pop up pianos

From the streets of London, L.A., and Vancouver, to our very own Shoreline, street pianos have emerged in the 21st century as a primary means of enhancing urban space. Altered and decorated by local artists since 2012, when the project was founded by Ros Bird, please welcome 5 new pianos and 7 returning pianos by filling our environment with music and song. May the “Pop-Up” muse accompany you on your journey as you quest to play them all! We welcome feedback at [email protected]. PiAnOs An InStAlLaTiOn Of MuSiC AnD ArT ThRoUgHoUt ThE CiTy Of ShOrElInE AcKnOwLeDgEmEnTs Thanks to artists for their amazing work and resilience in challenging times for art- making; to all those who offered to donate beloved, but no longer needed pianos (Alyssa Fabian; Karien Balluff; Leslie and Larry Overturf; Austin Edge; Pro Piano), Harlan Glotzer for tuning and repair; to Shoreline Parks Maintenance for storage; to local businesses and organizations that agreed to host the project (Central Market, Sky Nursery, Richmond Beach and Shoreline Libraries, Arcane Comics; Modern Glaze Ceramic Studio, Monka Brewing, North City Water District; City of Shoreline Civic Center; Shoreline Parks & Recreation); to the caretakers for protection of the artwork during rain, and to the public for visiting. ShOrElInEwA.GoV/ArT PoP Up 2019

Transcript of pop up pianos

Page 1: pop up pianos

From the streets of London, L.A., and Vancouver, to our very own Shoreline, street pianos have emerged in the 21st century as a primary means of enhancing urban space. Altered and decorated by local artists since 2012, when the project was founded by Ros Bird, please welcome 5 new pianos and 7 returning pianos by filling our environment with music and song. May the “Pop-Up” muse accompany you on your journey as you quest to play them all!

We welcome feedback at [email protected].


aN iNstallatioN oF MUsiC aND aRt tHROUGHOUt tHE CitY oF sHoREliNE

aCKNoWlEDGEMENtSThanks to artists for their amazing work and resilience in challenging times for art-making; to all those who offered to donate beloved, but no longer needed pianos (Alyssa Fabian; Karien Balluff; Leslie and Larry Overturf; Austin Edge; Pro Piano), Harlan Glotzer for tuning and repair; to Shoreline Parks Maintenance for storage; to local businesses and organizations that agreed to host the project (Central Market, Sky Nursery, Richmond Beach and Shoreline Libraries, Arcane Comics; Modern Glaze Ceramic Studio, Monka Brewing, North City Water District; City of Shoreline Civic Center; Shoreline Parks & Recreation); to the caretakers for protection of the artwork during rain, and to the public for visiting.sHoREliNEWa.gOv/aRt

pop up


Page 2: pop up pianos

N 175th Street

Richmond Beach Road

N 185th Street

N 165th Street

N 155th Street

15th A

venue NE

8th A

venue NW

N 145th Street





pop up pIANOS 2019



Notable ClucksArtist: Cynthia KnoxCentral Market 15505 Westminster Way N

NW MelodiesArtist: Marsha Lippert North City Water District 1519 NE 177th Street


2 Dog House Boogie Artist: Nancy Bishop-HarveyShoreview Off-Leash Area 320 NW Innis Arden Way

Land Free, Home Brave Artist: Jennifer CarrollMonka Brewing17211 15th Avenue NE



5 Shoreline Rocks Artist: Kelly Lyles Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Avenue N

Fantastic Green SpacesArtist: Joseph BrooksArcane Comics15202 Aurora Ave


Voyager 3 Artist: Megan ReisingerSpartan Recreation Center18560 1st Avenue NE



Wonderland Artist: Heather CarrRichmond Beach Library 19601 21st Avenue NW

Support Your Local PollinatorsArtist: KJ BatemanSky Nursery 18528 Aurora Avenue N

UntitledArtist: OShoreline Library345 NE 175th Street

Notation Artist: Marijke Keyser (Electric organ)Veteran’s Memorial Plaza17500 Midvale Avenue N

Seeing SoundArtist: Laura BrodaxModern Glaze Studio14800 Westminster Way N