Positive Thinking &Personality Development

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    What is personality?Personality is the motive power required to run life effectively. Personality is not built in

    a day as we say Rome was not built in a day. Personality Development is a gradual

    process. Ones personality involves factors like his intelligence, career, outlook, character

    and prudence. Personality is the individuals tatality of characteristics like intelligence,looks and character. Personality is the vital force that plays each and every activity of an

    individual. It signifies the behaviour.However, a well development personality is not

    achieved at one go. Young people have to consciously exert and take concrete steps toacquire a balanced growth of personality along with academic education.

    Every individual has a personality of his own. It is idio

    syncracy.This cannot be ignored.People usually when they speak of personality of different persons they say. He has

    handsome personality. Ganesh has shining personality. He has wonderful personality,

    and so on. But Their expressions tells us the outer features of a person or persons such ashandsome,attractiveness,goodlooks,amd calmness. They do not tell us the real distinctive

    character of a person. For example people develop personality according to the filed

    which they work .A person involving in business world develop personality in business

    terms. This cannot be taken in to consideration to denote ones real personality.

    Advances in genetics have shown to what extent our personality and behavior are shaped

    by our genetic inheritance but importance of environment is still acknowledged.However it is hard to identify that character and personality are under the control of

    inherited genes or how he environment influences them.

    It is certain that if there is no constructive development in ones personality all other

    achievements like education, career or whatever it may be, they fail to do their task. It is

    just like a patient who has every comfort but his disease is not cured .The basic advantage

    of personality development is that the person becomes a human. These days it is acommon practice among students that when they were asked what they would become

    ,they say that they wish to become a politician or an engineer or a doctor or cine

    artist .But no body say that he wishes to become a human.Dr.S.Radhakrishnan ,a greatphilosopher once said that man has learnt to swim in water ,fly in air ,but he has not

    learnt to become a human.

    Strictly speaking we do not know exactly now ones personality works and how it formsones motive power. For example, electricity is invisible, but its application is seen. A

    motor works with Electricity .We burn lamp by using electricity. Similarly ones

    personality is the motive power behind ones activities .with a built up of nice personalityone can meet lifes challenge big or small. IN present day set up, no one can expect

    schools and colleges to equip them fully to meet lifes challenges. What students learn

    from educational institutions is not that large. However in olden days there was GuruKula style of education where Gurus used to take charge of small group of students. The

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    guru could watch them closely as they were staying in his household as members of a

    family. The guru moulded their character and equipped them to face life as they grew

    up .Today teachers interaction with pupils are very low. The number of students in aclassroom is also very large .So much attention is not being given to any particular

    student .Parental supervision is also reduced. Moreover parents are busy with their

    careers. Both the parents are employed having them very little time to take care of theirchildren. Due to such complexities of present day living youngsters have to develop their

    personality. They have to put efforts to acquire a balanced growth of personality along

    with academic education.Personality development is very essential .Personality comes into play in each and every

    activity, thought and behavior of any individual .Personality is to man what perfume is to


    CharacterCharacter is the foundation stone that shapes the personality .Character only endures .Ifmoney is lost, nothing is lost: if health is lost some thing is lost but if character is lost

    every thing is lost .A person o0f good character will retain the good reputation even after

    his death. We have examples like Harischandra, Sri ram, Dharmraj, mahatma ghandi

    before us .Character is the life saving drug for development of a person .It is the mostprecious wealth. Mahatma Ghandi was telling that greatness of a man lies not in his

    clothes but in his character .It is due to the great qualities of character that many people

    have touched the heights of progress in the world.Ravana was a brave person. He was a devotee of lord Shiva. But due to downfall of his

    character he got reduces to ashes .He was killed by Rama .Ravana had kidnapped Ramas

    Wife and kept her in his town.

    Good character makes human beings different and superior to other living creatures.

    Honesty, youthfulness, open mind, respect to women, tolerance, generosity, dutifulmness,

    presence of mind are the qualities we find in a person with good character.

    Herbert Spencer believed that character is made up of two things:1) Your way of thinking

    2) Your way of passing time

    Character is not just a sexual relation between man and woman or a boy and girl.

    Character is purity of conduct .It involves values like purity of heart, purity of speech and

    purity of actions. One must act according to what he says .Suppose he says others speaktruth and he himself is a liar then he has no character .A man is always understood not by

    the wealth he has, but he is understood her way he lives. The wealth of character is

    considered superior to all other wealth. You may earn cores .But you should live in best

    possible like way. A good life will reflect from your personality.

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    Also a person with an inquisitive character is always guided by the circumstances around

    him .He makes very less mistakes and he leaves nothing to chance. He is neither sad onhis failure nor rejoice his successes. Failures do not suppress him.

    Student life is the best life to develop good character. But if students have bad company

    they fail to build up good character .It is observed that even intelligent students meet theirdownfall if their character is not good .At the same time, it is also noticed that students of

    good character who have been judged less talented, idle and dull reached the heights of

    progress and earned good name and fame.

    Character is just like the foundation of a building that decides its durability. The

    foundation of a mans personality is his character, his good qualities .the wealth of

    character is considered superior to all other wealth.Who is supposed to be a rich man?

    The man who has the wealth of character is supposed to be a very rich man.

    Character cannot be attained by dreaming

    Devotion towards Duty,Self-control

    Good conduct,Love for truth,

    Thirst for acquiring knowledge and firm determination to improve the condition of man


    These are the basis of good character. Man may be physically strong .He may be veryintelligent also. But if he does not possess good moral character, then his presence in the

    society is a matter of doubt and fear. Character has to be gained by hard work.

    Bad habits lead to bad character, bad health and under development. Good habits providecharacter, health and success. If you have bad habits control them unless and until we

    control our bad habits we will never be called good persons. We lose reputation we lack

    personality.To form a good character, discipline is also important .People without discipline try to do

    any thing, but commit them selves to nothing.

    Why some people never reach their goals?Why they are always frustrated?

    Why some people have endless failures?

    The reason is lack of discipline

    Like character the other factors, which shape ones personality, are:

    1) Environment

    2) Ingrained Maturity3) Career

    4) Education

    5) Ideals6) Experience

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    What is Environment?The word Environment is a general term that refers to the external conditions in which anorganism lives. Environment refers to the sum total of conditions which surround man at

    a given point in space and time .the environment is the base of all life and the source of

    all goods. Environment or surroundings play a vital role in shaping a person personality

    .the influence of family surroundings is quite important .George Herbert said that a goodmother is equal to hundred teachers .Jeejabais influence on her son shivaji was great

    .He would not have achieved a great victory if he would not have been encouraged by his

    mother. he was a great Maratha leader who fought mughal emperor 0. Aurangazeb and

    established a Hindu state in Deccan.He was a great and wise rules .Dhruva realized Godat young age because\se of his mothers influence. Students study well in a good

    environment .Both the family and school environment enable them much.

    The surroundings can bring a change in human life .A good environment keeps a person

    good and strengthens his inherent qualities and instills new qualities .the atmosphere in

    which we live is of greater importance .If children are brought up in a congenialatmosphere at home, in schools and in society,a great deal can be done to relieve misery

    and reduce suffering and unhappiness.

    There lived two parrots .One of them was brought up in a hermits house while the otherin a butchers house. who ever the person used to come to hermits house the parrot used

    to say welcome words like please come in ,take u r seat have some water and so on.

    The people were enjoying t he hospitality shown. The parrot were enjoying thehospitality shown .The parrot in the butcher s house was different .

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