poverty in pakistan


Transcript of poverty in pakistan

Presented by:

Sayyida Tabinda Kokab (08)

Presented To:Madam shehla

Poverty is the deprivation of food, shelter,

money and clothing when people can’t

satisfy their basic needs.

Poverty also means not having

enough to feed and clothe a family,

not having a school or clinic to go

to, not having the land on which to

grow one’s food or a job to earn

one’s living, not having access to


Every third Pakistani is caught in the ‘Poor’


Some 58.7 million out of a total population

of 180 million subsist below the poverty line.

This includes more than half the population

in the forever remote Baluchistan , 33 per

cent in Sindh, 32 per cent in Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa and 19 per cent in Punjab.




Percentage by Population

KPK 32%

Punjab 19%

Baluchistan 16%

Sindh 33%

Government Bad Policies





Lack of education

Foreign Investment


It is estimated that around 5 Crore per month is spent on

the security of Prime Minister and the President.

Monthly expense of 1 minister = 30 Lac, Monthly expense

of 96 minister = 28 Crore80 Lac


Only one relationship that is exists in society is money.

One has to pay a heavy cost to get his right.

Institutions have failed to provide justice to common


Pakistan was recently facing the shortage

of sugar and wheat due to the smuggling

these items to neighbouring countries.

Pakistan is the 7th largest wheat producing

country, it’s consumption was 20 Million

ton and produced 23 million ton recently.

Similarly Pakistan is the 4th largest

sugarcane producing country.

International Labor Organization defines,

poverty occurs when people are without jobs.

Unemployment rate in 2009 was 7.40 which is

doubled in 2010, the current rate is 15.20%.

When people are unemployed they consume

the resources but are unable to

contribute in overall economy,

which results in poverty.

Poverty in Pakistan is increasing because of

general rise in prices of all products in


Hence, it decreases purchasing power of

people earning low earnings/Wages/Salaries

Poverty Reduction

Increasing the supply of basic needs.

Increasing personal income.

Food and other goods

Health care and education

Removing constraints on


Controlling over


Income grants

Economic freedoms

Financial services

Benazir Income Support Program (BISP).

Emergency Relief Packages

Health Insurance.

Peoples’ Works Program (PWP) ‐I & II.

Pakistan Bait‐ul‐ Mal (PBM).

Employees’ Old Age Benefits Institution

