Poverty and Environment Initiative in Europe and the CIS Region

Poverty and Environment Presentation Introduction to the UNDP and UNEP Poverty and Environment Initiative(PEI) Henrieta Martonakova UNDP and UNEP PEI Regional Team UNDP Bratislava Regional Center

Transcript of Poverty and Environment Initiative in Europe and the CIS Region

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Poverty and Environment Presentation

Introduction to the UNDP and UNEP Poverty and

Environment Initiative(PEI)

Henrieta MartonakovaUNDP and UNEP PEI Regional TeamUNDP Bratislava Regional Center

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Links between economic development, poverty and environment

What is PEI?

Why PEI?

PEI Objectives

PEI Interventions

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Links between economic development, poverty and environment

Land degradationOver 40% agricultural land and pastures are degraded;over 85% of territory is eroded --- Agriculture employs 65% of the workforceFood security and income

Natural disasters: More than 90% of the country’s territory is exposed to over 20 hazardous natural events and processes US$35 million in damages each year

Water scarcity: 93% of domestically consumed electricity from hydropower, irrigation intensive agriculture ------- energy and food security, income,

Climate change: rising summer temperatures, reduced winter precipitation, loss of surface waters, greater frequency of droughts, land degradation, and flooding.


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PEI mission:….. to provide financial and technical support to countries to build capacity for integrating poverty -environment linkagesinto national, sectoral and decentralized development plans (i.e. PRSPs, CDSs, district plans, sector strategies, etc.)

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UNDP-UNEP Poverty- Environment Initiative

Example of effective on-the-ground UN interagency co-operation

UNEP Poverty-Environment Project Supported by Norway, Belgium and Sweden

UNDP Poverty-Environment Initiative Grew out of WSSDSupported by DFID and EC

Donors collectively agreed to support significant scale-up of PEI in 2007UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Facility, established 2007

UNDP and UNEP PEI Partnership

Joint Global PE Facility

Joint Regional Teams

PEI Country teams

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PEI country inter-agency partnership

PEI works with BOTH

Planning, finance and sector agencies / ministries to integrate environment in

planning for sustainable countrydevelopment

Environment agencies / ministries to engage more effectively in planning

for sustainable country development

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PEI regions and countries

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PEI Donors

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• Unsustainable use of the environment reduces the social & economic benefits produced

• E.G. People get sick & die, farmers grow less & earn less• Development is hindered by environmental damage• The contribution of environment to social & economic

development is often poorly understood• Environmental sustainability not operationally integrated into

national development processes (e.g. PRSPs): Words but not action.

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PEI guiding questions Do we recognize links between economic development, poverty reduction and

environmental sustainability?

Are we able to present / communicate those links effectively to influence planners and decision-makers?

Do we have suitable approaches / methodologies for integrating environmental sustainability principles into pro-poor development planning and budgeting?

Are we able to apply those methodologies in practice?

Do we have environmental sustainability as a priority in P/P/P and reflected in other sectors’ development priorities, objectives and implementing measures?

Have the budget allocations for environmentally sustainable activities /measures increased?

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1. Improved collaboration and understanding between key country actors on P-E links

Situation analysis: key PE issues; key stakeholders; current management of natural resources, level of mainstreaming, entry points for mainstreaming;

Institutional set-up: key partners, multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms;

Studies providing evidence on economy – poverty – environment links (economic analysis and valuation of ecosystem goods and services)

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Economic analysis

Objective: To assess the economic costs and benefits, in monetary and non-monetary terms, of sustainable and unsustainable natural resource use.





achieving national and sectoral economic growth

achieving national and sectoral economic growth

generating public revenues

generating public revenues

reducing expenditures

reducing expenditures

alleviating and reducing poverty

alleviating and reducing poverty

meeting the MDGs

meeting the MDGs

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Examples of economic analysis findings

24% of GDP, 66% of employment, 26% of exports and 39% of tax revenues makes agriculture a major component of the Tajik economy.

Half of Bhutan’s revenues are generated by hydropower.

From 1997 to 2007, Tajikistan experienced over 200 landslides, mud flows, earthquakes and other hazard events resulting in over 866 deaths and a annual losses averaging $28 million per year. How much could be avoided and saved by taking disaster prevention measures?

The annual health costs caused by particulate emissions from diesel-powered vehicles in Colombo in Sri Lanka are for example estimated at more than $200 million in terms of the cost of investigations, drug treatment and personnel cost, doctor’s time and non-medical costs such as costs incurred by the patient for food and accommodation.

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2. P-E links integrated in development planning

Identification and application of P-E indicators

Integration of PE nexus to national, sub-national and sectoral planning process and final documents

Integration of PE nexus to implementation measures

Pilot projects to demonstrate PE links on ground

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Examples of P-E indicators

• rate of topsoil erosion, • numbers of individuals or households

affected by drought or floods, • level of degree of access to resources by the poor, • incidence of water-borne diseases in rural areas• extent / degree to which the poor can influence

institutions linked to management of rural livelihoods and environmental resources;

• number of ministries, agencies and districts with effective environmental units;

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3. P-E links integrated to budgeting processes

• Public Expenditure Reviews (PER) in the Environment Natural Resource (ENR) sectors;

• Guidelines on how to include environmental sustainability in macro & sector budgets, Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF);

• Budgetary development processes, e.g. developing costed proposals for funding environmental sustainability in sector budget (e.g. for soil erosion control);

• Mechanisms for long-term increase in budgets for environmental sustainability (e.g. environmental fiscal reform, environment-natural resource sector support programmes for funding by major country-based donors;

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Awareness raising and capacity development

Communication strategies


Training schemes

Experience sharing at regional and global levels

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PEI in Europe and the CIS region

TajikistanUSD 900,000

Sustainable land management

14 district development programmesDistrict Trust Funds and micro-creditsPRS M&E frameworkNext PRS (4)

KyrgyzstanUSD 970,000 + 350,000 parallel

Sustainable pasture management

Province and village plansUN / UNDP programmingNext Country Development StrategyDebt for nature swaps mechanism


Up to USD 200,000

Valuation of ecosystem services

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For more information:[email protected]@unep.org