


Presentation de mon travail

Transcript of Portfolio

BIOGRAPHy Born in Ghent in 1984, Thierry du Bois earned a degree in Visual Communications from ERG / St. Luc. Following several internships, and with the support of Reporters, he established himself as a freelance photographer and began working for the Groupe Sud Presse. Thereafter, he joined the Groupe Roussel where he continues to work for Le Soir and Le SoirMag. Thanks to an expanding portfolio, he is working for the newspapers L’Echo and De Tijd. Thierry also works for various companies including GDF Suez, Samsung, AB InBev, and others.In the space of two years, he had the opportunity to progress in the fields of press, companies and events. With this wide variety of work, he’s been introduced to a wide range of people and new experiences which nourish his work on a daily basis. Being in the heat of the action and in the center of the news allows him to expand his expertise on certain subjects and broaden his own point of view. However he’s always maintained a close, attentive and professional relationship with his clients in order to respond at his best to their wishes. Some have even become his friends ! He’s always considered photography as a game. It’s a passion that he dived into head first. Indeed, there is a certain magic in photography. He finds astonishing the fact that you can retranslate reality and create new and make-believe images as you wish.

Oostende, Belgium, June 26th 2008 A senior citizen toasting to the wounderful weds.


Brussels, Belgium, February 18th, 2010.Philippe Geluck is active in many artistic field, but for comics fans, he is best known as the creator of Le Chat.

Brussels, Belgium, October 02nd, 2012.Roman Frydman is an American economist at New york University and the author of more than ten books treating macroeconomic theory and privatization.

Brussels, Belgium, september 24th, 2010.Paul Magnette, Minister of Public Enterprises, Science Policy and Development Cooperation, in charge of Major Cities.

Brussels, Belguim, April 01st 2011.Joêlle Milquet : Vice Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Equal Opportunity.

Brussels, Belgium, May 05th, 2010.Didier Reynders : Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign trade and European Affairs.

Namur, Belguim, September 20th 2011.Emily Hoyos, president of Ecolo with Olivier Deleuze.

Brussels, Belgium, July 11th 2012.Daniel Weekers BetV boss.

Brussels, Belgium, June 28th 2012.Bruno Chauvat strategy and content director of Belgacom.

Brussels, Belgium, december 21th, 2010.Denis Dessaer the White star capitain.

Brussels, Belgium, January 07th 2012Christian Valenduc consultant the Federal Public Service Finance SPF.

Brussels, Belgium, February 08th 2012.Philippe Hinnekens has been a partner lawyer since 2004 for Eubelius.

Brussels, Belgium, April 26th, 2012.Press conference with Insurance Ombudsman Josette Van Elderen.

Brussels, Belgium, September 03rd, 2010.tatiana Silva, former Miss Belgium Miss Weather converted into.

Brussels, Belgium, February 18th, 2010.Philippe Geluck is active in many artistic field, but for comics fans, he is best known as the creator of Le Chat.

Brussels, Belgium, December 09th 2012.thierry Giet president of the socialist party PS.

Brussels, Belgium, February 08th 2012.Edith Weemaels, a junior associate with NautaDutilh.

Brussels, Belgium, January 25th 2012.Archbishop Andre Leonard at the conference organized by the belgian club finance.

Brussels, Belgium, May 21th 2012.Ludovic Wolff CEO : Place Of.

Brussels, Belgium, May 25th 2012.Jean Marc Segati CEO of advertising agency Low Cost Attitude.

Brussels, Belgium, April 23th 2012.yves Baudechon Social Lab Boss.

Brussels, Belgium, December 16th 2012.Fédréric Dubus is both cartoonist (Pan, the Last time - Sports, etc...).

Mons, Belgium, April 14th 2011.CEO Lars Olofsson of Carrefour following the inauguration of Carrefour Planet in Mons.

Brussels, Belgium, January 1st 2012.Bruno tobback, is a Belgian politician, Dutch, current President of SP.A

Brussels, Belgium, Auguste 6th 2010.Bel RtL : Les Dépanneuses.

Brussels, Belgium, May 23th 2012. Frédéric Leroux CEO : Carmignac Gestion.

Brussels, Belgium, May 03rd 2012. Erik Vanderhaegen CEO : Bank of NIBC.

Brussels, Belgium, June 06th 2012.Pierre Lescure old CEO : Canal +.

Brussels, Belgium, May 25th 2012.Willy De Roovere CEO : Agency for Nuclear Control AFCN FANC.

Brussels, Belgium, December 14th 2012. Backstage story of the piece: La Revue to theatre Galerie de la Reine. Bernard Lefrancq express a little nap between two characters.

Brussels, Belgium, December 14th 2012.Backstage story of the piece: La Revue to theatre Galerie de la Reine. Marc De Roy against itself at its makeup session.

Brussels, Belgium, March 07th 2012.Olivier Deleuze president of Ecolo with Emily Hoyos.

Brussels, Belgium, May 27th 2010.Monique de Cruyenaere a cup of hot chocolate Cécémel at Schieven Architekt coffee.

Brussels, Belgium, January 24th 2012.A senior citizen during a protest against rising rent and insecurity.

Brussels, Belgium, July 12th 2012.Jef Colruyt CEO : Colruyt.

Brussels, Belgium, July 5th 2011.Michel Kemmeter through his latest book : La valeur de l argent.

Brussels, Belgium, July 14th 2011.Visit the Brussels Stock Exchange, in the attic with CEO Vincent van Dessel.

Brussels, Belgium, December 14th 2012. Backstage story of the piece : La Revue to theatre Galerie de la Reine. Marc De Roy reads the text before going on stage.


Brussels, Belgium, May 31th 2011.Belgacom tower is a telecommunications Belgian.

Brussels, Belgium, May 31th 2011.A child plays in front of the tower Belgacom.

Brussels, Belgium, May 31th 2011.View from the tower Belgacom.

Brussels, Belgium, October 30th 2005.A little girl on the main square of Brussels watching the photographer’s lens.

Brussels, Belgium, May 31th 2011.View from the tower Belgacom.

Chertal, Belgium, July 25th, 2011. the world s number one steel company, ArcelorMittal, announced Wednesday, October 12, 2011 the permanent closure of two blast furnaces at its site in Liege.the hot phase of the site is Chertal two blast furnaces, already stopped temporarily, and a steel continuous casting. the photos illustrate the chain of steel production and its continuous casting and hot rolling mill ones. the mill was powered by liquid iron in pockets torpedoes with a capacity of 130 tonnes in order to make hot coils.

Chertal, Belgium, July 25th, 2011.A worker is in the process of cutting a metal plate with a soldering iron.

Willebroek, Belgium, July 06th, 2012.G&G International is a factory in the engineering and fabrication of pressure vessels for the oil and gas. Man remote controlling a crane.

Willebroek, Belgium, July 06th, 2012.G&G International is a factory in the engineering and fabrication of pressure vessels for the oil and gas. Man welding a metal plate.

tournai, Belgium, June 08th, 2011.Woman working in a factory Euroliure.

tournai, Belgium, June 08th, 2011.Details of the production chain of the factory Euroliure.

tournai, Belgium, June 08th, 2011.A man working in the factory Euroliure. It realizes the book binding, binding and industrial bookbinding industry.

Sclayn, Belgium, March 15th, 2011.Christian Lange CEO : Glutton.

Brussels, Belgium, April 20th, 2011.On the production site Delhaize renovated to the bottling of alcohol.

Chertal, Belgium, July 25th, 2011. the hot rolling mill was powered by liquid iron in pockets torpedoes with a capacity of 130 tonnes in order to make hot coils.


Brussels, Belgium, October 31th, 2009. Duck shooting.

Brussels, Belgium, October 24th, 2009. Merry Christmas.

Brussels, Belgium, October 31th, 2009. Part of Golf.

Brussels, Belgium, September 14th, 2010. Playing in the puddles of water


Boom, Belgium, July 22th, 2011. tommorowland : the festival of electronic music for three days has become seven years after its creation a mass event. In 2011, the festival brings together some 180,000 fans of electronic music. It is organized by the company ID&t. Aerial view of the main stage

tomorrowland.two young people have fun and drink.

tomorrowland.Spectator who partied.

tomorrowland.Dj Green Velvet.

tomorrowland.A fan of Martin Solveig with a placard.

tomorrowland.Dj Uffie.

tomorrowland.The main stage illuminated by fireworks.

Montreal, Canada, septembre 29th, 2008. A homeless thinking in his trailer.

Brussels, Belgium, March 24th, 2011. Protesters walking the streets of Brussels to protest against spending cuts and austerity measures by European governments. the police intervened and used force to disperse protestors.

Brussels, Belgium, March 25th, 2011. Firefighters demonstrated at the call of the SLFP and the CSC. Into question the continued absence of the Language Service at the Fire and Emergency Medical.

Brussels, Belgium, October 2nd, 2010. Protest parade undocumented workers.

Brussels, Belgium, October 2nd, 2010. Protest parade undocumented workers.

Brussels, Belgium, december 12th, 2011. At Matonge A walk the protest against election of Joseph Kabila. the Congolese people living in Brussels support Etienne tshisekedi.

Montreal, Canada, septembre 29th, 2008. A man eating a pizza under the eyes of his wife.


Brussels, Belgium, March 24th, 2011. Around 20000 protesters from a number of European trade unions march the streets of Brussels to protest against spending cuts and austerity measures by European governments. Unions condemned the attitude of the European right, which organizes the social decline.the protesters expressed their anger by throwing cobbled against the police. Some protesters were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. At the end of the demonstration, police intervened and used force to disperse protesters.

Brussels, Belgium, Janury 23th, 2011. Illustration picture during the demonstration called Shame, No Government, Great Country in Brussels. the idea was launched on social network websites by students, as Belgium has been waiting for a new government for more than 200 days after the federal elections of last June 2010.

Brussels, Belgium, April 30th, 2011. Camping 16, an initiative taken by a group of Belgian citizens to protest against the ongoing negotiations to form a government. 16 is a reference to the house number of the Prime Minister’s residence in the Rue de la Loi.

Brussels, Belgium, November 15th, 2011. The first World Day of outrage was held Saturday with tens of thousands of people angry against banks and governments.

Brussels, Belgium, January 24th 2012.A protest against rising rent and insecurity.

Brussels, Belgium, January 24th 2012.A protest against rising rent and insecurity.

Brussels, Belgium, January 24th 2012.A protest against rising rent and insecurity.

Brussels, Belgium, February 04th 2012. Illustration of noise pollution in the cities.


© Photographies : thierry du BoisDesign graphique : Stéphanie Roland