
selected works / 2007-2012 pedro sunyé


portfolio from 2007 to 2012.

Transcript of portfolio

selected works / 2007-2012pedro sunyé


EDUCATION Universidade Federal do Paraná 2007-2012Archictecture and Urbanism, Curitiba, Brazil

Thesis: Comtemporary Arts Center. Grade: 92

Advisor: Dr. Paulo Barnabé

AWARDS Tamarineira Park 2011National Competition, Recife, Brazil

Third Prize

WORK Triedro Arquitetura 2008-2009 EXPERIENCE Curitiba, Brazil

Assistance in Scenography and small scale projects

IPPUC - Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento de Curitiba 2009-2010Curitiba, Brazil

Assistance in urban scale researches and projects for Curitiba

Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados 2010-2012Curitiba, Brazil

Assistance in all project scales, from furniture design to urban planning

COMPETITIONS UPTO35 2009Student Housing, International Competition for Architects UPTO35 years old

Praça dos Três Poderes 2010National Competition, Urban Revitalization. Florianópolis, Brazil

Brasilia +50 2011Latin-American Competition for Architecture Students. Brasília, Brazil

Parque da Tamarineira 2011National Competition. Recife, Brazil

Expansão do Campus da Unipampa 2011National Competition. Santana do Livramento, Brazil

Pré-Fabricados de Concreto 2011National Competiton for Architecture Students to Design PreFab Housing. São Paulo, Brazil

Cabral Campus 2012National Competition to design a new campus for Federal University of Paraná. Curitiba, Brazil

OTHER Design Urbano, Uma Trajetória 2010 ACTIVITIES Curitiba, Brazil


Entre Escolas Workshop 2011PUC University - Curitiba, Brazil

Complex surfaces and digital fabrication design workshop

Help at PUC university and built at Praça da Espanha


SKILLS Basic: Microsoft Office, iWork.

Architecture Presentation: AutoCad, 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Rhinoceros, Vectorworks

Others: Adobe CS6: After Effects, Indesign, Muse, Photoshop; Final Cut Pro

[email protected] I pedrosunye.com I ���������������������*HQHUDO�&DUQHLUR�6WUHHW���E��������������&XULWLED��%UD]LO




Restaurant and Offices

year: ���� size: 2.000m2 site: Largo da Ordem, Curitiba, BR

The second year studio ended with this project,

the first exercise to explore a complex topography

relation and to be inserted on a historical site -

&XULWLED¶V�/DUJR�GD�2UGHP��7KH�FKDOOHQJH�ZDV�to project a restaurant and a type plan on the

same building.

The solution was placing the restaurant on the

floor plan and dividing it on several levels that

can be accessed through the slope.

The selection of the materials was made so as to

reveal two sides of the same project. During the

day, the white base establishes a relation with

the surrounding buildings and the upper glass

WUHDWPHQW�LV�QHXWUDO��%\�QLJKW��WKH�ZKLWH�VWUXFWXUH¶V�doors close and the offices light up and create

urban lighting.





year: 2009 size: 150x7m2 site: Schiller st. Curitiba, BR.

This project was developed in the context of the

third year architecture studio. Conceived as a

series of town residences, Schiller Row-House

combines clear form with continuous indoor/

outdoor spaces. The house is lifted from the

floor to create a physical and visual connection

between the back patio and the park across the


To create an identity for each house, the facade is

built on modulated panels that can be arranged

with different colors and textures.

The structure basically places a concrete wall on

the sides of the house, leaving the floor plan free

and flexible.





year: 2009 size: 900m2 site: Curitiba, BR

This project was designed during the third

year architecture studio. It represents the

new and the old, the ludic and rational.

To attach the existing building to the new

auditorium some connection elements

were designed to link both of them. The

old building became the atrium for the

new one. To reflect its new character, a

red floor was used to impact on the first

space and lead to the entrance of the

second. The connection is made through

a lifted bridge that leaves the ground floor

free to maintain and respect a natural

pedestrian flow on the site.




Carlos Gomes Square

year: 2010 size: 900m2 site: Curitiba, BR

This project was developed for the fourth

year landscape design studio. The aim

was making a new proposal for Carlos

Gomes Square, an old Curitiban Plaza,

mainly used today as bus terminal. So

the intention was to stay true to its identity

and implement facilities for the plaza to

be recognized as a high quality open


The first move was to create a roof using

WKH�VTXDUH¶V�ROG�IORRU�GHVLJQ��$IWHUZDUGV��the new floor design was drawn based

on all possible pedestrian flows that the

square was able to generate. Finally, on

the empty nodes, new elements such as

the reflecting pool and benches were


Thus, the new proposal was possible

without removing any of the existing trees.




Chemistry Campus

year: 2010 size: 900m2 site: Bigorrilho. Curitiba, BR

The aim of this project, designed during the

fourth year architecture studio, was to deal with

an unknown program and distribute it based on

the creation of structure modules.

The module should be conceived to match

GLIIHUHQW�ODERUDWRULHV��FODVVURRPV�DQG�SURIHVVRUV¶�offices regarding the different solar conditions

and the necessary skin to filter the light.

The proposal is a patio disconnected from the

IORRU�RYHU�µSLORWLV¶�WKDW�ZRXOG�VXSSRUW�WKH�DFFHVV�ramps leading to the top of the building. The

spaces that could not be on the modules, such

as large conference rooms, are placed in the

middle of the patio.




Mixed Use Building

year: 2011 size: 5.400m2 site: Curitiba, BR.

This was the last project of the architecture

studios. A site and two facades, an

urban gallery. To organize the complex

program into the plot , an inside street

was developed, dividing the block

in two. The building was split into two

different volumes, assimilating similar

functions and privacy needs. On one

side, commerce on the ground and

habitational units in the top floors benefit

from the east insulation. On the other, a

library and an art gallery can be found.

Between both sides, floating over the

inside street, is the black box auditorium.

Thus, the public and private access to

the auditorium is made separate, each

through a different building.




Arquitecture Doc. Center

year: 2009-2012 size: 11m2

This proposal was made to show the people what architecture is and what the architect does.

With video media, interviews and images, 37 totems were conceived. They will be distributed

to each Brazilian state, which will be able to place it in a public space, making the content

available for everyone.

Currently, the project is under analysis at the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and is expected to be

implemented in 2013.wor

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-DLPH� /HUQHU¶V� SURSROVDO� WR� 7KH� 2O\PSLF� SDUN�believe that this project should give rise to the

desire to portray the meeting of art and technique,

so well expressed in the synthesis by architecture

and sport.

As an articulation of the project, a great pedestrian

area forms the central axis of the project, which

distributes and integrates its several components.

Marked by light and especially designed playful

VWUXFWXUHV� DOVR� VFDWWHUHG� WKURXJKRXW� WKH� FLW\¶V�iconic places, it is the symbolic and material

expression of the gathering of people, culture,

arts; a cultural kaleidoscope, a reflex of a city that

has among its symbols a sculpture that welcomes

all with open arms, and that annually promotes,

with incomparable joy, one of the greatest shows

Olympic Park Masterplan

year: 2011 size: 26.000m2 site: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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Kora Housing

year: 2010-2012 site: Angola, Africa.

The aim of this project was not only

designing a housing concept, but

transforming it into the beginning of a

city. A livable, workable and pleasant

space to live and work. After many years

of Civil War, it is a great opportunity to

start again, to make new life where there

is none and to create cities from nothing.

Designed in all scales, from the detailing

of the houses to urban planning, it is a

FRPSOHWH�SURMHFW�WKDW�UHIOHFWV�-DLPH�/HUQHU¶V�intentions for a better housing condition.


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Três Poderes Square

year: 2010 size: ������P2 site: Florianópolis, BR

A civic plaza over a parking space

close to the sea, surrounded by the main

administration buildings of the state of

Santa Catarina.

A great open space to hold shows and

cultural events. With a large bridge

structure in its middle, conceived to support

infrastructure like lights and sound boxes.

The floor design is made from many

WH[WXUHV�UHSUHVHQWLQJ�WKH�VWDWH¶V�FXOWXUH��7KH�urban furniture is mainly on the perimeter

of the plaza to leave its middle free.





In a historic city, the lack of the new leads to

inherent issues in its growing process, as its

urban relations have been pre-established and

often have not been reviewed.

In search of creating different events, this project

proposes a collaborative planning, capable of

generating a fluidity and permeability in the

urban plan and thus modifying the existing

grid. This is possible through increasing public

areas, in which the sum of the unoccupied

areas create larger spaces, new relationships

between buildings, and even greater natural

light potential.


year: 2009 size: 32.000m2 site: Athens, Greece





$Q�VWXGHQW�FRPSHWLWLRQ�WR�LPDJLQH�%UD]LO¶V�FDSLWDO��Brasilia, 50 years from now. The location of the

site is the meeting point of the city axis - south

and north wings - and the monumental axis. On

this site, there is a station that today holds the bus

terminal which will be used by the underground,

the light-weight train, and the bus.

The proposal was to create a big plaza on the

top and concentrate all the facilities that used

to be under the overpass. Thus, there would

be more space on the bottom and the original

building structure could be apparent again. The

top would be a mixture of a plaza and facilities,

in a lively place with commercial spaces.

Brasília +50

year: 2011 size: 12.000m2 site: Brasília, BR





Unipampa Campus

year: 2011 size: 7.000m2 site: S. do Livramento

Education has the power to transform


The new Unipampa attachment is located

at Santana do Livramento, a city which

holds a large amount of Brazilian

historical heritage buildings.

The intervention is made on a building

that was slowly constructed as a patio, a

collage made in different moments.

To make this patio concept stronger,

the proposal was to lower the ground

floor, making a new level with a better

connection to the city. After, the new

building follows and completes the

existent occupation design, benefiting

from the perimeter and being the filter

between interior/exterior.





The aim of this competition was to make an old

big house and its plot into an open park in the

city of Recife.

The first move was breaking the existing walls

and revealing to the people what was hidden

inside for many years. The next was revealing

a river design and using it as the new barrier to

draw the limit of the site.

After the soil that was taken from the river is

relocated to the side of the plot as a slope to


Tamarineira Park

year: 2011 size: 17.000m2 site: Recife BR









Prefab Houses

year: 2011 site: São Paulo, BR

This proposal is an interpretation of

the minimal habitation solution, taking

sustainability, functionality, quality and

cheapness into consideration.

Brazil has a great habitation deficit,

families living in dangerous places, close

to rivers and favelas. The habitation

model used today just makes this reality

stronger, making the life unhealthy and


The prefab came as a solution to the

social housing, as its standards for quality

and reproduction can fill the basic needs.

This proposal presents a deep study

on the theme and solves the issue with

52 sq. meters per apartment with 3

bedroom, complying with traditional

Brazilian needs.

Um texto bem legal que o Pedro ainda vai

escrever. Muitos anos depois, diante do

1. Casal + espaço de 2. Casal + filhos 3. Casal + filhos em 4. Casal + espaço de 5. Mãe solteira + dois 5. Casal com filhos já





7KH�)HGHUDO�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�3DUDQi¶V�&DEUDO�Campus is not only a new building or an

architecture project, but the search for

a new interpretation of student values,

dynamics and life. The growth of this

institution leads to a natural demand for

its physical expansion, the increase in

its capacity to welcome new minds and

ideas, perpetuating its progress. The

architecture here must be the landmark of

this progress in time and its materialization

on the field.

Campus Cabral UFPR

year: 2012 size: 22000m2 site: Curitiba, BR





Entre Escalas Pavilion

year: 2011 size: 9m2 site: Pç. Espanha, Curitiba.

This Pavilion is the result of the Entre Escalas

workshop which I took part at PUC University,

Curitiba. Organized by Atelier UM+D, aimed to

design on the kids scale, a pavilion where they

could play and discover space. The conceptual

images on the left reffer to our team sketch

proposal and the photos to the built result using

digital fabrication techniques.




As an architecture student I had many

times used photography to express and

register my space perceptions. As I start

ZRUNLQJ�DW� -DLPH�/HUQHU¶V�2IILFH� ,�KDG�the first opportunity to use this abilities

on a professional manner.

The upper photograph shows a

exhibition for the Brazilian Biennial of

Design where I could print 35 of my

photos to show his work.


year: 2010 site: Largo da Ordem, Curitiba



