Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Four The Mind Rules The ...

1 The British Academy of Hypnosis Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Four The Mind Rules The Formula for a Trance The Power of Expectation Hypnotic Suggestibility David Knight – The Mind Persuader The British Academy of Hypnosis Part of the Knight Management Group www.BritishHypnosis.com

Transcript of Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Four The Mind Rules The ...

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The British Academy of Hypnosis

Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Four

The Mind Rules The Formula for a Trance The Power of Expectation Hypnotic Suggestibility

David Knight – The Mind Persuader The British Academy of Hypnosis

Part of the Knight Management Group www.BritishHypnosis.com

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The Mind Rules From this fourth chapter of the British Academy of Hypnosis home study manual you will see that the human mind works by following some very simple rules. We know that people follow strategies in their lives to accomplish all their daily needs. The mind rules explain why people create such strategies. Once we know what these rules are it makes it easier to understand people and easier to understand why hypnotherapy works. Over the next few pages the rules of the mind are explained. You do not need to learn these rules 100% but they will help you understand the hypnotic process as the course proceeds.

Hypnotherapy is very much like electricity! You press the switch and the light comes on, it is as simple as that! This course is designed to give you enough information to give you a reasonable understanding of the hypnotic process and then all the tools required to simply get the job done. After each module drop me a quick email to let me know how you are getting on. The conference calls will ensure you keep on track so make sure they go firmly in your diary.

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The Rules Of The Mind The human brain works in two basic ways and is split into two halves. The conscious and the subconscious, the left and right hemispheres. Left hand side the conscious and the right hand side the subconscious. The left brain controls the logic and the right brain controls the dreamer state. The left hand side of the brain controls the right hand side of the body and the right hand side of the brain controls the left hand side of the body. Except in left-handed people where the above is reversed! But not always!! Getting the hang of it? The left and right hand side of the brain are linked together by the cortex and in the front of the cortex is a little black box we call the critical factor. The Conscious Mind The conscious mind equals 12% of our total physical volume of the brain and it has control of the nervous system and voluntary action of the muscles. It accepts or rejects all its information on its own reasoning power which it has built up from proven knowledge, education and deductions from its own senses. The Subconscious Mind This equals 88% of the physical brain capacity and has control of the Autonomic Nervous System. Muscles, organs and glands and all other operations that occur automatically are all controlled by the subconscious brain. This brain acts automatically. It cannot argue or reject anything that it is told. It can only work on its present understanding. This is the secret to the power held by hypnosis and the skilful application by its Master.

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The 8 Rules of The Mind 1. Every Thought Causes A Reaction. All your thoughts have a reaction in your body and these thoughts will affect the functions of your body. Let me explain. If you are worried about something worry thoughts trigger changes in your stomach that could lead to ulcers. Anger thoughts can stimulate your adrenal glands and the increased adrenaline in the blood causes tremendous body changes. Anxiety, excitement and fear can change your pulse rate. Any ideas that have emotion will almost always reach the subconscious mind and cause some effect based upon previous reactions. So the same affect will always cause the same reaction as the subconscious mind cannot reject the information. This leads us nicely on to rule number 2.

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2. Expectation Will Turn to Reality. We know that your brain and therefore your nervous system responds to mental images. This is the same if the image is self induced or induced by the outside world. Everything you see or hear becomes the blueprint of your future and the subconscious mind has every means at its disposal to carry out its plan. If you worry you form a blueprint in your mind and even though you do not want to worry, it is too late and your subconscious mind now has the information to act upon and will now start to automatically set about the worrying process. So thinking about the things that you do not want will almost certainly bring them your way. Some people suffer from chronic anxiety, which is simply a subconscious mental expectancy that something terrible will happen to them. Yes, you guessed it because they expect something terrible they get them selves in a situation that something does happen and this reinforces the blueprint and the whole thing goes round and round again. On the other hand we all know of people who have the magic touch. Life only showers them with happiness and good fortune. We call them “lucky.” It is not luck it is self programmed expectancy hard wired into their neural pathways. These people only expect success and with that positive mental attitude success is all that they believe and receive.

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The world holds no boundaries only those imposed on it by the lack of creativity within your own mind. Our physical health is largely dependant on our mental expectancy. Physicians recognise that patients who expect to remain sick, lame, paralysed or even to die usually get what they have asked for.

You can try this one out next time you see a friend tell them that they look poorly and ask them if they are feeling well. Ask other people to question your friend’s health and by the time the third or fourth person has asked them, your friend will start to doubt his own health and start to feel unwell! This is where hypnosis becomes a powerful tool to remove despondency and negative attitudes and bring about a hopeful and positive expectancy of health and happiness. Once the suggestions are placed the subconscious mind has no room for doubt and will set to work on your new blueprint.

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3. Imagination Is More Powerful Than Knowledge. Reason and logic can easily be over ruled by powerful imagination. Strong beliefs and emotions such as anger, hatred, love and religion can not usually be altered by reason. Yet by using strong and clear imagination these feelings can be altered amended and if necessary removed. 4. Only One Idea Can Be Held by The Mind. You cannot be happy and sad at the same time, it is either one or the other, so we can see your mind can only have one feeling at this present moment in time. The future can change and the state of your mind can change and you can remember all the different states and feelings, but at any given time your mind has only one state and it cannot be cheated, but it can be changed. If you try to cheat it, it will not work. You could say that you are honest whilst you are being dishonest but all that dishonesty is registering on your blueprint and creating the world in which you live.

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5. An Idea Placed In The Subconscious Mind Is There Until It Is Replaced By Another Idea. Once an idea is placed in the subconscious it tends to remain there. The longer the suggestion is held the stronger it becomes and the more opposition there is to removing it. This is how thinking habits are formed. (Both good and bad.) We all have habits that we do and these habits stem from habits of thinking, which come from the blueprints we have made and so it is obvious that in order to change the things we do, we must first change our thoughts. We all recognise facts that are true, we accept that the sun rises in the east and it sets in the west. Our blueprint tells us that this is true and it is therefore accepted by our mind. However thoughts that are not true are also delivered directly to the subconscious mind where they are also registered true. Thoughts like, when times are poor they must have a drink of whiskey or they need a cigarette to steady their nerves and help them think straight. This becomes a fixed habit of thought and the longer it goes on the stronger it grown and the stronger the opposition to replacing it.

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6. A Symptom Emotionally Induced Will Tend To Cause Physical Change If Persisted Long Enough. Medical experts will acknowledge that more than 70% of human ailments are functional rather than physical. What this means is that a physical part of the body has been disturbed by a reaction from the nervous system caused by negative ideas from the subconscious brain. Your mind controls everything that you are and so by controlling your mind you can be what you want to be. 7. Suggestions Upon Suggestions Allows Strength To Grow. Basically speaking this means that once the first suggestion has been planted the same suggestion will be accepted easier the second time around as there is less opposition and the suggestion will grow stronger. Suggestion acts upon suggestion. 8. The Greater The Conscious Effort The Less The Subconscious Response. In hypnosis will power does not exist. If you suffer with insomnia you will have discovered the hard way that the harder you try to go to sleep, the more awake you become. The rule when working with the subconscious mind is take it easy. Work to develop the positive mental expectancy and all the problems will be solved. Hypnosis must be gentle and caring, the subconscious is a feeling mind and accepts caring suggestions with greater ease.

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The Secrets Of The Mind Revealed. So there you have it! You should now be able to see the way the mind works and know that by careful suggestion you can change the way people construct their blueprints. You will soon have the ability to give hope to people where there is currently only despair. You can give encouragement when others only apologise and you can create a desire for happiness for others around you and most of all for yourself. All hypnotic techniques can be used by yourself to create your life the way you want it to be. You must first of all create your own blueprint. Build it precise, build it clever, and build it with imagination.

Make it perfect in every way, it is your future.

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The Trance Formula As we have already mentioned in the course only a tiny percent of people cannot be hypnotised. 5%. 10-20% of all subjects are capable of reaching deep trance. Normally only required by Stage Hypnotists and not a level we would recommend you taking your subjects down to.

A good subject will meet the following criteria.





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The Power of Expectation I guess by now you are ready to get into the real nuts and bolts of hypnosis. Before we do, I feel there is one more important area to cover and that is the power of expectation. We have covered the power of expectation as it is one of the rules of the mind but I do feel it is worth another mention here just before we start learning the hypnotic process. The word Hypnotist is extremely powerful in it’s own right and when people know what you are and see what you can do they will be ready for you to help them. When they expect to make change, the change is already made. So, how many Hypnotherapists does it take to change a light bulb? The answer of course is 1. But the light bulb has to want to change. The way you act, the way you dress, the way you present yourself and the confidence you command will give people the expectation they need for you to be successful as their Coach and Hypnotist. Even the amount of money you charge will have a great impact on the change that they expect. Give value to your skills. Build the expectation high and your success is guaranteed. When people accept you as a Hypnotist, every word you say is suggestion!

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Optional Suggestibility If you wish to test your clients suggestibility to hypnosis you can do so easily by performing a suggestibility test. Good Hypnotherapists are Masters of suggestibility. Suggestibility tests are tests that you may wish to use on a client before hypnotising them to see how susceptible they are to the hypnotic process. The use of such tests are not part of the hypnotic process and are not necessary to be done on every occasion. Some Hypnotherapists are worried in case a subject fails a suggestibility test. Remember they don’t know what we are looking for or what is going on so there is no need to be concerned about this. A suggestibility test is a measure of their ability to open their mind to suggestion, so there is no way a suggestibility test fails. It is always an indication. If a client doesn’t respond well to a suggestibility test it lets you know you perhaps don’t have the best rapport with that person or that you may have to work a little harder. Suggestibility tests always give you a good indication. Of course if a client doesn’t respond well you don’t tell them as that would be negative to the process and would give them doubts. Just say well done and move onto the next test or induction. You would not, not work with a client if they failed a suggestibility test. Personally I love doing suggestibility tests as it keeps me on the edge a bit! It keeps me excited and makes me create great rapport with a client before I start hypnotising them. Of course when a client is a great hypnotic subject and the tests go well you will praise them and this then creates massive belief in you and your skills! Two of these suggestibility tests are scripted over the next pages.

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The Eye Lock Suggestibility Test - Suggestibility Script One This script may be used on a subject before hypnosis to test their powers of suggestion. Your subject should be relaxed and ready for the hypnotic process to begin. Body and head fully supported is the ideal position. The Stage Hypnotist shows that this is not necessary but for most of what we want to do as Coaches and Therapists the full body relaxed is the best position. Spoken to the subject Look up towards the ceiling and take a nice big breath. I'm going to count from five down to one. As I do, you're eyelids will just want to close down. They will become heavier and heavier with every number that I count. Five, your eyes are pulling down already now. Heavier and heavier with every breath that you take. Four, as you focus on my voice your eyelids become heavier and heavier! Three: starting to blink and eyelids just closing down now. So heavy and tired, pulling down, down, down, like heavy sheets of steel. Two; pulling down and locking together, so heavy…. Locking tighter as you relax. One, sealing as if they were glued. Tighter and tighter Locked shut! Tight together. Going tighter and tighter locked closed, heavier and heavier! In a moment you can try to open them but when you try you will find they just lock tighter closed. Try now; the more you try to open them, the tighter they're locking closed. That's fine. You can stop trying now. Just relaxed and go deeper.

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This is just a little suggestibility test that you can use on your clients to show the power of suggestibility and hypnosis! From here you would go on into a full hypnotic induction as described later in this training manual or you can just tell them on the count of three your eyes will open. One, two three, eyes open wide awake! When a subjects eyes lock it gives instant belief in your abilities and it is extremely powerful. If they don’t lock then its show a slight lac of suggestibility with the client which means you may need to work slower with the client or maybe build your rapport. Remember, there is never a fail, it simply shows there is more work to be done. The biggest key to your success with any suggestibility test is your confidence and belief. You must be 100% confident with the process. Try it out! Practice it on people just for fun and allow your confidence to build!

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Suggestibility Script Two - Arm levitation This is another method of testing a client’s suggestibility to hypnosis. In this method you are going to suggest that their hand is about to lift up into the air. Spoken to the subject. Look up towards the ceiling and take a nice deep breath, close your eyes and relax! In a moment I'm going to tell you to begin concentrating on one of your hands. The moment that you do, you may concentrate either on your right hand or your left hand, it really doesn’t matter which. The moment you begin concentrating on that hand you will become aware of many things. You will become aware of a [warm, relaxing,] peaceful sensation [flowing] going through your body. The moment you begin concentrating on that hand, that hand will begin to feel light and relaxed. In fact, the more you concentrate, the lighter that hand will seem until that hand and begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising, relaxing itself right toward the ceiling, as if there were giant helium balloons attached to your wrist. Allow your eyelids to remain closed and begin concentrating now. See that hand in your minds eye, and as you do you become aware of the feeling of the material beneath your fingertips. As you concentrate on that hand you become aware of the feeling of your arm and hand as it begins to feel light and relaxed. As you concentrate one of your fingers will move slightly.

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It may be your index finger, your middle finger, your ring finger, your little finger or your thumb. One of your fingers will move slightly and your hand begins to relax and feel light. If I touch your wrist it feels as if I am attaching another bunch of balloons to your wrist. Its now getting lighter still, until it begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising beginning to relax itself right off your lap, right into the air. Each and every time I touch your wrist getting lighter still, now it begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising relaxing further and further up as you are concentrating perfectly. Rising and lifting, lifting and rising simply letting go.

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As I count backwards from 3 to 1 it feels as if those balloons are filling with more helium and are moving right into the air! On number 3 rising and lifting, lifting and rising, balloons filling with more helium. 3, lifting, rising and getting lighter. 2, rising and lifting, lifting and rising, relaxing further and further up. On the next number, number 1 those balloons expand to 10 times their original size relaxing further and further into the air. On the next number, number 1 those balloons expand to 10 times their original size moving further and further into the air. 3, 2, and 1 rising and lifting, lifting and rising pulling your entire body along with it that’s fine your concentrating perfectly leave it right there! In a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 3. The moment I say the number 3 you will open your eyes, you will look at your hands and see just how well you’ve concentrated. The moment I say the number 3 you will open your eyes, you will look at your hands and see just how well you’ve concentrated 1, 2 and 3. Eyes Open! This is another great little test to use for suggestibility! Each time you use it you will see a difference in the subjects you work with. Confidence is the key. The more you practice it the better you will become and you will see the different results with your subjects. Build rapport with your subject before you try any suggestibility test and remember the more expectation a subject has the better the result.

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Why Use A Suggestibility Test? The reason behind using a suggestibility test is to help you judge the suggestibility of a subject. You may find this useful as an indication as to how the induction process may go and how fast you can hypnotise some one. To give you more ideas about suggestibility tests, a Stage Hypnotist would always use the suggestibility test to select their best volunteers for the stage show.

“Imagine those balloons and allow the helium to lift your hand lighter and lighter!” If a subject responds well to a suggestibility test then it can be very positive for the subject. SUGGESTIBILITY is related to hypnotisability, and is usually taken to mean the ability to respond to suggestions without a prior hypnotic induction. It is a scientific concept and does not have any connotation of a weak will. Suggestibility seems to be related to the capacity for using imagination.

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As a Hypnotherapist it is not necessary to perform a suggestibility test with your subject as it is not possible to change your subject if they do not respond well to the tests. If you feel confident have a go with the suggestibility tests as they can be very rewarding to perform. As you work with a subject during several sessions of hypnosis you will find that they become more and more suggestible and will respond better to hypnotic suggestible tests as the sessions progress along. If they don’t respond too well with a suggestibility test on their first session, try them again after a couple of sessions and you will see a massive difference.

Suggestibility Encyclopedia Definition. A person is deemed to be suggestible if they accept and act on suggestions by others. Clearly, everyone acts at some point in their lives by the suggestions given by someone else, but some individuals can be more suggestible than others. Television is one example of this as some individuals see dangerous acts on television and try to perform the acts themselves. A person experiencing intense emotions tends to be more receptive to ideas and therefore more suggestible. However, psychologists have found that individual levels of self-esteem, assertiveness, and other qualities can make some people more suggestible than others — i.e. they act on others' suggestions more of the time than other people. This has resulted in this being seen as a spectrum of suggestibility. This has ramifications in the scientific research of hypnosis. People who are more easily put into a state of hypnosis are also more suggestible. Now would be a great time for you to practise these suggestibility tests on your friends and colegues, it’s OK to just do this for fun and people will be fasinated by your skills. Have a go! You might just like it! �

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Mind Power and Hypnotic Suggestibility.

Hypnosis is as ancient as the human mind itself, for hypnosis is suggestibility of the human mind. Hypnosis does not create phenomenon in a person; it is the key that allows the mind and body to do so.

Anton Mesmer (1733-1815), a Viennese physician was the first one to arouse the scientific community with his experiments in this field. Through his knowledge and belief in animal magnetism and suggestion he cured hundreds if not thousands of people. His fundamental belief was that disease was caused by an imbalance in a person's magnetic field. This was his belief in the 1700's, we now know that we do indeed have complex electromagnetic fields that run our body's voluntary and involuntary systems.

We know it was really James Braid (1795-1860) an English physician that coined the word "hypnotism" from the Greek Word hypnosis, meaning sleep. And we also know hypnosis is not sleep, although it may appear like sleep. Hypnosis feels like suspended animation, the body rests, while the mind is aware!

Hypnosis allows you to develop the ability to observe your body and emotional states rather than just reacting to them. Because of the mind’s heightened awareness during hypnosis, the client is in the best position to create change, access sub-conscious memories or to promote healing.

Dr. James Esdaile of Edinburgh, (1808-1859) used Dr. Braid's techniques to produce an anaesthetic like effect while performing over three hundred operations including amputations. Hypnosis cured battle incurred neuroses in both World Wars. While in hypnosis the soldiers were able to relive past experiences, the fears, anxieties and conflicts were brought to the surface.

In hypnosis we can release past emotional trauma. We still have the memory of the event but the strong emotion is relieved. Today in hypnosis some Hypnotists use the term Esdaile to refer to the very deep state of hypnosis used in operations and dentistry.

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Hypnotherapist David Elman, (1926-1968) a very famous US Hypnotist, believed that all phobias, disease etc. could be related to a cause and effect. An example that he uses is of a young boy of 12 with asthma. In a hypnosis session, Mr. Elman finds out that the boy’s asthma started after he was extremely frightened by a dog. Sounds amazing but its true, the sudden fright impacted the child so much that an unconscious pattern started. Every time the boy was frightened or over stimulated his asthma would start up. Now of course this isn't the case all the time, but so often it is. Elman successfully cured hundreds of people of their fears and phobias.

Today hypnosis is used widely in the UK, Australia, the US and Canada.

For everything from habit control, dentistry, psychiatry, childbirth, sports enhancement, weight loss and personal goal-setting.

Hypnosis is also powerful in helping people reduce stress. Chronic stress is almost an epidemic today. Some people just don’t know how to relax at a deep level. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are extremely effective tools to achieve relaxation. Hypnotism is a practical science and its fundamentals are not difficult to grasp.

Many people have acquired skills as Hypnotists by simple but careful application of the basic methods and principles we put across in this course. All we need now are subjects who are willing to listen and wish to make positive changes to their lives.

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The Magic of Suggestibility In all scientific laboratory tests done during the past 30 years, the conclusion has been that it is suggestibility, not trance, that creates the ''hypnotic'' effect. And suggestibility has to do with how the inner mind responds to words. People have such amazing powers but often we simply cannot believe we can do the things we can do. We need to think that some outside power is doing it. That’s where you and your hypnotic motivation comes in. The Power of Words Like music, words have energy and power. We are always aware, for example, that a certain name seems to fit a certain person, or that someone's name really doesn't fit. We can't say why we feel this way, but it's a universal experience. But unlike music, words have a function that goes beyond emotional meaning: Words anchor energy into the physical plane and give it form. Words are like an atomic bomb in reverse: They translate energy into matter. When we use words in a special way, we bring new experiences into our lives, and realise abilities that were only dormant before. We have the power to turn off pain during an operation, go back and read a license plate we only glimpsed momentarily during a collision, or remember past lives and forgotten memories. We can achieve these feats of the mind by understanding our suggestibility, using the right words and finding the right questions to ask, following the rules of the mind and experimenting with various techniques. Making Suggestibility Work for You Through an understanding of how your own, individual mind accepts and responds to words, you can customise the hypnotic processes to get the best results for yourself and your subjects. Understanding how suggestibility effects people differently will make you a better Hypnotist. The effectiveness of any suggestion is wholly personal. Some suggestion formats work very well with some people and not at all with others. Intuitively, we are already aware of this.

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For example, if you say to some people, ''Close the door,'' they will just get up and close it and think nothing about it. They may not even remember doing it. Say that to a person who rejects literal suggestions, however, and they will very likely ask you “why?” tell you to do it yourself, or pretend not to hear you. If, however, you say something like, ''there's a real draft coming through that door,'' they may most likely get up and close the door, while the first, literal person agrees with you and does nothing! We have all had these kinds of experiences with people.

Make your suggestions personal and be sure your suggestions hit the nail on the head. People who reject literal suggestions may reject many self-help processes in a similar way to people who cannot visualise. So in order to make sure a process will work for ourselves or our clients, we need to change the script and suggestions until it fits the unique mind that is listening. We especially need to remove any suggestions that this individual mind cannot accept, because the mind tends to throw out the baby along with the dummy, in other words, in rejecting one suggestion, it will reject the whole process. Example: What if you cannot visualise easily but a process tells you to, ''See yourself walking through a beautiful forest''? Right away, your mind throws up a block, because you can't do this. Everything that comes after this command to ''see'' something is rejected. So consideration of suggestibility is critically important if we want to get the best from every subject and situation.

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The average Hypnotherapist speaks to people using his own 'reference system, that is, they put out what they, themselves understand. So a visual therapist may say, ''See yourself walking through a beautiful forest and picture the tall trees with sunlight filtering through. Notice a stream bubbling over rocks.'' A kinaesthetic speaker might say, ''Imagine that you are walking through a forest. Feel the leaves crunching under your feet. Feel the warmth of filtered sunlight. Hear the babbling sounds of a nearby stream.'' (Visual means seeing and kinaesthetic means touching.)

In both cases, the idea is to locate ourselves in a forest of the mind. We can tell whether we are more visual or more kinaesthetic by whether the first or the second set of words works best in making the forest ''real.'' You can tailor your delivery of suggestions by simply allowing your subject to see the forest the way they find easier. See, Feel or Imagine What works best is to say, for example, ''See or feel or imagine yourself walking through a forest. There's a stream off to your left. Picture it, or become aware of the sound as it bubbles over the rocks.'' If we always give listeners the option to ''visualise, feel, or imagine,'' then they will automatically select the mode that works for them.

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Suggestibility Test Three – The Swinging Pendulum OK let’s look at one more suggestibility test. This is another good suggestibility test to start out with. Have the subject sit in a chair. You'll need a pendulum, which you can make with a piece of string or chain, about a foot and a half long. On one end tie a weight, crystal, a pocket watch, or any similar object. Hand the pendulum to the subject, asking him to hold it at the top of the string between his thumb and index finger. Have the person then rest the elbow of the hand holding the pendulum on a table. Holding the object attached to the chain so that it cannot move, you say, "In a few seconds, I'm going to release my hand. When I do, I want you to focus all of your attention on the (object) ... At all times I want you to keep your eyes on the (object.) I'm letting go of the (object) ... now. Okay, I want you to see the (object) swaying back and forth, rocking back and forth, moving forward and backward, and as you do, you'll see it follow your mind's thoughts. Don't force it to happen. But if it does, just let it happen. "Back ... and forth ... forward and backward ... to ... and fro ..." If you see movement in the pendulum, continue the directions, "Now the (object) is swinging farther back and forth, it's moving farther and farther out ..." If the motion of the pendulum is not as you directed, say, "Or it can move in a (circle or left to right.)" If you're getting good results, try to get the movement to change. "Now I want you to imagine the (object) swinging around in a circle, picture it moving around and around, it's changing from its back and forth motion, its starting to circle around ... the circle is getting bigger, its moving faster." Once you get the desired effect, grab hold of the pendulum and say, "That was perfect. Let's try something else."

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A quick recap and guide to Suggestibility Tests Suggestibility tests are normally used as a first step in a hypnosis session. They prepare a subject for the more formal process of inducing hypnosis. Tests allow you to identify the current level of suggestibility of a subject. The level of suggestibility may vary with the person's state of mind and the rapport (level of trust) between the Hypnotist and the subject. Tests may also give you a good indication as to how a subject may behave when being hypnotised, and assist you in determining which method (approach) to use in inducing the trance state. With all tests, you want to ensure that your subject feels he wants to perform well, that he doesn't fight your suggestions, or work hard to resist. There are ways to deal with these types of subjects, but in the beginning, unless you crave challenge, you may be better of experimenting with willing subjects. You may begin testing by telling your subject "Let's see how much control your mind has over your body", or "Studies have shown that the smarter a person is, the better is that person able to focus his mind and the better hypnotic subject he makes." Let the subject know that testing is not hypnosis. "I'm going to try a few experiments to see how good you are at relaxing. I'm NOT going to try to hypnotise you" This way if the subject fails the tests they don’t know if is relevant to the hypnosis process. We need the subject to believe in you and have expectation of what you can achieve.

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The Power of Hypnosis One main difference between a Hypnotherapist and any other healing professional is that the Hypnotist knows, beyond any doubt, that every word counts. As individuals, we can start to become aware of how we learn, and adapt all self-help processes to suit our own unique suggestibility. Words are powered by the emotions that were present when we made them. By accessing these emotions and changing the words, we can change our entire experience of life. By understanding suggestibility and the power of the mind, we can help ourselves to awaken into the light of our own powerful consciousness, make better choices and decisions, and release the creative abilities that have lain dormant for so many lifetimes. Learning hypnosis can be fun and I hope that you are enjoying the course so far. Hypnosis is fun but never funny. When practising hypnotherapy make the experience enjoyable for yourself as well as your subjects. Now is the time to go practise suggestibility tests! Be confident and have fun!

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