
Gabriel Guajardo Martinez


portafolio practica inicial

Transcript of portfolio

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Gabriel Guajardo Martinez

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I remember very well everything about that

period of my academic life, there was

something very lively in my mind, this is it

that in that time I made my first friends I

learned how to deal with other children and

I felt part of something bigger than my

nuclear family. I always participated in all

kind of performance, I mean for the teachers

day, independence day etc, I remember only

happy and good things about kindergarten.

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In that part of myacademy life:

I learned many thingslike reading andexpressing myself in acorrect way, the basicmath operations etc.

I used to having a greattime in the playgroundwith my classmates.

All I wanted to do inthat time was to be inthe school with myfriends and to learneverything I could.

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This is my favorite part of my academy life because, I made many friends a lot of them still are in touch with me.

The last part of high school I was very worried about my university choice.

I prepared myself very well for the PSU test.

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¿Cree usted que es necesario

tener un currículo rígido

para enseñar a niños de


No, todo lo contrario el

currículo debe ser lo mas

flexible que se pueda, por

que es necesario poder

cambiar los objetivos en

relación a los avances de los

alumnos, para lo cual se

emplea un sistema de

evaluaciones personales que

miden los logros que el

estudiante va alcanzando.

¿Puede explicar un método

de enseñanza para niños

de kindergarten?

En el caso de niños Down,

usamos el método de

“Lectura Global” de la

Doctora Troncoso, el cual se

basa en la lectura constante

en pro de desarrollar

hablidades lingüísticas y

comunicativas en niños

Down. Lo que a posteriori

les permite ser individuos

más independientes.

¿Cuál es el mayor desafío al

trabajar con niños de


El mayor desafío de trabajar

con niños pequeños es

lograr que los niños

alcancen un nivel de

independencia en el cual

puedan desenvolverse

satisfactoriamente en la

sociedad, valerse por si

mismos por ende todo

nuestros esfuerzos están

avocados a ello.

¿Como disciplina a los niños

de kindergarten?

Existen diferentes técnicas

que se pueden utilizar en las

aulas pala lograr cierto

punto de disciplina como

manejos conductuales,

refuerzos positivos y tratar

de ignorar las conductas no

deseadas o negativas. Lo

importante es no ser muy

severos y por sobretodo

tener mucha paciencia.

Psicopedagoga y educadora del centro de tratamiento personalizado para niños con discapacidad.

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Educadora de Párvulos Yasna Hidalgo, 7 años

ejerciendo el título, 35 años.

¿Cree usted que es necesario tener un currículo

rígido para enseñar a niños de kindergarten?

No, lo más importante es que tiene que ser flexible.

¿Puede explicar un método de enseñanza para

niños de kindergarten?

Existen varias modalidades, por ejemplo: enseñanza

integral, vemos al niño con muchos aspectos,

como la familia y la comunidad.

¿Cuál es el mayor desafío al trabajar con niños de


El mayor desafío para trabajar con niños de Zinder

es lograr mantenerse actualizada, los métodos

modernos, para que ellos trabajen bien.

¿Como disciplina a los niños de kindergarten?

- Disciplinar a un niño es muy complicado, pero

poder conversar con ellos y hacer un canje es un

sistema de estímulo, en el cual se puede logar


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Taking in to account everything we commented in classes about the interviews, I can say that the goals that we will have as a teachers have to be very realistic and possible to achieve, because in the opposite case we only will be frustrated about that , also we have to set some rules to work in a very harmonic way in the classroom but it have to be made by the students.

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Where do the animals go?

Create three areas, farm animals, pet animals, and animals. Using flash cards of several different animals, let the children place the animals they should go.

Remember that some animals can go in both places, it allows you to discuss the differences with children.

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Constructivism is a psychological theory of

knowledge which argues that humans generate

knowledge and meaning from their experiences.

Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy, although

it is often confused with constructionism, an

educational theory developed by Seymour Papert.

Piaget's theory of constructivist learning has had

wide ranging impact on learning theories and

teaching methods in education and is an underlying

theme of many education reform movements.

Research support for constructivist teaching

techniques has been mixed, with some research

supporting these techniques and other research

contradicting those results.

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In this case, I learned that we have to be very open mind and patient with students that coming from some others school with a low level of education, we have to find the way to make them good students, one way could be extra classes and inform to next level teacher their situation.

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With the Hannah's case I caught that we must to encourage our student to be goods students to avoid some problem of low motivation.

Of course if exist a problem with one student motivation , we have to have a meting with his/her parents to solve that problem in a good way.

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