Portfolio - Architecture (Abridged)



An abridged portfolio of sampled work centering on a third year project to design a space for protest. The focus is predominantly on graphical design, in place of process and conceptualisation

Transcript of Portfolio - Architecture (Abridged)

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w w w . s a m g i l e s . c o m

This Portfolio Represents an abridged collection of work and a skill-

case that had been developed and matured over my time as an ar-

chitectural student. Predominantly shown here is a sampled col-

lection related to a year long research project into how one might

harness and enhance protest through meaningful architectural intervention


As presented here, the aim and necessity of graphical design in architecture is

to maintain a personal connection between architect and the representation

of his work in a given piece. Each detail described is necessary in describing

the physical and subsequent emotional intention to a reasoned architecture


It is my absolute wish that you enjoy and understand my unique train-

ing in graphical and architectural design and representation. Refer to

the above website for the online portfolio that this is abridged under


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01- Protest & Protocol -


Protest and protocol within Parliament began with a breakdown of both cen-

tral Governing bodies within the Palace of Westminster, the House of Com-

mons and House of Lords. Within parliament the hierarchy of government

responsible for the passage of Law was documented revealing the key figures

within government and subsequent hierarchy. So too was the role of those

lower down the hierarchy of government understood in the study of protest

though backbench rebellions within the Labour government of 1997-2010.


Through the revelation of major protests within the last 15 years within

Central London, each revealed the routes adhered to during several key

protests throughout the past 15 years, and the breaking away of this

control into other areas of the city where confrontations with police oc-

curred. A series of pseudo-processions, in place of the adhered pro-

tester routes, could thus be a and visualised in relation to the Square.

Research 01

Top Right -Protocul and Protest in Parliament

Bottom Right -Protest routes and sizes


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03- Scheme in Context -


The scheme starts at the ticket floor of Westminster station and gradu-

ally reaches the North East corner of Parliament Square. It forms a

continuous ramp, at its deepest 9m, that allows a passage through

unhindered by the above context. The use of a continuous ramp allows

a consistent sense of movement throughout the scheme, only leveling

within Internal Fragment floors and set pauses to emphasise their purpose.


The elevation permits the need to address people passing into the square

from the major infrastructural piece of Westminster Tube station, part of the

overall London Tube network. Much as Parliament exists on a higher level to

the ground, addressing its own existence from such, the scheme addresses

the rival existence of the people through Westminster station in order to

begin the narrative of the protestors procession into Parliament square.



02- Daylight Plan -


Shadow takes a prominence in the scheme during the day, utilising the roof span

to provide a series of lit passageways in accordance to the design of the floor.

Those entering form Westminster station are greeted immediately by shadows

that provide the beginning of the narrative through the scheme. The protestor

is slowly introduced to light until he enters the main route which culminates

into the opening into parliament square. Along the passage to Parliament

square are multiple occurrences of design thresholds that allow the formation

of a personal narrative that informs the procession into Parliament Square.


The journey through is one of gradual narrative conditions that are met

and either entered into or ignored by the agenda of the protestor. Thus

begins a new ceremony of procession into Parliament Square articulated

by the protestor. A microcosm of the overall protest ceremony is cre-

ated and introduced into the Square. Through this a necessary tension

is formed against the ceremony of state and the rivaling ceremonies

of protest.of the city where confrontations with police occurred. A se-

ries of pseudo-processions, in place of the adhered protester routes,

could thus be documented and visualised in relation to the Square.

02 Journey

Adjacent -Daylighting Plan of Scheme


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03 Context

Spread -Axonometric view of Site & Scheme

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Fragment 04

Spread - Section cut through fragment piece 04 - Scheme in Context -


Each fragment, aside from its allocated function, serves as a further ex-

pansion to the journey through its architectural detailing. The entire

scheme, as discussed, operates a deeply austere materiality and construc-

tion, allowing each fragment to maintain a meaningful interior condi-

tion to enhance the protestor’s experience through its spaces. Much as

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the floor conditions contrast the austere shell, the interiors further de-

velop a relationship to the light that enters them. The warmth of ma-

terial that lines the interior radiates under the natural and artificial

light conditions, transmitting these spaces as radiant presence to the

protestors occupying the main pathway. In spite of the relationship

to light, there is an equally deep relationship and mastery of shadow.

Each space thus commands its own atmosphere relevant to its func-

tion, with such conditions contrasting heavily during either day or night.

In continuity with the floor conditions of the main pathway, the ceil-

ing openings follow each pathway and allow for light and ventilation.


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