
CemilCeyhanGönen Portfolio:ArchitecturalDesignWorks ‘06-’13


Portfolio of Architectural Design Works '06-'13

Transcript of Portfolio

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Cemi lCeyhanGönenP o r t f o l i o : A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n W o r k s ‘ 0 6 - ’ 1 3

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ContentsCurriculum Vitae

M.Arch Thesis Project www.thesyntaxerror.com

M.Arch Workshop1

M.Arch Workshop2

Competition Proposal

Competition Proposal

B.Arch Thesis Project

B.Arch 4th Year Project at TU Wien

B.Arch 4th Year Project at TU Wien

Sofware Skills

Technical Drawing Skills

Work Experience +Construction Site

Work Experience +Office
















Ico[hedro]nic Pedestrian Bridge

Architectural Conception for

KadıköyPort&Nearby Areas

Seyhan Park & Culture Center

Hotel La Plage


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[email protected] # +44 (7428) 16029621B Seven Sisters Road N76AN London/UKTR # +90 (532) 6885916Aydede Cad. No:15 Taksim 34437 Istanbul/TR

Education‘11-’13 | Master of Architecture & Urbanism | Architectural Association School of Architecture, Design Research Lab[AA DRL]‘07-’11 | Bachelor of Architecture | Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, GPA: 3.28 out of 4 [YTU]‘09-’10 | Bachelor of Architecture Exchance Student | Vienna University of Technology [TU WIEN]‘06-’07 | Bachelor of Architecture 1st Year | Anadolu University, 2 Hight Honour Certificates Winner(Undergraduate Transfer to YTU)

ExperienceConstruction Supervisor, Gonen Hotels | March’11-September’11 | Istanbul, TurkeyIntern Architect, Emre Arolat Architects | August‘10 - October‘10 | Istanbul, TurkeyIntern Architect, Gonen Hotel Construction | June’09-August’09 | Istanbul, TurkeyPhotographer, Kodak Event Imaging Solutions | June’08-September’08 | Los Angeles/CA, USA

SkillsSoftware Knowledge: Autocad, Maya, Simulation Multiphysics(Algor), Mudbox, 3DStudio Max, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper,Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, Illustrator, Premiere, InDesign, Arduino, Sketchup, MagicsLanguage Knowledge: Turkish (Mother tongue) , English (Proficiency), German (Beginner)

ProjectsM.Arch Thesis Project : ‘‘aeros’’ at AADRL -www.thesyntaxerror.com-

Studio Spyropoulos:Theodore Spyropoulos with Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El-Sayed, Manuel Jimenez GarciaProject Team ‘‘SyntaxERROR’’: Vishu Bhooshan, Konstantinos Psomas, Sara Gemma Sabate GomezM.Arch Workshop2: ‘sense | react’’ at AADRLTutors: Theodore Spyropoulos with Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El-Sayed, Manuel Jimenez GarciaProject Team: Vishu Bhooshan, Konstantinos Psomas, Sara Gemma Sabate GomezM.Arch Workshop1: ‘‘∞NETWORK’’ at AADRLTutors: Theodore Spyropoulos with Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El-Sayed, Manuel Jimenez GarciaProject Team: Vibha Kukreja, Fotini Kontoleon, Kele Zhu Competition Proposal to [AC-CA] Pedestrian Bridge in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Project Team : Vishu Bhooshan, Sushant VermaCompetition Proposal to Chamber of Architects of Istanbul, Purchasing Award WinnerConception for Kadiköy Port and Nearby Areas Competition, Istanbul,Turkey, February’11, Project Team: Zekiye Nil KaramollaB.Arch Thesis Project at Yıldız Technical University Seyhan Recreational Area Urban Design and Culture Center, Adana,Turkey, Winter’11Tutors: Dr.Feride Önal, Dr.Zafer Akdemir, Dr.Güven Sener4th Year B.Arch Project at TU Vienna, Project in Le Touquet, France , Spring’10Tutor : O.Univ.Prof.Dipl,-Ing.William Alsop4th Year B.Arch Project at TU Vienna, Music Museum in Schweizergarten, Vienna , Fall’09Tutors: Univ.Prof.Dipl.-Ing.Andras Palffy , Univ.Ass.Dipl.-Ing.Gerhard Schnabl 3rd Year B.Arch Project at Yıldız Technical University, Horse-Riding Club in Buyukada, Istanbul , Summer’09Tutors: Ass.Prof.Deniz Erinsel Önder, Dr.Aysen Ciravoglu , Dr.Selim Ökem3rd Year B.Arch Project at Yıldız Technical University Boutique Hotel Project in Balat, Istanbul , Spring’09, Tutor: Dr.Nazlı Ferah Akıncı2nd Year B.Arch Project at Yıldız Technical University Cafe in Etiler, Istanbul , Fall’08 Tutor: Prof.Dr.Ayse Balanlı1st Year B.Arch Project at Yıldız Technical University Single House in Burgazada, Istanbul, Spring’08, Tutor: Dr.Sebnem Yalinay Çinici1st Year B.Arch Project at Eskisehir Anadolu University Twin Houses in Seker District, Eskisehir , Spring’071st Year B.Arch Project at Eskisehir Anadolu University Coastguard Center and Tower in Sile, Istanbul , Fall’06

Cemil Ceyhan GönenBorn in Istanbul, TURKEY

16.01.1988Registered, Chamber of Architects of Turkey,

Istanbul Metropolitan Branch


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Studio Spyropoulos AADRL

Project Type:Masters ThesisGroup Work Vishu Bhooshan, Sara Gemma Sabate Gomez, Konstantinos Psomas

Year & Study:Master of Architecture&Urbanism, ‘10-’11Design Research LabAA School of Architecture, London, UK

Tutors: Thedore Spyropoulos w/ Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa-El Sayed, Manuel Jimenez Garcia


Thesis Statement“… the future of control: partnership, co-control, cyborgian control. What it all means is that the cre-ator must share control and his destiny, with his creations.” - Kevin KellyAeros, like the name suggests, relates to air, more specifically in the domain of flight. Our research explores the aspect of robotics to generate flight choreographed structures using quad-copters as a fabrication as well as a design tool.The thesis proposes a development of a proto-typical system based on tensioning and dynamic relaxation. The system is realized through a time based deployment of robotic agents. The research also explores the realm of material behavior by testing deposition strategies and phase changing materials like resin and foam. The emphasis is to question the existing notion of element – node space frame structures by generating an in-situ agent based system for creating a shelter. A single fabrication process adapting to generate transitivity from the vertical to horizontal..The system could lead to space creation and de-ployment strategies in places difficult for present construction systems to reach. We believe autono-mous, self organized fabrication could be a pos-sibility in the near future.

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/ Robotic Research Initial Research for Robotic Fabricated SystemCustomized Arduino Controlled Servo Robot Prototypes:Gained full control over the cars, by program-ming, and achieved autonomous behaviour by the use of sensors.

Hacking A RC Helicopter:Enabled the toy to be controlled by computer program by hacking into remote controller, made it follow any given trajectory in 3D space.

Quadrocopter Programming:Smartphone controlled AR.Drone’s converted into Java programmed smart agents, that can follow paths and recognizes colors and markers, thus avoi-ding collision.

Test#01: Triangular Path

Test#02: 4 Base Tour

Test#02: 4 Base Tour

Test#04: Twisting Around Pole

Test#05: Helical Movement

Test#06: Obstacle Course

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/ Materiality

x8 x16

= amount= volume

Expansion Of Components A + B


119 Grams 47 Grams

biresin mixture adding water mixture

12.5 KG

Strength Ligthness

1st Layer

2nd Layer

Quick Setting

CURE TIME0 seconds to 25 seconds

Freshly pouring the material is liquid

GEL TIME25 seconds to 2 minutes

Skin formation (when the adhesive power

finishes), surface starts to dry but still soft

CREAM TIME2 minutes to 5 minutes

Structural formation, becomes solid

Biresin And Foam

Avoiding Obstacles

Following Each Other

Polygonal Movement

Circular Movement

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/ Catalogue

Time-Based Material Deposition


Initial Setup Lines

Robotic Trajectories

From local to global scale, the research explores the realm of material behaviour by using PHASE-CHANGING materials and testing DEPOSITION STRATEGIES. Changing variables such as the intersection resulted from the WEAVING, the number of robots, the amount of material, the TIME of pouring after being mixed or the number of layers is defined throughout the design process. The space frame construction can entail different output for the same initial setup.

/ Catalogue

Development of optimized trajectories based on tensioning and dynamic relaxation. These act as initial setup lines which the robots tries to achieve. The robotic movement is directly articulated with the deployment of the structural organizations in space.

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Time-Based Robotic Agents

Weaving Process

From local to global scale, the research explores the realm of material behaviour by using PHASE-CHANGING materials and testing DEPOSITION STRATEGIES. Changing variables such as the intersection resulted from the WEAVING, the number of robots, the amount of material, the TIME of pouring after being mixed or the number of layers is defined throughout the design process. The space frame construction can entail different output for the same initial setup.

The weaving pattern to create a mesh for material deposition, is based on the structural analysis of the optimized path. The stress values are decoded into tensioning values for the weave. The agent calculates the rest length by testing the stress and direction

vectors at the two oints between which is creating a connection.

Development of optimized trajectories based on tensioning and dynamic relaxation. These act as initial setup lines which the robots tries to achieve. The robotic movement is directly articulated with the deployment of the structural organizations in space.

/ Catalogue

Simple line setups which are dynamically relax using a physics engine to optimize structural paths as vector lines for the peripheral points of circles in different levels are connected between them to draw the initial diagrid structure.

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/ Global Configuration

Two columns in the formation of a V is used to create a cantilever. It is done in order to strengthen the base and allow for inter connection if necessary.

Columns in close proximity to the ground creates a shell by connecting the top of the column with the ground. Interweaving between the roof planes is dense to make the shell thin yet structurally stable

Columns with slender shafts are used to create large span at the ground. These columns open up at an higher level to accommodate the roof. The structural weakness of the sleekness is compensated by multiple layers of material deposition.



Large Span

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Structural System


The proposed structural system is questioning the space-frame structures which transits from vertical to horizontal.The global configuration is derived from linear lines which are pulled from control points to create a spline and hence creating a spatial configuration. Based on the spanning of spa-ce, different columns types are deployed to carry out the fabrication.

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/ Global Configuration AlternativesEqual Linear Grid - Low DensityThe columns were placed to create a large span whose proportion is greater than the height. The resulting out suggests a creation of slender sleek column, but resolution of the roof structural weaving is not intricate resulting in a weaker lattice.

Equal Linear Grid - Higher DensityA higher density and resolution of columns, develops a dense weaving network at the roof. The proximity of columns could result in an interconnection between columns creating a multiple level spaces as well as stronger connection at the cantilever.

The Linear Gradient Density SetupThis setup allows for creating pencil thin columns, in case of higher resolution, whilst also creating a variable roof profile which thickens with higher span.

The Seeding OrganizationIt is a combination of various column sizes varying from slender columns to large columns which can be accessed inside.

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/ Physical Outputs: 3D Prints&Models

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+ Structural analysis in Autodesk Simu-lation Multiphysics-Algor Displacement Vectors Displayed

+ Structural analysis of a column in Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics-Algor(colour mapped stress vectors displayed), exported as numeric values

+ Using Rhino&Grasshopper to merge vectors to geometry, extract location-direction and stress vectors of certain points and converted to data sheets to be used as a data for smart agents code in Processing(agents as quadrocopters).

+ Developing Grasshopper definition to draw fields of columns as initial setup of lines

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+ Designing global configurations as final outputs of the system developed over the research

+ Generating touchdown points locations using Rhino&Grasshopper and Galapagos Evolutionary Solver

+ Using Autodesk Maya to model initial setups, terrains, boundaries, surfaces to apply structural system

+ Coding for robotic research: using Arduino software to program robot cars, infrared sensors and servo motors.

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∞NETWORK AADRL Phase I Workshop I

Material BehaviourTheodore Spyropoulos

Project Type:Workshop, Group Work w/ Vibha KukrejaFotini Kontoleon, Kele Zhu

Location:London & Hooke Park /UK

Year & Study:M.Arch. Term1, Fall ’11AA School of Architecture, London.

Tutors: Theodore Spyropoulosw/ Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El-Sayed ,Manuel Jimenez Garcia

Project DescriptionFollowing workshop’s agenda, research is focused on the study of the emergent behavior of materi-als under certain conditions and the potentiallity of complex patterns and formations. Highly inspired by the installations of Anish Kapoor and Chris Bosse, which are one of the accredited examples of ‘Minimal Surfaces’, made of tensioned lycra as material, digitally patterned and custom-tailored for the space. “All material objects acquire their form through their processes that shape form. Forms aquire their shape through all natural spheres: animate, inanimate, human tech. and art.” -Frei OttoOur concept is derived from the bone structure which is a typical 3 dimensional complicated net-work created by self formation. Our intention is to deploy minimal surfaces in order to explore the possibilities of them when connecting in intricate formations aggregations and study the emergent patterns that arise. Digital Tools Used for Form Finding: Maya, RhinocerosMaterials: Plaster and Lycra.

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patternformdiagram top view perspective view

surfaces I 2pouring points I 4pattern I radial lines combined with lines obstructing plaster’s flow. the obstructing- controlling lines were inten-tionally deployed in an effort to control the behavior of the material.

surfaces I 2pouring points I 6pattern I radial lines-dots. radial lines serve as channeling guides of the paster whereas dots allow better material distribution

Bridging Two Surfaces : Experiment #1

Bridging Two Surfaces : Experiment #2

formdiagram patterntop view perspective view

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Fabrication Technique

Physical Models

More Complex Setups - Digital Research

Network : Final Models in Hooke Park

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AADRL Phase I Workshop 2Theodore Spyropoulos

Project Type:Workshop, Group Work w/ Vishu Bhooshan Konstantinos Psomas, Sara Gemma Sabate Gomez

Year & Study:M.Arch. Term1, Fall ’11AA School of Architecture, London.

Tutors: Theodore Spyropoulosw/ Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El-Sayed ,Manuel Jimenez Garcia

Project DescriptionThis workshop was an opportunity for exploring new design tools by combining different compu tational programs. It allows to enhance some con-ceptual approach towards the generative potential of a system which is self structuring.The structure built in Maya is controlled by the Kinect. The Processing software acts as the con-nection medium between the input (Kinect) and the output (Maya).Digital catalogues of 2D, 2.5D, 3D were made to document and research the design potential of the parameters used in this tool before and during the process. These studies were fundamental to the development a final output which would be a structure controlled by all the different variables in built in the tool. To explore the possibility of con-necting to the XYZ parameters from the kinect, we created a fixed environment between two planes. We, then introduced a third plane (object), which would be controlled dynamically. To test out the in-fluence of the object on the environment, we cata-logued the object changes to the parameters like subdivision, rotation etc. After achieving control over this, we researched into introducing multiple plane and platonic forms.

Digital Tools Used : Maya, Processing

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z-axisControl | HAIRsystem

Spatial | Geometry










Rep = 0 Rep = 1 Rep = 0.5

Zmax Z/2 Zmin

depth cameraRGB cameraIR laser

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step01planes movement

Z-axis max


step02 step05

step03 step06




x 1y 1

x 1y 3

x 2y 1

x 2y 2

x 2y 3

x 1y 2

x 3y 1

x 3y 2

x 3y 3










Maya Window

Environment + Object : Maya Hair Engine Catalogue of Different Scales, xyz Locations, Subdivisions According to The Kinect Iputs: Depth(z), Location x, Location y

Data-Flow: Realtime Object Control Through Hand Recognition Visual+Infrared Input Captured by Kinect, Translated in Processing, Read and Visualised in Maya Hair Engine

Image Captured


Maya Output

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step10 step13

step11 step14

step12 step15




x 3y 1

x 3y 2

x 3y 3

x 1y 1

x 1y 3

x 2y 1

x 2y 2

x 2y 3

x 1y 2










planes movement

Z-axis med

Environment + Object : Maya Hair Engine Catalogue of Different Scales, xyz Locations, Subdivisions According to The Kinect Iputs: Depth(z), Location x, Location y

Data-Flow: Realtime Object Control Through Hand Recognition Visual+Infrared Input Captured by Kinect, Translated in Processing, Read and Visualised in Maya Hair Engine

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Project InfoThe concept is to create a scenographic experi-ence but at the same time questioning the realms of structure and fabrication. The rugged roof line is a contextual formal response to the traditional sloped roofs of Amsterdam. The Hedron structure also gives flexibility for expansion. We consider these factors also come under the domain of iconic.

Softwares Used: Autocad, 3dsMax, Sketchup, Photo-shop, After Effects

Information The aim of this International competition is to de-sign an Iconic Pedestrian Bridge in the Heart of Amsterdam. The architecture of this new structure should reflect contemporary design tendencies.The proposal must not only attend to the spe-cific function but the design should also take into consideration the urban insertion and im-pact geared towards creating a new archi-tectural symbol for an European capital city.This competition hopes to achieve the following:

Design between architecture and engineeringUnique aspects of designing an original footbridgeFunctionality of bridges in relation with sculptureEncourage the employment of sustainable design

Ico[hedro]nicPedestrian Bridge

Amsterdam, NL

Project Type:Competition Proposal, Architectural DesignGroup Work, w/ Vishu Bhooshan, Sushant Verma

Location:Amstel River, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Year & Organization:[AC-CA] Architectural Competition, Winter’12


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Basic ComponentsStrucutre consists of equal

edged tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron.


StructureEqual edged components makes the pro-

duction simple,faster and cost effective and the hedron structure is self stable.

Alternative:Solar PanelsVarying angles provides an oppurtunity to harness solar energy throughout the day.

Site PlanShowing column positions

Planning is according to exist-ing feeder roads and pedes-

trian movement convenience.






East Bank(0.00m) Bridge Wing North(+1.50m) Plaza(+3.00m) Bicycle Repair(+3.00m) Cafe(0.00m) Museum Entrance

West Bank(0.00m) Bicycle Repair(+3.00m) Cafe(0.00m) Plaza(+3.00m)

Plaza+Bicycle Repair [25m2]Cafe+Administration [150m2]

Bicycle Repair [25m2]

Hermitage Museum

Amstel River

West Bank

East Bank

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Design Goals & InfoConnecting the building to the land, thus creat-

ing an urban texture Designing an unground bus station, with a

green-roof.Uninterrupted and continuous pedestrian flow to

the areaCreating water-building interaction

An harmonic and characteristic urban planDesigning an iconic and multi-functional port

buildingSoftwares Used: Autocad, Sketchup&Vray, Photo-shop, After Effects

Information Kadikoy is a large, high-populated district, located on the asian coasts of istanbul. It is the biggest center in asian side of Istanbul. Competition area is located in the heart of the district, where all the main transportation hubs meet, including ferry port, intercity and international train station and main bus stations. Competition agenda requires a solution to busy pedestrian and veichle traffic by organising road connections, car parking, and a port building as an addition to the historic building, as well as creating a park square for meetings for strikes.

Architectural Conception for

KadıköyPort&Nearby Areas

Project Type:

Competition, Purchasing Award WinnerArchitecture&Urban DesignGroup Work, w/ Zekiye Nil Karamolla

Location:Kadıköy, Istanbul, Turkey

Year & Organization:Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan BranchWinter’11





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Main Roads and Sealines to KadikoyCoast Line Changes Year by Year Built Environment Intensity Analysis

Buildings Designed as Part of the Proposal

Landscape Designed as Part of the Proposal

Existing Built Environment

Old Building to Attach The New Port Building

Marmara Sea


Road to Motorway

New Bus Station New Bus Road






*New Metro Enterances

New Port

Master Plan

Port Building Plan

AA Section



BB Section

Old Port

Staff Offices WC Hall B Cafe Old Port Cafe Plaza Hall A WC Storage

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SeyhanPark& CultureCenter

Project Type:Thesis Project, IndividualArchitecture & Urban Design

Location:Seyhan, Adana, Turkey

Year & Study:B.Arch. Final, Fall ’10Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul.

Tutors: Dr.Feride Önal, Dr.Zafer Akdemir, Dr.Güven Sener

Project DescriptionSeyhan Park has been developed by reference to the urban plans of Hermann Jansen which was generated with gridal planning fiction for a new residential area of Adana. The coastal park was supported by the green axes and it will have a new vision with clean-energy public transports.Locating the culture center in order to create a spot that can bring people to the park, has the major importance, thus the life-expired, old shopping center building is removed. Green axle connecting the city cen-ter to the park, becomes more important and it is where the new culture center is located. Long and uninterrupted riverside and paths that are shaded with trees, are providing an all year used city park, even the high-tempatures of Adana climate. Main objective of the culture center building design is enabling interaction with the riverside. The connec-tion to the other side of the river is provided by the pedestrian bridge that will be designed as a part of the building. With its longer sides, the building creating both parallel and perpendicular relation to the rieverside. Its transparent facades provides easy access to the water. Digital Tools Used: Autocad, Sketchup, Vray, Pho-toshop, After Effects.

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Tepebag neighborhoodgridal texture

train stationcenters connecting

through green axies

First urban project of Turkish Republic, 1935Jansen’s Urban Legacy

historical region -

organic growth

Existing Center-Square

Connection to The Old City Center

Old City Area

Mosque-Museum-Library Plaza

New Main Axis Leading to New City Center

Bicycle & Jogging LaneRenovated Park

Underground Road

Plaza with Stairs to Riverside

Sabancı Mosque

River Seyhan

River Seyhan

Archaeology Museum

City Library


Hilton Hotel

Cultural Axes/Connections Ataturk Park+Green Area+Square

New Connections+Green Line Towards the Coast

Culture Center and Pedestrian Bridge


a Se



k Ar

ea U



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Ground Floor Plan






Adana Seyhan Culture Center

Pedestrian Bridge

1st Floor Plan

Exhibition Area& Workshops

Lobby & Ticket Office Concert Hall

Basement Plan

Technical Detail

AA Section

CC Section

BB Section

South Elevation

West Elevation








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Hotel La Plage

Le Touquet , France

Project Type:IndividualArchitectural Design

Location:Le Touquet, Pas-de-Calais, FRANCE

Year & Study:B.Arch 4th Year, Spring’10Vienna Universtiy of Technology, Austria


Will Alsop

Project DescriptionProblems to Address: Le touquet has lost its repu-tation from the glory days. new attractors are need-ed to make it a ‘must visit’ destination again, and to encourage use of the full seafront. The seafront is poorly connected to the town with access to the beach dominated by the roads and expansive parking. The forest area to the north west of the town is dense and uninviting, the creation of new paths and clearings could create new walks and shopping places. There is a good quality shopping but few unique or specialist stores to make Le tou-quet the shopping destination it once was.According to the analyses given by the course master, Le Touquet - it is understood that the holiday resort that has been missing its old days of glory, is in need of a luxurious hotel that could stand out with its architecture, form and style. It is aimed to create shaded open spaces with beauti-ful panoramas and to reach out to the sea by vary-ing heights and forms of the buildings.

Digital Tools Used: Autocad, Sketchup, Vray, Pho-toshop, After Effects.

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Key AttractorsNew attractors at either end of the beach would activate the whole seafront and encourage new visitor to the resort.1.The Hotel at the Base Nautique Sud2.The Medi Hotel-Spa at the Base Nautique Nord and- Unspoilt, Natural Coastline Where the Estaury Meets the Sea.3.The Infinity Beach Pool - At The End of Rue Jean Monnet in Alignment with the Market.

Le Touquet-Paris-PlageCountry: FranceRegion: Nord-Pas-De-CalaisMayor: Daniel FasquelleElevation: 0-42 m (0-140ft)

Land Area: 15.31km Population: 5.536 (2005)Density: 179/km2 No. Hotels: 20No. Hotel Rooms: 918



3.Beach Pool


Site Plan


Ground Floor









Terrace Bar






Meeting Rooms



Service Areas

1st Floor 2nd Floor

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Habitable Level-High Structural Frame Enabling Column-Free Spans and Cantilevers

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Project Type:IndividualArchitectural Design

Location:Schweizergarten, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Year & Study:B.Arch 4th Year, Fall’09Vienna Universtiy of Technology, Austria

Tutors: Univ.Prof.Dipl.-Ing.Andras PalffyUniv.Ass.Dipl.-Ing.Gerhard Schnabl

Project DescriptionMusic Museum in Schweizergarten is a mixed use building, containing a cafe, a restaurant, museum shop, museum for music instruments, two work-shops, temprorary exhibition room, a car park with capacity of 50, and a 350 people capacity con-cert hall, and it is built on 12.000 m².

Main design idea is to hide the large built masses under the ground and covering the rooftops with vegetation and yet illuminating the spaces by daylight. The concept is derived from the idea of keeping trees and park as natural and creating a green roof land-art with inclined roofs and court-yards.

Digital Tools Used: Autocad, Sketchup, Vray, Pho-toshop, After Effects.

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Site Plan

SE Elevation

NE Elevation

NW Elevation

SE Elevation

AA Section

BB Section

CC Section-7.00 Level


-3.00 Level

0.00 Level

exhibition area






nal r

ail lin









ect s






workshopsconcert hall

car parkfoyer


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Digital & Physical 3D Modelling

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Software Skills

My software skills inclued drawing in Auto-cad, polygon modelling and physics engines in Maya, structural analysis using Simula-tion Multiphysics(Algor), digital sculpting in Mudbox, nurb modelling in Rhinoceros, parametric designing and modelling using Grasshopper, visual post production with Adobe softwares as Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, Illustrator, Premiere and InDe-sign, robotic programming wih Arduino, 3d modelling in Sketchup and rendering with V-Ray, 3d model (STL) fixing and preparing for 3d printing with Magics.

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Technical Drawing Skills

1/20 Section: Cafe Project, B.Arch 3rd YearSteel+Concrete Shell Structure, Mostly Prefab-ricated, Designed at 1:1,1:2,1:5,1:20,1:50 Scales

1/2 Detail: Cafe Project, B.Arch 3rd YearMetal Window Frame Detail, Including Connec-tion to Building’s Metal Facade Connection

1:1 , 1:2 Details: Steel Structure Design Course, B.Arch 5th YearRoof Truss Detail of the Building Designed, Midterm Submission. %100 Steel Structure, every part of the building is to be prefabricated in factory and to be assembled on site, including concrete slabs.

1:50 Section: Steel Structure Design Course, B.Arch 5th YearSection of the Building Designed, Final Submis-sion. %100 Steel Structure, every part of the building is to be prefabricated in factory and to be assembled on site, including concrete slabs.

Being studied in two different technical universities; Yildiz Technical University and Vienna University of Technology, I’ve been working on technical drawings during all my bachelor studies, almost every semester. In my school, every design project submission required various technical details of certain parts. This requirement helped me improve my technical knowledge, as I have tried a variety of different materials and building systems such as steel structures, reinforced concrete structures, prefabricated systems, modular systems, etc. More specifically I have completed a course focused only on steel structures, which had a final submis-sion of a building design which is designed as prefabricated, including steel structural system, details, roof, and concrete slabs.







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Work Experience +Construction


I’ve been involved to almost every stage of the construction of a project; from founda-tion to interior. I worked as the construction supervisor in 2011, at the same construction I was an intern in summer’09.My responsibilities as the construction supervisor included:

Writing daily reports of works done,Health and safety,Communication between office and site contractorsCommunication between office and clientOn site detail drawing when necessaryCollecting material test samples/measure-mentFollowing daily work completedManaging the materials delivered, control and storage Reporting to local government authority on their site visitsReporting to client about the work process





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Work Experience


At my internship in Emre Arolat Architects, I’ve been assigned as assistant to a lead architect. During this two months period, I worked on a medium scale headquarter building project for a textile company. I have completed works such as modeling a very detailed 3d visualisation of the whole build-ing, including details of facade system and furniture, and all technical detail drawings of system details of the office floors, retail floors, lobby, car parking and courtyard. I have been involved to many stages of this particular project , working to deadlines and given more responsibility comparing to other interns.

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C em i l C e y h a n G ö n e nP o r t f o l i o : A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n W o r k s ‘ 0 6 - ’ 1 3