Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies Poster production Poster one In this print screen I have added a photo of my main character for the background and added a main title of “The Temptation” which is the name of my film production, this is the title of the film and poster. This is the main text that someone will notice when looking at the poster. I have used lighter colours than I would useually becacuce I think it works well with the colour of the sky. Also the title is still bold and stands out but I felt it would have been a waste if I didn’t use it with the sky which feels like its fading away which has links to what the sotyr of my filmis about. Also I have started to add stars on my poster for added affect to the poster. The stars is added information on the poster to imrpove the look od the poster, it also makes the poster look better if there is a five star rating. The reason I have used this location is because It is a ntuarlitic location that if someone looking at the poster could think it seems formiliar and they can realte to the locations and then maybe the character. I have used the clothing that the charcter is wearing due to wanting to make realism more of a part of the film as it is a social realism trailer, so my film and poster productions meet the connventions of british social realism.

Transcript of Poster production print screens

Page 1: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

Poster production

Poster one

In this print screen I have added a photo of my main character for the background and added a main title of “The Temptation” which is the name of my film production, this is the title of the film and poster. This is the main text that someone will notice when looking at the poster. I have used lighter colours than I would useually becacuce I think it works well with the colour of the sky. Also the title is still bold and stands out but I felt it would have been a waste if I didn’t use it with the sky which feels like its fading away which has links to what the sotyr of my filmis about. Also I have started to add stars on my poster for added affect to the poster. The stars is added information on the poster to imrpove the look od the poster, it also makes the poster look better if there is a five star rating. The reason I have used this location is because It is a ntuarlitic location that if someone looking at the poster could think it seems formiliar and they can realte to the locations and then maybe the character. I have used the clothing that the charcter is wearing due to wanting to make realism more of a part of the film as it is a social realism trailer, so my film and poster productions meet the connventions of british social realism.

Page 2: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

In this print screen I have added another star rating and the words “Gripping” and “Masterpiece” to it because it adds more information to the poster and it improves its overall look. It also a convention of a poster as they must have some sort of rating on the poster to inform the audience of the quality of the film.

In thie print screen I have began to edit and import production companies that would be involved in my film production such as BFI film forver and the national lottery. As the BFI film forver and the national lottery is a British company that invovles in British film so it would makes sense as my film is a british social realism film. They are both presented at the top of the poster to shown that they are involved in the film. This Adds more information to the poster and is a connvention of a film poster. I have also changed the size of the ratings that are on the poster as they were a bit too big for the poster.

Page 3: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

This print screen shows that I added “The guardain” as they are the people who added the quote “Gripping” and the five star rating. All of this makes the poster seem more lively as there is more information that will draw people in to look at the poster.

The next thing I added was the anchorage text at the bottom of the poster which states the directors, cast and film compaines involved in the film. I have added this because a lot of film posters have it add more meat to the poster and give it a real quality feal to it. Also I added this to give credit to the people who helped me with the production by giving them credit.

Page 4: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

The next thing I added was the “Sight and Sound” magazine to the poster as it shows what rating they gave the poster. I have edited the sight and sound logo so that the audience will see that it has been given a good rating. Also to give the poster some more offical look about it.

In the last print screen for this poster I have added the film 4 logo as a film production company who would have been involved in the company. This is added as it connvention of a poster and I as my film is a british film and film four is a biriths social realism film then it will fit in well with my film production.

Page 5: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

However I had to remove the Film four logo from my poster as it came to my attention that it would be unlikely that BFI and Film 4 would be working together as they are competitors. This was an error that was easily correctable.

Lastly I added the BBC films logo as they are involved also with a lot of British films so it would make sense to have BBC films involved in my film.

Page 6: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

Poster two

In my second poster I have print screend the start where I used a photo that I took of my main character and a naturalitic location. I have also added the main text of the title “The Temptation”. The main text was used in bold and black and white this is because it is the most eye catching part of the poster. I chose this photo due to its location as it is a naturlistic location which is a convention of British social realism which is what I was aiming for. It has natural lighting and an unkown actos which also are connvetions of social realism. I chose the location as it make the audience look at it and maybe they could realte to it as this location could be anywhere in Brtiain. This would mean that anyone could look at it and realte to it. Also the clothing that the character is wearing part of mise en scene could also make it more realtable to the audience. As naturalistic clothing such as the hoodie or jeans are very realtable to the public. The reason for the character to be looking back is part of the storyline of running away from problems or letting things go, so this has a hidden meaning.

Page 7: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

Next I added the BFI logo and the Film 4 logo as they are both british based compaines that are invovled heavily with British films so it would be important for my film to have these comapines invovled with it as my film is a British social realism.

Next I added the star ratings to shwo that the film has been given a good star rating this is just added inforamtion on the screen to make the poster more appealing for the audience. I have also learned from my mistake of the first poster of haivng a larger sized star ratings by making them much smaller so they do not take anaything away from the main image.

Page 8: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

Next I added “The guardian” and “Sight and Sound” logos on top of the stars and quotes so that they are shwon to be coming from somwhere else rather than them just being put there. This adds value to the poster so they seem like offical quotes and ratings being given.

I added some anchorgae text at the bottom to show the director, cast and production companies that would be invovled in my film. This would be important to give credit to those who helped or had a parrt of the film.

Page 9: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

In this last print screen I have removed the Film 4 logo as I realised that I amde a mistake that BFI and Film 4 are rivals and would be less liekly to be working together.

Page 10: Poster production print screens

James O’Connell Media studies

In this last print screen I have removed the Film 4 logo as I realised that I amde a mistake that BFI and Film 4 are rivals and would be less liekly to be working together.