Positive pulse september 2014


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Fend off the Freshman 15 with these healthy tips! Also learn about energizing foods and even try out a new recipe!

Transcript of Positive pulse september 2014

Page 1: Positive pulse september 2014

Balanced U: Energy & Power Foods!The busy start of a new semester may have left your energy zapped and your power drained, but that doesn’t have to be the case! Choose foods that give you more sustained energy such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of looking for sugary snacks to give you that quick energy fix, make sure you incorporate foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates to give you longer lasting energy. To keep up energy levels throughout the day, make sure to never skip a meal. Eat power snacks between meals to keep your metabolism going and help prevent you from overeating during your next meal. Also, make sure you are staying hydrated. Even slight dehydration can affect energy and concentration levels. Energy drinks may be good for a temporary boost of energy but can cause you to come crashing down later and may dehydrate you even more. It is important not rely on energy drinks or caffeine for long-lasting energy but to choose a balanced diet full of lean proteins, whole grains, and brightly colored fruits and vegetables to provide energy. Energy drinks are often full of added sugars which can contribute to unwanted calories and should be consumed with caution due to high amounts of caffeine.

The Positive Pulse!With Laura Vollink, RD LD, Chartwells Dietitian

Balanced Bite!Daily exercise is a great way to boost your energy but remember good nutrition and exercise go

hand in hand. Even if you hit the gym all day, if you don’t eat right you may never achieve the results you are looking for.

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Laura is a registered, licensed Chartwells dietitian. She has been with Chartwells since 2011, and is a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.!

[email protected] | 573-651-5145

Apple Pie Overnight Oatmeal Ingredients: !!1 small apple 1/3 cup vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt 1/3 cup almond milk ½ tsp vanilla extract ¼ tsp ground cinnamon ½ cup rolled oats 1 ½ tsp honey 2 Tbsp chopped pecans

Preparation: Dice the apple. In a bowl, mix together yogurt, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Add the diced apple and oats, mix well. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or put the lid on the container. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, top oatmeal with honey and pecans. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: Calories: 413 | Fat: 9g | Protein: 12.5g | Carbs: 75g | Sodium: 78mg | Fiber 10g

Fending Off the Freshman 15 Ever heard of the dreaded freshman 15? Research shows that it is more like the freshman 5, but think about gaining 5 pounds a year over a four year college career. A lot of freedom is introduced when a student leaves the comfort of their parent’s’ home to basically live on their own on a college campus… Three factors affected by this new found freedom to look out for include food, inactivity, and beverages.

•! FOOD- The freedom of a meal plan and an all-you-care-to-eat cafeteria can lead to additional weight gain- especially if you weren’t eating that way before. A good rule of thumb to remember is- if you weren’t eating a dessert at every meal before, you probably shouldn’t start now. Try to build each meal like MyPlate.gov Avoid eating late into the night. You are more apt to make poor decisions. Try not to keep unhealthy snacks on hand. Have a mini-fridge? Keep low-fat string cheese, carrot sticks, and grapes on hand for quick snacks!

•! INACTIVITY- Many people played high school sports or exercised most days of the week in a school gym class. With this new freedom, it is easy to push exercise to the back burner. The combination of eating more and exercising less can lead to additional weight gain. Try to walk or ride a bike to class instead of taking the shuttle.

•! BEVERAGES- For students 21 and over, alcohol can play a role in increasing calorie intake. But even if you are not consuming alcohol, think of the other calorie laden beverages that you are drinking everyday such sodas, sweet tea, energy drinks and juices. Alcohol usually gets the blame for the freshman 15, but it is just the icing on the cake. Choose water, unsweetened tea, and skim milk.

Make decisions that are going to positively impact your health and well-being. Use nutrition information to make educated menu choices and remember to stay active! !