Porfolio Project

Portfolio Casey Heyrend

Transcript of Porfolio Project

PortfolioCasey Heyrend

Name Casey HeyrendPhone 208.360.7279Email [email protected] wwwtheguidetoanime-manga.com/

Magazine Cover 4-5Prezi 6-7PhotoDesign 8-9Montage 10-11Business Identity 12-13Letterhead 14Business Card 15Infographics 16-17Coding 18-19Web Page 20-21Brochure 22-22

Contact Table of Contents

Magazine CoverInstructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course

Description: Design a magazine cover that showcases a self-portait as well as articles about yourself.

Process: Photoshop and Indesign

Message: Have an Organize home with a style twist to it.

Audience: For Home organizers and stylers for the home.

Top Thing Learned: Have a unique Title Font and pick the right body font.

Color scheme and color names: White and light blue

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Precious | Decorative - Didot | Modern

PreziInstructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course.

Description: Create an instructional presentation using the Prezi software to demonstrate its features and capabilities.

Process:Prezi software

Message: To show what could help you organize your home/house.

Audience:Anyone interested in organized homes

Top Thing Learned: Prezi is pretty powerful for only being on the browser.

Color scheme and color names: Wood, clear, purple

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Raleway| Sans-Serif - Cabin| Sans-Serif

Instructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course

Description: Apply photography skills and editing techniques to produce a positive image using a consistent color scheme.

Process: Program: Photoshop.The steps that I followed in my process were:Find the right picture from my own pictures. Have the color swatches from the image where I got from the eyedropper tool in Photoshop.Put in the flower name and the colors names,Message: How unique lily flower are. Shows the true beautiful of a lily flowersAudience: Anyone wants to more about Lily flowers are.

Top Thing Learned: I think the main thing I learned doing this assignment was the importance of staying within my color scheme and stay with colors that are in the picture. Also learned that I had alignment everything and make it look nice and clean.

Color scheme and color names:Double-Complementary Relationship –Red (Soft pink), Yellow (Soft yellow),Green (Dark moderate green) and Blue (Dark moderate blue).

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Didot – Modern | Georgia – serif font


Instructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course

Description: Design a spiritual poster montage using the blend of images and type.

Process: I started my process with looking for quotes of spiritual themes. I found one.I look on the internet for God but they just had a bright figure so I change it to Jesus Christ. I want to a colorful background but something spiritual. The quote had some about fighting, could put something violence in so the gloves were it. In Photoshop I combined all three pictures and created a montage effect. I used a variety of layer masks and the brush tool to create the gradual blended effect. I put in the quote I found on the internet. I made sure that the message was clear. The commu-nication was understandable. It wasn’t not too busy.

Message: Fight the good fight of faith and God will give you spiritual mercies. Is basically telling you to fight what you believe in and God will give you some spiritual mercies.5. Audience: Anyone who is looking for something spiritual.

Top Thing Learned: Looking at your typography for big spaces and fix them. They need to be close. Color scheme & Color names: Rainbow

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Didot | Modern


Instructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course.

Description: Create a logo for a company and establish a visual identity across documents.

Process: The design that I went with I started to create in Illustrator. Illustrator makes it surprising-ly easy to make a design. When it came to making the design, I used InDesign. InDesign made working with layout super easy. The symbol doesn’t give it a lot to tell about it. Anime and Manga are Japanese, Chinese, South Korea langues base . For Anime is like a cartoon but it more than a cartoon. So it is an animation. Manga is a comic book. Some are base from the manga then form into anime or anime to Manga. So I will just create a new logo but it will done with my favorite manga/anime. *Hint: Guess the Manga/Anime*One Piece.

Message: Those who want to know the difference between Anime and Manga. What Anime and Man-ga is. Audience: Those who are curious and want a guide for Anime & Manga

Top Thing Learned: I learned that some people don’t know what anime and manga is and my different logo wasn’t helping but I will go with something more near the manga and anime side.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous Relationship | Red, Yellow, and Black

Title | Copy Font Name & Category:Didot | Modern & Georgia | Serif Font

Business Card LetterHead

Instructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course

Description: Create and engaging and informative infographic.

Process: I knew I wanted to do an infographic on Anime and Manga, so I started studying the topic and used my research combined with experience. I used adobe illustrator to create my infographic.I used the pen tool, line tool, shape tool etc to create my stick figures and trace an image of a brain. Finally I added my text.

Message: To know more about Anime and Manga

Audience: For those who doesn’t know what Anime/Manga are.

Top Thing Learned: To add more data and more information on the subject.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous Relationship | Yellow, Blue, BrickVery soft yellow, Soft cyan, Very soft cyan, Tan

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Saginaw | Calligraphy / Georgia | Serif Font


CodingInstructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course.

Description:Code a custom web page with HTML and CSS.

Process:First, I created my logo in Illustrator. I decided to do a logo that has to do with Anime and Manga. Or my favorite anime and Manga,One Piece. I created my HTML file with the help of NetBeans and started adding my content and tags. I created my CSS file and I resized my logo according to the instructions my instructor gave me. I made sure to link it in the HTML code.Then, I went into Photoshop and used the eye drop tool to get the codes for my color scheme. This helped to customize my colors to match my logo colors. I then made sure to validate my HTML and CSS. Then I uploaded it to one of my site so I could look at it.

Message: To know more about Anime and Manga

Audience: For those who doesn’t know what Anime/Manga are.

Top Thing Learned: I think the top thing I learned was to nothing and I just relearn somethings. Netbeans is good to use. Also using w3schools was helpful.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous Relationship | Red, Yellow, and Black

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif

Web PageInstructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course.

Description: Design a website homepage using a grid.

Process: I knew the basic for this. I make the sketch from https://gomockingbird.com/mockingbird/. I made some changes from my sketches.I want my page colors to center around One Piece. The colors are related to one piece.Put in my logo and the title of the site.Put a nav bar and put more than one words.I put in some text and some information to the site.Some pictures to know what manga looks like and Anime shows.I put some social media pictures and the copyright.

Message: A intro the Anime and Manga page and tell what is Anime and Manga is

Audience: Those who want to visit the site and see what Anime and Manga is

Top Thing Learned: I learned that somethings need to be alignment more than others. Make a web page from scratch in photoshop is harder to do.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous Relationship | Red, Blue, Yellow, and Black

Title | Copy Font Name & Category: Didot | Modern & Gill Sans | sans-serif

Brochure Instructor: Sister Emily KunzCourse: Comm 130 Visual Media course

Description: Design a Brochure for a organization.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I used indesign and Illustrator to create the logo and the brochure.

Message: Let people know about all the fun that can be had at the Uinta Mountains.

Audience: People who like nature

Top Thing Learned: I learned how to text wraped and I had to drag the psd file over to indesign.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous Relationship|Blue and Green

Title | Copy Font Name & Category:Penguin Attack |sans-serif - Gill Sans | sans-serif