POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the...


Transcript of POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the...

Page 1: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


Page 2: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington• Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln

• What was one major effect of the Great Awakening.• The 2nd Great Awakening inspired

reformers to improve society

Page 3: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• What was the most important characteristic of the 2nd Great Awakening?• The 2nd Great Awakening was a religious

movement that challenged the idea of predetermination and inspired reformers to improve society in order to obtain salvation

• Which Supreme Court case ruled that slaves could not be kept out of the territories?

• Dred Scott v. Sanford

Page 4: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• What was the most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850?

• The passage of a strong fugitive slave law to return runaway slaves to their owners

• What movement regarding slavery intensified as a result of the 2nd Great Awakening?

• Abolition – It inspired many Americans to dedicate their lives to ending slavery

Page 5: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• What piece of legislation in the 1850s led to fighting in Kansas?

• The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

• Who was killed and considered a martyr after the raid on Harper’s Ferry?

• John Brown

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• What event turned the secession crisis into civil war?• South Carolina’s shelling of Fort Sumter

• What effect did the cotton gin have on the Southern economy?• It processed cotton quickly, leading to a need for

more slaves. Cotton became the main crop in the South.

Page 7: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• How did Missouri’s application to become a state complicate the debate over abolition?

• Missouri’s application raised the question of whether or not slavery would be allowed in the Louisiana Territory

• How did the impact of slavery in the West lead to the growth of sectionalism?

• New territory like the Louisiana Territory and the Mexican Cession raised questions over whether or not slavery would also expand

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• Why did many Irish immigrants come to the United States?

• Most were seeking relief from a potato famine that had devastated the region

• What was the primary goal of the American Temperance Movement?

• To decrease the consumption of alcohol

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• How did the Hudson River School impact American art? What recurring themes can be found in such work?• The Hudson River School promoted art that detailed the

expansiveness and power of nature, including themes of solitude, sublimity, and cosmic optimism.

• How did the growth of railroads affect American businesses?• Railroads opened up new markets for trading goods

Page 10: POP A SHOT USA MR. GONZALEZ 2014 – 2015. POP-A-SHOT USA Put the following presidents in the correct order: Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Washington,


• What were the impacts of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?• It increased support for abolition

• List 2 causes of the Mexican American War• 1. The Annexation of Texas

• 2. The resulting border dispute between Mexico and the United States

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• List 2 effects of the Mexican-American War• 1. More land aqcuisition by the United States

(Mexican Cession)• 2. Continued military and economic domination by

the U.S. over the region.