Poster analysis


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Page 1: Poster analysis

Halloween is one of the most influential and successful slasher films ever made. The narrative is based around the traditionla American holiday, Halloween.

Black background to convey the dark themes that will be included in these movies.

The hand and the knife ripple through the pumpkin. This is a common convention of a horror poster as it’s a slasher film, and a knife is a common weapon within this sub-genre of horror. Also a pumpkin is an iconic symbol that resembles monster and paranormal activity. Also this is relevant to the title, ‘HALLOWEEN.’

The title Halloween is in big bold capitals, which is a common convention of a horror title. Also it is piped with an orange colour scheme. This fits in with the colour of the pumpkin.

A caption to help promote the films potential fear factor. The fact that ‘HE’ is in italics clearly indicates that this character is a known and fear figure within the narratives community.

End card- Common formal aspect of a movie poster. Its presents tells the audience the different movie stars that take part in the movie. This aims to attract the existing audience of each actor on top of their target audience. This is seen as an advertisement strategy.

Page 2: Poster analysis

It is reminiscent of the use of shapes in German expressionism and the way they convey a crooked psychological landscape. The shapes are jagged and cracked, reflecting the broken mind set of the killer.

This poster follows and abstract colour scheme to the common formal conventions of a horror film at this time of cinema. Hitchcock uses yellow and pink colours, which are not very healthy colours for a human to look like. Again this replicates the unhealthy mind-sets of the characters.

The title has a big crack going through it. This is to convey the type of broken psychological mind sets within this film.

Common formal convention for well known actors to star of the film’s poster to attract the actors existing audience on top of their target audience.

Captions to tell the audience who the director is and the actors that are staring. This is to attract the existing audience that already follow these cinematic stars.

Black background to convey the dark themes that will be included in these movies.

A caption to try and make their horror stand out from the rest.

The captions of all the people that took part in the film are organised down the side of the poster. This is not a common formal aspect of a horror film as there usually organised in small font at the bottom. This replicates the irregular layout of the movie itself.

Page 3: Poster analysis

Black background to convey the dark themes that will be included in these movies.

End card- Common formal aspect of a movie poster. Its presents tells the audience the different movie stars that take part in the movie. This aims to attract the existing audience of each actor on top of their target audience. This is seen as an advertisement strategy.

Isolated area with what looks like a ghost house. This is very conventional for a horror film, as an isolated location is very common in such films. Also an abandoned looking house evokes fear to the audience as they do not know what's inside.

Red writing conveys that blood will be spilt in this film, reinforcing the fact that this is a horror film poster, immediately allowing the audience to relate to the genre.

A tag line is a recurring convention of a film poster, which aims to give the audience a tempting clue as to what events are going to take place in the film.