Poster analysis


Transcript of Poster analysis

Page 1: Poster analysis


Page 2: Poster analysis

Actors names with their surnames in red to stand out to the audience and make them recognised.

Featured films are also added for people who are unfamiliar

Close up of both main characters are used mainly consisting of the female suggesting she is the main character.

The mise-en-scene is very bright and has a white background which suggests purity and innocence. This also creates an angelic feel.

The title of the film is in handwritten font as P.S. messages are often used in letters. The red font has connotations of love and romance which relates to the genre of this film.

Other actors within the film are added along the bottom to attract their audiences.

The typical convention of film poster is having the names of producers/actors/directors etc along the bottom of the poster in a small font so it does not take up much room.

The female is using the innocent chocolate box expression. This shows her innocence. She is shown wearing very minimal and natural make up which shows her natural beauty.

Page 3: Poster analysis

Main actors names are shown at the top. This is a common convention of film posters of all genres. It is also common to have the surname is another colour, which is also used throughout he poster, to highlight them and people often know actors by surnames rather that forenames. This also allows a theme to be created.

The title of this film is written in a simple bold font and bold feminine colours. This makes it stand out on the page and creates a stereotypical “girly” theme to relate with the “girly” film. This will help attract the appropriate audience.

The convention of the block of text stating the producers/directors and others involved is placed more in the centre of the mise-en-scene rather than along the bottom.

The image of the three main characters are placed along the bottom of the mise-en-scene. The female is seen wearing pink clothing which follows the theme of the poster. She is placed in the centre front of the two males which show her dominance.

Both males are shown in dark clothing both showing almost smug expressions. This is to do with the storyline as they are trying to win the female over.

Handwritten text is used labelling the characters and creates a storyline for the audience making them question what the dilemma could be involving the two males.