Pop research

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Transcript of Pop research

1. Pop Sophie 2. Background History: It originated in its modern form during the 1950s. It is derived from Rock n Roll The word pop music was introduced to suggest that songsfrom this genre were very popular For the past 50 years it has been the most popular style of music, topping the charts and has a wider audience then any of the other genres. It is usually listened to by young children right through to young adults. 3. Artists associated with Pop: One Direction Katy Perry Lady Gaga Little Mix Justin Bieber Bruno Mars Union J Jessie J The Wanted 4. Music Videos by artists within Pop 5. Examples of pop magazines Masthead: They all have very brightand colourful mastheads which attracts the target audience Cover lines: Used to get the reader to buy the magazine and read the rest of the interview Main Image: Used to show who the main artist is of this particular magazine. Colours: A lot of pink is used suggesting the target audience is females. 6. We Love Pop magazine The artists on the front of themagazines are always current or new artists attracting to audience to find out more about existing artists and new information about upcoming artists. The colours used on the covers allows the main artist to stand out a lot more. The images used are always positioned in the centre of the cover. The photo is usually a medium close up to allow the audience to see what clothes their favourite artists are wearing.