Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Kindergarten Expectation Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Print Awareness. Students understand how English is written and printed. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons K.1 C Demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed word in text. All Expectation Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns, and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons Expectation Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons K.4 A Predict what might happen next in text based on the cover, title, and illustrations. 3,27,113,123,124 K.4 B Ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud. All Expectation Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons 3,4,8,9,11,12,14-16, 18,21,22,25-46,48,49, 51,54,57-64,66,69,70, 73,77,79-83,85-87,89, 90,92-94,97-99,101- 105,109,111,112,115, 119-125,127-138 Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Language Arts Kindergarten All Identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events. K.6 A Use knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode regular words in text and independent of content (e.g., VC, CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words). K.3 B

Transcript of Positive Action Kindergarten

Page 1: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Kindergarten

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading Skills/Print Awareness. Students understand how English is written and printed. Students are

expected to:Aligned Lessons

K.1 C Demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed word in text. All

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns,

and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.

Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

K.4 A Predict what might happen next in text based on the cover, title, and illustrations. 3,27,113,123,124

K.4 B Ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud. All


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to

support their understanding. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons








Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts



Identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events.K.6 A

Use knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode regular words in text and independent of content (e.g., VC, CVC,

CCVC, and CVCC words).K.3 B

Page 2: Positive Action Kindergarten


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected

to respond to rhythm and rhyme in poetry through identifying a regular beat and similarities in word sounds.



Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons











ExpectationWriting/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people,

events, and ideas. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons





Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to

communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to dictate or

write information for lists, captions, or invitations.



Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic

language when speaking and writing. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are

expected to:

Aligned Lessons

ExpectationUnderstand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking (with adult

assistance):Aligned Lessons

K.16 A iii Descriptive words 12,66,114,119,121,138

ExpectationOral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate

capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions.K.8 B

Dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological sequence.K.14 A

Retell a main event from a story read aloud.K.8 A

Page 3: Positive Action Kindergarten

K.17 AForm upper- and lower-case letters legibly using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom





K.17 B Capitalize the first letter in a sentence. 12

Expectation Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons

K.18 C Write one's own name. 20

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

K.21 A Listen attentively by facing speakers and asking questions to clarify information. All

K.21 B Follow oral directions that involve a short related sequence of actions. All


Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students

continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to share information and ideas by

speaking audibly and clearly using the conventions of language.



Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to follow agreed-upon rules for discussion, including taking

turns and speaking one at a time.


Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills Kindergarten

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

K.1 ADiscuss the purposes for reading and listening to various texts (e.g., to become involved in real and imagined events,

settings, actions, and to enjoy language).All

K.1 B Ask and respond to questions about text. All

K.1 D Make inferences based on the cover, title, illustrations, and plot.15,29,46,99,113,115,


K.1 E Retell or act out important events in stories.





Page 4: Positive Action Kindergarten

K.1 FMake connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual


Page 5: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 1

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading Skills/Print Awareness. Students understand how English is written and printed. Students are

expected to:Aligned Lessons

1.1 D Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization of first word, ending punctuation). 22,115


Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns,

and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

Expectation Decode words in context and in isolation by applying common letter-sound correspondences, including: Aligned Lessons

1.3 A iiiSingle letters (vowels) including short a, short e, short i, short o, short u, long a (a-e), long e (e), long i (i-e), long o (o-e),

long u (u-e), y=long e, and y=long i90


Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns,

and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

1.3 I Monitor accuracy of decoding. All

1.4 BReading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.

Students are expected to:All


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons


Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts

Grade 1

Read texts by moving from top to bottom of the page and tracking words from left to right with return sweep.1.1 E

Page 6: Positive Action Kindergarten















-1.12Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and

produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time.All

ExpectationWriting/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to

communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

1.19 C Write brief comments on literary or informational texts. All


Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic

language when speaking and writing. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are

expected to:

Aligned Lessons

1.20 C Ask questions with appropriate subject-verb inversion. All

ExpectationOral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate

capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

1.21 AForm upper- and lower-case letters legibly in text, using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom

progression), including spacing between words and sentences.






Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings.1.9 B

Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story's beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence

of events.1.9 A

Page 7: Positive Action Kindergarten

ExpectationOral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate

capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Expectation Recognize and use basic capitalization for: Aligned Lessons

1.21 B i The beginning of sentences 22,115


Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a

research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students (with adult assistance) are expected


Aligned Lessons

1.24 C Record basic information in simple visual formats (e.g., notes, charts, picture graphs, diagrams). 125,127,129

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

1.27 A Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information. All

1.27 B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions. 13,50,84,95


Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students

continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to share information and ideas about

the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.



Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to follow agreed-upon rules for discussion, including listening

to others, speaking when recognized, and making appropriate contributions.


Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills First Grade

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

1.1 D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. All

1.1 E Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order.






Page 8: Positive Action Kindergarten

1.1 FMake connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual


Page 9: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2


Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns,

and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

2.2 D Read words with common prefixes (e.g., un-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -ly, -less, -ful). 68

2.2 H Monitor accuracy of decoding. All

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.

Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

2.3 BAsk relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers

with evidence from text.All

2.3 C

Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustments when

that understanding breaks down (e.g., identifying clues, using background knowledge, generating questions, re-reading a

portion aloud).


-2.4Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to read aloud

grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.





ExpectationReading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students

are expected to:Aligned Lessons

2.5 A Use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words (e.g., allow/disallow). 68


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to

support their understanding. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts

Grade 2

Page 10: Positive Action Kindergarten

2.6 A Identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables, legends, myths, or stories.






Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected

to describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry.



Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons

2.9 B Describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits, motivations, and feelings.






Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and

produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and

paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning.



Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work

together in various forms to impact meaning. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in

increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

2.16 C Identify various written conventions for using digital media (e.g., e-mail, website, video game). 140

ExpectationWriting/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to

communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

2.19 C Write brief comments on literary or informational texts. All

ExpectationOral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate

capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

2.22 A Write legibly leaving appropriate margins for readability.





Oral and WritOral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to:ten

Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and

punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

Page 11: Positive Action Kindergarten

2.23 A Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters to construct unknown words. 46,70

Expectation Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons

2.23 C Spell high-frequency words from a commonly used list. 46,70

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

2.28 A Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information. All

2.28 B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions. All


Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students

continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to share information and ideas that

focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.



Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to follow agreed-upon rules for discussion, including listening

to others, speaking when recognized, and making appropriate contributions.


Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills Second Grade

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

2.1 CMonitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion

aloud, generating questions).All

2.1 E Retell important events in stories in logical order. 47

Page 12: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics. Students use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns,

and morphological analysis to decode written English. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

3.1 E Monitor accuracy in decoding. 1-139

ExpectationReading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.

Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

3.2 AUse ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues) to make and confirm


3.2 BAsk relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers

with evidence from text.1-139

3.2 C

Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustments when

that understanding breaks down (e.g., identifying clues, using background knowledge, generating questions, re-reading a

portion aloud).






ExpectationReading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students

are expected to:Aligned Lessons

3.4 EAlphabetize a series of words to the third letter and use a dictionary or a glossary to determine the meanings,

syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words.33,34,63


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons

Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to read aloud

grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.-3.3

Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts

Grade 3

Page 13: Positive Action Kindergarten

3.8 B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo.






Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and

produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and

paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal;

participate in book talks).


ExpectationReading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students understand how to glean and use information

in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

3.15 B Locate and use specific information in graphic features of text. 22-30,45,46,111-115


Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work

together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in

increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

3.16 CCompare various written conventions used for digital media (e.g., language in an informal e-mail vs. language in a web-

based news article).139

ExpectationWriting/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people,

events, and ideas. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

3.18 A Write imaginative stories that build the plot to a climax and contain details about the characters and setting. 13

3.18 B Write poems that convey sensory details using the conventions of poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter, patterns of verse). 81,98

-3.19Writing. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to write about important personal


Expectation Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons

3.24 G Use print and electronic resources to find and check correct spellings. 139

ExpectationResearch/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a

research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Expectation Follow the research plan to collect information from multiple sources of information, both oral and written, including: Aligned Lessons

3.26 A iii Visual sources of information (e.g., maps, timelines, graphs) where appropriate 22-30,45,46,111-115

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Page 14: Positive Action Kindergarten

3.29 A Listen attentively to speakers, ask relevant questions, and make pertinent comments. 1-139

3.29 B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a series of related sequences of action. 1-139


Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students

continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to speak coherently about the topic

under discussion, employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, and the conventions of language to

communicate ideas effectively.



Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to participate in teacher- and student-led discussions by

posing and answering questions with appropriate detail and by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of



Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills Third Grade

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

3.1 CMonitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion

aloud, generating questions).27,117,118

3.1 D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. 1-139

Page 15: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 4

-4.1Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to read aloud

grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.






ExpectationReading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students

are expected to:Aligned Lessons

4.2 BUse the context of the sentence (e.g., in-sentence example or definition) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words

or multiple meaning words.5

4.2 E Use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meanings, syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words. 30,34,38,43,81


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to

support their understanding. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

4.3 A Summarize and explain the lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme.






4.3 B Compare and contrast the adventures or exploits of characters (e.g., the trickster) in traditional and classical literature.






Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts

Grade 4

Page 16: Positive Action Kindergarten


Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons

4.6 A Sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events.






4.6 B Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo.







Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and

produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and

paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading log or journal;

participate in book talks).


ExpectationReading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

4.11 A Summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning. 5

ExpectationReading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students understand how to glean and use information

in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

4.13 B Explain factual information presented graphically (e.g., charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations). 28,51,127


Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work

together in various forms to impact meaning. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in

increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

4.14 CCompare various written conventions used for digital media (e.g. language in an informal e-mail vs. language in a web-

based news article).139

ExpectationWriting/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and

publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Page 17: Positive Action Kindergarten

4.15 APlan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience and generating

ideas through a range of strategies (e.g., brainstorming, graphic organizers, logs, journals).





Expectation Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons

4.22 D Use spelling patterns and rules and print and electronic resources to determine and check correct spellings. 139

ExpectationResearch/Research Plan. Students ask open-ended research questions and develop a plan for answering them. Students

are expected to:Aligned Lessons

4.23 BGenerate a research plan for gathering relevant information (e.g., surveys, interviews, encyclopedias) about the major

research question.34

ExpectationResearch/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a

research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Expectation Follow the research plan to collect information from multiple sources of information both oral and written, including: Aligned Lessons

4.24 A ii Data from experts, reference texts, and online searches 34

4.24 A iii Visual sources of information (e.g., maps, timelines, graphs) where appropriate 28,51,127

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

4.27 A Listen attentively to speakers, ask relevant questions, and make pertinent comments. 1-139

4.27 B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a series of related sequences of action. 1-139


Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to participate in teacher- and student-led discussions by

posing and answering questions with appropriate detail and by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of



Page 18: Positive Action Kindergarten

Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills Fourth Grade

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

4.1 CMonitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion

aloud, generating questions).56,97,103

4.1 D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. 1-139

Page 19: Positive Action Kindergarten

English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 5

-5.1Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to read aloud

grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.






ExpectationReading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students

are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.2 BUse context (e.g., in-sentence restatement) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple meaning



Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to

support their understanding. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

5.3 C Explain the effect of a historical event or movement on the theme of a work of literature.







Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected

to analyze how poets use sound effects (e.g., alliteration, internal rhyme, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme) to reinforce

meaning in poems.



Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the

structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected


Aligned Lessons

Positive Action Lesson Alignment Information

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Language Arts

Grade 5

Page 20: Positive Action Kindergarten

5.6 B Explain the roles and functions of characters in various plots, including their relationships and conflicts.







Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw

conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and provide evidence from text to

support their understanding. Students are expected to identify the literary language and devices used in biographies and

autobiographies, including how authors present major events in a person's life.



Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and

produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to read independently for a sustained period of time and

summarize or paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning and logical order (e.g., generate a reading

log or journal; participate in book talks).


ExpectationReading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions

about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.11 A Summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order. 32

5.11 B Determine the facts in text and verify them through established methods. 32

ExpectationReading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students understand how to glean and use information

in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.13 A Interpret details from procedural text to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures.







Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work

together in various forms to impact meaning. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in

increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to:

Aligned Lessons

5.14 D Analyze various digital media venues for levels of formality and informality. 1-139

ExpectationWriting/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and

publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Page 21: Positive Action Kindergarten

5.15 A

Plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining

appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews),

and developing a thesis or controlling idea.


5.15 C

Revise drafts to clarify meaning, enhance style, include simple and compound sentences, and improve transitions by

adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well questions of

purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.


5.15 D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 131-138

5.15 E Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences. 131-138

ExpectationWriting/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people,

events, and ideas. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

Expectation Write poems using: Aligned Lessons

5.16 B i Poetic techniques (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) 2,5,90

5.16 B ii Figurative language (e.g., similes, metaphors) 2,5,90

5.16 B iii Graphic elements (e.g., capital letters, line length). 2,5,90

ExpectationOral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate

capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.21 C Use proper mechanics including italics and underlining for titles and emphasis.




Expectation Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: Aligned Lessons

5.22 D Use spelling patterns and rules and print and electronic resources to determine and check correct spellings. 139

5.22 E Know how to use the spell-check function in word processing while understanding its limitations. 139

ExpectationResearch/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a

research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.24 AFollow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic resources (e.g., reference texts, periodicals,

web pages, online sources) and data from experts.106,108


Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the

purpose of the research and their audience. Students are expected to synthesize the research into a written or an oral

presentation that:

Aligned Lessons

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5.26 A Compiles important information from multiple sources. 106,108

5.26 B Develops a topic sentence, summarizes findings, and uses evidence to support conclusions. 106,108

ExpectationListening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal

settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:Aligned Lessons

5.27 AListen to and interpret a speaker's messages (both verbal and nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the speaker's

purpose or perspective.1-139

5.27 B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that include multiple action steps. 1-139

5.27 C Determine both main and supporting ideas in the speaker's message. 1-139


Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier

standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to participate in student-led discussions by eliciting and

considering suggestions from other group members and by identifying points of agreement and disagreement.


Figure 19 TAC, Reading/Comprehension Skills Fifth Grade

ExpectationReading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and

independent reading to understand an author's message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater

depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:

Aligned Lessons

5.1 CMonitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion

aloud, generating questions).11

5.1 D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. 1-139

5.1 E Summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts. 32

5.1 FMake connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide

textual evidence.1-139