Power Magazine August 2014



Cover: Family Bible Ministries Worldwide, Inc. Overseers: Apostle Dr. Eddie Montgomery Bishop Dr. Cassandra Montgomery

Transcript of Power Magazine August 2014

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As the staff members of P-B Health Home Care Agency celebrate 20 years of service to the Baltimore metropolitan area, Jackie Bailey RN, BSN, MBA and Chief Executive Officer celebrates with them and stands at the ready to see the Agency into the next decade. Jackie, the visionary of the Agency, as well as one of the founding partners, is the Registered Nurse whose credentials and expertise made possible the clinical foundations of this full service skilled nursing agency. “Making a difference in my field of nursing has been a guiding principle of my life” states Mrs. Bailey. Throughout 20 years of service, this CEO, known to all simply as Jackie, has done just this.

Jackie was born and raised in a small, rural town in Mississippi named Hattiesburg. It was here, with her parents and 9 siblings that her character was developed as well as her desire to serve humanity. It was through the efforts of a community nurse who frequently visited the family, that Jackie found her inspiration for nursing. “I was inspired by the work of this single community nurse…I wanted to be like her”. The years passed and

Jackie attended nursing school in Mississippi at a time when the ideals of racial equality and assimilation were not fully realized and Jackie learned to stay the course. In spite of the challenging

environment, Jackie graduated and became a Registered Nurse.

After graduation and while working in the field of nursing in Baltimore, Jackie noticed that, in home health care, there were people in many communities who were not getting services. When she and 3 other founding employees

started P-B Health, this was the exact population they targeted. In the years that followed, while serving the underserved, the Agency grew. Jackie recruited nurses and other clinicians and mentored them tirelessly.

Today, P-B Health has over 140 employees who make approximately 3,300 home visits monthly. Noting this achievement, Jackie says “It is through this that I help provide health care and health care education to areas of our community that otherwise might not have had it.”

As Jackie looks into the next decade of P-B Health, she says “I do not see myself retiring. I have a passion for what I do and I will always work at my trade in some fashion”.

Healer, Mentor, Founder and Ceo

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Rev. W. F. Wingo

Publisher & Founder

Irving RobinsonDistribution

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The PoWeR MAgAzIne

The Power Magazine is a monthly publication of Power Magazine & Publishing, Inc., independently owned and operated serving the residents of the Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia, areas. The publication prints 5.000 - 7,500 copies of each issue. “The Power” and “ThePowerMag” all are trademarks of The Power Magazine and Publishing, Inc., and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent. Articles published in The Power Magazine are works of journalism and not the official policy of the owners, editors or publisher of Power Magazine. Articles about products do not constitute endorsements. Power Magazine cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited material. All material contained in each issue has been checked to the best of our ability and is deemed to be accurate. The Power shall be held harmless for all creative and editorial content, its independent distribution service, as well as any and all claims, statements and offerings made by its advertisers. Power Magazine assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements. All rights reserved.

Lisa M. LawsonExecutive Assistant/

Graphic Design/Layout

Min. Tyrone Pettiford

Account Executive

Rev. Juanita g. Wingo

Vice President/Writer


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Think On These ThingsBy Reverend Juanita G. Wingo

“Reprint from August 2011”

InAll these things are against me. ~Genesis 42:36

How easy it is for us to be discouraged and discomforted in our situations. we stop waiting. we stop hoping. Some of us get so distressed that we stop living.

we get impatient. we get tired of waiting on God. we think our prayers are not being answered. we think our needs are not being tended to.

we think we’re not moving. we think we’ve missed the mark. we think we’ve been left behind.

based on what we see, we’re no further along now that when we started this Christian walk. As a matter of fact, things appear to be getting worse.

but we are called to walk by faith and not by sight and to live by what we know rather than what we see.

Moving towards the Promised land is not all it is cracked up to be. we’re out of Egypt but we end up in the wilderness. New enemies show up and we struggle to live to fight another day.

we know the Hand of God is leading us, but where? And when will we get there? Shouldn’t we be a little further along by now?

we face obstacles, challenges, distractions and path-blocking mountains every day.

we ask why we are here. Even more of us ask why we are still here. we struggle and scratch to get out of whatever we are in.

we cry like Joseph, “All these things are against me.” but it was in these things that God was working for Jacob – to bring good out of his situation, to bring the blessing out of his predicament.

No matter how dark things get, God is working for you in the darkness. It doesn’t matter what you are in, God is working for you in it.

Ultimately, what can we say to these things? what can you say when you are in deep debt, in a difficult relationship, in a job that challenges your peace, in distress, in danger or in waiting?

How do we address the reality of these things?

we address them by remembering: In all these things we are more than conquerors.

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Sunday WorShip Service For The MonTh oF auguST

Church School 8:30 amMorning Service 10:00 am

pLeaSe noTe:There WiLL Be no BiBLe STudy For

The MonTh oF auguST

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Sunday, August 3rd

8:00 am & 10:30 amWorShip experienceholy communion and

the right hand of FellowshipAfter the morning worship experiences.

Sunday, August 10th

8:00 am & 10:30 amWorShip experience

Baby dedication11:00 am - Children’s Church

Sunday, August 17th 8:00 am & 10:30 am

WorShip experience11:00 am - Children’s Church

Friday, August 22nd

at 6:30 pmBack To School BaSh

Call the Church for more info.410-728-4383

Sunday, August 24th8:00 am & 10:30 am

WorShip experience11:00 am - Children’s Church

Sunday, August 31st

8:00 am & 10:30 amWorShip experience

at 10:30 am (Only) - Children’s Emphasis Sunday

Saturday, August 23, 2014Bishop Oscar E. and Lady Jacqueline D. Brown will

celebrate 28 years of Holy Matrimony. Congratulations!

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Churches in the C

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Bible study will resume in September 2014

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Sunday, August 3, 2014at 11:00 am

WoMen’S day“Women Living In Expectancy”

Rev. Gwendolyn Young, Preaching

Saturday, August 9, 201410:00 am - 1:00 pm

2nd annuaLWoMen’S MiniSTrySuMMer TiMe Tea

(Come Wearing Your Beautiful Hats & Gloves)

Subscription Just $7.00

Sunday, August 17, 2014at 11:00 am

“aBcoTS day”Guest Preacher:

Rev. Fred Wiemert

Saturday, August 30, 2014 1ST annuaL “craB FeaST”

parTy!!”All You Can Eat...

& Then Some!Subscriptions $50.00

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Sunday, August 6, 2014 at 3:30 pm

81st Birthday Celebrat ion ofRev. Dr. Theodore C. Jackson, Jr., Pastor

and the Annual Celebration of the dr. Jackson Circle

Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Donte L. Hickman, Sr., PastorSouthern Baptist Church, Choir and Congregation

Everyone Have aBlessed and Safe Summer!

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CoMbined august WorsHip serviCesSundays - 10:00 am

Crab FeastFriday, August 8, 20147:00 pm – 11:00 pmColumbus Gardens

Myrtle beaCHMonday, August 18 – Sunday August 24, 2014

dutCH CountrySaturday, September 20, 2014

“tHe story oF Moses”Sight and Sound Theater

Strasburg, PASaturday, October 25, 2014

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10:00 A.M. Worship Celebration ~ The Divine Ordinance of Holy

Baptism Dr. Melvin C. Green, Preaching


10:00 A.M. Worship Celebration ~ Dr. Melvin C. Green, Preaching

3:30 P.M. 80tht Anniversary of the Ushers Ministry

Theme: “Unshakable & Heaven All The Way: One Step At A Time”

(Phil. 3:13-16) The Pauline Wells Lewis Legacy

Choir will be presented in CONCERT!!!


10:00 A.M. Worship Celebration Honoring our Pastoral Assistant

Rev. James A. Smith, Jr. ~ Dr. Melvin C. Green, Preaching


(Dr. Melvin C. Green celebrates29 years of preaching)

10:00 A.M. Worship Celebration ~ Dr. Melvin C. Green, Preaching


10:00 A.M. Worship Celebration ~ Featuring Guest Psalmist &


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Special Note: For the Month of AugustThere will be no Sunday School and no Bible Study

Sunday Services will begin at 10:30 am

Sunday, august 3, 201410:30 am - guest Minister:

Rev. Gregory Robinson3:00 pm - We will be worshipping with Bishop George Stanton and

the Christ Spiritual Temple Baptist Church Family.

2612 Gwynns Falls Pkwy

Sunday, august 10, 2014 at 10:30 am

WorShip & hoLy coMMunion

Sunday, august 17, 2014at 9:00 am - Worship

3:00 pm -We will be worshiping with Pastor Elijah L. Campbell

and the Mangohick Baptist Church Family,

in observance of their Annual Homecoming Service.

147 Mangohick Church Rd. Hanover, Va.

Sunday, august 24, 201410:30 am - Worship

Sunday, august 31, 2014 at 10:30 am Worship MiSSion eMphaSiS Sunday

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Saturday, august 23rd;12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Back To SchooL daysponsored by the Youth Department

“happy BirThday To our paSTor!”

Rev. Dr. Walter Bronson, Jr.Sunday, august 24th

The ceLeBraTion WiLL Be aFTer The 11:00 aM Service

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Think On These ThingsBy Reverend Juanita G. Wingo

“Re-print from August 2010”

There Shall Be No Loss…there shall be no loss

Acts 27:22

Many times our disparate circumstances dictate to us that all hope is gone. The scenes of our lives reveal to us nothing but negative distrust and despair.

Transition tempts us to make unlawful moves and choices. we reach for what we cannot have or for what we once had attempting to hold on to the pieces of reality with which we are familiar.

but hold fast to faith. That fleeting moment of doubt shall pass and truth shall arise crystal clear: God is here! And where God is – is everything we need.

Hold on a moment longer. behold the thickening clouds that appear to hide the light. They are but temporary curtains that can be pulled back by the fingertip of God to reveal what has always been there: the vastness of the heavens, a tiny glimpse of which can only be seen from where your circumstances have put you.

beyond what you can see lies infinite resources as countless as the stars.

And look! light breaks forth. Clouds can’t hide the light forever. It is stronger than the darkness and brings with it strength.

If you are bid to trust while in the darkness and move from familiar places, be of good cheer. you won’t lose anything that cannot be replaced.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 3:00 pmThe WoMen’S MiniSTry

3rd Sunday ServiceGuest Speaker:

Rev. Leandra Casson-MarshallLansdowne, Pa

Saturday, August 23, 2014; 12:00 - 3:00 pm

annuaL open houSeVendors are welcome.

Call 443-286-4160Back To SchooL exTravaganza

“Blessing of the Back-Packs”Co-sponsored by the

Kirk McClain FoundationDonations accepted

Save The daTeFriday, August 19 - Sunday, August 21

Sweet Prospect Baptist Church hosts it’s

annuaL SouTh caroLina hoMecoMing and FaMiLy & FriendS day Weekend

The Shady Grove Independent (AME) Church of Winnsboro,

SC, Pastor, Choir and Congregation will be our

special guest.

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Praise The Lord Everybody! Welcome you all to come and praise the Lord with

us for the month of August 2014!! This is the Day the Lord has made. Let us all rejoice and be glad in it!!

Friday, August 1st 2:00 pm - Bishop Jerry Williams

Bible Way Holy Temple - Houston, Texas7:30 pm - Bishop Titus Stewart Greater Emmanuel Family Worship

Center - Houston, Texas

Saturday, August 2nd2:00 pm - Bishop Thomas Douglas

7:30 pm - Bishop Marc L. House Victory City Church - Atlanta, GA

Sunday, August 3rd11:00 am - Apostle James Tilghman

Holy Temple Holiness Church of Deliverance Baltimore, MD

7:30 pm - Pastor Brian Nelson Jericho City COGIC - Dallas, TX

Sunday, August 17th at 5:00 pmApostle/Sr. Pastor Tilghman

will be traveling to worship with Pastor Lynn Franklin Grace and

Mercy Ministries in Dover, Delaware

Friday, August 1st - Sunday, August 3rd36Th annuaL naTionaL hoLy convocaTion oF

The hoLy TeMpLe hoLineSS churcheS oF deLiverance, inc.Theme: Year of The Manifested Promises of God -II Corinthians 1:20

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Saturday, August 9, 2014at 5:00 pm

cookouTCall 202-889-7296

for more information

Sunday, August 10, 2014FaMiLy and FriendS day

Back To SchooL SkaTe parTy TBa

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The UniTed BreThren ChUrChes of oUr Lord JesUs ChrisT GeneraL assemBLy ChUrCh of The LivinG God

“The Mother Church”1933-39 Walbrook Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21217

website: www.ubcministries.com email: [email protected]

Bishop William E. Gaines Jr.Pastor & Senior Bishop

Church # 410~669~4427 Bishop’s Study # 410~669~5030Bishop’s Mobile #s 410~917~8619 or 443~695~8405

Bishop’s Personal Sect’ Miss L. E. Rogers 410~945~8420

Order of WorshipSundays: General Church Prayer 7:30 am,

Sunday School 8~9 am Morning Worship 9:15 amMondays: Pastoral Bible Study 6:00 pm

Thursdays: 911 Prayer Service 6~7:00 pmHeadquarters: UBC Inc. The McCulloh Street Mission

2108-16 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, MD 21217Information Line 410~462~6757

“This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes” ~Psalm 118:23

The BaLTiMore heBreW advenTiST congregaTion

1901 Madison Avenuebaltimore, Md 21217443-330-5363Every Friday @ 7:30 pm

Use side entrance on Robert Street Rabbi Mark w. Hart

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Capitol Region DistRibution3 Gospel Spreading Bible Bookstore 2002 Georgia avenue, NW Washington, dC 20001 202-745-2665 gsbookstore.com3 John 3:16 Christian Bookstore 7953 Annapolis Road Lanham, MD 20706 301-459-5999 www.john316bookstore.com3 Levi’s Restaurant 6199 livingston road oxon Hill, md 20745 301-567-0050

3 An Angel’s Touch 4130 Patterson avenue, suite C baltimore, md 212153 Badges, Buttons...Plus!!! 303 reisterstown rd. • balto, md 212083 Baltimore Studio of Hair Design, School of Cosmetology 318 N. Howard street3 Black Tie Eatery 1700 edmondson avenue in the Harlem Gardens sr. apt.3 Church of the Redeemed of the Lord 4321 old York rd. • balto., md 212123 Expressions Bookstore 222 N. Paca st. • balto., md 21201 410-783-01953 Food King Wabash avenue and Northern Pkwy.3 The Harbor Bank 25 W. Fayette street, baltimore, md 21201 3 His Way Christian Bookstore •Normandy shopping Center 8450 baltimore National Pike ellicott City, md 21043 410-465-75463 LifeWay Christian Store 7900 Honeygo blvd. • balto.,md 21236 410-931-8038 3 New Psalmist Baptist Church 6020 marian drive, balto., md 212153 PriceRite of Security Boulevard 6606-6658 security blvd. baltimore, md 21207

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3 The Salsa Grill 6644 security blvd. Gwynn oak, md 212073 Stop Shop Save Harford rd3 University Care 4583 edmondson ave. 21229

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The multi-talented recording artist Pharell williams from Virginia beach, Virginia has a hit song called “Happy” that was nominated for the Academy Award for best Original Song. A singer-songwriter, rapper, record producer, musician, and fashion designer, he used the proceeds of his massive career to build a 35 million dollar after school program in Virginia beach. For me, there is absolutely nothing more intoxicating than a person who decides to be happy – especially when making a difference in the lives of others.

According to experts, there are several attributes of happy people. The first trait is “choosing to be happy” … giving yourself permission to be happy each day.

listen, we cannot control situations in life that happen to us but we can control how we think, respond and deal with life’s occurrences. So, live for today. If you can’t be happy today, what material things do you think will really make your life happier tomorrow?

Accept what you have and have modest levels of expectations and aspirations. Never put unrealistic goals upon yourself. Happy people

want what they are already blessed with and accept God’s will and purpose for their life. This doesn’t mean that you cannot achieve the unimaginable but rather plan for attainable goals.

defeat feeling overwhelmed by completing one small task. Get organized. If you need motivation watch one episode of hoarders. It’s mind boggling to witness how people can stare at clutter and filth and become mentally immune. Our minds work the same way when we allow improper thoughts – such as unforgiveness and doubt – to interfere with our daily lives.

don’t let your thoughts be your worst enemy. you don’t have to be perfect, just be who you are in Christ our lord and Savior. be yourself, be authentic. Never compare yourself with anyone else. besides, they could never measure up to you or the gifts God blessed you with. That knowledge alone will keep you humble. Actually, the name of Pharell’s company “I Am Other” was created because he was so different from the other people around him. He embraced the difference and others that displayed that same quirkiness.

happy & you knoW iTTHE CHURCH TEA

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Ann W. Kinard “To God Be The Glory”

THE CHURCH TEAEnjoy what you do. As the old saying goes, “love what you do and never work a day in your life”. I am not making light of the need to make money. Money is a factor. but when you work so hard to make the money, just to lose your health and family in the process, it’s futile ... Especially, if you spend your latter years trying to reconcile family and health. On the other hand, your journey is always precious when operating in God’s will.

Cherish the people who make you happy and understand that you make them happy as well. Avoid negativity. Always surround yourself with positive people who care about your feelings and ask God for discernment to know the difference. Choose to be where you are celebrated and not tolerated.

Stay active and busy. be social, join a book club, accept an invitation, become an active member of your church or community, get a healthy hobby, join a worthy cause, ... I paid my way through college by working in a nursing home and I never heard anyone complain about the noteworthy things they accomplished in their life. To the contrary, they were remorseful

about dreams never attempted, good events they never attended and people they were too selfish to befriend, forgive or ask for the gift of forgiveness.

Sit up straight, hold your head up and realize that there is nothing more magnificent than you. despite your transgressions, your failures and the pitfalls Satan has placed in your way, still you manage to trudge your way through obstacles placed in your path. Even in your silence you are powerful beyond words.

Proverbs 3:13, Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Be sure to listen livestream to The Power Magazine Radio Show, “WOLB AM 1010” on Friday’s from 12:00 to 1:00 with Wingo and yours truly.

Until next time TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

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