attempted to open the Abyss of Evil and release its evil into the world. In a final battle, he stole all of the Rangers' powers, but was defeated by their ninja skills and thrown into the abyss. After the battle the powerless rangers became ninja teachers at Sensei's Ninja Academy.

Bad: Wind Ninja Academy? Thunder Ninja Academy? These different academies taught determination, and all of those other important lessons to live a good life. Well that didn’t stop Lothor from literally stealing the academies and its students. Whatever happened to putting up a good fight?

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The Wind Ninja School’s sloppiest students become the power rangers and over time, they get better with the leadership of Sensei Kanoi Watanabe. Shane becomes the Air Red Ninja Ranger, Dustin becomes the Earth Yellow Ninja Ranger, and Tori became the Water Blue Ninja Ranger. Then the thunder rangers came with different colors of red and blue, Crimson and Navy Thunder Rangers. So there were technically two blue and two red rangers, and they are joined by Cameron Watanabe, the sensei’s son, as the Green Samurai Ranger.

Now the villainy of this season becomes a family matter, when Sensei fails to mention that Lothor is his brother. Family grudges isn’t always the way to go.

IMO: To be honest at this point, when Ninja Storm was on TV, I only watched because Tori was really smokin’ hot! Dustin was classically the comic relief on a motor cycle, and Shane could really cut it as a roller blader.

Power Rangers Dino Thunder Season 12 2004

Team: Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black

Villain(s): Mesogog

Good: A soccer player, a computer expert, a singer, an artist, and a teacher with a long history of such situations join forces to become Power Rangers and help save the Earth from the scheming of Mesogog, a dinosauric villain who wishes to eradicate all human life and return Earth to the age of dinosaurs.

In this season, Tommy Oliver returns as a paleontology professor in Reefside, California. When he is assigned three detention students, Conner, Ethan, and Kira, they end up finding the Dino Gems, paving the way for them to become the Dino Rangers. Conner gains the power of the Tyrannozord, as well as super-speed; Ethan gains the power of the Tricerazord, as well as the ability to make his skin invulnerable; and Kira gains the power of the, as well as a sonic scream.

Tommy (known often as Dr. O) joins the team as the Black Dino Ranger, and they are also later joined by Trent Mercer as the White Dino Ranger, with the powers of invisibility and camouflage, respectively. Trent must deal with the inner struggle of good and evil, as Tommy himself once had to do as the evil Green Ranger, due to the fact that he gained his powers from a raw Dino Gem in Mesogog's lab, with the powers originally intended to be Mesogog's. Mesogog is in fact, Trent's adopted father Anton Mercer, who, in a faulty lab experiment, began to mutate into Mesogog. Trent later sides with good and saves his father from the mutation.

At the end of the series, the Rangers destroy Mesogog with their raw Dino Gem power, but the gems are burned out in the process. Just before this, they are also forced to sacrifice all the Zords in their last battle with Zeltrax, one of Mesogog's strongest minions.

Bad: Some people would think at this point that Dino Thunder would still be considered World 1, because it concludes the Tommy Oliver Story line. Sorry everyone it’s not. Dino Thunder is

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considered World 2 because of continuity. His story we thought concluded with his Wild Force Cameo.

In a way, it’s been eleven years, and the writers probably thought let’s bring Jason David Frank back to reintroduce the dino power rangers for the kids of 2004. With his entire story wrapped up, it doesn’t really make sense for Tommy to return. He does and inspires a trio of detention students into Power Rangers. So Season 2 of World 2 Power Rangers was born. They clash with brainwashed rangers of Ninja Storm when Lothor escapes the Pit of Evil.

IMO: Tommy Oliver returns as the black ranger in this season. One episode of DT has a recording of Tommy explaining the existence of the power rangers starting at MMPR and ending with DT. In this episode he explains that all of the Power Rangers at this point are connected via the past, starting in 1993. Well in a way it does make sense, as Operation Overdrive Rangers have the ability to tap into the past to form the Retro Rangers.

But the writers are kind of also running out of ideas so they begin to recycle old material. Dino Thunder recycles the dinosaur theme from MMPR. Operation Overdrive recycles the car theme from Turbo. Jungle Fury recycles the animal theme in the style of animal based kung fu from Wild Force. RPM recycles the car theme from both Overdrive and Turbo.

In 2015, the Dino Charge Power Rangers come to TV. Dino Charge recycles the dino theme from Dino Thunder and Season 1 of MMPR. Although at that point will have been twenty two years ago that MMPR premiered and eleven years since Dino Thunder came out.

Power Rangers S.P.D. Season 13 2005

Team: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Omega, Shadow, Kat

Villain(s): Emperor Grumm

Good: The story takes place in the year 2025, after Earth has welcomed alien beings to live peacefully with the human race. However, peace is short lived as the planet-conquering Troobian Empire turns its destructive attention to Earth. When the Earth's first line of defense, the S.P.D. A-Squad, vanishes without a trace, the protection of the planet falls to their replacements: the B-Squad Rangers, and their dog-like alien commander, Anubis "Doggie" Cruger.

When two reformed thieves join the team as the Red and Yellow S.P.D. Rangers, tensions threaten to tear them apart. With the alien threat growing stronger every moment, the Rangers must put aside their differences and go into action as one.

Using teamwork, intergalactic weaponry and light-speed Zord vehicles to battle evil, they unite to become one of the ultimate forces for good: Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta.

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I liked the fact that the personal back stories of the Ranger team had been revealed and shared. I liked and related to Bridge Carson. The First and only Jewish Power Ranger. Although in Zeo the rangers had a classmate and friend that is Jewish.

Like Light Speed Rescue, the civilians of earth know who the SPD rangers are, as they are law enforcement. It was a good season. I also liked how time travel was optional but not abused. Although I’m still convinced that if Emperor Grumm did go through time and didn’t want SPD to exist, he would’ve not have pulled Divatox out.

Bad: I really don’t have anything bad to say about this season.

IMO: At one point the wikia based entity of Power Rangers linked to the future of some of the original rangers. I remember reading at one point that the Nova Ranger, is Tommy’s daughter in the future. And all sorts of other things. The Power Rangers wikia page has been updated since, but I have definitely remembered reading this among other things that have been long since taken down. I guess the contributors’ of the page couldn’t find reliable sources to leave that information up.

World 3 Power Rangers

Power Rangers Mystic Force Season 14 2006

Team: Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Solaris, White, Crimson Wolf

Villain(s): Morticon

Good: Twenty years ago, in a magic-filled dimension parallel world to our own, the forces of darkness came into power and a war called the "Great Battle" between good and evil began. An army of the monsters, led by a powerful warrior named Morticon, swarmed into the land with their sights set on taking over the magical realm, the human realm and beyond, but they would have to combat a legion of brave and powerful wizards. The Mystics battled valiantly against overwhelming odds until they drove the evil back from the edge of the human world.

The strongest wizard of all, Leanbow, cast a spell and sent the evil warriors into the Underworld, having the Gatekeeper seal the gates for all eternity. The forces of truth successfully thwarted the dark forces' attempt to take the surface world, but they lost Leanbow, as he made sure the evil forces did not escape by sealing himself on their side of the Gate. The human world would never know of the Great Battle, nor of the sacrifices made to spare their lives from destruction. Even to this day they live in peace and tranquility, totally unaware of what is about to awaken.

The city of Briarwood was struck by an earthquake, which was just enough to crack the seal, allowing evil to renew its attempt to invade the earth. The sorceress Udonna, realizing that the forces of evil had returned, sought out the warriors of legend, five teens living in Briarwood, to become the Power Rangers alongside her. While one of the teens was reluctant at first, he

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realized his destiny and joined the others in the fight against the Master of the Underworld and his numerous minions.

When Udonna loses her Ranger powers to the mysterious Koragg, it is up to Nick, Chip, Xander and sisters Madison and Vida, to save the Earth on their own. They are assisted by Udonna's bumbling apprentice Clare, and eventually Jenji the Genie and his master Daggeron, the Solaris Knight.

Using their powerful magic and incredible martial arts skills, the Mystic Force Power Rangers must rely on teamwork to save the day.

I only watched this season because Madison the Blue Mystic Ranger is really cute.

Bad: Capes – WTF?? Enough said.

IMO: For some reason, the creators thought that it was necessary to add capes to the rangers’ uniform, and it ruined the season.

World 4 Power Rangers

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Season 15 2007

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Mercury

Villain(s): Flurious, Moltor, Kamdor, Fearcats

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because, let’s face it, the theme was cars, and it dates back to the creation of the entire earth after Pangaea was separated. I also only watched the two part episode “Once a Ranger” for the return of Tori, the Ninja Storm Blue Ranger (I liked her because she is hot!) and Bridge Carson, who seems now to be promoted to SPD Red.

Bad: To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. I watched the two part episode “Once a Ranger” and that was it. From this season on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. My Fandom had stopped at this point. There was no point for me to continue watching.

The writers are kind of also running out of ideas so they begin to recycle old material. Dino Thunder recycles the dinosaur theme from MMPR. Operation Overdrive recycles the car theme from Turbo. Jungle Fury recycles the animal theme in the style of animal based kung fu from Wild Force. RPM recycles the car theme from both Overdrive and Turbo.

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In 2015, the Dino Charge Power Rangers come to TV. Dino Charge recycles the dino theme from Dino Thunder and Season 1 of MMPR. Although at that point will have been twenty two years ago that MMPR premiered and eleven years since Dino Thunder came out.

IMO: The Episode “Once a Ranger” reunites certain past power rangers, including Alpha Six. MMPR Black – Adam, NS Blue – Tori, DT Yellow – Tori, SPD Red – Bridge, MF Green – Xander. This episode indicates that all of the Power Rangers morph in the same grid, assuming that all of the series are connected via the morphing grid and the different rangers live in their own universe and time. So they went into the past three different universes and recruited 2 rangers from different universes, and 3 from the same universe.

World 5 Power Rangers

Power Rangers Jungle Fury Season 16 2008

Team: Red, Yellow, Blue, Violet, White,

Villain(s): Dai Shi

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

IMO: The writers are kind of also running out of ideas so they begin to recycle old material. Dino Thunder recycles the dinosaur theme from MMPR. Operation Overdrive recycles the car theme from Turbo. Jungle Fury recycles the animal theme in the style of animal based kung fu from Wild Force. RPM recycles the car theme from both Overdrive and Turbo.

In 2015, the Dino Charge Power Rangers come to TV. Dino Charge recycles the dino theme from Dino Thunder and Season 1 of MMPR. Although at that point will have been twenty two years ago that MMPR premiered and eleven years since Dino Thunder came out.

World 6 Power Rangers

Power Rangers RPM Season 17 2009

Team: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Gold, Silver

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Villain(s): Venjix

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

The writers are kind of also running out of ideas so they begin to recycle old material. Dino Thunder recycles the dinosaur theme from MMPR. Operation Overdrive recycles the car theme from Turbo. Jungle Fury recycles the animal theme in the style of animal based kung fu from Wild Force. RPM recycles the car theme from both Overdrive and Turbo.

In 2015, the Dino Charge Power Rangers come to TV. Dino Charge recycles the dino theme from Dino Thunder and Season 1 of MMPR. Although at that point will have been twenty two years ago that MMPR premiered and eleven years since Dino Thunder came out.

IMO: Retracted. The theme is technically Cars/Post-Apocalyptic according to the official website. A computer virus has ravaged humanity, and the few survivors live in the Power Ranger defended city of Corinth.

Power Rangers Samurai Season 18 2010

Team: Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, Gold

Villain(s): Xandred

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: Bulk and Spike. Theme Song remodeled off of MMPR theme. To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

IMO: Retracted

Power Rangers Super Samurai Season 19 2011-2012

Team: Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, Gold

Villain(s): Xandred

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Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

IMO: Retracted

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Revisited)

At this point, it has been almost 20 years since the original series, so it was nice to show the children the series that started it all by revisiting the original "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and air the original in 2010. The kid that is inside the adults of the 90’s I’m pretty sure rejoiced as their kids finally got to see the quality and programming back on TV as it once was. These kids got to see what the show was when their parents were kids, and see how horrible of a series it has come to.

Literally I have nothing good to say about the series after Mystic Force. So instead of getting dirty and playing rough I’ve decided to not say anything at all, and retract all of my honest opinions of the seasons.

World 7 Power Rangers

Power Rangers Mega Force Season 20 2013

Team: Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Green, Silver, Robo

Villain(s): Warstar Empire

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

IMO: Retracted

Power Rangers Super Mega Force Season 21 2014

Team: Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Green, Silver, Robo

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Villain(s): Warstar Empire

Good: I’m not adding the summary to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: The rangers now have access to special keys that allow them to morph into any Ranger team from the past, so this season would definitely be a great one to return to if you have stepped away from the series for a bit.

To say the truth, I gave up watching Power Rangers at this point. From this Operation Overdrive and on I kind of have nothing to say that’s considered good. There was no point for me to continue watching.

IMO: Retracted

M.M.P.R. 2014 Movie Team: Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink,

Villain(s): Lord Zedd

Good: Looks like we finally get another long awaited Power Rangers Movie to the big screen. Fans, there’s some good news and bad news about this movie. The good news – it’s not based on the new seasons. It’s going to be based on MMPR, with a big focus on Season Two as Zedd is slated to be the villain. The bad news – Sorry guys no Tommy, Jason, Zack, Trini, and Billy. It’s a new cast. No Green/White Ranger at all. So Tommy is really not in this.

Bad: I really won’t know how bad the movie is once I see it. So this section will be edited on a later date.

IMO: The movie is slated to be released November 12, 2014. This section will be edited on a later date.

World 8 (?) Power Rangers

Power Rangers Dino Charge Season 22 2015

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Gold, Gray, Purple

Villain(s): Sledge

Good: I’m not adding the summary, once released, to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Page 28: Power Rangers


Bad: I’m not adding the summary, once released, to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

IMO: Retracted

Power Rangers Super Dino Charge Season 23 2016?

Team: Red, Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Gold, Gray, Purple

Villain(s): Sledge?

Good: I’m not adding the summary, once released, to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

Bad: I’m not adding the summary, once released, to weigh in the good of the series because I gave up watching Power Rangers after Mystic Force.

IMO: Retracted

Untitled Power Rangers Movie ?????

On May 7, 2014, Saban and Lionsgate announced that they would be working together to produce a new Power Rangers feature film. Roberto Orci will produce and Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz were hired to write the script for the film. Orci told IGN that the film will be in continuity with the series and any of the original actors are open for a cameo in the reboot.