Portfolio Linn Elster



This is my portfolio. It shows the work I have done during my Design engineer education

Transcript of Portfolio Linn Elster

Page 1: Portfolio Linn Elster

Portfoliolinn ElstEr

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Design and Innovation;Conducted courses

Project management

Industrial Design 2

Work system design

Products and comsumption

Development Projects in Organizations

Staging co-creation

Strategy, Design and Market

Applied Creativity

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2

Fields and Flows

Arenas and Concepts

Geometric Design Constructions

Light and Materials


Product Life and Environmental Issues

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2

Thermodynamic Modelling

Mechatronics Engineering Design

Participatory Design

Basic Course in Urban Planning

Linear and Differentiable Mathematic

Dynamics and Vibrations

Industrial Design

Product Design and Documentation

CAD for Design Engineers

Introductory Programming with Matlab

Product Analysis and Redesign

Technology Analysis

Mechanics and Materials

User-oriented Design

Visual Communication

Product Usability and Design

Master courses

Bachelor courses

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To Whom It May Concern:

Copenhagen, April 23rd 2014 Recommendation for Linn Elster I have the pleasure of being Linn’s teaching during her studies at the Technical University of Denmark (the Design & Innovation program), as well as being the supervisor for her previous bachelor project. Based on this role I hereby describe Linn as a student and future engineering designer. In her bachelor project Linn worked with user involvement in the construction of a user driven digital platform for cultural events, a project she solved in an exemplary way. Later she has attended my courses ‘Staging Co-creation’ and ‘Applied Creativity’, where she again proved to be an excellent student and engineering designer. Linn is a hardworking and goal-oriented person, with great communication skills and work capacity. She is curious, skilled at combining analytical and creative thinking, and very good at basic design skills such as drawing and conceptualization. Furthermore, she is experienced with creative techniques and organizing creativity- and co-creation workshops. On top of this, Linn is highly skilled with stakeholder management and seems to have a special ability to get in touch with relevant actors and involving them in a project in just the right way. On a personal level Linn is honest, social and dutiful – independent but also a team player – so basically the perfect employee. She is not afraid of speaking her mind, and when she does it is very worth listening. If you have any further request regarding Linn Elster please do not hesitate with contacting me. Best regards,

Balder Onarheim Assistant Professor Department Of Management Engineering Section Of Design Engineering and Innovation Technical University of Denmark Mobile: (+45) 5010 1000 Email: [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern:

Copenhagen, April 23rd 2014 Recommendation for Linn Elster I have the pleasure of being Linn’s teaching during her studies at the Technical University of Denmark (the Design & Innovation program), as well as being the supervisor for her previous bachelor project. Based on this role I hereby describe Linn as a student and future engineering designer. In her bachelor project Linn worked with user involvement in the construction of a user driven digital platform for cultural events, a project she solved in an exemplary way. Later she has attended my courses ‘Staging Co-creation’ and ‘Applied Creativity’, where she again proved to be an excellent student and engineering designer. Linn is a hardworking and goal-oriented person, with great communication skills and work capacity. She is curious, skilled at combining analytical and creative thinking, and very good at basic design skills such as drawing and conceptualization. Furthermore, she is experienced with creative techniques and organizing creativity- and co-creation workshops. On top of this, Linn is highly skilled with stakeholder management and seems to have a special ability to get in touch with relevant actors and involving them in a project in just the right way. On a personal level Linn is honest, social and dutiful – independent but also a team player – so basically the perfect employee. She is not afraid of speaking her mind, and when she does it is very worth listening. If you have any further request regarding Linn Elster please do not hesitate with contacting me. Best regards,

Balder Onarheim Assistant Professor Department Of Management Engineering Section Of Design Engineering and Innovation Technical University of Denmark Mobile: (+45) 5010 1000 Email: [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern:

Copenhagen, April 23rd 2014 Recommendation for Linn Elster I have the pleasure of being Linn’s teaching during her studies at the Technical University of Denmark (the Design & Innovation program), as well as being the supervisor for her previous bachelor project. Based on this role I hereby describe Linn as a student and future engineering designer. In her bachelor project Linn worked with user involvement in the construction of a user driven digital platform for cultural events, a project she solved in an exemplary way. Later she has attended my courses ‘Staging Co-creation’ and ‘Applied Creativity’, where she again proved to be an excellent student and engineering designer. Linn is a hardworking and goal-oriented person, with great communication skills and work capacity. She is curious, skilled at combining analytical and creative thinking, and very good at basic design skills such as drawing and conceptualization. Furthermore, she is experienced with creative techniques and organizing creativity- and co-creation workshops. On top of this, Linn is highly skilled with stakeholder management and seems to have a special ability to get in touch with relevant actors and involving them in a project in just the right way. On a personal level Linn is honest, social and dutiful – independent but also a team player – so basically the perfect employee. She is not afraid of speaking her mind, and when she does it is very worth listening. If you have any further request regarding Linn Elster please do not hesitate with contacting me. Best regards,

Balder Onarheim Assistant Professor Department Of Management Engineering Section Of Design Engineering and Innovation Technical University of Denmark Mobile: (+45) 5010 1000 Email: [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern:

Copenhagen, April 23rd 2014 Recommendation for Linn Elster I have the pleasure of being Linn’s teaching during her studies at the Technical University of Denmark (the Design & Innovation program), as well as being the supervisor for her previous bachelor project. Based on this role I hereby describe Linn as a student and future engineering designer. In her bachelor project Linn worked with user involvement in the construction of a user driven digital platform for cultural events, a project she solved in an exemplary way. Later she has attended my courses ‘Staging Co-creation’ and ‘Applied Creativity’, where she again proved to be an excellent student and engineering designer. Linn is a hardworking and goal-oriented person, with great communication skills and work capacity. She is curious, skilled at combining analytical and creative thinking, and very good at basic design skills such as drawing and conceptualization. Furthermore, she is experienced with creative techniques and organizing creativity- and co-creation workshops. On top of this, Linn is highly skilled with stakeholder management and seems to have a special ability to get in touch with relevant actors and involving them in a project in just the right way. On a personal level Linn is honest, social and dutiful – independent but also a team player – so basically the perfect employee. She is not afraid of speaking her mind, and when she does it is very worth listening. If you have any further request regarding Linn Elster please do not hesitate with contacting me. Best regards,

Balder Onarheim Assistant Professor Department Of Management Engineering Section Of Design Engineering and Innovation Technical University of Denmark Mobile: (+45) 5010 1000 Email: [email protected]

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Event app: Leben

This bachelor’s thesis took its offset in a verified need for an improved platform handling event communication. The sub-ject of this bachelor thesis was the de-sign of an app that provides an overview of cultural events offered in Copenhagen while allowing an interaction between users.Through the use of co-creation work-shops and a firm understanding of the user needs we managed to design the system of the user driven platform. The

system is as a joint of three dimensions: an app, a website and a tangible solution confronting the urban citizen. The plat-form allows the user to sort the events depending on mood and feeling – this is one of the unique benefits for the design. The holistic system satisfies the need for a platform that collects and creates an in-spiring overview of current events while providing the opportunity to engage in a social network.

Bachelor thesisSpring 2013

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Stem Min profil







Hvornår Hvor Fritekst


Tid hh:mm

København K Nørrebro

Frederiksberg Østerbro Valby

Vesterbro NordvestAmager

Nær mig


Dans på bordet Grin Seasonal

Den kloge

Feel good



Tid til eftertanke


Intimt Feel good

Jazz i Gården Anders Andersen





45 55

Den klogeIntimt

Hvad vil du gerne i aften?

IntimtDans på bordene

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Short internship with the Danish event app, Billetto

Due to my bachelor’s thesis; I was of-fered a short internship at Billetto.


To whom it might concern,

“Linn is an intelligent young design en-gineer that helped shape the Billetto consumer concept and value proposi-tion by contributing to the initial design discovery phase. Linn was during the project instrumental in the creation of a consumer segmentation framework that will be used as a foundation for the further investiga-

tion of our consumer solutions. She approached a very abstract challenge with very concrete metholodogies and provided a simple yet thoughtful tool. I can highly recommend Linn”

Br.Patrick BorreCEO

January 2014

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Urban planning in Glostrup

How to encourage living and going out in a former industrial area? How to bring nature in to this new city?Where to put cultural happenings and exhibitions?How to shape the new area?

With the new light rail coming for the areas around Copenha-gen new stations must be established.This urban planning project was about creating urban life in an industrial area.The train and the station will form the heart of the urbanization.More buildings must be added to create a proper scale for hu-mans and a mix of buildings and areas for living and business will provide life in the area around the clock.Facades must be opened to create comfort zonesThe green woods will be implemented in the urban area.

Urban PlanningJune 2012

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Woorking with integrated moodboards

In this spring semester I conduct the course Industrial Design 2; an extension of an earlier course Industrial Design 1. The project that I carry out here is the design of a device for playful and decorative lighting.

This integrated mood board is to help me find the right lifestyle, design style, mood and use for the design.

Industrial Design 2Spring 2014

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Hand sketching

Through the courses Visual communication and Indus-trial Design 1 I have gained the basic techniques of hand drawing and sketching.

The use of pencils gives the feeling of rough conceptual sketching whereas rendering with Promakers gives a more complete expression.

Visual communication, fall 2010Industrial Design 1, January 2012

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Story telling


Creates value



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Story telling


Creates value



A new dinnerbox for Torvehallerne, Copenhagen

In this project about new recommendations for Tor-vehallerne I participated in the design of a concept for a high class dinnerbox. The attempt was to bring Torvehallerne to the customer’s home and pro-vide the recipe and all ingredients for a lovely meal.

The project covers value propositions, strategy can-vas, estimated market capturing and of course all products and services attached to the dinner box.

The customer will be taught by great Danish chefs through videos shoving the selection of ingredi-ents in Torvehallerne and how to cook the meal.

The Illustration shows the products and servic-es that comes with the dinnerbox, Torvekassen.

Strategy, design and marketFall 2013

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Correlation between work space design and productivity

In this individual course I issued an article on the topic of work space design.

In modern workplaces the diversity of work activities has de-veloped and has called for more activity based designs where the employees spend less time by the desk. This allows the amount of workstations to be cut down. This introduces an open desk policy where the employees can sit wherever they choose on a given day. This open desk policy is subject for a study that takes its offset in the interaction between space and organization. Workplace designers operating with this model, work from a hypothesis that this policy increases pro-ductivity in terms of more knowledge sharing and reduced reaction time. That hypothesis is investigated in this article.

Individual course in collaboration with Signal Architects Fall 2012

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Product for indoor sorting

Product for outdoor sorting

Seperate rooms in the lorry for the different fractions

Sorting waste in villas, Copenhagen

This product/service system is designed to help people living in Copenhagen villas sorting their waste. The Copenhagen Mu-nicipality wants to implement more waste sorting and this design will ease the citi-zen’s work load and motivate them to sort the waste. The course is concerned with environmen-tally sustainable solutions and the analy-

sis of the problem involves ‘Customer Ac-tivity Circle’, analysis of materials, energy and chemicals and life cycle analysis.We focused on the visibility of the sorting. The design of the product/service system included containers for indoor and outdoor sorting, a schedule for pickups with clear division of the waste and an app helping the citizen.

Product/servcice systems, collaboration with Copenhagen Municipality Fall 2012

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Seperate rooms in the lorry for the different fractions

App: Help for sori-tng the waste

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Multi Gripper, arthritis tool

The Multi Gripper is a tool that helps people suffer-ing from arthritis to pick up and carry things around.

The mechatronical product utilizes vacuum in a bag with small granules. The granules moulds to objects and locks around them. The vacuum is controlled by an arduino and a small electric motor.

Watch the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZacPaN6xQE

Mechatronics (mechanics and electronics)Spring 2012


Drawing and writing


Conceptual drawing

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3D Cad model Full functional prototype

Screw lid Pick up a cup Drink

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Hovmand Stair robot

During this course we redesigned the existing stair robot from the construction company Hovmand. Based in a thorough design brief, sequence models and the users needs for a lighter and smoother product we came up with a new design. We made the belts shorter, giving them just the right length to over-come one step at the time. This was to lighten the product make it appear more smooth. We angled the belts for a better ergonomic working position.The motor was oversized relative to the load that was actually carried. By adapting the motor to the need the weight was reduced.

Product and analysis and redesignSpring 2011

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What is creativity?

This course aimed at discovering, what creativity actu-ally is. It is more than just being good at sketching or writing. It is about navigating the brain through creative design thinking knowing about fixation, cognitive inhibi-tion, incubation, priming and associations.

The practical case for the course was provided by the company Sapa Group, producer of aluminium tubes. The task was to discover, why a certain product did not sell and how to solve this problem. Our solution was the establishment of a showcase with Skicome Den-mark around the possible new skidome in Randers - the world’s biggest skidome. The showcase was an attempt to provide brand awareness and reliability to the prod-uct.

The illustration is a peace of marketing for the solution.

Applied CreativityFall 2013, colaboration with CBS

THE SHOWCASE THAT LASTS- SAPA’s solution for Skidome Denmark

For the movementand for the environment

Sapa delivers the solution

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THE SHOWCASE THAT LASTS- SAPA’s solution for Skidome Denmark

For the movementand for the environment

Sapa delivers the solution

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ICICLE; concept for cold water

During the course Industrial Design 1, the project was to create a design for active liv-ing.

The Icicle is thought to be a design for the Danish design brand Bodum. Bodum de-signs thermo cups for hot drinks, whereas the Icicle keeps the water cold due to the ici-cle that is placed in the lid. The icicle is to be filled with tap water, then frozen and placed in the lip by a magnet.

This drawings are rendered with the use os Promakers.

Industrial Design 1January 2012

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Technical University of Denmark

DK 2800 Kgs.Lyngby

Department of Mechanical Engineering







Scale: 9:64Samlet produkt

Drawing no.Format: A3Title:





SCALE 19:96


The project of this course was a construction of a disc-dispenser dispensing antibiotics automatically. The construction is done by systematic product design. The project included function analysis, form- and principle variation, concept development, a CAD modelling, validation of life cycle and pros-pected price.

Technical construction and documentationFall 2011

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Technical University of Denmark

DK 2800 Kgs.Lyngby

Department of Mechanical Engineering







Scale: 9:64Samlet produkt

Drawing no.Format: A3Title:





SCALE 19:96

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Curriculum VitaeAlong with my studies I work as a student assistant at IDA (Ingeniørforeningen Danmark) in human relations. I live at Østerbro in Copenhagen with my boyfriend close to the metropolitan development project area around Nordhavn. I have always been an active gymnast and since I still practice this interest. I find great pleasure in exploring good food and wine, theater and films and I enjoy vaca-tions such as summer holidays in France and skiing trips.

2013: Enrolment in the Design and Innovation master program, Technical Uni

versity of Denmark (DTU). Expected graduation as civil engineer: summer


2013: Bachelor degree in Design and Innovation, DTU.

2010: Enrolment at the DTU, civil engineering, the Design and Innovation pro-


2009: Completed stay at Zanzibar Adventure School on Zanzibar. Subjects: An-

thropology, psychology, biology, sports and Swahili

2006-09: High School in Hillerød, graduated from science: A-levels in Mathematics

and chemistry, B-level in physics. Compulsory subjects: Danish (A-level),

English (B-level)

2005-06: 10th grade from continuation school (Baunehøj Efterskole)

2005: Graduated elementary school from Nordsjællands Grundskole og Gym-



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2013: January 2013: Short intenship at Billetto. Tasks: reshape the Billetto-concept, give recommenda-

tions on a strategic target segment and value propositions.

Current: October 2012: The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA. Position: Student assistant in human rela-

tions department. Tasks: Reporting of sick leave, reporting of flexible hours and vacation balances,

check of phone bills as well as ad hoc tasks.

2012-2013: January 2012: SIGNAL Architects. Position: (Standby) Student assistant. User observation and

entry information.

2010-2012: November 2010 until 1 September 2012: The North Face Store Copenhagen. Position: Shop assis-

tant, sales of clthes and adventure equipment.

2010: February 2010 until August 2010: Nordea Bank, The Mortgage Group Copenhagen. Position: full-

time temporary. Tasks: Sorting and handling e-mails of the department, handling deeds, fire poli-

cies etc. and various admnistrative tasks.

2008-2009: August 2008 until August 2009: Stadium sports store Hillerød. Position: Shop assistant with the

sale of sports equipment.

2006-2008: September 2006 until 1 September 2008: Land surveyor consultancy Tvilum located in Hillerød.

Position: Piccoline. Tasks: Filing, handling incoming phone calls, hour registration and ad hoc


Work experience