Power Flower Booklet

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Power Flower Booklet

Transcript of Power Flower Booklet

  • Created by Isha LernerIl lustrated by Karen Forkish

    Power of FlowersAn Archetypal Journey Through Nature

    PublishersU.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC.

    Stamford, CT 06902 USA

    Cover my Earth Mother four times with many flowers.

    Zuni song

  • Copyright 1999 by U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC.Revised 10-2000

    All rights reserved. The illustrations, cover design and contents are protected by copyright. No part of this booklet may be reproduced inany form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a

    review written for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper.

    ISBN: 1-57281-196-X

    99 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

    Made in China

    This booklet is not intended to diagnose or prescribe treatment for disease or injury, nor is it a complete guide to the use of herbs. A qualified health worker

    should be consulted in the event of injury or disease. Certain herbs and flowers may be harmful or toxic, especially to pregnant women or people

    with certain medical conditions. One should not harvest or ingest herbs without thorough knowledge of their usage and properties.

    U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC.179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA

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  • Dedicat ions

    May the flowers bless my dear Sophie,

    and all the children of the earth.

    This work is the culmination

    of all that I have lived until now.

    I offer it as a prayer of hope to the

    earth and all of her inhabitants, and for

    Her graceful survival into the New Millennium.

    Isha Lerner

    To my daughter Madeleine Gagne,

    with love and gratitude, now and always.

    Karen Forkish

  • Alchemy .................................74

    Angels Trumpet ...................70


    Apple Blossom .....................48

    Black Cohosh.........................56

    Bleeding Heart ......................32

    Buttercup ...............................36

    California Poppy....................50

    Calla Lily.................................64

    Fig ...........................................54



    Iris ...........................................18




    Morning Glory.......................72

    Mountain Pride ...................46


    Oriental Poppy......................24

    Passion Flower ......................38

    Pomegranate .........................14

    Purple Water Lily...................26

    Queen of the Night..............60

    Rose ........................................12


    Saguaro Cactus.....................62

    Shooting Star ........................42

    Silver Sword ..........................40


    Violet ......................................20


    Flower References

  • IntroductionHumanity is now poised to receive vital and uplifting informationregarding our deep kinship with nature, as well as to enter into themagical world of flowerssweet guardians of the Earth. This pro-ject invites you to embrace the sacred wisdom of Natura: TheFeminine Soul of Nature.

    The Power of Flowers cards were inspired by extensive workwith flower essences, astrology, tarot, alchemy, gardening, folkloreand mystical studies. In addition, my time at The FindhornFoundation, from 1976 to 1980, was a precious opportunity toexplore the soul connection between human beings and nature.Working in the Findhorn gardens, I knew that one day I would finda way to share my own intimate experience of the wonders I discovered there.

    Flowers are the crowning glory to nature; their delicate yetvibrant essences awaken us to the angelic realm, and serve as anelixir to humankind. The flower beings seek to heal all who suffer,to remedy the maladies of the human spirit. As we journey thoughthe garden gates of nature, we are beckoned to enter the femininemysteries. Once within her gates, flowers teach us the language ofearths wisdom, revealing themselves as holographic reflections ofthe archetypes residing deep within us.

    Thirty-two flowers and their archetypal companions cametogether to create The Power of Flowers deck, emphasizing howprofoundly the elemental and spiritual worlds intertwine. Eachflower card represents a pathway of initiationa floral microcosmof the pertinent issues facing humanity as we attempt to birth new levels of consciousness. The flowers become mirrors to thehuman soul.


  • Each card in The Power of Flowers deck features a botanicaldescription, entitled Plant Signature, an explanation of its vibra-tional healing qualities, entitled Flower Essence, an Archetype,a Healing, and a Blessing. These categories define the variousways we can attune to flowers, in the process discovering themany sacred offerings they make to humanity.

    As keepers of the seeds of future manifestations, flowers repre-sent a rainbow bridge to enlightenment, a mirror of tiny mandalasof the Great Womb we call our universe.

    Turning to the flowers for help with the challenges now facinghumanity makes good sense, for they direct us to the source of ourown majestydivine love. With their vibrant color, aromatic scentand graceful geometry, flowers embody the purity, joy and inno-cence residing within each one of us. We may each become morefully realized individuals, as we realign ourselves by listening withour hearts to the teachings of the flowers.

    Isha Lerner

    Natura:The Feminine Soul of Nature

    In this great experiment we call evolution, perhaps the collabora-tion between human beings and flower beings will prove mostfruitful of all. Patiently blossoming in our hearts, our floral friendsare eager to assist in the reemergence of Natura, the FeminineSoul of Nature, which is leading the way to a new world order, onein which masculine and feminine energies are truly understood,honored, and balanced.


  • Flower Essencesand Vibrational Remedies

    A flower creates its own essence by alchemy, for the four elementsare readily used and vital in the process. Earth sustains the seedand root system and air offers oxygen and wind, helping to fertilizethe plant. Fire, in the form of sunlight, brings light and growth,drawing the plant toward the heavens; and water feeds the plant, inorder that it may produce the juice or dew, the essence of the plant.

    In The Power of Flowers deck, my goal is to share the highervibrational qualities of each flower, given to you in the form of aflower essence signature. It was this signature, or story, of theflower that inspired me to begin connecting human archetypes tothe flowers. The living essence of each plant seemed to call forthan archetypal being residing within the flowers energy field. Theflowers became more alive and accessible to me as I began toexperience the various qualities held within the many archetypalimages associated with them. I can imagine these selfless beingsassisting in the alchemical process of flower essence preparationand, in this way, assisting in human evolution.

    Oracular Consciousness:Mythology of the Soul

    The ideal relationship between The Power of Flowers cards andone who seeks to use them wisely, is an alchemical dance in whichthe soul of the cards and the soul of the reader are synergisticallyattuned for the purpose of healing. For best results, a meditativeframe of mind, prayerful attitude, and oracular consciousnessmust be brought to bear upon this sacred interaction. I cannotoverstate the importance of combining these three elements


  • mediation, prayer, and oracular attunementas we seek balancewithin nature and humanity.

    Although she wears many faces, as indicated by the thirty-twocards in this deck, Mother Nature is herself the Ultimate Oracle ofthe Power of Flowers card deck. Through Her trees, flowers, herbs,stars, seeds, planets, and streams, She embodies the FeminineSoul of Nature. Through our interactions with Natures myriadforms, we are invited to comprehend the truth of our divinity, forstored in Her creations are archetypal patterns of wisdom, healing,and oracular truth.

    The human archetypes I have chosen for this project are myth-ical figures who function as powerful mirrors of the human soul.In their own way, each strengthens our courage to lift the veil, sothat we may be greeted by the great Oracle and set free to finallybehold the profound interrelatedness of human beings and thenatural world. Once the false separation between humanity andnature is overcome, the truth about natures patterns, cycles, gestures, colors, scents, and sounds may be readily perceived and understood.

    To achieve Oracular Consciousnessattunement to themystery which is no longer a mysteryis to be divinelyinspired and guided by the Goddess Natura. We must awakento a path here on earth where the folds of Naturas garmentcan again be touched. The time is now. If we truly want to knowHer, we must gather the courage and humility to look into thedark places within ourselves and bring them to the light.


  • With The Power of Flowers cards, we can explore the floweringpotential of archetypes and mythical beings as they reflect the miracle of our temporal existence. The cards in this project werecreated with the hope that each card will become a miniaturetemple which you may enter in order to receive Natures esotericteachings. Whether you meet Quan Yin, Krishna, or the fairy spirits, may you continue to be inspired through their model ofhigher perfection.

    How To Use The CardsDivine Play And Enchantment

    The Power of Flowers cards are a dynamic convergence of art,nature, myth, and healinga fervent prayer with the ability toinspire surrender to the mystery of nature as a living gardenaNew World Paradise. The cards that you hold in your hands werecreated to assist you in reinventing the stories that live within yourbody and soul, so that you might move beyond the limits of mor-tal confinement, and leap into the magical world of enchantment.

    The Iris can whisk you into a land of lush, rainbow transforma-tion, showing you the way to creative fulfillment. The OrientalPoppy beckons you to dream time, where you meet the guardiansof your soul, while the Pomegranate ushers in the underworld,where treasures of self-knowledge are stored, making theirretrieval possible. The Violet embodies the divinity of women,leading both men and women upward on a new path to the regen-eration of the Pure Feminine within.


  • The Power of Flowers cards have many practical uses and appli-cations. For example, an image chosen at any given moment mayinspire a vision quest and bring to life the various qualities of theflower, its essence, and its archetypal companion. Placing the cardon an altar or sacred space in the home can magnify the essentialmeaning of the card in your everyday life, for the image will beginto flower within you as a fertile potential.

    Hold the cards during a prayerful or meditative moment inorder to transfer higher vibrations to them, energizing the rela-tionship between the flowers, the archetypes, and yourself.Choosing a card while in a deeply receptive state allows one tocommune with the chosen card in a profound way. In times of crisis, spiritual need, celebrations, initiations, rites of passage,birthdays, and ceremonies, the cards can provide important andtimely insights.

    The Power of Flowers cards offer a unique pathway to floweressence therapy. There are various ways to determine whether aparticular flower essence can aid in ones process of healing. Trymeditating with the cards while connecting with the soul of nature.Face up (conscious) or face down (unconscious), spread the cardsin an arch or circle and choose the card that pulls you toward it.This card offers a remedy that can be taken orally, or mentallyingested by the very thought and healing image of the flower. Allaspects of the card, including color, image, flower, symbols, andfeelings, have a profound effect on healing. Blessed be.

    There are so many ways to discover how The Power of Flowerscards can work for you. Open the pack and let them blossom inyour heart. They are your precious journey into the Garden of Life.


  • Card LayoutsThe Blossoming Se lf

    Every day we are surrounded by the miracles of nature, be it aspring that never tires of providing fresh water, the Sun that warmsus each day, or the multitudes of fragrant flowers that grace ourEarth. Nature provides an endless and abundant source of protection, inspiration, and nurturance. This reverent power tugsat the soul of humanity, reminding us that we are living temples,walking amongst nature like human flowers, pouring forth ourlove and wisdom to all we encounter. They offer this gentle yetpersistent reminder so that we may understand that we are notseparate from the awesome beauty that embraces us.

    This layout is a mirror, a divine picture of your floweringSelf, in full bloom and radiant. The five cards are positionedin the shape of a flower. The number five representing the creativequalities of spiritual development which reflect the infiniteand benevolent nature of your True Self. Card #1 representsthe root and core of ones inner reality, all that sustains oneslife, including the ancestral patterns from which we emerge.Card #2 represents the sprouting leaf of consciousness thatis prominent and fully recognized in a persons life, offering aglimpse of personal illumination and clarification. Card # 3represents the leaf of unconscious growth that is yet to be discoveredwithin the sanctuary of the individual and mirrors the qualities thatare ready to blossom and emerge. Card # 4 represents the stemthat carries these potentials to the glorification of personalachievement and success. Card # 5 represents the crowningattainment of Self. The image presented to the individual


  • serves as a source of inspiration and hope, for these are theaspiring talents and gifts that are soon to be recognized andexperienced in ones daily life.

    Flowers are songs as much as they are prayers. Dancingspirits of nature, they invite us to partake of their joy, greetingus as angelic messengers who hold the patterns of heavenlysecrets and teachings within their fragrant, earthly blossoms.The flowers and archetypes represented in this reading seekto embrace you with a pure heart.

    The Power of Flowers Card Descriptions

    RoseLatin Rosaceae

    Plant S ignatureThe Rose family includes many species of five petaled flowersin the shape of pentagrams, or five-pointed stars, which offerhumanity a beautiful symbol of Cosmic Love accessiblethrough the human heart. The plant is deeply rooted and verytenacious and it is able to surmount great obstacles such asextreme weather conditions.

    Flower EssenceThe Rose essence is one of the purest vibrations in existence.Whatever its color or species, it always invokes the most pro-found manifestations of loveaccomplishing this through a


  • gentle stimulation of the heart chakra, located at the center ofthe human body.

    Archetype Queen of Heaven, Mother of the World

    At the mystical core of Christianity, the Virgin Mary is revealedas a Goddess she who embodies the immaculate mystery ofbirth and is the source of all that is sacred. Mary, the Moon,gives birth to The Light of the World in the form of the CosmicChild. Sadly, our culture has lost its connection to this deepermythology of the Queen of Heaven.

    HealingThe Austrian mystic Rudolph Steiner offers a unique perspectiveon the birth of Christ, suggesting that Mary, in fact, gave birth totwin souls: one (the yellow rose) dedicated to the path of Truth;and the other (the pink rose) dedicated to the path of the Heart. Inthis way, according to Steiner, Mary offered the world the forces ofboth Universal Truth and Universal Love.

    In choosing this card, you are greeted by the Rose Goddess,gently announcing your readiness to accept the twin gifts ofCosmic Love and Wisdom embodied by the Mystic Rose.

    B lessing

    Holy Rose, Queen of Love, Your beauty is Divine.

    Sacred is your tenderness,Jewel of nature, Sweet and kind.


  • PomegranateLatin Punica granatum

    Plant S ignatureThe flower of the Pomegranate buds in oval, womb-shaped orbs.When fully opened, a deep red flower with a yellowish center anda core of tiny seeds is revealed. The Pomegranate fruit is quite unique with a hard dry skin and a nest of bright red juicyseeds within.

    Flower EssencePomegranate essence restores self-nurturing qualities to the indi-vidual and regenerates fertility on all levels, beautifully attuning usto Mother Love in the process.

    It does this by assisting in the identification of deep, long-buried, emotional needs, especially in relation to the mother, childbearing, and creativity.

    ArchetypePersephone, Kore, Queen of the Underworld

    According to a pre-Greek version of this myth, Kore is worshiped as Goddess of the Blessed Dead, for it is believedthat she holds the keys to the lower worlds, as well as to theheavens, and can journey to the jeweled center of the earth,there to cultivate the fertile seeds stored within its core.


  • Persephone, daughter of Demeter, signifies the renewed aspectof self that is to be found if only we are willing to travel into the chambers of re-birth. There we gather the seeds of new possibilities and balance the forces of dark (the unconscious) withthe forces of light (the conscious aspects of the Self).

    HealingPersephone is your guide. Standing between fire and water,she gazes into the beautiful visage of Narcissus. As a bridgebetween the worlds, you, like Persephone, are forevercrowned Queen of the Underworld, and, yet, also eternallynourished and protected by the bounty of Mother Earth.

    B lessing

    Pomegranate ushers us down to meet, The Sacred Feminine and Her seeds so sweet,

    Bearing fruit, luscious and red, Into Her Labyrinth,

    I am led.


  • LotusLatin Nelumbo nucifera

    Plant S ignatureThe lotus is a water plant with roots reaching deep into the muddyearth. Its petals close each night with the Moon, and open eachsunrise with the Sun. In the center of the flower is a capsule con-taining thousands of nut-like seeds capable of sprouting after lay-ing dormant for centuries.

    Flower EssenceAs an elixir, the Lotus stimulates Divine Inspiration and SpiritualLiberation. It moves the dark and muddy aspects of the psycheupward toward the light of conscious healing. This sacred floweris often used to assist in ceremonial gatherings and meditations.

    ArchetypeQuan Yin

    Quan Yin, known as the Mother of Compassion, is the Buddhistembodiment of compassionate, skillful means. Formerly a maledeity by the name of Avalokitesvara, Quan Yin underwent a sexchange in ancient China because it was thought that only the fem-inine principle could adequately inspire and guide spiritual seekersto the terrifying abyss known as emptiness. For her great skill inthis regard, she is likened to the Lotus.


  • HealingIn the East, the Lotus is considered a perfect, microcosmic reflec-tion of the growth of human consciousness through three stagesof evolution: 1) ignorance; 2) skillful means; and, 3) enlighten-ment. At the first stage, the Lotus roots extend upward from themuddy lake bottom. At the second stage, the Lotus stem iscaressed and supported by the water. Finally, at the third stage, theLotus flower blossoms into the light of day.

    Quan Yin comes to you at this moment to reassure andinspire you in your spiritual quest for full awakening. As a bod-hisattva of infinite compassion, She appears to you in what-ever form will most aid you on your journey into the light. Youare crowned with the Thousand Petaled Lotus, for many seedsare germinating within you. What new level of realization areyou about to birth?

    B lessing

    Divine Lotus, Your thousand petaled blossom ignites,

    Spiritual rebirth and keen insight, In silent bliss,

    In infinite Love,I embody your Wisdom,

    From above.


  • IrisLatin Iridaceae

    Plant S ignatureOften found growing wild on the edge of a pond or stream, the Irisis a perennial herb with long, narrow, sword-shaped leaves, and rhizomes, or bulb-like rootstocks. The beardless Iris repre-sented in this card flourishes if constantly covered with water inthe early Spring.

    Flower EssenceThe Iris essence is extraordinarily beautiful and serves as a rain-bow bridge between temporal and spiritual worlds, reminding usof our infinite creativity and divine origins. Offering the expressionof its ever-flowing form, it nourishes the human soul, unblocks oldpatterns of self limitation, inspires one to the heights of beauty andgrace, and restores a path to art and creativity.

    Archetype Iris The Rainbow Goddess

    In Greek Mythology, Iris, Queen of the Gods, was the Goddess ofthe Rainbow and Messenger of Hera who traveled freely betweenthe lower realms and the realm of the Gods. Ultimately, her inspi-ration served the feminine, balancing the heart and head throughan understanding of emotions and suffering. Out of this well offeeling and understanding arose the rainbow, symbolizing themulti-dimensional qualities of human consciousness.


  • HealingThe healing journey of the Iris offers you a deeper vision of yourflowering, intuitive and feeling Selfa vision in which you mayencounter the many hues of your emotional spectrum. The root ofyour being, like the golden bulbs of the Iris, will produce the won-drous color of your potential, much like a golden chalice producesthe elixir of love.


    Queen of Rainbow, Iris bright,Pour forth your creative rays of light,

    As we dance, As we sing, We rejoice in the waters,Of your Eternal Spring.


  • VioletLatin Viola odorata

    Plant S ignatureViolets are a delicate perennial flower producing long-stalked runners called stolons. The heart shaped leaves, clustered inrosettes, seem to hug the earth.

    Flower EssenceAs an elixir, the violet is especially attuned to highly evolved andfragile soulsthose with acute sensitivity to their surroundings. Itsessence helps us stay true to ourselves and open to our environ-ment, protecting us from the seduction of fear, denial, and addic-tion. The Violets heart-shaped leaves attract a quality of sweetnesswhich it offers to humanity through its delicate scent.

    Archetype Eve

    Perhaps no creation myth has been more damaging to womenand the feminine principle than the story of Eve in Paradise. Herstory must be retold minus its patriarchal trappings and this newstory must be deeply implanted in the hearts and minds ofhumanity so that, ultimately, we may achieve a true balance ofmasculine and feminine principles.

    Eve was once known as Goddess of All Living Things. It issaid that she wove the material of the cosmos into her various off-spring, each of whom embodied something of her inner life and


  • purpose. The World Tree from which she allegedly ate, was her-alded by the ancients as a symbol of spiritual equilibrium andimmortality. In eating from the tree, Eve nourished herself withnatures love for her and for all humanity.

    HealingAn inverted heart-shaped Violet leaf, representing devotion andtranscendent wisdom, covers Eves heart. She has come to youtoday to offer you the opportunity for true liberation at all levels.You are invited into Eves sacred garden where you too may attuneto the callings of your own life mission. This is your opportunity toconsider how you might weave the world as you become one withthe awareness and unfolding of a New Feminine Consciousness.

    B lessing

    Garden of violets is a paradise, Where the reverence of Eve is Reborn.With passion and self-love within me,

    I embody the beauty of Earths purity.Within my soul,

    I am free.


  • SunflowerLatin Helianthus

    Plant S ignatureFound predominantly in North America, the Sunflower can growto an astonishing twelve feet in height as it reaches longingly forthe Sun through the summer months. Its stem is sturdy andstrong, with large leaves that are toothed at the margins. Theround, flat discs at the center of its large, golden-yellow flowers arecomposed of tiny tubular flowers arranged in a spiral design.

    Flower EssenceSunflower essence carries a radiant quality of light to the humansoul, for it is associated with the sun, as well as with the conscious,enlightened self. This essence is infused with the upright, majes-tic power of a well-developed, masculine will, even as it opens theheart to a luminous, feminine quality of love and compassion. Itcan ease rigid patterns related to the will to dominate others.

    Archetype The Solar King and Lunar Queen

    The path of the Solar King and the Lunar Queen directs us to aplace of indestructible purity withina sanctuary of true Selfhoodwhere the Divine Will of the enlightened male combines with theUniversal Love of the enlightened female. Like the Sunflower, thisgolden couple rises to full power by first reaching toward the lightabove, and then bowing to the midnight within. The strength andintegrity of this inner union will support you as you enter the realmof world service.


  • HealingThe Sunflower teaches you that the will to assert ones self and thewill to surrender ones self are inseparably bound. The powerembodied in the Sunflower is granted only to those who are grate-ful and humble in their dance upon the earth.

    B lessing

    Torch of Sunflower, Spiral of light,

    Lead me to the path of Service,And clear insight.


  • Oriental PoppyLatin Paparer orientale

    Plant S ignatureThe Oriental Poppy is hardy, yet profoundly delicate by nature. Itsbrilliant red blossoms open dramatically, facing the sun. When fullyexposed to light, the blossoms deep black centers reveal spider-likeshapes within. After the flower has opened and its petals havefallen to the earth, the dried bulbs become delicate rattles.

    Flower EssenceThe Oriental Poppy essence beckons one to venture into themysteries of creative visualization and dream journals. Suchjourneys are not unlike those of ancient Shamans who traveledto the upper and lower worlds, discovering guides and animalspirits, and retrieving lost aspects of Self. This essence is anexcellent aid for those who wish to enhance their clairvoyant andtelepathic skills.


    Shamans are powerful healers and spiritual teachers found in indige-nous cultures throughout the world. As the wise elders and medicinedoctors of their tribal communities, these highly respectedmen and women are intimately familiar with the hiddendimensions of Nature in all Her forms. The Shaman guides usinto the dream body or shaman body, where we attune tothe transformative reality of everyday miracles, seekinganswers to lifes most important questions.


  • HealingThe Poppy Shaman calls you back to your true home in Nature,where your soul speaks directly to you, delivering many sacredmessages. Deep in your heart, the muses are aroused and theplant and animal spirits surround you. Vibrant rainbow colorsswirl around the Poppy Shamans head, symbolizing the divinerays of unity and harmony that exist only when one has attuned toNature and Her consorts in the deepest possible ways.


    Blazing Poppy, Bearer of Dreams, A Shamans call,

    To magical schemes. Guide me into light and dark,

    A path of transformation, I embark.


  • Purple Water LilyLatin Nymphaea

    Plant S ignatureThis perennial, aquatic herb grows in streams, ponds, andmarshes, as well as near the coastline. Its beautiful purpleflowers rest on the surface of the water surrounded bysmooth, shiny, dark green leaves, and supported by a thickhorizontal root stock below. The purple Water Lily holds amultitude of seeds within its globular fruit.

    Flower EssenceThis subtle yet powerful essence has the potential to bringspiritual sensitivities to the fore, drawing one inextricably intothe fertile well of deepest knowing. Taken before meditation orsacred ritual, it has the ability to open the portals of consciousness, guiding one into the inner sanctum of thesoul, where life, death, and rebirth are unified.

    Archetype Water Nymph

    Mythical beings of epic proportion, water nymphs ignite ourimagination, offering inspirational images and ineffablevisions of beauty. Offering a purple garment of light to eachhuman soul who wishes to incarnate, they overlight the par-ticular dimension of soul-travel where the soul meets thesolid world of form. Water nymphs are the weavers of themysteries; their magical water a liquid crystal, repatterningthe holographic potential of the universe.


  • HealingThe cave temples of the Water Nymphs contain two portals:one to accommodate the descent of humanity; the other toassist in the ascension of spirit. As you attune to the subtlemysteries of the Nymph and the Purple Water Lily, you areable to transcend the limitations of linear time and mortalconfinement. Imagine a purple garment of light surroundingyour entire body as you enter the gates of new awareness. Youare truly blessed to receive such an image.


    The Water Lily nymph,Weaves a purple web of light.She lifts the veil of heaven,Offering vision and sight.


  • HibiscusLatin Hibiscus-rosa-sinensis

    Plant S ignatureThe Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub, native to tropical Asia andsubtropical regions. This hardy plant blossoms all year round, withnew buds appearing each morning followed by red or purplish blossoms lasting only a day or two. The reproductive organs of thehibiscus flower protrude conspicuously from the center of its fiveflaring petals.

    Flower EssenceTropical flowers make very potent essences because they areinfused with sun and rainbow-colored air, both of which amplifyDevic (soul) consciousness. Hibiscus essence energizes the firstand second chakra, undoing blockages in the lower back andspine and reproductive glands. Hibiscus is also a very goodessence for dancers.

    Archetype Hiiaka-I-ka-poli-o-Pele

    (Translation: Hiiaka-in-the-bosom-of-Pele)The mythology of Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, is inter-woven with the threads of several lovely stories, songs, anddances involving her little sister Hiiaka. Many of Pele andHiiakas passionate adventures revolve around the dancingand singing of the Hula. That is why those who have masteredthe ancient arts of the Hula offer their gifts of dance and songto Pele and Hiiaka in a dream chant.


  • HealingThe Hibiscus flower comes to you today as a flaming chalice,inviting you to live your truest passions. The fires of Pele giverise to dancing flames of swirling intensityleaping towardthe heavens. The movement of the flames guides us, showingthe way to liberation. Hiiakas beautiful dance reveals thephysical embodiment of Peles fire, reminding you that youmust ground this energy in your body.

    B lessing

    Red Hibiscus, I greet your flame,Hiiaka, I call your name.

    Teach me your sacred song and dance.My soul full of passion, you enhance.


  • ManzanitaLatin Arctostaphyos manzanita

    Plant S ignatureAn evergreen plant, ranging in size from a creeping groundcoverto a small, rounded tree, the Manzanita attracts many birds, andis admired for the beauty of its crooked branches which aresmooth, shapely and a deep, reddish purple color. The commonManzanita has white to pink bell-like flowers and tiny fruit resem-bling apples.

    Flower EssenceThe Manzanita, with its rounded curves and dancing, bendingbranches, seems to embody the Goddess within her very core.It is not surprising then, that the tree produces tiny apple-likefruitsan ancient symbol of fertility and sensuality.Manzanita elixir helps uplift ones attitude concerning bodyimage, in a culture that fails to honor the many varieties of thefemale forminviting the Goddess in each of us to berevealed in all her splendor. This is also an excellent essencefor people who suffer from eating disorders of any kind, aswell as for those sensitive, spiritually-attuned individuals whofind the physical body cumbersome. Manzanita increasesones ability to experience the body as a beloved temple of thespirit.


  • Archetype The fertility Goddess, Venus of Willendorf

    The Venus of Willendorf is a Paleolithic Venus depicted without amale consort, for it is likely that the people who lived during thisancient time were unaware of the male role in procreation. In fact,they may have thought females capable of parthenogenesis, orself-impregnation. Such was the astonishing power of theGoddess, along with her Earthly counterparts.

    Like the Manzanita tree, prehistoric people lived close tothe earth, and just as we admire the plants graceful curvesand rounded form, the ancients loved the Goddess whosebody was a shrine of productivity and beauty.

    HealingThe Venus of Willendorf and the dancing Goddess figures in theManzanita tree honor the feminine spirit that resides withinyou. You are being mirrored by the Universal Mother who asksthat you see yourself as she sees youas an incarnation ofdivinity. We must once again learn to respect our female bodies and love them fully, if we are to honor the GreatGoddess who gives Her abundant Love to all.

    B lessing

    Manzanita offers the wisdom of Goddess lore,The beautiful roots of Her ancient core. My body sings as I dance Her truth, My body is beautiful in age and youth.


  • Bleeding HeartLatin Dicentra formosa

    Plant S ignatureBleeding Heart is so named because its blossoms are perfectlyheart-shaped. Its gentle pink or deep rose colored blooms hang indelicate clusters from a leafless red flower stalk, giving the appear-ance of a love offering from the Goddess. As the flower matures,it breaks open and the bottom point of each heart turns a bitupward, reminding us that a broken heart is an open heart. Lovenever fails.

    Flower EssenceBleeding Heart essence purifies and strengthens the heart chakra,as well as all emotions concerning love. To those who may haveclosed their hearts due to fear, abandonment, or loss, BleedingHeart brings an open-hearted attitude, soothing the emotions andoffering its unconditional love to heal the wounds in all of us.

    ArchetypeChiron, the Wounded Healer

    In Greek mythology, Chiron was the product of an unloving unionbetween the nymph Philyra and Chronus (Saturn). Born with thebody and legs of a horse and the torso and arms of a man, Chironwas abandoned by his parents. Later he was found by Apollo, theSun God, who became his foster father and taught him the waysof the healer, artist, and scholar. Thus, Chirons pain was trans-formed into service and compassion.


  • HealingCosmic rays of loving radiance pour through the Bleeding Heartblossoms directly into your heart. In this way, therapeutic channelsare opened and the suffering you have carried on your humanjourney can be healed. The Bleeding Heart flowers bless andhonor you, for your heart has been granted a new birth of consciousness which carries the seed of an emerging cosmologyof health and well-being.


    Bleeding Heart,Expand my Soul,

    That I may truly see,How the journey into my suffering

    Is the path that sets me free.


  • LavenderLatin Lavandula officinalis

    Plant S ignatureNative to Persia and Southern France, Wild Lavender thriveswhere few other plants survive: on rocky barren soil at altitudes ashigh as 6,000 feet. Intense heat cannot harm it, nor can the bittercold. Its brilliant bluish/purple blossoms, nestled among linear,blue-green leaves, become tubular at the end of the stem. Bothleaves and flowers are fragrant.

    Flower EssenceThe botanical name Lavandula comes from the Latin lavare,meaning, to wash. The pure clean aroma of the Lavenderblossom washes ones energetic field, lending an aura ofinnocence and purity to all it touches.

    As a flower remedy, Lavender soothes and heals a shatterednervous system overly burdened by the stress and demandsof a high-energy life.

    Archetype Archangel Raphael

    Archangel Raphael, whose name literally means God Heals orGod Has Healed, protects and overlights the NatureKingdomhis healing presence extending outward to envelope


  • all earthly beings, including plants, trees, animals, insects,rocks, and minerals, as well as humanity. Clothed in all shadesof lavender, he carries a golden vial of lavender oil and a spear,symbolizing the stem of the Lavender plant.

    HealingYou are under the protection of Archangel Raphael. Your mentalanguish and cumbersome worries are washed clean. Earthly bur-dens are lifted and vision is purified. Raphael drapes his violet bluewings around you, reminding you that you are never alone on yourhealing journey.

    B lessing

    In blessed purity, Lavender heals,

    I am protected by your immunity. Your elixir of love protects the Earth, Offering a salve of peace and mirth.


  • ButtercupLatin Raminculus bulbosus

    Plant S ignatureDue to the nourishment stored in the bulb, the Buttercup bloomsprolifically and is one of the first flowers to herald the beginning ofSpring. Its petals are soft and buttery, with a soft glow ike the sweetskin of a baby.

    Flower EssenceAs an elixir, Buttercup carries an enticement to quiet surrender,beckoning one to ride the magic carpet of blissful love into theinner regions of the Essential Self, where purity and innocencereside. This is a beautiful remedy for children and adults alike, who yearn for the sacrament of their angelic essence, their origi-nal face before they were born. Buttercup restores and heals the inner child, helping us remember the creative gifts we carry into this world.

    ArchetypeDivine Child

    For many adults, the purity and bliss of the radiant child withinis long forgotten. Many have lost touch with the essence of divinelove and protection that resides within the soul as an uncondi-tional aspect of human experience. The Divine Child, known inTibetan Buddhism as the Child Luminosity, will never abandonyou. It waits patiently for a time of reunion with the MotherLuminosity, or pure consciousness. In this way, the heart of thechild meets the wisdom inherent in all of life.


  • HealingThe process of discovering the golden cup of love within isnothing short of enlightening, for the holiest of holies residesin the Buttercup meadow of your heart. Just as the child angelin this card holds a Buttercup over the heart of the Buddha, sotoo is your heart being offered a precious gift of Nature. It istime to accept the luminous child which is your birthright, andhold dear the treasure of your Originally Enlightened Self.

    B lessing

    Oh, Buddha Buttercup,Your Sunshine Love bathes me

    With golden light.Innocence is restored,

    My True Self shines bright.


  • Passion FlowerLatin Passiflora incarnata

    Plant S ignatureNamed for its resemblance to the finely-cut corona at the center ofChrists Crown of Thorns, the Passion Flowers delicate flowerswere thought to symbolize elements of the crucifixion: the threestigmas, which receive the pollen, represent the nails piercing the Saviors hands and feet; and the five stamen represent hiswounds. Some even claimed to see the cross itself in the flowerscenter. The vines of the plant reach to the tops of trees where theirblossoms reach for the sun.

    Flower EssenceThis penetrating elixir helps us understand the deepest possiblemeaning of our own personal suffering, after which it assistsin the ascent to our truest calling of service on the planet. Aswe surrender our souls to the sorrows and hardships thathave been endured in this lifetime, we begin to experiencethese hardships as stepping stones or teachings that can leadto a resurrection into greater love and compassion.

    ArchetypeChristos, Krishna

    It is not surprising that we find a great deal of correlation in themystical and mythical teachings concerning Jesus and Krishna,since there is ample evidence to suggest that around the time ofChrist, and even before his arrival on the world scene, a lively traderoute existed between India and the Middle East, and there was


  • extensive intermingling of these two centers of religious life.According to the legends of their respective cultures, both Jesusand Krishna were born of sacred female divinity, their forthcomingbirths announced to the world by a brilliant star. Both were hailedas redeemers who had descended to Earth in order to refine andattune the masses to the principle of heart-centered truth.

    HealingWhen the Passion Flower comes to you, you are called to theinner sanctuary of your soul in order to resurrect the divinelove and compassion held therein. Like the vine of the PassionFlower, you reach ever upward through whatever suffering andhardship you have experienced on your long journey, to thesource of all light, which is true Self-Knowledge.

    B lessing

    Holy flower of the vine,Passion Flower you are thine,Rise above to star-light Sun,

    Showering compassion on everyone.


  • Silver SwordLatin Argroxiphium macrocephalum

    Plant S ignatureThe magnificent Silver Sword grows exclusively on the Islands ofHawaii. This plant grows in a round cluster of silvery, curved, spikyleaves, remaining in this configuration for over a decade, afterwhich a spectacular stalk of reddish-purple florets emerges fromits core, growing to a height of three to six feet.

    Flower EssenceThe Silver Sword elixir is rare and potent with a high vibratoryfrequency. It works its special brand of magic by releasingencoded information that has been stored in its cellularmemory bank, completely opening ones energy centers andaligning ones body with the next seven chakras above thecrown. This remedy is best taken by itself.

    Archetype Celestial Light Bearer

    In many esoteric disciplines, it is taught that certain plant and mineral substances were brought to the earth from other galaxies,planets, or stars, and that these life forms stand poised to aid andenhance the development of humanityto take us beyond whatwe currently think is possible. The Silver Sword may be one suchgift. If we open our hearts to the possibilities beyond the materialworld, we may become acquainted with celestial guides whooverlight our journey and help us pierce the veil of illusion.


  • HealingThe presence of the Silver Sword is a rare gift. You have aheightened sensitivity and are, indeed, opening to new levels ofawareness at this time. The luminous colors emanating fromthe Light Bearers hands and above the Silver Sword flowers arewaves of vibratory healing available to you at this time.

    B lessing

    Celestial greetingsSilver Sword brings.Within its mystery

    A Galactic tone rings. Arise and Awaken

    As the universe sings.


  • Shooting StarLatin Dodeatheon hendersonii

    P lant S ignatureShooting Star blossoms cluster on a leafless stem, reaching asmuch as two feet in length. Colors vary according to the species,ranging from white to pink, lavender or magenta. This beautiful little flower resembles a star or comet zooming to earthhence, its name.

    Flower EssenceAs a flower elixir, Shooting Star is most beneficial to those who feelalienated from numerous aspects of earthly existenceand sufferdeeply for it. Shooting Star essence is a remedy for rare, precioussouls who are highly sensitive and thrive on refined environments.This can be a wonderful remedy for children who have had anespecially traumatic birth and are mightily resisting their earthlyincarnation.

    Archetype Star Child

    A new planetary archetype is born as intelligent life forms fromother galaxies and dimensions of reality have entered the earthsrealm. Astrological shifts, polar shifts, and a quickening ofhuman consciousness all point to this new understanding. Itappears that many new beings, or Star Children, are comingto earth to assist in this process. These luminous beings possess a fierce individuality, coupled with undauntingstrength of will and character.


  • HealingIn this card, a bouquet of Shooting Star flowers greets a new arrivalon board a tiny Shooting Star ship. This newborn is, in fact, a fullyconscious soul, choosing to enter earth in service to the cosmicforces of love and light.

    Shooting Star reminds you that you have come to this planetcarrying many special qualities and giftsalong with a uniquemission and destiny. Perhaps you have always known that youpossess special virtues, and have longed for the time whenthese qualities could be unleashed, revealing the unique starthat you truly are.

    B lessing

    Shooting Star expands my role,So I may truly unite,

    With the memory of my star-bright soul,And my mission of cosmic light.


  • SagebrushLatin Artemisia caucasica

    Plant S ignatureAn evergreen shrub or woody perennial, the Sagebrush plant isdistinguished by its leaf patterns, small yellow flowers, and silverygray or white aromatic foliage. This hardy plant utilizes the fullstrength of the sun and can tolerate extremes of heat and cold.

    Flower EssenceThe Sagebrush is one of Mother Natures most popular healingagents for the purification of heart, mind, and bodyboth as aflower essence and as a sacred herb. Its essence, derived fromSagebrush blossoms, may accelerate personal evolution. The tiny,yellow flowers act as miniature suns, blooming like rays of newconsciousness from its silvery green foliage and radiating the lightof the Great Spirit within the heart of humanity. Sagebrushessence serves as a spiritual cleaner and tonic, clearing out theobstacles, illusions, and habitual patterns which typically cloudreality.

    Archetype White Buffalo Calf Woman

    According to Lakota teachings, White Buffalo Calf Woman is associated with the mysteries of the Sacred Pipe. She introducesan awareness of the sacredness of all life, bringing order to the universe. Her image changes from that of a beautiful woman to that of a buffalo; sometimes white and sometimes black,depending on the message she has to impart.


  • HealingThere are times in our lives when we are faced with the choiceeither to realign ourselves to higher principles, through purifi-cation of thought, word, and deed, or to turn our backs onsuch precious opportunities. This card indicates that you maybe standing at such a crossroad in your own life. As you seekto live in reverence for all of life, remember to give thanks toWhite Buffalo Calf Woman, the harbinger of cosmic justice,love and peace.


    Sagebrush, Holy Herb,Empty my soul,

    Your yellow flowers are stars in the night, My ignorance and suffering are brought to light.


  • Mountain PrideLatin Penstemen newberryi

    P lant S ignatureMountain Pride is native to the higher elevations of the SierraNevada mountain range. The plant, which grows well in dry, sunnyclimates, has a woody base with thick, roundish, toothed leaves.Its rich, rose-red flowers are tubular in shape.

    Flower EssenceThe tubularity of Mountain Pride flowers denotes a trumpets callto action, while their deep red color suggests a profound love ofhumanity, and the plants thick base symbolizes the groundingand stabilizing of energy. When taking this essence, ones motiva-tions become pure and honest, and one is empowered to speakfrom the heart, as well as to act with conviction and commonsense, in order to achieve his or her destiny.

    Archetype The Spiritual Warrior

    The Spiritual Warrior, also known as the Peaceful Warrior,walks his talk and follows through with his commitments,taking full responsibility for his own actions, authority, andfreedom. He lives the Path of the Heart, receiving sacredmessages from Mother Earth. Though not literally a warringbeing, the Peaceful Warrior is also not passive, for he is spiritually guided into various warrior-like maneuvers whenleft with no other alternative.


  • HealingYou are a Spiritual Warrior. Male or female, you carry the MedicineWay within you, for you walk in reverence as you pursue yourhearts callingyour destiny. The great mountain and the zenithsun remind you of the goals you wish to accomplish. Elk stands asyour companion, noble and strong, lending its Medicine of perse-verance and endurance to your own efforts. Mother Earth opensher lands for you to walk your noble journey.


    Mountain Pride with noble beauty,Teach me to honor my responsibility.To walk my talk and with love impart,

    To follow my journey,A Path with Heart.


  • Apple BlossomLatin Malus communis

    Plant S ignatureThe great Apple tree, with its knotted wood and thick bows andbranches, has an ancient and mysterious history. Found in tem-perate zones, it reaches perfection in cooler regions. In the Spring,the apple tree produces five-petaled blossoms in delicate pink andpure white varieties, which, by their delightful fragrance and storeof nectar, attract swarms of bees.

    Flower EssenceThis elixir purifies the emotions, assists the body in riddingitself of poisons of the past, and restores hope to ones innerlife. The sublime sweetness of Apple Blossom essence infusesthe soul body with a translucent, pink light, cleansing the auraso that we may become living, holographic earth-stars, mani-festing our way into abundant joy and cherishing our bodiesof light.

    Archetype Astarte, Queen of the Stars

    Astarte was the true sovereign of the world, perpetually destroy-ing the old in order to give rise to the new. She ruled over all the stars in the heavens, and in her role as the mother of all star-children, gave birth to the mysterious prototype of theVirgin Mary.


  • It is well known today that the apple holds the hidden symbolof the star, a pentagram, in its center. For this reason, the apple, aswell as the five-petaled apple blossom are closely associated withthe creative cycles of Astarte, the Star Queen, and were originallysacred to all Goddesses.

    HealingYou are offered a star-filled gift from the Apple Blossom.Astartes association with Aphrodite and Venus, the MorningStar, highlights the power of immense love and hope available toyou during times of creative transformation.

    The Apple Blossoms surrounding Astarte represent the flower-ing potential that is yours alone. Deep in your own heart, lives theStar Queens love, rich and plentiful, helping you to cleanse yoursoul aura and emerge vibrant and healthy.

    B lessing

    Beautiful apple blossoms sparkle,Like multitudes of tiny stars.

    Teach me hope and faith, I pray,So that I may offer your cosmic riches,

    Each and every earthly day.


  • California PoppyLatin Eschscholzia californica

    Plant S ignatureThe California Poppy is a perennial plant, native to California andOregon. Its stems, which are eight to twenty-four inches long withblue-green leaves, support soft, satiny petals, ranging in color from pale yellow to deep orange. Its blooms close on cloudy daysand at night.

    Flower EssenceThe flower remedy derived from the California Poppy carrieswithin it the radiant heights of summer and the majesty of thesunlight. Drawing the awakened sun force upward throughthe human heart, it sparks a luscious cup of gold within theSoul. This magic elixir also expands ones vision to includethe antics of the fairy people, helping human beings to unitewith these kindred spirits of the Devic realm.

    Archetype Deva, The Flower Fairies

    Global myths, folklore, and fairy tales ignite the imagination andspark inquiries of a mystical nature regarding the existence ofgnomes, devas, fairies, brownies, angels, elves, and the like. Thesemagical beings are the omnipresent agents of creative will, theengineers of Nature. As such, they direct, build, weave, and sustain all natural forces: solar, planetary, and universal. They arethe shining ones, or devasself-luminous beings of iridescentlight, color, and energy.


  • HealingThe fairy world, in its supreme purity, has come to greet you today.Perhaps you are being rewarded for having opened your heart tothe wonders of the natural world. The Little People wish to paytheir respects and welcome you into their magical world. Rejoice.This is indeed an honor. The Golden Poppy Fairy overlights you,offering you the treasure of warm and nurturing sunlight within.

    B lessing

    Oh, Fairy Queen, your magical world, Dances in my sunlit soul.

    California Poppy of vibrant rays,Teach me the fairy ways.


  • OrchidLatin Orchidacaea

    Plant S ignatureOrchid flowers include three sepals and three petals, the lowestone referred to as a lip. Some Orchids grow high on branches intropical jungles. Others are terrestrial with roots growing in loosemoist soil, often in wooded areas.

    Flower EssenceOrchid is an extremely potent flower essence, known to enhanceones attunement to natures procreative forces and sensuality.Pliny, an early botanist, claimed that even holding the roots inones hands would arouse one to ecstasy. Orchid essence seeks torefine the raw drive of sexual desire. It is recommended for cou-ples seeking spiritual/sexual union, especially in combination withRose elixir.

    Archetype Pan, God of Wild Nature

    Orchid comes from the Greek, orchis, meaning testicle, becauseof its twin bulbs resembling testicles. The Romans named theorchid Satyrion, claiming it grew from semen left on the groundby the Satyrsfawn-like beings considered an embodiment of thehorned God of Wild Nature, known to the Greeks as Pan.

    Archeological evidence suggests that Pan, identified withunbridled sexuality and desire, may have begun his legendarylife as the Hindu fertility God Pancika. Just as men can onlyreach full maturity through healing relationships with


  • women, it may be that Pan, the ultimate bachelor, will onlyreach his maturity as a cultural icon when he is understood inhis role as a consort to the Goddess. Only then will his ritual reenactment open the gate to Mother Natures sensual garden, for men and women alike.

    HealingThe forces of nature are vibrantly alive with ultraviolet colors andwave frequencies which we as humans cannot perceive. The sameis true regarding your own inner garden of sexuality. With theappearance of Pan, you are offered a mythical perspective on yourown primal nature and instincts, ushering in a new awareness.Just as the Orchid climbs upward toward the sun, you must, withconstant striving, seek the highest, expression of your passions.

    B lessing

    In the ecstasy of Nature,Through the soul of Pan,May the Orchid refine,

    The earthly human,Orchids pure essenceAwakens the heart.Sexuality and LoveAre never apart.


  • FigLatin Ficus carica

    Plant S ignatureThe Fig tree typically lives to a very old age. Neither fruit nor flower,the Fig is quite remarkable. What is commonly referred to as thefruit of the Fig is, in fact, its syncarp, or fleshy receptacle, insideof which are scores of tiny male and female flowers. Miraculously,these flowers mature and blossom wholly in the Figs dark interior.

    Flower EssenceWhen opened, the Fig has been said to resemble the human brain,providing an important clue as to the healing properties of itsessence. This essence is capable of restoring and enhancing mem-ory, and thus is an excellent remedy when doing past-life or earlychildhood regression work.

    Because the male and female flowers share the same recepta-cle within the Fig, this essence also balances ones masculine andfeminine elements, bringing the right and left hemispheres of thebrain into a state of equilibrium, while helping the individual toachieve greater clarity, and ultimately, gain access to higheraspects of the mind.

    Archetype Isis

    According to Egyptian scripture, within the temple of her sacredwomb, Isis held many precious secrets of alchemical magic. Outof this mysterious vessel, she birthed the sun and the moon, as


  • well as all aspects of life: heaven and earth, male and female.Hermetic texts, based in Egyptian mythology, depict Isis as havingrevealed the mysteries of the stars to God. Her deep insights gaverise to the phrase As above, so below, for Isis plants stars ofknowledge into the heart of humanity. Revered as Nature, she isthe living embodiment of divine wisdom, for she is never apartfrom its infinite variations in the natural world.

    HealingThe Fig is a rare plant, containing tiny seeds and flowers within areceptacle, just as Isis is a rare Goddess associated with a sacredvessel containing alchemical secrets. When Isis makes her appear-ance to you, she opens the channels of your Higher Mind, decod-ing the memory of your deepest origins. The luscious Fig overheadis opened, revealing the inner fruits and nectars that are storedwithin your soul.

    B lessing

    Sacred Fig, You carry seeds of feminine delight,

    Fiery flowers of masculine light.Alchemical vessel within my soul,

    Reveal your secretsmake me whole.


  • Black CohoshLatin Cimicifuga racemosa

    Plant S ignatureCohosh is an Indian word for rough and black, referring tothe plants gnarled and knotty roots which extend deep into theground. In contrast, its white flowers pike upward toward the light.Also known as Black Root, Rattle Root, and Squaw Root, BlackCohosh is a summer plant found in shady woods, as well as ontheir periphery.

    Flower EssenceThis plant has powerful healing properties symbolized by its pure,white flowers which embody the power of transformation as theyblossom out of dark and tangled roots under the crust of the earth. Black Cohosh us considered a womans plant for itsestrogen-like qualities, which sooth menstrual cramps and assistin childbirth.

    Black Cohosh elixir fosters transformations and helps one findinner resources, such as courage and strength, for overcomingaddictive patterns and emotional dependencies which can under-mine self-confidence. True liberation may follow, as the soul givesrise to the luminous purity of the essential, divine self, reborn.

    Archetype Kali, The Goddess of Destruction

    Kali is also known as Shakti, or Kali Ma. She is the embodiment ofpure female energy, for she is the deepest void or womb, where all


  • is born, must die, and be born again. Most commonly depicted asa black, warrior Goddess with striking features, Kali is a fierceprotector of the universe. Her task is to strip away and devour allobstructions and hindranceshence, she is typically associatedwith the imagery of transmutation, including swords, snakes andskulls. In contrast to this fearful imagery, two of her arms reach outto bless and acknowledge her many fervent devotees, as well as torenew the seed of possible enlightenment for humanity.

    HealingKali stands victorious amidst the rooted entanglements of despair.White flowers blossom around her, symbolizing the peace andtranquility that inevitably arise after her raging storm. A rainbowencircles Kalis sword, while her arms offer a kind blessing.Remember, out of your deepest, darkest fears, a new cycle ofevolution beckons. Your path to enlightenment is secure. MotherKali protects you along the way.

    B lessing

    Black Cohosh with gnarly roots,Offering flowers of tender white shoots,

    Kali Ma reveals her sword,Breaking the ties, cutting the cords.All my demons are eternally freeBlack Cohosh, you transform me.


  • AngelicaLatin Angelica archangelica

    Plant S ignatureThe root system of the Angelica plant is anchored deep in the earthto support a stem of substantial proportions, growing up to sixand a half feet in height with a circumference as thick as a humanarm. The majesty of the plant is revealed in an umbrella of greenishwhite flowers delicately overlighting its powerful foundation.

    Flower EssenceThe essence of Angelica, derived from this most heavenly androoted of plants, helps one to establish a firm connection betweenthe refined, subtle realm of angelic light surrounding us, and thetangible, material world which grounds and anchors us to earth.Once such a link is made, we are given the inner strength and sta-mina necessary for pursuing our lifes destiny.

    ArchetypeThe Archangels, Michael, Gabriel,

    Uriel, and RaphaelThe Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael each offerthemselves in unconditional service to humanity. These leaders ofthe angelic realm, have dedicated themselves to the ultimate goodof the whole, making whatever sacrifices are necessary in theinterest of sanctifying human existence. Surrounded by beautiful auras of heavenly light, the Archangels assist in theanchoring of humanitys soul-body to the earth plane, so that wemay learn the path of service, dedication and sacrifice.


  • HealingRemember this: you would not have been given an earthlybody if you were not meant to anchor that which is perfect,infinite, and eternal in material form. Each incarnation in thehuman realm is a privilege. Without a doubt, as you readthese words you are especially close to the angelic world.Which angel is near you now? Michael, Angel of Truth, Uriel,Angel of visions, Gabriel, Angel of Love, or Raphael, Angel ofHealing? The Archangels offer you a shimmering umbrella,grounding the forces of light in your human experience.


    Angelic blossom of light and mirth,Anchor my soul,

    Into the roots of the earth.Your luminous glory,

    Your halo of gold,Help me to deepen,This destiny I hold.


  • Queen of the NightLatin Cereus greggii

    P lant S ignatureAptly named, the Queen of the Night Cactus is a luminousdesert flower that shines with a crown-like radiance in darkness, closing its bloom at sunrise. It is attached beneaththe ground to an enormous root tuber that can weigh as muchas eighty-five pounds, while above ground only a skinny stem,resembling a stick, can be seen supporting its huge, fragrantwhite blossom.

    Flower EssenceDeep within each of us lives a great store of repressed and subli-mated feminine energy and wisdom, much like the subterraneantuber that supports the Queen of the Night. Just as the Queen ofthe Night shimmers in the moonlight, individuals taking heressence experience an illumination of the deep and darkenedplaces of their psyche.

    ArchetypeGrandmother Wisdom

    Through the teachings of Grandmother Wisdom, we come toknow the moon and all Her cycles. She leads the way throughthe moon-lit paths of our inner worlds, gently tugging at theveil of darkness. Grandmother teaches us that every heart isfilled with dreams, prayers, hopes, and faith, and that a gracefullife is given to those who are grateful.


  • HealingShining in your heart like an evening lantern, GrandmotherWisdom lights your way to greater Self-Knowledge. You may wish tomeditate under the moon, letting its luminous rays caress you withtheir soft lunar light. Teaching patience, love, and endurance, theQueen of the Night reminds you that you, too, are a keeper ofwisdom. Perhaps it is time to focus your healing light upon yourself, in order to revitalize the storage house of your own precious energy.


    Queen of Night,Lunar light,

    Bathe my soul tonight.In virtue, truth, and serenity,Let my heart be one with thee.


  • Saguaro CactusLatin Cereus giganteus

    Plant S ignatureThe Saguaro Cactus is a majestic plant known to reach the heightof twenty feet or more. Given its slow growing nature, (approxi-mately one foot for every fifteen years of life), a life span of 300years is not unusual for this Grandfather of the plant world. Themature plant has a root system capable of holding up to 200 gallons of waterenough to sustain it for an entire year.

    Flower EssenceThis elixir can help individuals align vertically to a higher order ofpersonal authority and integrity. Father issues, on both personaland cultural levels, are eased as one attunes to the wisdom of theinner Wise Grandfather who protects and guides his people. At thepersonal level, Saguaro Cactus essence is especially healing for those who have lost a father at an early age, or experiencedpaternal abandonment at or before birth. In addition, it is alsohighly recommended for ceremony and ritual, especially where tradition and age are being honored.

    Archetype Grandfather Wisdom, Time Keeper

    Time Keepers understand that all of life is made up of certainarchetypal patterns. The elders, who carry time within them,understand that such patterns are imprinted in our dreams, inten-tions, and Self-Knowing, and, furthermore, that they change with


  • the growth and evolution of earth and all the galaxies. GrandfatherWisdom patiently watches over the many offspring issuing forthfrom Grandmothers Sacred Womb.

    HealingThe Saguaro Cactus is a powerful healing presence. Its statureand dignity symbolize the shift you are undergoing in relation toyour own personal power. The masculine principle within your psyche is rebalancing at this time, and you find yourself able toreceive Grandfathers sacred knowledge, which resides within yourheart, just as it lives at the center of this proud, majestic plant. The folds of Grandfathers garment reach out to protect you on your journey.


    Ancient knowledge of mystery,Saguaros message, living.

    Within this desert tree.Strong and proud; loving and true,

    My life receives protection from you.


  • Calla LilyLatin Zantedeschia

    Plant S ignatureThe Calla Lily embodies the power of the feminine in its large,moist, bulbs, representing the world of deep feelings. Likewise, itblossoms into a white floral vessel, symbolizing the cup of life.At the center of this vessel, however, stands an erect, yellow stamena decidedly phallic, masculine image held within a womb-like space. The leaves of the Calla Lily twist, curl and clusteraround the flower, further underscoring the quality of intimacy and integration which this Lily can bring to the soul.

    Flower EssenceCalla Lily essence is a sublime tincture for all who wish to bridgethe chasm between the spiritual and sexual spheres. It purifies,rejuvenates, and balances ones spiritual/sexual nature so thattrue androgyny can blossom within. An alchemical marriage ofmasculine and feminine is accomplished when sexual energy isrightly located within its all-encompassing spiritual matrix. Finally,this essence opens the channels for individuals and couples tofully embrace the beloved within.

    Archetype Tantric Lovers

    The classical Indian treatise on the Art of Love, known as the KalaSutra, taught its initiates the tantric path of working with ones


  • passions. The practice of tantra was likened to tending the flamesof an inner sun which blazes forth from the sacred energy centersof the body, burning out negativity and purifying ones psyche.This ancient art is capable of moving humanity beyond genderdivision and into alignment with the eternal Beloved Self.

    HealingThe appearance of the Calla Lily indicates that a major awakeningis now available to your consciousness regarding sexuality andinner love. The exotic birds, representing spiritual love, and thetwo Calla Lilies, representing unity and balance, surround the CallaLily cave where male and female join in a cosmic embrace. Thelovers are gently held by the white Calla Lily, representing a kind ofegoless cave of the heart, where two can truly meet and becomeOne. Whether an individual pursuit or in relation to ones beloved,the time has come to merge with these divine principles.


    Calla Lily, pure and white,Yellow sun rising within her bright.I join the cosmic, alchemical trance, Where love becomes a tantric dance.


  • ZinniaLatin Zinnia elegans

    Plant S ignatureThis summer annual is a glorious gift to any garden. It is called adouble flower, due to its double row of petals which give the blos-som an unusually full appearance. Colors include orange, rose,red, yellow, white, pink, and lavender.

    Flower EssenceThe flower essence derived from the Zinnia is a treasure amongnatures elixirs, for it enhances ones ability to rediscover the child-like qualities of playfulness, joy, delight, unconditional love, and aspirit of lighthearted innocence and adventure. This essence isalso recommended for anyone interested in countering lethargyand boredom. It has an inspirational effect upon the elderly andanimals and is also great for people who work with children, for itattunes them to the wonders of the Child mind.

    Archetype Laughing Buddha, PoTai

    According to Chinese legend, the Buddha PuTai, also known asthe Laughing Buddha, was an historical figure, a Chan (Zen) mas-ter, who lived sometime between the 6th and 10th centuries andmanaged to discover the Buddha within himself. He embodiedperfect contentment, serenity, and happiness, and was often seenin the company of children, for whom he had a special fondness.After his death, PuTai became a beloved cultural hero and wasworshiped for his ability to bestow blessings of good fortune.


  • HealingThe Laughing Buddha holds aloft a bright orange Zinniaa greatsphere of light or radiant sun, showering its rays of happinessupon you. PuTais robe is adorned with frolicking dolphins, theplayful angels of the sea, whose very presence stirs the soul to itsoriginal innocence, bringing the essence of joy to the planet. Thechild by his side is in wonderment as a dragonfly offers its gift ofenchantment and beauty. These magical symbols are mirrors toyour own divine gaiety.


    Laughing Buddha, radiant one,Carrying within the eternal Sun.

    Shower your happiness on everyone.Zinnia flowers so enchanting and bright,My inner contentment shines with delight.


  • FuchsiaLatin Fuchsia hybrida

    Plant S ignatureThe Fuchsia is a thick shrub with smooth green leaves. Its budsform in clusters, pointing toward the earth. Upon flowering inhues of red, pink and purple, its petals open upwards, crowningtoward the heavens.

    Flower EssenceAs an elixir, this flower assists in the loving acceptance of longrepressed core emotionsfrom this or other lifetimes. The specialhealing properties of the Fuchsia guide one gently into deep,underwater caverns of the psyche, there to finally embrace oneslong submerged and neglected grief, pain, and suffering. By cast-ing light into the emotional realms long held in darkness, Fuchsiaseeks to uplift the soul, elevating it to new levels of consciousness.

    ArchetypeLatin Mermaid

    Known as The Virgin of the Sea or Fish Tailed Aphrodite, themermaid inhabits two worlds simultaneously: water (the emo-tions) and air (the intellect). On one hand, her ability to descendto the depths of the sea gives her access to the hidden treasure ofher Real Self. There, she overlights the dream world, for the deepsea is permeated with the moon forces. Conversely, her ability toascend beyond the surface of the ocean waves, toward the sun andstars above, gives her access to higher levels of consciousness.


  • HealingAt this time, you can learn to move freely between the wateryrealm of emotions and the arid world of the intellect. You areasked to embrace all dimensions of your life, for in doing so, youstrengthen yourself, allowing the spirit to travel beyond confusedemotions, into the world of enchantment and insight.

    Bless ing

    Glory to Fuchsia,For my suffering and pain,

    And childhood past, Are cleansed and soothed,

    And healed at last.


  • Angels TrumpetLatin Datura candida

    Plant S ignatureAlso known as Brugmansia, this evergreen shrub is especiallyfragrant at night. Its shiny, tubular flowers pointing downwardtoward the earth, closely resemble trumpets, shimmeringbeautifully in the moonlight.

    Flower EssenceIn the face of lifes inevitable changes, Angels Trumpet heralds atime of transformation and rebirth, while ushering in a highawareness of spiritual assistance and loosening the grip of egoidentification, so that a pure heart and mind can be set free.Angels Trumpet is especially helpful to those who resist letting goof material attachments, for it teaches the important lesson thatsurrender into spirit is the only way to true peace and freedom. Theelixir can assist those who are transitioning from one state ofconsciousness to another.

    Archetype New World Man

    Angels Trumpet flowers bow humbly toward the earth,sounding a note of reverence to Her sustenance and wisdom.It is through deep surrender of the personal will to control anddominate, that a New World Man may emerge out of thechaos and imbalance of human history.

    The New World Man is undergoing a great transformation atthis time on the planet. The core understanding of what it means


  • to be male is in the process of being completely revamped, sothat men may become balanced in heart and mind and findnonreactive solutions to the problem of survival in a world oflimited resources and human imperfection. For manywomen, the relationship to the inner male is in serious needof compassion and repair, as well.

    Heal ingFor both men and women, Angels Trumpet beckons you to surrender to the areas in your life that are in need of re-orderingat this time. This card reminds you that in the correct order of things, outer manifestation should come only as a crowning of the inner being, after one has truly opened to joy and a willingness to change.

    New World Man embraces nature, and by association,women. He humbly walks a path toward the future in order thathe may help build a New Worlda world of justice, harmony,and balance.


    Angels Trumpet, Sound a note,

    New World Man, Arise! Heal the wounded male within,

    Make him whole, Make him wise.


  • Morning GloryLatin Ipomoea purpurea

    Plant S ignatureA summer annual plant, the Morning Glory, is beautifully adornedwith large, bell-like flowers; their smooth, funnel-shaped throatswidening out around the edges. Nestled among heart-shapedleaves, these blossoms, typically a radiant blue, connect at the topof each bell to a twisting stem which can be found climbing alongfence posts and rock walls.

    Flower EssenceThe glorious spectacle of this beautiful plant in the early morningsun, awakens one to the essential harmonies of nature andinspires a renewed sense of soulful enthusiasm. As a flower elixir,Morning Glory awakens the spirit, attuning the individual to his orher own shimmering brilliance and vitality. It can serve as a reju-venating tonic, melting away patterns of lethargy or inertia.

    Archetype New World Goddess

    Just as Morning Glory blossoms glow and sparkle in the shimmering radiance of the glorious rising sun, each cell of theNew World Goddess body becomes luminous upon awakening tothe light. And, just as the Morning Glory is adorned with heart-shaped leaves, so the New World Goddess is adorned with lovingimages and symbols. An ardent prayer of gratitude rises in herheart, for she is again, and always has been, one with AnimaMundi, the World Soul.


  • HealingWhether you are male or female, this card is a fervent call tothe realization of your own unique destiny, as well as to thefuture evolution of humanity. The time has come for you toembrace the New World Goddessthe sacred womb whichbrings feminine wisdom to all actions, deeds, and creations.Seek resolution; let the Old World die away; listen to the newvoice emerging within your mind and heart. Heeding the callof the Millennial Oracle, the New World Woman now at lastreemerges from the dormancy of the last 5,000 years.


    Morning Glory,The Goddess anew, A flowering vine, In radiant blue.

    I speak my truth, I live my dreams,I am vibrant, alive, and fully seen.


  • Alchemy The F l owering of the

    New World Soul

    This Wild Card of The Power of Flowers Deck includes all of thepotentials held within the individual cards. With its appearance,you are recognized as a Flowering New World Soul. Therefore, youare given the privilege of sorting through the remaining cards inthe deck in order to choose for yourself the flower and archetypewhich best assists you now on your alchemical journey towardself-realization.

    The Alchemy card holds a special message for you, for picturedhere is Natura, The Goddess of Nature, cloaked in Her garment ofNatures Angels: the many flowers of Her world. Situated betweenthe Sun and the Moon, Natura is crowned with The Holy MothersRose, representing Her moist and fertile mysteries. Spiraling with-in Her womb, a New World Soul gestates, receiving its encodedDNA cell structure from the archives of Universal Wisdom. This new being of light, represents the evolutionary future ofhumanitywhere one is in sync with both temporal and heavenly attributes: As Above, So Below.

    With this card comes a text known as The Emerald Tablet,which you are asked to contemplate so that you may understandits eternal truth.


  • The Emera ld Tablet1. True, without deceit, certain and most true.

    2. What is below, is like what is above, and what is above is like thatwhich is below, for the performing of the marvels of the One.

    3. And as all things proceed from the One, through the meditation of the One; so all things proceed from this one thing, by adaptation.

    4. Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon; the wind hath carried it in its belly; its nurse is the Earth.

    5. This is the father of all perfection of the whole world.

    6. Its power is complete when it is turned towards the earth.

    7. You shall separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from thegross, smoothly and with great cleverness.

    8. It ascends from the earth to heaven, and descends again to theearth, and receives the power of the higher and the lower things.So shall you have the glory of the whole world. So shall all theobscurity yield before thee.

    9. This is the strong fortitude of all fortitude: because it will overcome every subtle thing and penetrate every solid.

    10. Thus was the world created.

    11. Hence will there be marvelous adaptations, of which this is the means.

    12. And so I am called Hermes Trismegistus, having three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

    13. What I have said concerning the operation of the Sun is finished.

    Tabula Smaragdina or The Emerald Tablets of Hermes, the Magna Carta of Alchemy


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