Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima

Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima [email protected]


This presentation describes potential simulator model changes as a result of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. For more information, go to GSES.com, email [email protected], and follow us on Twitter @GSESystems and Facebook.com/GSESystems. Thanks for viewing!

Transcript of Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima

Page 1: Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima

Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima

[email protected]

Page 2: Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima



•  Portable diesel generators •  Portable pumps –  Diesel generator driven –  Electrical powered

•  Who is setting these up? •  Who is operating them? •  Who is controlling their operation?

Page 3: Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima


Electrical System Upgrades

•  New batteries – Additional batteries –  Larger batteries

•  New chargers –  For new batteries – Capability to cross connect

•  Portable diesels – Starting and operation – Dynamic effects of starting loads

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Electrical System Upgrades

•  Cross connection capabilities – At the 480 vac bus level – At the DC level – At the instrument bus level –  Individual loads – Manual cable installation – Manual transfer switches – Auto transfer switches

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Electrical System Upgrades

•  Granularity of loading –  DC busses –  Instrument busses –  Are “key” individual loads accounted for? –  Is everything a lumped load

•  Do you have control of the lumped load? •  Granularity of configuration

–  Do you have the capability to shift all loads onto train ‘A’ so you can save train ‘B’?

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Electrical System Upgrades

•  Granularity of configuration –  Can you strip the key non-essential loads? –  Is the loading dynamically accounted for on the

instrument busses and ultimately the battery? –  Who is stripping these loads?

•  Non-licensed operators?

•  How are you controlling this from the simulator? –  New graphics for in-plant panels

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Electrical System Upgrades

•  Operation at reduced bus voltages –  Are loads individually coded for bus voltages? –  Or are the busses only true or false?

•  Battery dynamics –  Large discharge rates –  Extended discharge at varying rates

•  UV relays –  Are they on/off? –  Set and reset –  Time delays

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•  Are the instruments powered correctly? – Correct source – Correct failure mode – Recorders –  Transmitters –  Indicators

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•  Are the power supplies for your communications in the simulator models? –  Paging system –  Phone system –  Radio system –  How long do the UPSs last for these systems?

•  How are you charging the radio batteries?

Page 10: Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima


Human Elements

•  Limited access to site? – Watch turnovers – Additional support –  ERO

•  Installing FLEX equipment

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Plant Changes

•  Procedure changes – Are they going to affect the level of fidelity

needed in the simulator to support?

•  Plant physical changes – What needs to be modeled in the simulator? – How are we going to model the added

flexibility that has not been available in the past?

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•  Becoming part of the plant modification team

•  2-step approach – Upgrade model now – Add detailed functionality later

•  Is funding available now?

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Local Panel Visualizations

•  Diesel panels •  Switchgear •  DC breaker panels •  Other local control panels •  FLEX equipment –  Pump connections – DG control and connection – Cross-connection installation

Page 14: Potential Model Changes as a Result of Fukushima

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