Possible Basis for GOSL ban on LTTE Front Organizations and Persons affiliated to the LTTE

GOSL BAN ON LTTE FRONT ORGANIZATIONS AND KEY LTTE GROUP LEADERS LTTE and 15 other LTTE fronts and 424 individuals affiliated to the LTTE have been banned by the GOSL under UN Security Council Resolution 1373 w.e.f 1 st April 2014. LTTE FRONT ORGANIZATIONS POSSIBLE BASIS FOR BANNING 01 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam a.k.a LTTE a.k.a Tamil Tigers – EN/CA/2013/01 The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a separatist militant organization formerly based in northern Sri Lanka, had various organizations affiliated to it. These include charitable organizations, political parties, state intelligence organizations and even governments of other countries. Although the LTTE was militarily defeated in 2009, the Sri Lankan government alleges that a number of foreign-based organizations are still promoting the ideology of it. 02 Tamil Rehabilitation Organization a.k.a TRO. – EN/CA/2013/02 (Sri Lanka & Overseas) The Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) was established in 1985 in Tamil Nadu in southeastern India by Tamil refugees fleeing the violence in North and East Sri Lanka. Its initial operation was to provide relief to the refugees in India. After the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord and the subsequent fighting between the LTTE and the Indian Peace Keeping Force, TRO moved its operation and headquarters to Jaffna in Northern Sri Lanka. On November 15, 2007, the United States Department of the Treasury designated the TRO under Executive Order 13224, aimed to financially isolate US designated foreign terrorist groups and their support network. Under this order, the Department of the Treasury froze all assets held by the TRO and its designees in US territories, and formally prohibited US citizens from transacting with the 1

Transcript of Possible Basis for GOSL ban on LTTE Front Organizations and Persons affiliated to the LTTE

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LTTE and 15 other LTTE fronts and 424 individuals affiliated to the LTTE have been banned by the GOSL under UN Security Council Resolution 1373 w.e.f 1st April 2014.


01 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam a.k.a LTTE a.k.a Tamil Tigers – EN/CA/2013/01

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a separatist militant organization formerly based in northern Sri Lanka, had various organizations affiliated to it. These include charitable organizations, political parties, state intelligence organizations and even governments of other countries. Although the LTTE was militarily defeated in 2009, the Sri Lankan government alleges that a number of foreign-based organizations are still promoting the ideology of it.

02 Tamil Rehabilitation Organization a.k.a TRO. – EN/CA/2013/02 (Sri Lanka & Overseas)

The Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) was established in 1985 in Tamil Nadu in southeastern India by Tamil refugees fleeing the violence in North and East Sri Lanka. Its initial operation was to provide relief to the refugees in India. After the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord and the subsequent fighting between the LTTE and the Indian Peace Keeping Force, TRO moved its operation and headquarters to Jaffna in Northern Sri Lanka.On November 15, 2007, the United States Department of the Treasury designated the TRO under Executive Order 13224, aimed to financially isolate US designated foreign terrorist groups and their support network. Under this order, the Department of the Treasury froze all assets held by the TRO and its designees in US territories, and formally prohibited US citizens from transacting with the TRO or its members.The Department of Treasury stated that "T.R.O. passed off its operations as charitable, when in fact it was raising money for a designated terrorist group responsible for heinous acts of terrorism ... in the United States, T.R.O. has raised funds on behalf of the LTTE through a network of individual representatives. According to sources within the organization, T.R.O. is the preferred conduit of funds from the United States to the LTTE in Sri Lanka.The TRO (Tamil Rehabilitation Organization) the main umbrella of the LTTE disbursing massive amounts of money towards the LTTE procurement of arms, ammunition etc was removed from the UK Charity Commission in August 2005 but not before it transferred its funds to the International TRO & the White Pigeon.In the same year, 4 Tamil-Americans affiliated to TRO, including the


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director of the American branch of the LTTE, which operated through charitable front organisations, Karunakaran Kandasamy, were arrested for their alleged material support for LTTE, including purchase of arms and ammunition. They had attempted to bribe US Justice of Dept officials with $1 million in exchange for removing LTTE from FBI’s list of banned terrorist organizations. They pled guilty for the charges and sentenced to maximum 20 years in prison. Kandasamy was also the head of the World Tamil Coordinating Committee (WTCC).

03 Tamil Coordinating Committee a.k.a TCC – EN/CA/2013/03 In 2009, Aruran Vinayagamoorthy, Sivarajah Yathavan and Armugan Rajeevan of Tamil Coordinating Committee (TCC) in Melbourne pleaded guilty to offences under the Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 (Cth) for making assets available to the LTTE. They were sentenced to a term of imprisonment of one year.

04 British Tamil Forum a.k.a BTF – EN/CA/2013/04 (Operating from London, UK)

British Tamil Association (BTA) is a Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora group in the United Kingdom. The VIGIL Network, in its October 2006 report LTTE "Tamil Tigers" and its UK-wide network, described the organization as "LTTE's de facto headquarters in London".According to a 2006 Human Rights Watch report titled "Funding the Final War: LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in the Tamil Diaspora", the group acted as a front organization for the LTTE: a separatist militant organization, which waged a war against Sri Lankan state. The charitable group solicited funds to assist civilians affected by the war, but on most occasions, a significant amount of the funds raised were channeled to the LTTE for its military operations. And on a number of occasions, BTA had extorted money from Tamil people living in western countries by threatening the safety of their relatives back in Vanni, the northern part of Sri Lanka.In June 2007, the founder of BTA, Krishanthakumar alias Shanthan was arrested by Metropolitan Police Service. In April 2009, he was found guilty of supplying bomb-making equipment for the LTTE and receiving documents for the purpose of terrorism. BTA is the successor to the United Tamil Organisation, which was proscribed in 2001.

05 World Tamil Movement a.k.a WTM – EN/CA/2013/05 (Operating from Canada)

World Tamil Movement (WTM) is a non-profit organization created in 1986 run by Canadians of ethnic Tamil heritage. Its president was Sitha Sithampalam until June, 2008.It has also openly declared itself to share the politics of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, stating "It's no secret that the World Tamil Movement supports the right of the Tamil people to self-determination in the Northern and Eastern part of Sri Lanka. This is a political position – perhaps one that not everyone will agree with, but one that we are constitutionally entitled to hold."

06 Canadian Tamil Congress a.k.a CTC – EN/CA/2013/06 (Operating from Canada)

In 2006, Director of Communications of Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) Sahilal Sabaratnam, a student of the University of Toronto Sathajhan


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Sarachandran and 8 others were arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation for trying to purchase Russian-made missiles and firearms worth $1 million, for the LTTE. The FBI had identified Sahilal as the financial mastermind of the operation. They were sentenced to 25 and 26 years in prison, respectively.

07 Australian Tamil Congress a.k.a ATC – EN/CA/2013/07 (Operating from Australia)

Formed in August 2009, the Australian Tamil Congress (ATC) is the national body of Australian Tamils. The organisation encourages the positive participation of Tamils in Australian society, highlights issues of importance to Tamils, upholds core Australian values, and engages governments and organisations in addressing the socio-cultural and political concerns of Tamils in Sri Lanka.The organisation's current areas of focus include: the need for an independent international investigation into alleged war crimes against Tamils in Sri Lanka, strong military occupation of the Tamil homeland, and land-grabbing and colonisation schemes initiated by the Government of Sri Lanka, and the future economic development of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

08 Global Tamil Forum a.k.a GTF – EN/CA/2013/08 (Operating from UK)

Global Tamil Forum(GTF) is an International Tamil organization meant to further Tamil causes in Tamil areas of Sri Lanka GTF supports self-determination for Tamils and wants Justice for War crimes against Tamils. It is headed by S. J. Emmanuel. In UK it works with both Labour and Conservative Parties. It consists of Tamil organizations across the world and to create a united Tamil voice.It evolves as an independent, international organization which adheres to the principles of democracy and non-violence and derives its strength from grassroots organizations of the Tamil Diaspora that will work in solidarity with Tamils in Eelam and other communities in Sri Lanka to restore Tamil Peoples right to self-determination and democratic self-rule in their traditional homeland in the island of Sri Lanka that would lead to self-sufficiency, sustainability and equal opportunity to its people, through its political and economic successes by engaging the international community.To conduct their campaign more systematically, they wanted an organization to coordinate global activity. The LTTE leadership created the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) led by Fr. S.J. Emmanuel.  The GTF grew out of the British Tamil Forum (BTF), an umbrella organisation of a number of UK based Tamil Diaspora organizations established in 2006. The aim of BTF was mustering support of the expatriate Tamil community and local politicians for creating a separate and a mono ethnic Tamil state.Global Tamil Forum met with US Assistant Secretary Blake as it


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continues to engage the Global community to bring focus to the resolution of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. The delegation lead by its President, Rev. Father S.J.Emmanuel (Germany) included President the USTPAC, Dr. Elias Jeyarajah, Mrs. Grace Williams (USA) and Suren Surendiran (UK).Representatives of the Global Tamil Forum, met with the United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Honourable Robert Blake on 28 March 2011 at the U.S. State Department in Washington. The meeting between the Assistant Secretary and the GTF was organised by the United States Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC).

09 National Council Of Canadian Tamils a.k.a NCCT a.k.a Makkal Avai – EN/CA/2013/09 (Operating from Canada)

National Council of Canadian Tamils is a Not-For-Profit-Organization built by delegates elected by Tamils from districts across Canada. The birth of this institution came about in order to provide for Canadians a unified democratic voice to actively advocate for the voiceless Tamils of Sri Lanka, and also for the perpetuation of the Tamil community within Canada. NCCT is registered as Not-For-Profit-Organization with both Federal and Provincial governments of Canada.Canadian-Tamils took a historic stride on June 20th 2010, by pioneering and electing a nationwide organization, the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT), run for Canadian-Tamils at a grassroots level, dedicated to raising awareness of the important issues facing Tamils domestically and internationally. The elections, conducted by Tamil Elections Canada, allowed tens of thousands of Tamils from across the country the ability to vote for representatives at the regional, provincial, and national level.The elections resulted in 43 individuals being sworn in as the first assembly of the NCCT. The National Council of Canadian Tamils first convened on July 1, 2010, after a formal inauguration event, in Toronto, Ontario. The NCCT has assembled numerous times in the latter half of 2010 in order to get acquainted with one another, build relationships, and foremostly to establish a foundational structure for the governing body of the council.

10 Tamil National Council a.k.a TNC – EN/CA/2013/10 (Operating from Norway, Italy , Switzerland, France, Canada.)

Tamil National Council had organised the referendum in United Kingdom on the aspirations of Diaspora Tamils

11 Tamil Youth Organization a.k.a TYO – EN/CA/2013/11 (Operating from Australia)

Tamil Youth Organization(TYO) is an International organization with branches in UK, Canada, Australia, France, Norway and several other nations. They organize cultural, sports events and also follows a Tamil nationalist approach and helped organize a referandrum in the Tamil diaspora and support an independent Tamil Eelam.A worldwide coalition of Tamil youth organisations, Global Tamil Youth League (T-League), pledged to continue the struggle against the genocide faced by the Tamil nation and work towards a political


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solution that was based on the Tamil nation's right to self-determination, at its second annual conference held on the 7th - 8th April.In a resolution unanimously adopted by all of the coalition's member organisations, T-League called for 'the establishment of an independent, international mechanism to ensure truth, accountability and justice', and pledged to work 'to achieve a political solution that recognises the uncompromising, fundamental principles of the Tamil freedom struggle', 'to raise awareness about the ongoing multi-faceted genocide unleashed on the Tamil people by the Sri Lankan state' and 'to promote the identity of the Tamil nation.

12 World Tamil Coordinating Committee a.k.a WTCC. – EN/CA/2013/12

4 Tamil-Americans affiliated to TRO, including the director of the American branch of the LTTE, which operated through charitable front organisations, Karunakaran Kandasamy, were arrested for their alleged material support for LTTE, including purchase of arms and ammunition. They had attempted to bribe US Justice of Dept officials with $1 million in exchange for removing LTTE from FBI’s list of banned terrorist organizations. They pled guilty for the charges and sentenced to maximum 20 years in prison. Kandasamy was also the head of the World Tamil Coordinating Committee (WTCC).

13 Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam a.k.a TGTE – EN/CA/2013/13

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a government in exile among the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora which aims to keep alive the idea of Tamil Eelam, a state which TGTE aspires to create in the north and east provinces of Sri Lanka.The TGTE is a re-branded manifestation of the LTTE overseas structure. Its co-architects are Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, former international legal advisor of the LTTE and New York based Lawyer, and Selvarasa Pathmanathan alias KP, previously International Chief in charge of international LTTE branch administration, global fund raising and arms acquisition. The TGTE is unambiguously clear about its ultimate goal being creation of a separate State. At its inaugural Congress in Philadelphia, the LTTE flag was openly flaunted alongside the US flag, despite it being a banned terrorist organization, and Rudrakumaran was elected as Interim Chief Executive of TGTE.

14 Tamil Eelam Peoples Assembly a.k.a TEPA – EN/CA/2013/14  After the death of Velupillai Prabhakaran and the dismantling of the LTTE in Sri Lanka in May 2009, the leadership of the foreign wing of the LTTE clashed with Kumaran Pathmanathan. The chief of LTTE procurement and shipping Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP was sidelined by Prabhakaran from 2003 to 2008 but when the LTTE leader realized the end was near, he entrusted KP with the mantle of the external leadership on January 1, 2009.  Perinbananayakam Sivaparan alias Nediyavan, the Norway based international coordinator of the International Secretariat of the LTTE did not honour Prabhakaran’s


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request. Led by Weerakulasingham Manivannan alias Castro, Nediyavan managed LTTE fronts and LTTE branches worldwide. In addition to directing political and economic activity and limited procurement, Nediyavan carried out demonstrations with LTTE flags all over the world to protest against Sri Lanka. Nediyavan was the leading organiser of the LTTE’s demonstrations in Oslo, and even authorised revengeful attacks against Sri Lankan diplomatic missions and Sinhalese communities. Other LTTE front, cover and sympathetic organisations collaborated and worked with the foreign wing led by Nediyavan reporting to Castro. The leadership of this Faction is particularly strong in Scandinavia. During the peace process, the LTE built a very strong network throughout Scandinavia. To evade government scrutiny, they operate through LTTE front, cover and sympathetic organisations in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Initially based in Oslo, Norway, this Faction is also known as the Nediyavan Faction. Although Castro is dead, Nediyavan Faction operates all over the world through the offices of the Tamil Coordinating Committee (TCC), one of the oldest LTTE front organisations. This Faction is also strong in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The faction maintains active projects to engage Tamil Nadu politicians and activities in India. TamilNet, the LTTE’s propaganda website, is led by Jeyachandran in Oslo, Norway and Sreetharan in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Aligned to the Faction, they not only attack the Sri Lankan state, but also other Tamil groups that rival them.

15 World Tamil Relief Fund a.k.a WTRF – EN/CA/2013/15 Penang DAP launched its Sri Lankan Tamils Relief Fund to help ethnic Tamil civilians injured in the fighting between the military and Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka.Fund chairman R.S.N. Rayer said the money would be channelled to the victims through Kuala Lumpur-based NGO World Tamil Relief Fund.He said well-wishers could bank in their contributions into a bank account number to be announced later, or drop them in donation boxes to be placed at two refreshment stalls along Waterfall Road during the coming Thaipusam festival.

16 Headquarters Group a.k.a HQ Group – EN/CA/2013/16 Vinayagam heads LTTE’s Headquarters Group, which is a covert network for illicit drug trafficking, weapons procurement and shipping operations. Under the leadership of Vinayagam, it has merged with the LTTE’s overseas intelligence group, the Tiger Organization Security Intelligence Service (TOSIS).In addition to supporting the revival, the Headquarters Group led by Vinayagam in France also collaborated with the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) led by the New York based Rudrakumaran.


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Unlike the other LTTE leaders operating overseas, both Nediyavan and Vinayagam were directly involved in criminal activity, including bank, credit card and cheque fraud. However, unlike Nediyavan who engaged in arms smuggling, Vinayagam was involved in both arms and drug smuggling. Under the LTTE’s intelligence wing, a unit under Vinayagam, was involved heavily in drug business. Operating directly under Pottu Amman, he built a state-of-the-art drug trafficking network from India and Sri Lanka. Heroin from the Indian coastline was moved by boat to Mannar and then on road to Colombo. The LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran was very concerned and made sure that drugs did not move to the north and east and reach LTTE cadres.Therefore those who transported the drugs from Mannar to Colombo were Sinhalese businessmen and women. At one point the LTTE drug consignment was detected but the police did not know that the LTTE was behind it. The drug trafficking network of Vinayagam was clandestine; so much so that it was not known by other leaders of the LTTE. Vinayagam’s activities came to light after his counterpart in India, Siranjeewi Master of the LTTE’s intelligence was arrested by the Indian authorities. Another key leader in the drug trafficking network that cooperated and disclosed information on Vinayagam’s activities is Ahaththiyan. Another associate of Vinayagam, Theepan from Mallawi engaged in the drug trafficking network, and has travelled to Canada onboard an LTTE ship.


01 Perinbanayagam Sivaparan alias Nediyavan Under the facade of community organizations, the LTTE branches controlled by Nediyawan in Norway, collaborated with GTF but also supported the revival of LTTE in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka by providing funding.

02 Rev.Fr. SJ Emmanuel Masquerading as human rights activists, the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) led by Father S. J. Emmanuel in the UK drew together existing LTTE fronts to exercise constituency and electoral pressure on Western political parties and politicians, disseminate propaganda and finance human rights NGOs, and even lobby at the UNCHR sessions in Geneva.

03 Visuvanathan Ruthirakumaran Rudrakumaran took over TGTE after its founder leader Selvarajah Pathmanathan alias KP was arrested overseas and deported to Sri Lanka in August 2009 for his role in LTTE international arms smuggling.

04 Sekarampillai Vinayakamoorthy alias Vinayagam The Headquarters Group led by Vinayagam is suspected of assassinating Nadarajah Matheenthiran, a.k.a Parithy, a.k.a. Regan, the LTTE’s chief in Paris who belonged to the Nediyavan Group on 13 November 2012.


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Vinayagam and his group are now trying to establish greater control over the entire LTTE overseas structure at present. There is evidence of methodical dedication in his conduct since he escaped from Sri Lanka in 2009. Vinayagam and members of the Headquarters Group are likely to continue to operate clandestinely and conduct terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, his partnership with TGTE will enable him to infiltrate the human rights platforms in Geneva and elsewhere.

The order, designating persons and entities in terms of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 which sets out strategies to combat terrorism and to control terrorist financing has been signed by Prof. G.L. Peiris, Minister of External Affairs, and will be published in the Government Gazette shortly. This order is based on the recommendation by the Secretary, Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, as the Competent Authority regarding the identification of persons, groups and entities, believed on reasonable grounds to be committing, attempting to commit, facilitating or participating, in the commission of acts of terrorism.

The substantial effect of an order under this Regulation is that all funds, assets and economic resources belonging to or owned by the designated persons or entities remain frozen until they are removed from the designated list. Moving, transferring or dealing with frozen assets without the permission of the Competent Authority is prohibited. In terms of the Regulation, any person who fails to comply with an order to freeze assets is liable to heavy penalties. 


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1992 – India was the first to ban LTTE following the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

1997 – USA banned LTTE as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on 8 Oct 1997, and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization in 2001, the landscape was changed for LTTE activities in the west.

1998 – Sri Lanka bans LTTE following LTTE attack on Dalada Maligawa, Kandy

2000 – UK designated LTTE as a Proscribed Terrorist Group under the UK Terrorism Act of 2000

2001 – USA designated LTTE as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization since 2 Nov 2001

2006 – EU (Council of the European Union) comprising 28 nations declared LTTE as a Terrorist Organization on 17 May 2006 (Austria, Beligum, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemberg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden & UK

2006 – Canada

2009 – Sri Lanka 7 January 2009  (Note: the ban placed in 1998 was removed by the Ranil Wickremasinghe Government on 4 January 2002 to facilitate the Ceasefire Agreement)


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1/4/2014Government proscribes 15 overseas LTTE front organizations as foreign terroristsThe Government proscribed several overseas organizations suspected of being fronts of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as foreign terrorist entities utilizing the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1373 which was brought about by the United States (US) on September 28, 2001 after 9/11, reports Daily Mirror on March 31. The proscribed entities listed in the Gazette consist of the main LTTE and 15 other alleged front organizations - Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), Tamil Coordinating Committee (TCC), British Tamil Forum (BTF), World Tamil Movement (WTM), Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC), Australian Tamil Congress (ATC), Global Tamil Forum (GTF), National Council Of Canadian Tamils (NCCT), Tamil National Council (TNC), Tamil Youth Organization (TYO), World Tamil Coordinating Committee (WTCC), Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), Tamil Eelam Peoples Assembly (TEPA), World Tamil Relief Fund (WTRF) and Headquarters Group (HQ Group).

11/4/201465 persons arrested in March under suspicion of attempting to revive LTTE, says SSP Ajith RohanaPolice media Spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ajith Rohana said that Police arrested 65 persons in the past month (March) under suspicion of attempting to resuscitate Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), reports Colombo Page on April 10. Rohana said that five of them have been released since there was no evidence against them. He further said that 10 of the suspects were women. Eight of them have been detained in Boossa (Galle District) while two are detained in Vavuniya (Vavuniya). Investigations are underway to arrest several local leaders of the LTTE who clandestinely work to reorganize the terror movement.

12/4/2014The Sri Lankan army has reportedly shot dead three men, suspected to be Tamil rebels.The army said that it killed the men who were trying to revive the Tamil Tigers (LTTE), the separatist rebel group crushed by the military in 2009, the BBC reported. The army said that the men were taking instructions from two LTTE leaders based in Europe, adding that it had acted on information from local people opposed to the revival of the LTTE. However, civil society campaigners expressed their doubt on any such move indicating the revival of the separatist rebels. Meanwhile, army spokesman, Brig Ruwan Wanigasooriya, said in a statement that the armed men had been shot dead by troops early on Friday when they tried to escape a jungle area where they were surrounded, the report added.

13/4/2014Three LTTE leaders and one SF killed in search operation in Vavuniya DistrictFour people were killed in a clash between Security Forces (SFs) and suspected Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist operatives in the Nadunkarni area of Vavuniya District on April 10, reports Colombo Page. The SFs in a search operation for the wanted LTTE suspect Ponniah Selvanayagam alias Gopi had clashed with suspected LTTE operatives. An Army Lance Corporal and three LTTE leaders had been killed in the clash. Meanwhile, Army spokesman Ruwan Wanigasooriya said that Ponniah Selvanayagam alias Gopi, a former LTTE intelligence cadre, was among the three LTTE leaders who were killed by the Army during a clash at Nadunkarni area of Vavuniya District on April 10, reports Daily Mirror on April 11. The shootout occurred when a group of soldiers encircled a house in Nadunkarni on a tip off that the suspects were staying there. The three suspects were identified as Gobi, Sundaralingam Kajeepan alias Thevihan and Navarathnam Navaneethan alias Appan.

16/4/2014TID launches investigation on people having links with former LTTE leadersThe Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) of Police has launched an investigation on the people who had links with former Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leaders Selvanayagam Kajeepan alias Gopi, Sundaralingam Kajeepan alias Thevihan and Navarathnam Navaneethan alias Appan, killed on April 10, reports Colombo Page on April 16. Police Media Spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ajith Rohana said that a special squad of officers had been deployed for the investigations. The sleuths are focusing on the telephone conversations carried out by Gopi and his assistants during the past several months. According to a Police source, investigations have revealed that Gopi and Appan had clandestine telephone conversations with a Tamil politician in the North. Meanwhile, H.W Gunadasa, Secretary to the Presidential Commission inquiring into cases of alleged disappearances in the North and Eastern Provinces on April 15 said that Commission will provide counseling to the kin of those disappeared, reports Daily Mirror. Gunadasa said "We have learnt from the Commission's sittings held in North and East that some families had suffered multiple disappearances. They have as a result suffered much mental stress. The Commission therefore decided to have a


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strategy to tackle the issue." The panel appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa last year received some 18,000 complaints of disappearances, including 5,000 from the Government troops.

18/4/2014Sri Lanka’s top defence official Gotabaya Rajapakse has accused the LTTE’s global network of sustaining an international propaganda campaign against his country by raising millions of dollars annually.He was addressing a regional defence and security conference currently underway in Malaysia, the defence ministry in Colombo said.Dwelling on Sri Lanka’s successful counter-terrorism campaign against the banned LTTE which he himself spearheaded, Rajapakse said much can be learnt from Sri Lanka’s experience. He said a key part of the LTTE’s modus operandi was to mobilise support for itself by whipping up ethnic and communal feelings among the Tamil diaspora overseas. “Extremist elements within the diaspora were mobilised by LTTE operatives and front organisations in more than 30 countries around the world to help fund terrorist activities in Sri Lanka.” He said the terrorist funds mobilised by groups linked to LTTE is estimated to have been between $50 to 75mn on an annual basis from 1993 to 2002, and $200mn per annum from 2002 to 2008. They raised funds through carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign, coercion, extortion and through organised illegal activities, including fraud, drug trafficking and people smuggling. Rajapakse said a non-state actor such as the LTTE can mobilise, maintain and successfully utilise a global network to strengthen and sustain terrorist activities in a sovereign nation is a matter of very serious concern both locally and globally. “Even today terrorist remnants continue to sustain an international propaganda campaign against Sri Lanka through front organisations that have now put on a democratic face.” He charged that some nations seem to have chosen to turn a blind eye to these front organisations and their activities because they claim to support political activism or humanitarian relief. “At the same time, the network’s operatives, most of whom are trained terrorists, remain involved in various illegal activities, and are constantly seeking ways to revive terrorist activities in Sri Lanka.” Last week, Sri Lanka announced the deaths of three key LTTE operatives who were trying to revive the LTTE’s armed campaign in the Tamil regions. The government said the three men had been directed by two LTTE leaders based in Europe. Last month, Sri Lanka also designated some 16 organisations and over 400 individuals as those supporting terrorism. Parliamentary legislation to proscribe them is expected soon.

Colombo accuses Tamil diaspora organisations of being behind the third UNHRC resolution in March which prescribed an international probe into the island’s human rights record. Sri Lanka has vowed non-cooperation with the international investigation.

18/4/2014The international community has made a series of inquiries about the proscription of 15 Tamil organisations operating abroad and suspected to be fronts of the LTTE decimated in Sri Lanka, the Daily Mirror learns. Also, some countries have made similar inquiries about recent attempts to revive the LTTE in the north. The government banned these organizations in terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1373 which was introduced by the United States in September, 2001 following the attack on New York twin towers. The External Affairs Ministry issued the necessary gazette notification based on recommendations by the Defence Ministry. The proscribed organizations include the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) led by Visuvanathan Ruthirakumaran, Global Tamil Forum headed by Fr. SJ Emmanuel, the LTTE rump groups led by Perinbanayagam Sivaparan alias Nediyavan and Sekarampillai Vinayagamoorthy alias Vinayagam. The military shot dead three men they believed were trying to revive the LTTE when they tried to escape a cordon in Nedunkerny in the North. Against this backdrop, the External Affairs Ministry, together with the Defence Ministry, has decided to brief the diplomatic community accredited to Colombo next Thursday. Minister G.L. Peiris will address the ambassadors and high commissioners. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has already adopted a resolution calling for an international inquiry into incidents that took place during the war between 2002 and 2009, however, the government has rejected such an inquiry. (Kelum Bandara)

21/4/2014The Government plans to address the diplomatic community and seek assistance to apprehend LTTE operatives who have already been issued Interpol red notices. External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris will meet the representatives from the Diplomatic mission on Thursday, April 24 in Colombo. External Affairs Ministry sources claimed that the Minister will brief the ambassadors and high commissioners on the recent proscription by the Sri Lankan government of 16 organizations that have links with the LTTE. The Sri Lankan government on April 01 signed the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, which sets out strategies to combat terrorism and to control terrorist financing. With the signing of the Resolution 1373, the Sri Lankan government has banned the Tamil Tiger terrorist organization, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and 15 other Tamil diaspora groups that are alleged of having terror links and involved in reviving the terrorist movement in the country. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka police had obtained Interpol Red Notices on 40 suspected LTTE operatives active in foreign countries. Two of the Red Notices are for LTTE operatives identified as LTTE leader Perinpanayagam Sivaparan alias Nediyawan who is believed to be in Oslo and Vinayagam, who is living in France. Ministry officials also noted that it was important for these countries to have the political will when dealing with terrorist suspects. Sri Lanka recently arrested a senior LTTE leader with the cooperation of Iranian and Malaysian authorities. The senior LTTE leader known as Nanthagopan, who has been functioning as one of the two deputy leaders of Nediyawan was


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detained by Iranian authorities when he was on his way from Malaysia to UK through Iran and deported to Malaysia to face terrorism charges. Malaysia, which shares an extradition treaty with Sri Lanka, extradited him to Sri Lanka where he was arrested.

24/4/2014Sri Lanka will "nip in the bud" any attempt to revive the LTTE, foreign minister said today, even as there was "compelling evidence" that the banned outfit was carrying out a global campaign to raise funds for terror activities in the country. "The government is in total control of the situation and has every confidence of eradicating at the very inception any attempt to revive terrorism in any form in any part of the country," External Affairs Minister GL Peiris said. Peiris was issuing a brief on a government decision early this month that designated some 424 individuals and 16 groups as those supporting terrorists. Peiris said there was "compelling evidence on remittance of substantial sums of money from overseas for terrorist activity" in the island nation. "As a result of extensive investigations in recent weeks the government is aware of the sources of this funding and the bank accounts into which the monies had been paid. Sixty five arrests have been made and 19 persons have been released after questioning", he said. "The government will exercise the greatest vigilance and to nip in the bud attempts at resurgence of any form of terrorist activity," Peiris said. Early this month, the government announced the death of three key LTTE operatives attempting to revive the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in the Tamil-dominated north. Colombo also accuses the Tamil diaspora of being behind the third UNHRC resolution which prescribed an international probe into the island's human rights record. He said the action to 'list' the individuals and groups had been taken under the UN Security Council Regulation 1373, which requires countries to freeze the assets of those "who commit or attempt to commit terrorist acts." International rights groups have condemned the government move. New York-based Human Rights Watch said the Sri Lankan government should address its legitimate concerns about foreign terrorist funding primarily through legal cooperation with foreign governments. "The Sri Lanka government is using the vague counter terrorism regulations to tie the major diaspora Tamil groups to the ruthless but defunct LTTE", Brad Adams, Human Rights Watch's Asia Director said.About 40,000 Tamil civilians were killed at the end of the separatist war, rights groups and experts have said.

25/4/2014External Affairs Minister briefs Ambassadors and High Commissioners to give authentic information against pro-LTTE organizations and individuals involved in terrorist activityMinister of External Affairs, G. L. Peiris on April 24 briefed the Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Sri Lanka with the assistance of representative of the Ministry of Defense and Urban Development Major General K.H.G. Hendawitharana, reports Colombo Page. The principal purpose of the briefing was to give the diplomatic community authentic information regarding action taken by the Government against 16 organizations that have links with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and individuals involved in terrorist funding and other activity connected with plans to revive terrorism. He told the diplomatic community that there is compelling evidence regarding the remittance of substantial sums of money from overseas for planned terrorist activity. "The Government has every confidence of eradicating at the very inception, any attempt to revive terrorism in any form in any part of the country," the Minister asserted.

25/4/2014The police have arrested a man they claim had links with former LTTE member Gopi, who was killed during a confrontation with the army recently. Police Media spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said that the man was arrested in Jaffna last evening. The Police Media Spokesman said investigations are now underway into his links with Gopi. SSP Ajith Rohana said that initial investigations had revealed that the suspect had been in touch with Gopi before he was killed and investigators are trying to determine if he was an LTTE member. The Police have been investigating the telephone calls made by Gopi and two other former rebels including Appan, who were also killed during the clash in Vavuniya earlier this month. Earlier there were reports that politicians believed to have had links with Gopi may face arrest based on the findings of the investigations by the police Terrorist Investigations Department.

26/4/2014Suspected close associate of slain LTTE leader arrested in Jaffna DistrictA man, suspected to be a close associate of the slain Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Ponniah Selvanayagam Kajeeban alias Gobi, was arrested by the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) in Jaffna District, reports Daily Mirror on April 25. Meanwhile, the United Nations (UN) expressed concerns over sexual violence during and after the war in Sri Lanka and raised the need for the Sri Lankan Government to address the issue, reports Colombo Page on April 25. Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Bangura had discussions with Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in New York Dr. Palitha Kohona on the issue. The UN official expressed hope that the UN, apart from the open discussion, can have a discussion with the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure sexual violence is addressed. "We will definitely raise the issue and try to do something," the official assured.


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29/4/2014LTTE operative Selvanayagam Kajeepan alias Gopi who was killed on Friday by Sri Lankan government troops, was part of a plot to assassinate a high-profile political leader in Colombo, Dr Rohan Gunaratna, Head of the Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang University in Singapore, told Express. Gopi was gunned down with fellow cadre Sundaralingam Kajeepan alias Theivihan and Navaratnam Navaneethan alias Appan in a confrontation with the forces at Padaviya in Northeast Lanka. Following the incident, the police detained 65 Tamils, including human rights activist Jayakumari Balendran. “The disruption of the cell is very timely,” Gunaratna noted. Theivihan, Gunaratna said, was an intelligence operative as well as a Black Tiger pilot of LTTE air force. “On the instruction of Tiger chieftain, Velupillai Prabhakaran, Theivihan escaped to TN before the end of (Eelam War IV) with a brief to liaise with pro-Eelam Tamil leaders there. Theivihan’s links in TN should be of concern to India,” Gunaratna warned.

1/5/2014The US has backed the Sri Lankan claim that an international network of sympathisers of the LTTE exists, channelling funds for the banned outfit to procure arms and other supplies


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LTTE ban in Canada


Also known asThe Tamil Tigers, the Eellalan Force, the Ellalan Force, the Tiger Movement, the Sangilian Force, the Air Tigers, the Black Tigers (Karum Puligal), the Sea Tigers, the Tiger Organization Security Intelligence Service (TOSIS) and the Women's Combat Force of Liberation Tigers (WCFLT).

DescriptionFounded in 1976, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is a Sri Lankan-based terrorist organization that seeks the creation of an independent homeland called "Tamil Eelam" for Sri Lanka's ethnic Tamil minority. Over the years, the LTTE has waged a violent seccessionist campaign with the help of ground, air, and naval forces, as well as a dedicated suicide bomber wing. LTTE tactics have included full military operations, terror attacks against civilian centres, and political assassinations, such as the successful assassinations of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi and Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa. The LTTE has also had an extensive network of fundraisers, political and propaganda officers, and arms procurers operating in Sri Lanka and within the Tamil diaspora. Although the LTTE was militarily defeated in May 2009, subversion, destabilization, and fundraising continue, particularly in the diaspora.

Date listed2006-04-08

Date reviewed2012-11-20

LTTE ban in the USA

Description: Founded in 1976 and designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on October 8, 1997, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) became a powerful Tamil secessionist group in Sri Lanka. Despite its military defeat at the hands of the Sri Lankan government in 2009, the LTTE’s international network of sympathizers and financial support persists.Activities: Although the LTTE has been largely inactive since its military defeat in Sri Lanka in 2009, in the past the LTTE was responsible for an integrated battlefield insurgent strategy that targeted key installations and senior Sri Lankan political and military leaders. It conducted a sustained campaign targeting rival Tamil groups, and assassinated Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India in 1991 and President Ranasinghe Premadasa of Sri Lanka in 1993. Although most notorious for its cadre of suicide bombers, the Black Tigers, LTT also had an amphibious force, the Sea Tigers, and a nascent air wing, the Air Tigers. Fighting between the LTTE and the Sri Lanka government escalated in 2006 and continued through 2008.

In early 2009, Sri Lankan forces recaptured the LTTE’s key strongholds, including their capital of Kilinochchi. In May 2009, government forces defeated the last LTTE fighting forces, killed LTTE leader Prahbakaran and other members of the LTTE leadership and military command, and declared military victory over LTTE. There have been no known attacks in Sri Lanka that could verifiably be attributed to the LTTE since the end of the war, but LTTE’s financial network of support continued to operate throughout 2013.

Strength: Exact strength is unknown.

Location/Area of Operation: Sri Lanka and India

Funding and External Aid: The LTTE uses its international contacts and the large Tamil diaspora in North America, Europe, and Asia to procure weapons, communications, funding, and other needed supplies. The group employed charities as fronts to collect and divert funds for their activities.

Courtesy: US State Department (Chapter 6, April 30, 2014)