Portfolio english



this is all of dentistry but in english

Transcript of Portfolio english

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Víctor Castillo14-0053

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In the first class we talked about what is the history of dentistry.

This is where dentistry, what year was practiced for the first time, who were the ones who introduced it arises. Also speaking of those who were associated with dentists, speaking of the first book presented dentistry.

First class

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In this class you can learn enough about what the history of dentistry, helps me to understand many things about other dental materials.

I could learn about their beginnings, who developed it, they did it with, like, etc. .


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In the second class we started talking about the requirements to be a dentist, as we can we be a dentist, we said the definition itself of what a dentist, the skills required to be a dentist, the obligations of a dentist when work, education and training of a dentist, the most important qualities to have a dentist. We also speak of the duties of the dentist to a patient, there are specialties in dentistry.

Second class

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Learned in this class about what skills, qualities, training and education, the requirements must a person or individual to be a dentist. I also learned the obligations and work to be performed by a dentist against a patient.


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In the third class and start with what is the nomenclature of teeth and mouth itself, we say that are some terms such as: the midline, occlusion and mastication.

We also talked about the classification of the dentition and classification of teeth, dentures said that we are two: deciduous and permanent teeth. And in the classification of teeth we said there: incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Third class

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For me this was the kind I liked most, it learned a lot about how to name the teeth, as classified according to age, to divide the mouth into quadrants their time and know that different teeth begin to emerge.


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In the fourth class we talked about periods of dentition and artificial teeth, here's where I saw the dentition stages, we talk about dental formulae, that is when it is assigned a number or a letter to a teeth, and finally talk about the order that erupt deciduous and permanent teeth.

Fourth class

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In this class I learned about the times that last teeth to erupt, and others which emerge first. Also on the teeth that is fitted with a number or letter to identify it.


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In the fifth class we did was review all the topics for our part, here we also began assigning videos for "playing dentist".

Fifth class

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In this class was little learning, since it was only for our partial review, I could here was cool what he had learned previously.


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And in this class we went back to see new things, here is where we Realize the video on classification of cavities, dental nomenclature and filling dental chart. I could spend here already and I learned through time explaining how to fill out a dental chart that is most important when making a clinical diagnosis.

Sixth class

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In this class can refresh my time putting in place new.

It makes me feel good to know that help be put in a class, I could make my colleagues understand something new.


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In the seventh class talked about what are the parts of the tooth on the tissues that make up the tooth, which are:

enamel, dentin, pulp, periodontal ligament, cementum, nerves and veins, bone, gum, root canal, crown, root, apex.

Seventh class

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In this class learn about how to achieve this compound tooth, which are parts and tissues. This is very important because these name should always remember to develop different and multiple subjects more related to dentistry.


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In this class we talked was on the toothbrush, and use its definition and all of its history, which arose because those who made it were, where it first appeared, who conducted production with the toothbrush.

We also talked about the kinds of toothbrushes. We talked about the tongue cleaner, which is that it serves, where arose.

And other topics of that day was the halitosis, said that it is, and because it is caused, as we said classified.

Eighth class

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This was the most important for my class because I learned things never seen before, which are halitosis, did not know that was, toothbrush its history, types of brushes there and tongue cleaner with his story.


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In this class, and the last, we talked about what dental instruments, which are these, different instruments out there, what are the uses that are given to them, among which we speak are: mouth mirror, hand drill and dental drill.

Ninth class

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This class was very helpful because it taught me the due and proper use of dental instruments, particularly the mouth mirror, like the others each have their different uses and you must always use the utmost care to have a prosperous job.


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This English class indeed is one of the top class and could take, with all the difficulty content to work, I helped a lot to understand and know from where dentistry as born, what are the techniques appropriate to be done to be a good dentist and also to work through the field as a dentist.

Thank you very much for being our teacher facilitator for teaching us everything relevant to this class, for putting our concerns and bad times, and finally, for being such a good teacher. Thank you.

Reflection of English class in general